tv [untitled] June 16, 2015 11:30am-12:01pm PDT
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mit an application for a regional t c a fund that will be a call for projects later in the summer with that, i can take any questions. >> thank you very much for your pressing presentation colleagues questions or comments seeing none, we'll open up item 6 for public comment. >> again, please comment on the item and san francisco general hospital i've been there dear hospital shuttle bought you know how many people can share to the hospital by bart unusually none of us not even taxicab but ambulance. >> is there any additional public comment seeing none, public comment is closed and colleagues, same house, same call? ? without objection the item is adapted
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item 7. >> item 7 bay area bike share an informational item. >> thank you. we have doug sore maria first but for context i recognize that supervisor breed as wanted a - to expand help us significantly expand i wouldn't say anything else but introduce doug from the transportation authority a introduce his presentation. >> good morning, commissioners thank you, very much for the nights to expand brief you on the term sheet to expand expand the bike share system by tenfold exhausted by the commission last month i think we only have a term sheet i think of kind of
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the general framework of future agreement that will be crafted just in general as you all know bike share is a docking system that's ideal for short trips especially strong in san francisco given a great number of designations as well as frequent travelers and visits visitors that avail themselves of the back share system we're in the admitted of what wear calling a pilot as you can see from the m t c and the current manager the bay area air quality agent and near 70 bikes located in san francisco san jose and 3 cities on the
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peninsula. >> in the first 18 months the 17 hundred bikes generated 17 hundred trips and surprisingly to others 90 percent of the trips were in the city they have been plans to expand expand the number of bikes but unfortunately we'll attach on that in a second we're not able to get there i have interest in terms of travel and transportation impacts we see that 12 percent of all the trips were shift folks directly from single occupancy car trips with that said we have a good ways to expand go to expand reach the performs standard in other global and u.s. cities in terms of bicycle trips for bike share but a number of bikes on
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the peninsula are forming particular at a lower standard than expect and hoped for in 2014 there were a number of actions that m t c and cities were under talking to begin the expansion of new dollars and new cities were identified when we were looking at the expansion of over 2 hundred bikes expansion working with the staff to expand develop a new expansion plan at the same time we've seen a great deal of change for any of i following the bike share it is certainly for a relatively short industry gone through a fair amount of change one the of
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biggest changes the development of a private sponsoring to expand run bikes in new york city offering 12 thousand bikes at no cost but the unfortunate bankrupts of the bike suppliers in the bay system we're still at 17 hundred bikes as well as the sale of the owner of that bike system to expand a company called mate the company currently managing all the largest bike share systems over the last couple of most m t c works through public venues to expand talk about the proposal and to expand talk about how it effects the exciting city your fellow board of supervisors supervisor mar and supervisor avalos have heard about this at
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the air desecrated and supervisor campos and supervisor wiener are participated in multiple meeting at m t c as well so the agreement that is in place to see the system grow from 17 bikes to expand 7 thousand bridges and zero cost to the taxpayer and as you can see the bracket you can see a great number of bikes moving towards san francisco that is the fact that san francisco is a strong trip generateder and the further expansion and investment in the number of bikes the other thing that is appeal about the proposal that came forward from the proposal was to expand quickly expand the system at scale one of the pubically
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funded bikes is moving a great number of bikes through the process to roll them out at scale 10 three or four years for folks to expand get to expand two or three thousand bikes. >> everyone is also interested in proper we're still at the beginning stages of developing contracts but 5 main areas in which the performance will be genocide one on rebalancing making sure the bikes are adequately divided between the stations and overall station performance and xhifrz a few to expand identify to expand
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make sure their compensated as well as the ability to expand declare default if their consistently in material breach in exchange for the 7 thousand bikes they'll own the bike share equipment obviously the mechanism they've used and identified in other market to expand rapidly scale up the projects the current term is tenures because if they're not able to make their delivering the term a shorthand to expand 5 years with to expand year extension opportunity this is a big region hundred of other cities that are really interested in bike share we've identified a small pool of money
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in order for additional cities to expand participate in the bike share system as well as those cities that are in the bike share system or in the system for the throw the private investment agreements another important part of the proposal is the attention to expand low income l e p community of interest to expand us there is currently a pilot going on in 57 cities in the country that are - their specifically looking at to expand increase they're sharing of bicycle share in the low income community that proposal sets forward a 16 percent discount for a bike share membership as well as a $5 monthly installment 20 percent of bikes to be located in
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community of concern which is a citizen cuss the mta oozed used to identify and to expand identify those locations as well m t c mate motivate to expand make sure they are through the various community partners as i mentioned there was a pool of money set aside say you minimal a great deal of interest not only in the existing bike share decided in the peninsula but in the region one of the important distinctions is the fact that the motivate bike share system is conditioned to be used at scale and up think many of the suburban
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jurisdictions that are interested in bike sharing is not an appropriate investment for the technology as far as ada is concerned we're committed to expand meet all the 88 requirement for the program. >> the last or one of the last slides i'll share was for our board was an eye opener a rough estimation roughly $60 million over a 10 year period in converges with the fact we didn't have a source of funding to expand operate the system going forward in the event we have a financed mechanism due to expand changes in the fund we'll be using and the other thing the
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fact there is a scarce amount of pedestrian and bicycle fund in the region this is a great opportunity to expand steer those dollars towards other needy bicycle and pedestrian needs throughout the region. >> in terms of where we're al at we're in the middle of a progress to expand wind down the 2017 pilot that was used by the air district like i said we're in the first stands still of ironing out the agreement to expand motivate some of the special districts that we'll have to expand work with permitting on and then working with the cities specifically on permitting and advertising and community outreach that will really for us an ongoing effort. >> with that i'll be happy to
