tv [untitled] June 15, 2015 1:30pm-2:01pm PDT
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human rights impact on the war of drugs we finally provides water a report violence against sex workers and anti-semistism is underway and the adequately pay and the anti discrimination housing policies that will we have supervisor wiener's project in l.a. county looking at the discrimination of lgbt seniors in long care facilities and i'll add the equal pay and non-sdriemgs policies were matter at hand as human rights with no funding so we've requested one additional person to manage those projects so far the mayor has refused one additional person we may come and ask the board to replace that those take quite a bit of
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staff time supervisor wiener the land use commission transportation committee is starting sea if theirs voting i'll come for that as well. >> we're doing a substantial amount of lessons around section 8 vouchers some people housing providers are retrofit to accept section 8 vouchers so for housing we're looking that for the sanctuary city ordinance with the discrimination and this year we piloted angle explicit bias program and we continue with two more sections i think will be institutionalized in the city family fleeshg the next is the operating budget the same always the last couple of years
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the only under consideration in 2016 was the additional funding for the latino project no big change going forward. >> anticipate if you look at the next one you'll see the major challenges 2 hundred thesis for latino violence that is for the prospective in the mission for the community advocate and trauma that concludes my presentation. and we see no substantial increases in our budget i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> supervisor mar. >> thank you many sparks for the presentation the human rights has developed into the focused anti discrimination agency after the structural changes a few years ago i wanted to say that i say training in
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the various programs allows you to focus on addressing communities of concern and so many ones i was going to ask about the transgender violence and the transgender demonstration on the steps could you in fact on the violence against transgender and people of color in the transgender community. >> the transgender people particle women of color the most significant issue in the community the violence against those individuals are many times as ten times what violence against genetic woman or monthly in any community and those are the ones wore aware of we understand many, many times those people are miss gender we believe that statistics are
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higher we've worked with the justice project which is a african-american led project around women in jails and trying to help deal with the issue the transgender women have housed with men in the couldn't jails and the state prisons we're dealing with the current pistol program holy to move transgender women into women's pods instead of men's the post royals is important because they're housed with me up they're unable to par take in services by the time they're in jail so consequentially they live the county jails in worse conditions that's a big work in tarnishing is lobbying the board i think one day after the
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demonstration this is a coalition of 15 or 18 transgender organizations working together to try to raise the awareness of violence issues and supervisor campos is working with tarnishing shall say coalition and supervisor jane kim is working with a program she's going to recommend going forward so those are critical issues as you may notice if you take the war on drugs over 50 percent of our programs this year were based on people of color wore proud of that and that's the ordinances of the human rights commission we're taking that legacy forward in strong terms. >> it's clear from the new complaints filed that disability and discrimination is the lawyers of the complaints. >> as long as i've been in the commission a lot of the same
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complaints it is primarily access accessed to apartments access to services, access to restaurants those kinds of things and some of them are egregious like not repairing an elevator in an sro with disabled people with wheelchairs going on we tried try to handle that. >> great for the staff over the years and to others that have dealt with issues the last question on the police texting homophobic racism text messages i know there's a training on unconscious racism you did not on this list what's the process and will that continue focusing on the police bias and 25u7b9d cases.
