tv [untitled] June 14, 2015 8:30am-9:01am PDT
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phase for the specific advocacy and economic development you know a green benefit district can just focus on public realm maintenance or focus on cpa capital involvements or provide an additional tool for neighborhood and communities to share the city is utilizing all it's resources their promotionsed to the district. >> i see you've estimated it to close to one million dollars how do you come up that. >> the methodology is determined by an assessment engineering since the improvements act of 1911 assessment district have been sheriff's deputy arrested through those sort of legislative process and required to be signed off by a certified
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engineer they're responsible for the improvements and activities that the district will be spend and proportioning them in a reasonable way there's been a lot of changes to certain assessment districts and as a former coworker of this engineer it is her work is very solid and very clear and easy to said she and i'm really semiimplying that takes the square footage in the district and takes the budget and divides the number of square feet by the total budget and you get a rate marry square feet that rate is applied to the property use consideration will be. >> and then someone mentioned thirty percent participation.
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>> so what happened to the another percentage they choose not to participate airport that thirty percent threshold requests that the board of supervisors initiate the proceedings that trigger is just to initiate the vote process you know once that threshold thirty percent is reached the voting process continues to go to a formal special election for the property owners within the district and just like any major election there needs to be a majority of residents for it to pass. >> as soon as is it passes everyone has to see pay okay thanks. >> yeah. it is not a tax it is an assessment. >> commissioner white. >> yes. i know this process i was involved in the cv diagnosis
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in any district i wanted to ask you why only 10 years this is such a lot of work and for the first 5 years it is such a good thing the first 5 years your figuring out and you only have 4 more and go this is doctor a reason for 10 years you should bump it up you'll sure that fund to really get i going what there was a reason. >> i'll defer to members of this formation committee to give their prospective i worked as - with the occurred formation k340u79 and their sub consultant i was privy so a couple meetings one thing noticed whether or not there was an additional interest when the district proved it's
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success that the communities in and adjacent neighborhoods might join on if property owners are willing to pay a higher assessment rate this is sort of the trial balloon and you know there's a dictated core of individual that are existed about this process and couple that are existed but somewhat weary i think that the 10 year was decided on in order to defy give it enough time and chance to succeed but potentially ramp things up in the meeting term of after it was done. >> the other side if they don't approve that; right? that's why i school boards asked the other side you know you have to go through the process again, because if it doesn't happen.
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>> you know most cv d have the capacitated to really take on a formation process reformation process and in a very clear concise and articulate manner real estate articulated the issue is is getting the formation process off other ground. >> this is an exceptionly activity potrero hill and the dog patch open the merchant and the neighborhood advocacy side i imagine they've made determinations about the right amount of time to allow for modifications you know as to evolves at a 10 year horizon as being the first of its kind. >> okay. any others questions commissioners. >> seeing none let's move to public comment is there anyone
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from the public that wishes to speak on the green benefits district we do welcome. >> hello there. >> i'm sally johnson i know what hate has been recreating and housing on this side and i've been trying to get established with any social security and trying to establish my medi-cal and finally got through with that so i'm able to god and start my business and trying to get my established it right so i get a card and make sure that nothing happens like thank you. >> thank you, very much. >> any other public comment?
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seeing none, public comment is closed this is discussion and possible action the action would be i think simply to voice our support for the green benefits district development until f unless substantive changes or modifications this thing is pretty far along so are there any - do we have a motion >> i make a motion we support it. >> i second that. >> commissioner dwight. >> commissioner ortiz-cartagena commissioner l. riley commissioner ortiz-cartagena and commissioner white. >> it's unanimous. >> fantastic. >> item 5, 6, 7 we have people patiently waiting for item 5.
