tv [untitled] June 16, 2015 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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and probation that is a huge cost we can't expect to have if we put more officers on the street we have before us this next year the next two years eight academy classes i believe that the 1971 number that has been in practice is actually a charter amendment that should be at that number in practice it's a guideline we have reached that 1971 number rarely the last time we were there in 2009 for a few months before we were hit with a large number of retirements since we have had those retirements we should be filling the ranks to make sure we have adequate number of staffing we haven't been there in a number of years let's get to the adequate number staffing through the proposed
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academy classes and think of a multidisciplinary approach what the size of the police department should be. that too me makes more sense than the growth of population or neighborhoods that didn't exist. if we have housing in san francisco we can make adjustments to our housing that is something we have the ability to do fe we're strarting a whole approach that will lead to a large number of polices i think it's $10,075,000 for a new officer you multiply that by say 200 officers adding every year in inflation it gets to be a large number. we have to consider that as what is an efficient use of resourcing for policing oakland and san francisco have the only ones that have minimum staffing levels in the controllers report
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i didn't see in the controllers report if property crimes mean a higher increase in property crimes means we have to have police officers what is the real approach to dealing with property crime sn by putting police officers out in the field are we going to actually reduce property crimes sn why do people commit property crimes sn and how we're addressing that why as a city to find what the right approach is going to be. how are we doing as a city to improve the conditions of the people who end up disproportion nately in jails that is blacks and latinos and the black population which is a smaller population that it has been but disproportion nately in the gale are they going to address the over population of people of color sn that say serious issue in recent years 2011 or 2010
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there is a book called the new jim crow which is an amazing analysis since the civil rights era we have removed laws across the country that are segregating people in this country since that has been removed new laws have come forward that disproportion nateately -- across the country and targeting of african americans and latinos we're seeing we inheart the biases in
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our struck chuck when the laws that are made are against the communitieses are enforced by police they're in fact enforcing a system that is keeping people incarcerated disenfranchised removing opportunity and stuck in a cycle that gets caught up in our jis tis system we can't do it in a different way if we want to think of police staffing increases let's think it about it in a way that is good for all of the people in san francisco the victims and even the perpetrators of crime can can we make sure there are fewer perpetrators of crime not just arresting them adding them to rollses of people in our jails but addressing it in other ways education housing other supports but not increase the police officers that we know is going to lead to increasing incarceration i will be here for the whole meetings
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>> supervisor kim sn >> i want to thank supervisor weiner and cohen for this hearing i'm glad we're going to begin this discussion before us i think there say number of factors that really bring us to a place that discussion is necessary. we do have immense population growth particularly in the district i represent neighborhoods that didn't exist before along with new employ yessiers and companies and many the city is making including ones like vision 0 committing to 0 traffic fatalities in coming year and sfpd is important in ensuring this goal and police enforement is port at this time our office is interested in this issue and requested a report from the budget analysts and our office received this report of last week there is interesting
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statistics it did demonstrate as police staffing has gone down over the last four years crime and other has gone up. careful to say there is no link proven between the two. what is interesting they looked at cities around the state of california sn sacramento crimes rose in conjunction with police officers and dropped the following year with a drop of officers it's good to look at san francisco's average ratio of police officers compared to cities in california san jose had 981 officers to one officer san diego 616 residents to officer phoenix 508. to one officer san francisco 438
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to 1 officer los angeles 394 residents to one officer again none of these stattistics necessarily say this there say link or not i think it's important we look at what other cities are looking at about what their statistics are saying i know it's apples to oranges because we're different in landscape when we have this dialogue about police officers we have to recognize our budget is always choices what it means to make the city safer increasing police officer comes at a price tag of 175000. i want to be careful when i say this it's not that police officers don't address issues at
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the time on the street what we do know is keeping kids in school does prevent crime the less youth that drop out of our public school system prevents crime in san francisco when we have adults that are housed versus homeless on the treat that prevents crime when we have this discussion of what it means to make our city safer and stronger we have to have discussion. because i want to see the police fore let's have that conversation in conjunction what it means to invest in our schools counselors and after schoolhousing i have heard this again at the pd meetings we can't arrest our way out of
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crime. we can arrest every drug dealer in tenderloin that will not make it safer issues when will of course is jobs housing and education the other issue i heard from residents is the need for more officers what our residents have said specifically is beat officers walking in our communities and treats they don't just want to have officers they want to see them on their bikes on foot part of the conversation has to be how do we deploy resources and where sn are they deployed where the data is. the easy answer alone to to say let's increase the police force particularly is something i can deblifr on here as the board of supervisorses. as we have this conversation i want to link this to how are we
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going to invest in other things housing schools jobs that will also prevent crime so we can have that in conjunction our budget is a limited number it's not infinite we can't make one decision and starve other things we know are going to make our city safe ear. finally i want to say because i see our san francisco police officer here you have been a tremendous partner for our city particularly the districts i address the south market the tenderloin district i want to recognize chief stern for our leadership and commitment to making sure your officers develop a relationship in our community. which is what i warnlt to see. i hear on a daily basis that appreciate our police officers delving into the community and offering cell phone numbers to
