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tv   [untitled]    June 16, 2015 11:00am-11:31am PDT

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to be split between the two agencies so for a hundred and $50,000 and the next month we'll have the project coming forward with a request for the hill and coming forward this month is for the alameda exchange that is located near 101 and where the 280 cross and a shore boulevard and laguna avenue creating a ramp at the surface we're requesting planning fund from the district 9 did transportation authority will lead the study with the support of sfmta all those boulevards are important with the safety and access is critical it creates a barrier including bay area and silver terrace
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neighborhoods in particular we're looking at two improvements specifically working with the neighborhood groups and communities including the approving or disapproving neighborhood as well as supervisor campos office to expand identify a north-south multi pathway that connects brunn avenue and farmer's market currently people use an informal pathway it is dangers between those designations we want to expand have new signals and the second improvement the new east west bike lanes on alameda boulevard bridging the bike lanes to the west and existing lanes on bayshore boulevard to the east the second improvements will be a request for a hundred thousand dollars that is in the general fund bulth process as well
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scope of the study includes the design work and traffic design analysis and agencies like sfmta and caltrain and working with the vacant stakeholders we're hoping to expand move forward it forward to the next fees of the project development process thank you. >> great, thank you any questions or comments from colleagues? all right. seeing none, this will be important any public comment on item four prop k fund allocations? >> 3 copies the 3 people for taiwan vikings one chinese two weeks chinese copy donation transportation land use
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according to expand the 5 thousand land use is a life force parkway. >> all right. thank you for mentioning transportation in our comments. >> is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak on item 4. >> hi, i'm back again jackie sacking remember the cca a driver i know wants to expand know why you're give all the funds for bike lanes and this sort of thing especially on alameda boulevard he lives in the area only one bike he's seen on the bike lane why you want to go forward that lane is not being used it is near a freeway and very unsafe for everybody so i just want to expand know where
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mta or the transportation authority got the information if and why this is one lane that this is one project that like the only one in the last couple weeks only onecyclists public comment is closed. seeing none, public comment is closed. >> sxhieshgs. >> i want to thank the staff we appreciate the high-level and in depth information i think so often we look at things that's big for me as a representative of the district 3 it comes down to the impact on my constituents it is funny often the little things certainly really, really anxious for the presidio parkway
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i'm particularly grateful for the crossing of beacon at france we have a pre k center a freeway for the significant number of visitors we get to expand that area and the tree repairs i tried to look for this meeting to see if we have a list of locations where the repairs are occur i'm delighted to encourage them but i know your columbia avenue in district 3 the city came out over three years ago and marked the sidewalks any property owners that have not filed with the sidewalks repairs has been sited but the city has not met their obligation if we are not included i want to
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expand get into that kind the district is important i'll be happy to expand provided evidence the other thing i'm happy to see progress in the experiment not only for vehicles with transit but in traffic calming more myself i've found traffic calming to be more effective in asking people to change their driving habit i trust we'll continue our dialog with the fire department to expand make things safer for pedestrians and that is welcome but nice package such. >> thank you supervisor yee. >> yes. a quick question on the first few items when you talk about leverage in purchasing the busses with the
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$12 million leveraging the 33 and $78 million just a clarification we have not gotten the money if we prop k funding were not appropriated or - is it the other way around? the funders are saying you have to expand have a match >> a big part of the funding the federal funds require a 20 percent match. >> thank you very much. >> thank you and also want to expand thank the staff for the panel we'll be able to expand fined if he signaled sunset boulevard so thank you for that as well as signal listing a corner at sunset a huge thoroughfare for residents to expand enter into golden state park no other questions or
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condemns we'll go to expand a roll call vote. >> supervisor breed supervisor christensen supervisor farrell supervisor tang supervisor yee. >> the item passes. >> great, thank you and if we can move on to item 5 and recommended the potrero hill transportation plan final report an action item. >> michael scattering from the sfmta. >> this begins on page 29 in our packets so this project is a study area on the south side of potrero hill between 20 street and cesar chavez and as many of you may know a big project called
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rebuild potrero and 6 hundred and 6 unit with 12 hundred residents converted over 16 hundred homes and retails all the residents will remain on site and up to expand 5 hundred additional affordable units as well as market rate housing the focus is really thinking about what to expand do in the in the meantime many deficiencies to bring the health benefits to the residents there before this major project comes through. >> it number of planning studies that preceded this not in exposing the conditions we were looking at the finding the first were walkability and pet safety as you can see the streets are wide much wider than the traffic warrant and the sidewalks are
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narrow they've disappeared many of the intersections don't have crosswalks for people needing to expand get across the street the ada assessable and because of the low volumes they've not necessarily at the top of the zero list it is cleaver there are safety issues as you can see a car lots of control of its brakes and went off a cliff everybody was okay. but the study was clear that something needs to be done as quickly as possible by the second set of challenges around security and riding the school bus you'll hear from the community members here today that has helped people get to expand daniel webster and start the elementary and walking on some of the streets and goes a hidden the