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>> we those are two different issues one the training we self-funded a preliminary pistol program and the first one was with a number of department heads and senior staff the is it correct one is july 29th or june 29th other department hundreds and the third one in julia acceptance phase training for the forward facing organizations and urban heads in the middle of that the police department will do a training as well they put on their own training using our trainer we use to do a training for the staff with the pd that was led by the chief suhr and from lieutenants to sergeants all the way up 75 people attended that will continue with the police department and explicit bias will indeed be institutionalized
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in the city and continued next week by the human resources to do other department heads senior staff people forward facing staff a very large number of people as far as the police department and the misconduct we've not dealt with that at all because there seems to be the police commission is look at those and the city attorney has been looking those issues and accident police department the office of complaints we've not been involved in that way so - >> could i begin the term when our dir went to the training he used that term but unconscious sexism and homophobic. >> it is unconsciousness bias you don't understand is it so not observe or explicit you're
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doing it because of our environment or lack of finding or lack of personal came back or whatever the reason that's a way to get in a lot of physiology and brain science the fascinating experience i recommend if you're interested the board try to attend one. >> thank you, colleagues any further questions for many characterize sparks. >> thank you. we'll congratulations. >> next up dr. emily murase is here for the status on the commission of women. >> good afternoon chair federal and local and commissions yes, ma'am executive director on the
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status on the commission of women i'm joined by my policy disbursements i want to acknowledge of the the work of my nasty have 8 slides to share with you can he have the overhead please. great. >> so next slide please. department mission our mission to insure the equal treatment for women and girls for population in needs 3 primary services promoting human rights and ending violence against women and advancing women in the workplace have of san francisco are 49 percent women the next
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mislead is summarizes 3 things one increases to our official budgeted two our budget composition and staffing level if you look at the numbers presented vertically the current year is 5.83 millions and the proposed is $6.6 million almost $700,000 more than the current year and next it $6.62 million the extra is for the grant program our personnel and other expenses drop and other things work orders and other our staffing level remains the same small by mighty next slide to summarize the major budget
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changes 410 percent across the board for the general fund support for the agencies that service the victims of hifks 2 housing unit 5 percent increase and $200,000 for an after hours emergency response to support the commercially expiated children in san francisco and the additional funds will produce services for protection of certain time all as a result and hifks in san francisco so the violence in the graph project programming is the largest program a network of over 25 nonprofits supports the victims of violence and the comtions is 53 percent fund for the country line and legal services and intervention for
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advocate programs and shelter and housing program and about 1/5th of the fund for preservation education the post allocation giving funding for the woman i want to share a couple of performance manufacture from 2014-20154 million dollars was to 32 programs that provides water 36 thousand hours of services to almost 14 though unduplicate individuals and housing services for bed nights for people of domestic violence and over 13 thousand crisis calls i'm proud of the investment the city is making we believe that we're in the disbusiness of preventing
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homicides. >> we support 3 citywide the mayors task force on human trafficking and the collaborate a few highlights we want to recognize supervisor tang for her support on illegal massage parlors and to support anti hifks manufacture we'll release the first report on human trafficking data corrected from 23 agencies and third the task force identified the after hours to the major gap the part of our budget we continue to partner with the san francisco patron against human trafficking and focused on the outreach for the modern day work program in the fall we'll host our 5th report on the violence in san francisco and allocated over heed thousand
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dollars to be used for domestic violence and human trafficking education next slide. >> in terms of 0 women in the workplace there is example in the public and private sector we've that looked at the initiative and worked on the recruitment promotion of women and a into male dominated fields like public safety and skilled craft that is out of the mayors shared prosperity city remarks and planning issues around a at the other end of the table that thursday in the mayors women and economic submit in october in terms of the private sector we realize 3 out of 4 women work in the private sector we've put together tools a gender equality
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challenge we recognize model practices within the sector and online assessment tools for improving gender equality within the with that and my final slides an upgrade eir updated i'm sure you're aware of san francisco is the first city in the world to adapt a principle in all forms of discrimination against women birth we launched this as the unchallenging hundred u.s. cities to the cdot it has 3 core lemons one gender analysis for a portion of their government two on other body and spend to go with that over 20 u.s. cities have engaged with us
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in the campaign kansas city and louisville we're fortunate no report from the budget analyst but i'm happy to entertainer our questions. >> thank you dr. murase. >> thank you our office is happy to w work with our department with the small staff i see you're not increasing our ftes in the upcoming budget but expanding our work i want to thank you for that. >> colleagues, any further questions thank you for being here and for all the hard work you do up next our ethics commission.