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>> we have sunny. >> (inaudible). >> no, no, no with the commissioners approval i think we can flip that around just to give her time to get here as well. >> okay regina. >> okay. if no one objects let's move on to 6 and come back to item 5 when the presenter. >> item 6 presentation and discussion of the ss business to business by local campaign by susan laura with the office of economic workforce development and karen with the san francisco chamber of commerce. >> welcome thank you for coming out to present this fantastic. >> thank you, commissioner for having us this evening that's a pleasure we're here to present sf business connect i know we
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thank the commission for creating a cv d and we'd to thank commissioner white for praept and giving us us information to kickoff in the form you'll see along with with the participating wife partnered with the cv d with the office of economic workforce development and the chamber of commerce to insure this supports our small businesses we're produced of the products. >> enthusiastic about it's expansion as supporting the small businesses in san francisco with that i'm going to turn it over to susan director of business development so for the office of economic workforce development and the brain behind sf connect. >> welcome suing. >> thank you the business
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context brain. >> mostly exports and imports our idea i have the power point presentation can you all see that perfect. >> all right. so thank you, again, for having us i want to go through the ins and outs of business connect our goals and how the outreach and show you the plate for the finishes i want to talk about the small businesses in san francisco 95 percent of our businesses in san francisco are small businesses businesses are percent of our jobs and invest at a higher rate in retail the controller's office told us the customers if consumers made a one percent contribution to the retailer in the neighborhood it would generate an additional one hundred million dollars that's a big deal i like that one for one ratio. >> i said why not asked our businesses for the chief shop
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this is why we have sf connect to create opportunity for small businesses and encourage the local spending habit for the backdoor we have created this website for the businesses to stack a pledge and we want to have a meet-and-greet for the public for businesses to meet each other after the larger businesses take a pledge to shift 5 percent of they're spending to small businesses we'll have their source and help them get excited about their source and just really creating introductions for the opportunity for those people to meet the businesses our year one goals with 50 pledges 2 hundred small businesses with 5 new case studies and pledge services and an unanimous experience survey
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what we've done so for in the first two weeks ago we've received 9 pledges with 95 businesses and testimonials if pledge businesses commissioner president dwight and commissioner white your definitely we'll show you 0 our each we we couldn't have done it without you with the champ and cv d we've got the good numbers and the merchant meetings and in association with the newsletters and done direct mailings and phone calls and changed our daernz to be sf connect and, of course, social media i'd like go ahead and give a demo of the website
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so this is sf business you'll see the first thing the san francisco businesses have what you're looking for if i wholesale down the options to take the pledge and share our story a little bit about ourselves and testimony additional from the pledge businesses and as well as small businesses that have been positively effects by the businesses that have been purchasing and get in touch the real thing we want to show the search function we'll be directing our bigger businesses for the - you'll see where the businesses are located the green ones the tents for educatorers and those food and beverage and continue to expand
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see some of the businesses that are listed they can search by supplier diversities as well as different categories search byroad us and keywords and have an impact section that shows kind of who is partnering and why it is important and hopefully by the end of this thing we'll have so many we'll need a market pretty much the website i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> so is there a list of those who have pledged i noticed i couldn't find it maybe it is there. >> so i can pit my sales team on it right away. >> so my understanding this is primarily intended to encourage larger businesses to purchase
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from smaller local businesses, however, it should be noted that is beneficial for big businesses to buy from big businesses and not bad for small bmw's to buy from bitten businesses. >> small businesses have pledged not only about the big businesses. >> okay. okay. >> did you need to go back to the website. >> it is under. >> there. >> so - okay. >> so will this tack on the list format it is nice to see 9 logos there i hope when we have the 5 hundred large companies you'll be able to list them. >> i hope so. >> fantastic. >> okay. so commissioner tour-sarkissian. >> this is a wonderful idea i want to ask you some questions about this small businesses that
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are listed the pledges i'm a large business what are the conditions i have to fulfill what am i pledge allegiance to and what's the percentage of don't go duo buying local. >> i'm trying to make it easy on you and what does it mean to be highlighted as a small business. >> for big businesses we wanted a 5 percent pledge to the local spending and when you make that pledge you'll we'll survey i to talk about your experience and you how much your impact and any suggestions for the evolution of this initiative. >> no legal obligation. >> it is a pledge and then you get recognized for buying 5 percent local. >> uh-huh. >> and your lists on the site and recognized as such are you certified by - no way the small
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businesses are listed as participating businesses and small businesses you have 2 hundred small businesses listed what's the listing venue you become part of the purchasing pool whites the purpose of being listed. >> a platform for us to when they sign on if you're looking for great businesses work business connect. >> this is a response to the question that businesses had okay. i want to buy local how do i do that if you for example go to sf made there's a long list of companies it didn't splice and diaz it sf made is a nonprofit and scorn to impartially that is not a particular satisfactory method for businesses looking to buy locally so a call out to oewd was how might we do this in a
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way that business wanting to buy locally what find out what they can buy and where it is a poourl optional thing the business has to be a san francisco-based business and have your business license in san francisco correct. >> uh-huh. >> this effort is vetting those businesses as legitimately small businesses in san francisco their might be a business that claims to be and is not that has to be vetted and monitoring the surveying the pledging businesses to see if its effective one on or about hey, i'm a big business i went through a list i found a few things but as a matter of fact i shifted 12 percent how do i get percent over time
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an additional of you know additionally things so it will flush itself out over time. >> exactly our goal some of the events to survey some of the big businesses okay. you're not another 3 percent what radio r you not findings for the small businesses that doesn't have a site and post the soshldz that small businesses you know maybe a big business didn't think about the fact they can buy things locally and pitch their products it is way more a suggestive but day to day i'm a purchaser what's the easy way to have the the best pa place for carter or the best place for bags for the event we're host and the contract. >> the idea a fantastic there's
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not a forum i can admonish my colleagues but not a formal activity it is fantastic and especially the champ is a place for the larger purchasing businesses come to talk about the state of the city this is a fantastic forum and they're operating in that to bring to the things together. >> since we're talking about is it pubically for small businesses are listening what they do to get open the web package. >> go to sf and click the my business and the form is straightforward our name and address kind of keyword that people will search for and the video. >> and your license that you're
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actually a san francisco business i assume. >> we'll look it up and see if you're registered and if you are it's okay. >> (laughter). >> given the porptd popularity of our session on tv you'll be i think dictated. >> commissioner l. riley. >> yes. i think you answered part of my question you have a small business on the website to be listed and what kind of outreach effort to get in touch with the large businesses and ask them to pledge and what are you going to do to reach out to small businesses so we know about the site. >> the hamper a has been great the annual meeting and if you want to speak on that. >> karen with the chamber of commerce so we have a number of event as well as current outreach large-scale events that reach 6
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hundred to one thousand people and regular event with our public small business community and the outreach merchant association we run each of the platforms to use sf connect as a point of discussion and highlighting the promissory note program to make sure we touching open the opportunity for small businesses and larger businesses. >> maybe a new signature for small business week. >> all right. and phone calls a lot and lots of direct phone calls. >> commissioner ortiz-cartagena. >> thank you guys for your efforts i understand anybody blessed by the mayor is easier for small businesses and others to connect it means the world to small businesses. >> commissioners any other questions otherwise public comment.