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potrero hill walking area and both in the morning for the school children when other people use the cut through another finding the lack of transit stop amenity because of the narrow sidewalks there isn't space to build shelters but the sidewalks are marked by the paint and there is very little marking and again, i that a lot of the theory that will be incorporated into the long term projects but the focus what can be done in the meantime that makes 10 years for different parts of site and another key thing is transit route that serve the sites the the course of this trial e p moving forward
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has helped to expand expand the service and increase the frequency and the long term project audio tape missouri street, however challenges getting across the site for the amenities to expand the mission district like the general hospital and part find that is caused by the discontinuation of the court there were a lot of tafdz take into account and bus service was removed how are there other ways to expand supplement and muni has worked on the 10 and other ways to expand supplement that service so the project promoted a couple of concepts the first the pedestrian lighting project on the backside of the potrero hill
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that will disconnect it along the path for the children cutting through and the walking school bus and to expand preserve the staircase when implemented as part of the long-range project the next set of improvements are exciting their traffic calming and traffic signal nanlts they take intersections like this one here 25th and dakota is north intersection that's not well defined and using not infrastructure materials but sort of close off the intersection so for a shorter crossing and beautification like transit amenities so if you look here's a slightly better view use the materials such a man harvey rose holes that go into the ground with sewer work and boulders and
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planter that can go on this this is a visualization of it in the future the created space for the bus shelter one of the standard muni shelters what is exciting using the infrastructure treatment that is something successful can be replicated throughout the city so putting in other transit things done more quickly at a lower cost another set of visualizations and this is trying and connecticut street another intersection that again will use the temporary transit mold as you can see this is one of the fun things to expand work with the community on the design and the elementary is a mandarin school this is a preschooler
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preschool brown have a chinese new year sort of thing to expand do some the detailed designs that again da can be themed by intersections 5 intersection in total final concept that was explored the community shuttle this is again to expand help to expand supplement the service to get people across the site forward scombrt and bart to expand amenity people want to expand get to expand we looked at route and expand of service and come up with the cost the identification of the funding services and there's a hard place for the dollars to expand come by we look at private services in terms of how to expand supplement that. >> and this is a picture i want to expand speak if a personal note this was a rewarding project to expand work on a
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great community partner the landscape architect we worked with bridge housing the partner that was meeting the rebuild project and got great compute people are happy to see the intersection movements memento improvement the planning department through the parks to expand prachlt program you'll see prop k we've fully funded the project through the lifetime transportation to expand supplement or to expand make up the majority of that funding plan that is the kind of thing that can be implemented it is early 2016 and the advantage of using the low cost improvements that don't need a catch by an and the park is on the funding
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cycle with the impact fees so part of rec and park they have the funding so that project will also moderate and hopefully implemented in 2016 and the bridge housing and communicated will refine that prompt and seek out fund with that i'll be happy to answer any questions i know there are a couple of people here from the community that want to speak and representatives from mta. >> thank you supervisor christensen. >> i just wanted to say i not my district but i worked very near that site and walked frequently in the area and have a small comment i notice when i sgribd this area typography is mercy housing i see it is difficult for people no familiar with the area to expand
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understand the role that the extreme tape grateful plays in transit and the paths that people go on the other question about long term maintenance of this i know for example castro street a similar kind of project paint was used as a high visibility location i know we've struggled for example discovering the day from a press conference the power washing effects the pavement in the community engages in long term participation in keeping this in good order obviously this can be wonderful or terrible depending on how it's cared for . >> it is a good question making sure we have the mroibz fund for those those great improvements one the prerestricts to expand enter the pavement to expand
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parks you have a dedicated funding stream so bridge housing has a contract with the parks alliance they run the parks program they'll extend that contract to expand make sure there is regular evens maintenance and picking up trash that's a key piece one of the things that is sited as the rebuild potrero hill project comes through those can be put in different areas not only cycle the pieces that can be used in part of city and i want to expand compliment that wonderful plan improvements to the neighborhood i'll be interested in the shuttle that's an idea i've been common core to expand create better assess points to expand certain transportation hubs for our neighborhood so thank you for all your work on this and given
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no other questions or comments i'd like to see if there are members of the public that want to speak on item 5. >> so on the potrero hill neighborhood transportation. >> please make our comments about the potrero hill. >> potrero hill just like chinatown for the people of value no help you try everyday if you try me from potrero hill i just see what will happy no hope no hope with them i try to expand talk with them everyday. >> thank you next members of the public please. >> good morning, commissioners i'm the rebuild potrero hill director thank you so much for letting us speak thank you, michael in the mta for the planning and design for the pedestrian improvements as you
