tv [untitled] June 14, 2015 10:30am-11:01am PDT
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. >> good morning today is thursday, june 11, 2015, welcome to the marine corp's r rules committee of the board of supervisors i'm supervisor avalos the chair of the committee to my right is supervisor tang and supervisor wiener is filling in for supervisor cowen the other committee member traditionally our clerk is derrick evans sorry derrick that's been serving with us for a long time mr. evans any announcements. >> yes mr. chair.
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>> electronic devices. completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the june 23rd board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> great. thank you very much if you could call the first item. >> a hearing to appoint two members in the south of market stabilization advisory committee there are two seats and two applicants. >> great okay too seats both applicants are here christen here and, sir come forward. >> hi, good morning supervisors thank you very much for your time and consideration and for the opportunity to speak 2011 is allen i'm currently on the
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stabilization seat on the fund since 2009 i have been living and working actually i've been working in the south of market for almost 20 years i used to live in the south of market since i moved to san francisco in 19986 south of market is the closet to my heart i work at the hospitality house a self-help self-center on 6th street and community arts program there i was the former managing director of the studio on 6th street we provide a small black box nourishing filipino-american artist i'm here to ask you to consider renewing my appointment or application for for the stabilization fund i've had the
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privilege and honor and humbled to work with a core group of members including coming connie and others we've managed to accomplish so much in the past years k34ud providing funding to the united playaz to carrier and purchase their clubhouse - >> sorry also to provide funding for betsey carmichael for their school coordinator to hire a school sites coordinator to help build the youth program i not to the meeting in morning they unveiled their strategic plan for the veterans equality center and bishop housing affordable housing group we also are currently working to
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help stabilize the families through the mayor's office of housing small sites program by helping families purchase their property to avoid eviction and displacement so i feel there is so much work to be done in the south of market including the rapid transportation we wanted to make sure that people realize there are families and there's a very viable i community that lives and have been living in the south of market for decades now for several years and we just want to make sure those families don't get pushed out. >> thank you thank you for your service on the stabilization committee it an important way for people to get involved and how development happens and what services in the neighborhood we appreciate your work i don't have any questions
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i support your reappointment so supervisor tang. >> thank you. i also don't have questions i know both the appointees and actually coffee into the selma community cac because of the recent events so our full board is advised on what you are working on i've seen the requests for the budget come through the budget committee i'll be supportive of reappointing both christen as well as yourself. >> thank you, thank you thank you for your time. >> she will not be here i support the reappointment is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak. >> this position trial someone is guilt for the foundation i don't i don't want to see a
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child growing up if young children to teenagers elderly, guarantee glow the process of limitation of job functions uptight because of their job a missionary i felt freely freedom of speech in chinatown see. >> thank you are there any other members of the public wish to comment. >> good morning. i'm claudine with the achieves and community development i want to take a moment to thank christen and allen for their hard work i ask and the department asks a lot of them this is volunteer time and put in years with the stabilization fund we're getting into a critical time where we do for housing and particular small
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sites and their dedication to 9 community is invaluable i want to support theiry appointments thank you. >> thank you very much and he seeing no other members of the public coming forward we'll close public comment. >> through the chair i didn't make the motion but formally make the motion for the two seats 4 and 5 and i move we send it to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> seconded by supervisor wiener and we'll take that without objection. okay. so supervisor wiener is here and supervisor cowen instead we'll have a motion to excuse supervisor cowen. >> seconded we'll take that without objection. >> okay next item.
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>> 3 members terms ending to the ballot certification committee 3 seats and 3 applicants. >> great 3 seats, 3 applicants and we'll take them in the order they're here could the first reappointed candidate come forward. >> i've been on the committee for a long time any first election was june 2006 i think i do is grok great job and i'll be to reappointed and thank you. >> great anything else to add thank you. >> and next applicant is betting i didn't packard. >> good morning at least two of you have appeared before me in
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the last two years i think you know my kind of work we've been doing i've been pleased to chair the committee since on a 2002, 3, 4 i've told everybody this is my last term 20 years of doing this is when i start in november 16th but i really think this group we've had for the last 3 terms is the best one every we've worked nicely together everybody understand and nobody comes in with an agenda and we try to look at everybody who talks before us with object itself and sometimes they like it and sometimes not we also say if everybody leafs happy we've not done a good job.