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be on call i think the leadership you have put on place in our leadership team has been sxhited to that also i think is a good conversation to have we should have this with budgetary needs that will make our city safer. >> okay. thank you for everyone for the opening remarks i'm in agreement with supervisor's kim's last statement having conversations around budgetary program as well as police. today's conversation is foes cussed on the police that is not negating the other con certify saegss around the other rest increwing occ is something i championed increasing program
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called my brothers keeper which is initiative from the white house that's on the ground we are implementing here in san francisco. also we have advocated for increasing u.s. fc project this say project that a nonprofit organization that focused on family of gun violence there is a host of gun bye back programs still working on a system for folks that come and help us solve some of the crimes editional homeless outreach is important with public safety and workforce enhancement which i have been championing in the bayview community are a few things i have been doing for the last 4-and-a-half years on the board so it is a correct statement to say this is a very nuanced topic it's incorrect to
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say i'm propolice and want to solve the problem by adding police to the equation there are many social programs that are out there. i want to recognize i will be introducing an ordinance that will help keep racial profiling in check by collecting use of force data on any stop that sfpd makes requiring them to report not only to the mayor but to the board of supervisors as well as to the police commission so there is public over sight and conversation that is happening so let's get started into the hearing today we have a few presentations set up. first we have a presentation from the controllers office mrs. natasha is here to present to us the findings on the report then we will hear a presentation from chief sir and we will take
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questions and there will be public comment. mrs. natasha are you ready sn okay good thank you. >> to be made by city offices benchmarking on police staffing >> good afternoon my name is natasha mehale i'm in the managers program by the controllers office one of our main purpose is to develop and track on the city departments one of the key efforts is to benchmark other jurisdictions we do other regular reporting we have other departments in this coming fiscal year we have expanded reporting so it's accessible on key citywide
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metrics and we're going to expand the use of measurement in the delivery and mnl management of city services so today we're talking about the police staffing report. one of the benefits of benchmarking is helping us understand what we're delivering compared to the same services. some of the limitations is we're looking at the numbers but we may not be looking at the reasons for the tifrnss in case for staffing we took a few key metrics like crime crime density and population compared to other cities what this doesn't take into account other factors that would effect police staffing that would increase policy budget denominator krafices and
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many other things the police department can can talk about in more detail for this project we selected 15 pier peers and got nine peer agencies so we used the peer data in the case of other six jurisdictions we used the unified crime reporting system managed by the fbi as bit of background in 2004-2014 you can can see in the gray area the resident population that increased almost 12% in this time period at the same time the line shows the number of sworn police officers decreased 3% in the time period as mentioned previously the charter mandates 1971 officers so the numbers we're including here is all
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officers it includes officers on administrative duty in the academy or unpaid leave that is not for the full staffing for the updated level the reason we did this is the report that is given us in our survey this is a different analysis to look at how cities are defining full sworn and on active duty as as supervisor avalos mentioned the only one responded having a minimum staffing level is oakland no one else reported a mandated policy. >> i said around this country that is only in this review. >> only in this review and the nine that responded. another way to look at the police staffing is to take how many officers per residents you
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can see it's 16060 166 -- to one residents to one police officers >> to my understanding the active duty police officers is in san francisco. 1730. so when the police chief comes up can talk about that. that 2,000 includes if someone is out of disability i believe the airport as well. >> et excludes the airport but includes administrative duty and academy other if i thinkses as well are you bits a smaller number that is actually out doing police work in san francisco >> correct >> okay. the last slide if you
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could put that up i had you to go back to >> this one sn >> that one it's interesting. it shows our population has been consistently going up with i guess one leveling off around the recession since 2004. from about 760 to 850,000 today as of the end of 2014 it's probably higher today if you look at police staffing we're dramatically lower today than we were in 2009 and even lower than we were in 2004. despite that population increase. >> right so 3% is from 2004 to 2014 not looking at the 2009. peak. >> there was a slide before that sn i'm sorry after. yes that one shows in 2004 we
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had 266 officers per 100,000 residents and today despite having 100,000 more people there abouts we fewer 230 officer per 100,000 people. thank you. >> sure on this slide we're looking at crime and on the left hand side is total crime for 100,000 residents and on the right hand is crime for the daytime population it's important to look at the different as you can imagine it swells during the daytime. there was an increase there is a wide variation d.c. is the highest with 80,000 people during the day being able to normalize it and compare we did two different types in this chart the darker is violent crime the lighter color is
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property crime we're second overall in total crime for each of these population groups however for violent crime we're in the middle of the peer group and for property crime we're second highest second only to oakland. >> when was this data collected sn >> excuse me sn >> what is the period this data is selected sn >> crime rates is 2013 and staffing numbers are 2013-14. >> do we see the crime rates into these categories how they fluctuated in 1994 >> we did not look at that. >> for people watching on tv it's pretty small present. on slide six in terms of total crime per 100,000 resident population of that dozen or so
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the pier group with 12 or so cities >> 15 >> 15 cities around the country larger cities oakland is number one in total crime for 100,000 residents san francisco is number two. >> correct for both daytime and resident population >> that number two ranking behind oakland applies to our nighttime residents and daytime population which is larger because you have workers and tourists coming in >> correct. behind that p you look at the peers we're second highest in property crime when it comes to violent crime we're in the middle of the pier group. >> could you say what number wur at for violent crime sn >> where are we sn >> got it. thank you.