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know bridging bridge housing will rebuild potrero hill this is a long process at least 10 years in the meantime we need the interim projects to expand have a visible change on site this improvement process is key to expand having residency see visible change rather than waiting for the 10 year police i want to expand talk about a nonprofit that we're working on site called the healthy generation we've worked closely to develop the walking school bus they walk 50 kids to the to expand elements daniel webster and stair king as you can imagine with the star typography and cars any member of the public wish to speak on any item up and down the street it is difficult challenging we have three or four business con directing your attention that are walking the kids from that short distance from their homes
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to expand school he look forward to expand the disaster being shortened for a shorter distance to walk an gambling elements that will engage the kids and also the new riding on the paths behind the rec centers it is dark and hard to see that will benefit them as well as the other families and individuals that use that walkway so we hope you are in favor of this and approve it. >> thank you, thank you very much any other members of the public. >> i apologize he want to see we look forward to working with the planning department to expand move us in addition feedback from the community and the final improvements thank you. >> thank you. >> hi i actually am a community
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voter and work for bridge housing but more importantly i'm a residents from potrero hill i want everyone in the room and everyone watching to expand actually go out of the box and imagine a group of seniors and their black chinese, spanish, scott sanchez and italian and greek and add some that are what caners and some in wheelchairs and some on canes from that imagine that group has to expand walk from 6 to expand market street to expand all the way here with no bus add in the hate street hill they have to expand go up to expand get to expand city hall it's a how they get
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get from the ann annex side to the potrero hill with the route even though it is not the shuttle to expand do that route it is impervious and keep that same group of people in our mind and imagine they're standing at the bus stop and it's 90 degrees outside and their sweating no shelter now imagine that is really freezing cold and pouring down rain and standing at the bus stop with no shelter now imagine their people are your mom's you are grandmothers and grandfathers that's the same way as the people up the potrero hill so i want you to expand imagine that it is difficult for the seniors to expand get from one side to expand another not one bus stop on potrero hill no
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shelter and there's no place for the seniors to expand be able to expand sit down and rest they have a lady that comes and her feet are swollen and other lady this sets on the steps of the housing authority she has the luxury of going if 19 but imagine on the front side of the parks it is lit up and losing looks at beautiful because the other side of the park is homes and the other side is dark no bus people get off the bus on the does it is pretty and once you get to the connecticut side to expand that straight away the lighting stops for the housing stops where the human beings live there people walker in the dark with their kids and walkers
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and crutches this side is important for you to approve that transportation grant and the one next month for prop k imagine you if you want your family to expand walk through here. >> thank you is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak on item 5 sir, you spoke public comment is closed. >> so same house, same call? >> item 6 and recommended the approval the 2015-2016 transportation fund for clean air with projects this is an action item and mike picking for the record from the mta. >> good morning, mike picking for the record for the clean air seeks to expand improve the air quality the fund come from a
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surcharge that hands over 40 percent of the fund to the county level including the transportation authority and in 2015-2016 we have money that is from applications totally $8.5 million and decisions to expand make of what to remedy the air district for the cost effectiveness threshold they have to expand prioritize the applications out board expenditure is product types in applications this year intre 6 applications recommending 5 zero emissions for non-vehicle applications and two shuttle applications we work closely with the sponsors on recommendations and briefly go
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through the projects. >> and the realm of transportation demand management new targeting for the residents explaining non-car transportation option before the patterns are set and in the project in portland it was successful by 10 percent and the emergency ride home presents a sense of security for people and this year as an added feature allowing the individuals directly not just through their employer short time bicycle parking adds racks that are asking for additional racks and the professional is 74 percent of sfmta requests we didn't have the capacity to expand fully fund all the applications 8th and parkway about help with the
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facilities along 8 street for lessen the conflicts between cars and bike and install a green paint bicycle lanes to expand continue left. >> for shuttle projects we received to expand applications from the department of public health snlz sflz folks have to expand get to expand work earlier we're not recommending fund for a larger application that did you want because of the amount of funds but like to expand work with department of public health if they choose to expand submit
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an application for a regional t c a fund that will be a call for projects later in the summer with that, i can take any questions. >> thank you very much for your pressing presentation colleagues questions or comments seeing none, we'll open up item 6 for public comment. >> again, please comment on the item and san francisco general hospital i've been there dear hospital shuttle bought you know how many people can share to the hospital by bart unusually none of us not even taxicab but ambulance. >> is there any additional public comment seeing none, public comment is closed and colleagues, same house, same call? ? without objection the item is