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there's two points of i want to make just about the budget and the proposed budget there's a big drop off in spend that is mostly explained the election campaign funded is nearly at that target the reduction will reduce funding to bring the election campaign to $7 million and start to deplete that year had the collections begin to took place and the second point i want to point out is that we did ask for 3 additional ftes this year for auditors and another enforcement investigator they're not in the budget i understand this is a difficult process but from the board can help use it would be appreciated we don't have major initiatives coming we have expanded responsibility on the
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horizon i anticipate two ballot measures this year that will expand our region in the c afro-and the definition of a lobbyist and in the next year, we have electronic filing financial disclosure wore standing to thousands in the city if we take responsibility so our mission while it stays the same our responsibility continue to grow that is all i have to say i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> supervisor tang. >> sorry if you can repeat the amount in the election campaign. >> it is capped as $7 million. >> and in terms of the upcoming anticipated or - >> the you mean elections how
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much we're going to spend. >> yeah. >> it is difficult we have a mayoral election it could be considerable in a number of people qualify and in district 3 so could be a couple of hundred of thousand or likely to be less than more but my crystal ball is not complete. >> understandable thank you. >> thank you mr. sincroy. >> thank you for being here itch appreciated up next from the department of elections. >> good afternoon john director
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of elections the departments budget the main driver the amount of elections for the you mean fiscal year two elections you can see on 2015-2016 we had one election poster year our budget it constant depending upon the number of elections we have to run you'll see at the bottom the pie chart for 2015-20162 point 5 million dollars in reserve for the department to utilize to find a replacement for the warehouse it is near 18 view park our warehouse space is part of park that the giant want to undertake the port is our lease
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is at the end of the year but we can hold over until 2016 and than after that move to another site we've not been able to find another site the core has indicated a chance to move to pier 31 but that site needs to have rehabilitation on the roof a timing issue now not a replacement to move with the $2.5 million in reserve we hope to have by the time 2017 arrives in 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 we're able to main maintain an operation he did costs are increasing so the course of funding the major driver of changes the number of elections as you can see in 2015-2016 and 2016-2017
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the proposition of revenues are coming equally from fees and files fatiguing 2014-2015 the ratios were offset or skewed a little bit we had so many arguments submitted it's the highest in the history in the revenue recoveries the driver of change is again the number of district for special elections as you can see 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 the ratios are constant but 2015-2016 normally we wouldn't have the district elections but for the you mean elections we'll hold the vacancy election for the community college district and other elections will be barred as far as special elections are concerned language assess we have 3 i guess initiatives the language
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assess filipino since before the november 2018 and dedicated phone lines we've brought on staff for bilingual filipinos to answer to do translations upper market updating the lines and routinely excluding filipino to make sure the english is more clear and the spanish and inclines translations are clear we'll review our forms and communications with the voters one change that's going to happen that will impact the voters more directly in november we move from triangle to bilingual ballots so in the past we'll have english challenges and spanish on the ballot but with the inclusion of filipino we can't run an election we have
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too many cards we're going to break up the cards chinese english chinese english and chinese filipino we've begun the process of reaching out to voters that were burn born in chinese and spanish and other countries to get the capture for the election materials sent to them other than english and in july beginning in august we have signage in 2 hundred and 50 buses to have the voters impact us for language other than english for the election materials. >> on the open data side those are before the november 2014 elections to provide the
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information on the website in relations to the open data their machine readable that allows the media campaigns and analysts and other folks to grab the information not to translate it but post it on their sites and incorporate it into their products we'll continue in november and start pushing out information warldz to nomination and petitions starting in jill one big achievement for november the posting of a voter guide for in a format starting in july starting to post the link data sf to the files so in november we'll link the x m l voter guide
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and again that creates more transparency to make the information more readily available to the users and the initiative forward today the contract for the current voting system expires at the end of 2016 nothing in the 2016-2017 buttering regarding the system costs there are factors that don't allow us to put a precincttion but in the middle of july we'll issue an rfp at that time for the submission we'll have a sense of what the costs are associated with the new system then finally the department is in agreement with the budget analyst represents like to take this time to thank the mayor's office and the board of supervisors to help us to get our budgets sheltered i'll take
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any questions. >> thank you commissioner tang. >> thank you for your presentation and coming to an agreement i have one issue on the warehouse i haven't spoken to you what is in the warehouse especially, since it is tied with the potential developments and that there maybe lack of space i wanted to know what is in the warehouse. >> well, the voting equipment is staged and the materials and supplies for the election during the election cycle a work space 86 thousand square feet at pier 48 we're using that for storage for the supplies and the other to 45 thousand square feet for the election is used for staim the vehicles for doing the
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canvas for material prepared for the coworkers to take to the polling places and we have the prors center the ballots come back to the warehouse and the roster and things like that to be accounted for for balance. >> okay. thank you and i just hope that you'll be able to work out a one solution. >> thank you thank you supervisor yee. >> thank you. i was looking at the pie chart for expenditures and it struck me that for in comparison for the 2014-2015 what the 2016-2017 the salary goes up a little bit by 5 percentage so two questions there
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