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>> the charts look the time but rear looking at staffing level for 100,000 residents and daytime population you can see we're in the middle of the group in the introduction there say wide range of staffing levels here since we didn't get into the reasons for the staffing levels we can't make a definition that we're either under or over staffed we're just showing how we compare to other jurisdictions some of the charts the darker colors are civilians and the lighter color are sworn officers so one other way to look at the staffing mix of a police department is to look at the number of civilians to do administrative and law enforcement task we have 1.4 officers fefr every one in this
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group. i don't know if there is anything else you have questions on this slide. >> washington d.c. has 130 teen civilian and sworn police staff 613 for washington 440 for chicago 418 for phil dell fee yeah and we're at 239 sn >> correct. oakland is 176 and san jose is 107 just for regional comparison. >> i wanted to make sure i understood this slide correctly according to this we're number eight in large cities in violent crime? >> i believe that is the correct. >> so d.c. which has the most police officers had the highest number of violent crimes of all large cities >> oakland. >> according to slide seven d.c.
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is -- oakland is actually below san francisco >> so slide seven is talking about staffing and not crime. so they look similar but slide six is crime. >> i guess then this is my question i think supervisor avalos answered it we have the second highest in property and violent crime in large cities where cowe rate on violent crime. >> on vie atlantic crime there is six cities above us oakland is the highest i didn't incrude it in the graphic you can get that at the sf we're below chicago. philadelphia d.c. and oakland is significantly higher than other piers. do you have a question
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supervisor kim? >> no i thought it was a question i asked previously sorry i'm listening on multiple levels i think that is good to understand. i know one issue that comes up a lot around property crime is the wise level of income and equity compared to other cities and develops crimes for opportunity that exists besides the number of police officers per capita >> please continue with your presentation >> i will move to slide eight we're trying to understand population density and how that might relate to sworn staffing levels that can make a big impact we're the most densely populate in the peer group but we're densely populated by sworn officers so in the day lime
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population per square miles you go from the left to right less to more dense and on the vertical are you looking at sworn officers ber square mile so the lower on the chart you have fewer sworn officers per square mile and higher on the chart you will have more officers per square mile you can see san francisco is to the right which means we're densely populated we're also densely staffed per square mile we fall below the nooer trend line if you draw a line where the peer cities land on this chart we could be lower staffed than we are population. questions? >> we could be lower staffed -- say it again? >> so we're looking at population density so if we were to say that this pier average is the way we would compare
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ourselves we are less dense staffed per square miles for the population density we have. >> just a question maybe you talked about it before what makes the pier cities this report of pier cities? >> sure >> some of these are very, very different in terms of population size and economic conditions as well. >> sure we have a methodology we use to select pier cities for our studies you can imagine we use different pier studies for the ones that are offered in this case we looked at daytime and resident population we looked at staffing levels we didn't want anybody too low or low and we looked at crime levels we tried to get piers in a number range from us we also
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add more california cities san jose and oakland not in that immediate range compared to local piers and in chicago that doesn't normally in the range but we were curious to compare against chicago. >> it's curious one of the pier cities is boston if i can think of one of the cities that would be about the same size and density and even diversity economically of san francisco boston would be one of them. and they're like lower down on the list you will see on the chart you shared with us they're kind of slightly to the right of san francisco >> correct >> also on page six slide they're down toward the bottom in total crime in --
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>> their resident crime rates are low >> yeah >> when you take into the daytime population >> they're also low there too. to me that seems like a pretty good comparison of city that are similar economically in size in population they might be slightly less population than us in boston. >> i would have to go look. i think all of the pier city fall within the range so we don't necessarily pull out one in particular to compare ourselves against >> in the population i wouldn't say chicago and new york are in the range >> and boston i think boston's staffing is almost 50% higher per 100000 people than san francisco 328 versus our 239. >> okay. >> please continue >> great on
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