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>> actually, my experience before the committee has been we get all the language but the process of engaging in the language is very fun frankly has been fun for me. >> i used to laugh at chris daily if you want to know how democracy works this is the committee i always say that and well, that's a big plus. >> you expect to be continue on this as chair as well. >> yes. we've got a good group and really a nasty looking ballot coming up we'll voluntary to slid there. >> it has to get through rules committee first. >> great get rid of them. >> we'll go through that. >> thank you next is the next
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candidate. >> i've served with the committee for 6 years now and he i'll be to reappointed i come from the league of women voters we're interested in getting more people out to vote it is important work this committee side in making the ballot understandable to everyone in the city i might add i come if supervisor tang's district i live out there and i think my neighbors among others don't vote as often as they should any work we can do to conjunction them is good i'd like to be reappointed. >> thank you for our service. >> thank you. >> okay. this item is open up for public comment any public comment on this item? who'd like to comment.
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>> it's up to you. >> see if i in time i run for the mayors work for me i've been here two years. >> thank you. >> okay. this item is before us 3 seats and 3 applicants i'm supportive of you'll 3 can i have a motion to approve all candidates supervisor wiener sorry. >> i move to approve all 3 of the members of the committee guarantee i don't always agree with supervisor daily i've told people how do i learn about the political process i say watch the ballot committee you'll learn about how democracy works
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in san francisco i'm sure you're aware of i too tall go to the committee for the ballot measure i've support and the author to debiting give my button input on the nov what it means i'm so appreciative of the entire committee incredible attendance not only to detail but the big picture making sure the digest accurately and completely describes the ballot measure even if i don't get everything i want i feel we get a fair hearing i members of congress make the motion to approve. >> before supervisor tang speaks what is great about the digest it is not just something around more one election if you look at you'll see
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your handbooks back to 1908 we have our ballot argument so the work you do last a long. >> supervisor tang. >> thank you. i'm happy to sort all 3 appoints thank you for your work it will be before you in november. >> i see all of you have whether jouch or you're a former editor you have writing and editor background i second the supervisors motion. >> seconded by supervisor tang we'll take that without objection. >> congratulations thank you for your service. >> next item a hearing to appoint 5 members to the children and oversight and advisory committee there are 5 seats and 17 paints and some
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withdrew their. >> 15 applicants altogether. >> okay. we'll take each seat in the order they appear on the agenda and so the first seat is for seat number 7 and applicant me a. >> hello supervisors thank you for having me i come to you before you today to seeking seat 7 i have been part of the community coalition to restate the children's fund i've met what a lot of community shoulders and like to transition from the cap that is now
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disbanded to this because i believe the experience on the cca will bring an experience to the new body and thought my time on the children's coalition i was advocating for the cca to be strengthened in more of an oversight committee with more accountability this is something i'd like to be part of i've been an activist for over 10 years and as a form homeless youth i think that is important for those the most disconnected and marginalized i'll be happy to answer any questions at this time. >> if you have any. >> great i don't have any questions supervisor katie tang. >> for all the planners if all of you could state what you achieved i know we have a lot of
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applicant shed light please. thank you supervisor tang i say my number one priority is meetings and people come to the meetings outside of that i hope we could have more communication with our constituents with the young people and get more youngest people involved in the oversight committee and have constant communication we're hearing their opinions how to improve the process not only having the community meet throughout the wu year but rallying our goals back to the youth and taxpayers. >> thank you thank you. >> okay. next up carmen is she here? >> hello board of supervisors sorry you a pretty short.