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>> thank you very much for coming out and presenting that's fantastic do we have anyone from the p.m. public that wants to comment and provide additional content. >> yes. i'm the - i want to - i won an award with businesses and ask a question about gi a how to get involved with this start my small business and more questions about how to be you know more informed thank you. >> thank you for coming out and giving us our comments. >> henry how are you good evening commissioners it is a great idea they've reach out to small businesses and you have to work hard to sell your
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products but what you can get a referral systems from one to the other to the other to the other it is a great thing and i hope it really grows and will be successful i'm sure the council will help and the president will be happen to hear about this and let everyone know. >> you know a lot of this is getting creative how the businesses can buy from other backdoor in the city those folks are looking for creative input is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak on this item seeing none on this item. >> this is a discussion item so do we have the presenter for item number 5 the service station bathroom requirements. >> i want to make sure there's no final comments. >> any final comments all right. so great so well, we
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have one more presentation so in the interest of giving the item number 5 presenter time if my commissioners agree we'll move on to item 7 the last call for item 5 is the presenter for hackman hood here fantastic come on up. >> so can you please bryan read item 5 into the record. >> item 7. >> presentation and discussion of hack the hood for a website for small businesses present by heinecke resident a. >> thank you for having me. >> with this presentation. >> so i have a power point presentation for you all as well as bryan mentioned i'm here with hack the hood a nonprofit based in oakland
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and we work with protecting youth of color and teach them how the how to build websites as you can see mobile friendly website and the cost of a challenge for this type of technology and the goal of hack the hood is to empower the youth by teaching them how to build website we provide free wbtdz pent we the concept is ash one of our co-founder in ante oakland an her smart phone looking phone number for an accountant there has to be more accountants but three years ago that was what started hack the hood and starred the concept about incurring the community of color between 6 and 21 to build
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a website to empower the community by helping small businesses get online so our program uses a website builder as a platform our youth backgrounds are those local those are high quality website that are optimized as many of you know your small businesses as of may first the school changed e changed their website it is not mobile optimized you'll drop into the search engine it is critical for small businesses to get mobile optimized website to in addition for the website that don't have a website we've been focusing our efforts on businesses that have an outdated website that is not optimized. >> so a little bit more of our program and the impacts you know as of today we've i've worked
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with 90 youth 907 percent completed the program we've build hundred and 50 website all our youth are in school or studying programming and 40 percent are working with folks in expireship for youth we're exist for 2016 we're working on we're as i mentioned earlier we've been focused on oakland by the ready to launch a campus in san francisco as well as a camp ♪ altering and we're ready to get businesses online here as well >> so a little bit about the kind of impact this is a quote from wore on you our young people they've cited their farther part of the program is
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working with the small businesses and building website and those start out with building a personal website as a portfolio and once they're certified they build those websites and almost all of them continuing site u cite how excited they're helping a small business owner so a little bit more of an okay. we help the youth you know excess and demand job skills and teach them soft skills and expand a professional network we provide a dynamic site with the media proposition and increase their media option and having a website we help them get customers and higher revenue and end up having a better use in the community they have a positive interaction with a person that helped their
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business as you can see one of our young men t.j. we're not just making pretty things but making it easier for businesses to stay in business. >> and our program is you know helped funded by a lot of companies as you can see on the left because of the funding we get if those companies and on the granted we're able to offer those services free for businesses that are is important we're take into account small businesses that can't afford to pay $6,000 for a professional website and the other exciting thing i want to mention we have small businesses that have hired our young people after they've commented building their website they've hired them to build out the social media they're excited to be part of the small business eco system by supporting the small businesses and the young
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