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>> so hi, i'm carmen applying for seat 7 i feel like i'd be sorry as an 18-year-old i have many connections with the youth around the city a first generation my mom from el salvador and my father from venezuela i've dealt with the immigration laws and learning english was hard i had to repeat a grade in especially my mom was disabled and dealt with the hold ceqa process and she then unfortunately - she died and then i became a foster youth my siblings and i we've dealt with
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the foster because of the experience i gained the leadership skills having gone through the boys and girls of san francisco and the keystone leadership program and spent 3 years 4 hundred hours of volunteer i was awarded youth of the year this year for san francisco and i also served on boards like the youth advisory committee i've done youth advocacy and the public library center in the mix opening next thursday but because of those experiences i've grown and my voice has grown and i wish to use my voice to speak up for other youth that can't speak up for themselves or they don't think they have a
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voice my ultimate goal in this role is to have community mother-in-law community involvement but youth involvement and other youth that don't have their say in things actually speak speak up and speak for themselves yeah, you guys have any questions. >> you've graduated from high school. >> yes. i graduated on monday. >> congratulations and what boys and girls club. >> part of clomz park. >> i used to work there when i worked there it was columbus park of then it now is boys and girls it is much more welcoming i'm sure some of the same staff are there too they were there a
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long time before that what's your involvement if not on this committee to help civic lives or your criterias career and education. >> my youth of the year is a yearlong process that was just ending they can call me back at 81 any time i've been a - i'm really close with the police department i mced their dream big for kids two weeks ago i've mostly the san francisco public library right now and work and auditorium. >> opening up the teen library next week. >> yes. on thursday everybody is welcome. >> maybe i'll see you there
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we'll go through all the mr. president, before deciding and congratulations on you're great awards this year and grauts and we'll make a determination at the end of the meeting thank you. >> he next up is - ms. bonnie - >> on a work retreat asked us to share this letter with the board. >> great thank you. >> if you could just great - so she's not able to make it our next applicant is not able to be here someone speaking on her behalf. >> hello, i'm kathy here to
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represent the applicant i know i thought i'd tell you who i am i'll tell you the top 3 things then you can ask me some questions i'm kathy the apartment of two school aged kids i serve on the council of the school a jewish family services and a community member on the board of san francisco school but i'm here how represent alyssa a parent at horse mann and the 3 top reasons shield like to be considered for this position is her role as a parent of two school children that attend a public and has the first hand needs of the families and in addition at bonding heats
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shields ground up in mexico has a stronger need and the pressures growing up in mexico she understands the trinthsz people have and equipped to really represented that in a solutions oriented approach being a low income and the other important thing to know she's currently only staff for the parent at public schools specifically in school governance she has a lot of experience working with the english learning families and understanding the school side budgeted and commending communicating with the teachers and restorative program this is
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critical to have that voice so that experience helps her deal with the diversity as an advocate of families and a parent with needs she'd love to have that position i can answer any questions you have. >> and she currently services as the manager. >> yes her dilate is title is the manager she's away in mexico. >> she contacted me i worked with her in the past there's a rule i'm trying to see if it applies so you can let us know it that an organization that receives funding from dcwf the fund go through another organization for about the parents of public schools and in
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a high-level positions are not allowed to serve on this city but the program manager can; is that correct. >> no john gibner, deputy city attorney the prohibition on high-level positions from serving on this committee any employee or members of the board of directors of a dcwf they're the decision-maker of the funding can't serve i don't know exactly what the funding relation what their role in funding is. >> okay. she is not an executive director not on the board so just wanted to make sure we're clear about the eligibility. >> yeah. let me pull up that. >> we'll look at and let us
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know a little bit later. >> we want to be clear. >> thank you very much. >> next up is tara. >> supervisor avalos while we're waiting so the administrative code per the section that creates this committee provides any current employees or members of board of directors for the dcwf for funding can't serve. >> thank you. >> hello thank you for your time i've lived in the excelsior potrero over a decade and raising three children there as a parent dcwf programs are impactful and enabling me to work as a single parent and in a
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crisis that support it structural additional in my professional life it is really impactful i've had the opportunity to oversee programs awarded by this department historic so as a parent i really bring that lens of experience but also the professional lens of the landscape and the impact and quality of those programs personally my son was in third grade when we first moved here in after-school program and that put our families into country we tried different options when we got on a ymca bus with one of his friends he wasn't eligible for that program we went down to the children's council and didn't leave until we got some support and able then to get him into a ymca program that made a
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huge difference the equality quality of the program he went to some schools an elementary and middle school and was able to get it programming free due to grounds on true dcwf in high school he did out of sight affirmative became his friend and started the workforce program and high school is a challenge time for our family there were times he didn't get do school and living with his father or me and during those times show up for work now out of high school he can maintain a job i've seen it's impact and during those chavrj times we got assess
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