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answer any questions thanks for the chance to expand present. >> thank you very much for the presentation colleagues mr. reid. >> thank you i appreciate the presentation i wanted to ask a couple of questions he have had people express concern this specifically the clarity around the cost of using the bikes i was wondering any plans to expand make changes so this is people are clear in terms of what they will be paying by using this service. >> it was my oversight not introducing the candice of the system is here i might suggest if i want candice can speak to expand that that is a well project the way in which the system is presented alongside
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the short time period is free then if you don't dock the bicycles the fees go up this is to expand educate any and all users. >> wouldn't it be easy to expand post it. >> mined that's a - there are materials that are already listed on the docks they're being revised. >> okay. the information that is posted now is confusing you plan to expand make changes to expand that in order to expand make it clear to the public. >> that's right i've heard from my family members they've gotten coming out caught up. >> do you know how long that is going to take. >> candice. >> if you could identify yourself. >> i'm candice the general council a couple of things one is that we went through a process almost
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a year ago redesigning the decal to expand make it more clear after ref compliments to expand 0 convey what did cost. >> excuse me, sir thank you. >> sewer sure. >> we're in the process of reviewing a new design i received the new one this morning one thing. >> do you have any idea when you think it might change the new signs are posted. >> we have a meeting this afternoon to expand talk about it. >> but do you have an estimated t. >> not at the moment i'll come back. >> that will obtain helpful that is one of the issues other concern i wanted to
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address is its my understanding that, of course the service that primarily focuses on local residence people that mostly live and work in san francisco to expand get around as an alternative means to expand transportation i think they have been concerns that this program didn't exist in the outer parts of city was wondering i know that i recently saw that there was a survey put out that asks people to expand complete a survey to expand request the service or provide information a to expand whether or not they'll use the service so i wanted to expand make sure that the outreach efforts to find out if members in the uttering parts of the city to expand whether or
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not they'll use the service more than just an electronic makes sense but to expand outreach to expand the outer parts of city. >> yeah. i think you're referring to expand motivate launched a website where would you like the next station essential one of the things we're working with the municipal transportation agency staff is the issue how to expand do the community outreach obviously mta does very good outreach and knows the community-based organizations they need to be talking with in order to expand identify those locations i mean this is a process that will occur over the next 18 months. >> the last concern i have about the program is the use of the tourists that use the
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service and the concern about safety, the concern having someone who is able to articulate to expand people who are visit san francisco some of the challenges i think that there's a problem sometimes because there often there's a lot of confusion a lot of uncertainty from someone that is from san francisco works and lives here there's more confidence versus someone as a tourist they'll jump on the bikes to expand understand san francisco and get around difference i guess between this service for tourists and bike programs that focus on tourists is that they usually have people and those people have the ability to expand go over safety
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issues and maps and provide information that is useful to help avoid challenges that exist when i have people not familiar with the landscape i was wondering any plans to expand do a better job at figuring out a way to expand address the tourists population that use the service. >> i don't know if candice wants to expand speak to expand this we'll benefit from motivates indirect relationship for example new york that deals with tourist much of the decalls applies here they'll not be staffed like the rental businesses that's not their intent but i recognize it is very important for the system to expand convey to expand all users how long they're going to
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be using it lounge the capacity and what it can and can't do they're working on the map panels that will be going up as a the system expands people uses the speech i've or the availability to expand bike lanes so bicyclists can match the skills. >> i guess my biggest concern this is not the kind of program that is designed to support tourists i would just you know push back on the plans to expand make it the kind of program that does unless you plan to provide an onsite attendant for people unfamiliar. >> thank you, colleagues questions or comments i'll echo some of what supervisor breed said and looking forward to the
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offline part i know this communication about continue is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak on item 7. >> bicycle berkley arrest this morning i heard on the broadcast 5 uc berkley it's time we need to expand initial listed our sifted cultural for americans because in time we move on we can't disregard what is happening on the trend are people having to expand make decisions engage in the activities parkway and
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influencing the social worlds of other people believe me certain individuals of a higher high precision imbalance if as superiority for people caused lots of competition against them. >> thank you sir, i think we're steering away from our bicycle conversation >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> good afternoon, supervisors i live two blocks off of market one thing i constantly see i support clean air and bicyclists and stuff like this and bike paths around the city one thing i'd like for us to also remember is one day
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it will be a bicycle only city hopefully, but what happens show you we have to pay for the painting of the bicycle lanes and all the other stuff by vehicles we get federal grant and stuff like this i know we have to expand keep in mind the bicyclists will have to pay their fair share i know that's a bad thing to say right now about it will happen one day we should perp everyday bicyclists to say when you get our id it would be great if you sign up and pay a small fee until you get your id. >> is there any additional public comment seeing none, public comment is closed item 7 that was an informational item let's call item 8.
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>> the plan bay area this is an informational item. >> we have amber here. >> so today, i'm going to expand go through an of felt regional transportation plan that kicked off a bag and then provide more detail about the projects we've issued just last months so the regional transportation plan for the strategy is a blue print for transportation and ludicrously not only for san francisco but the entire bay area and provides the rooechlg strategy to expand meet the green house gas emissions reduction goals it has the job allocation how much money wore expecting over the life of the plan and for future investment for the transit corridor
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capacity challenge grant and the call for projects we've been talking the essentially all the project that and that seeking funding or being implemented before 2040 and those are the 5 target areas that were adopted in 2014 each the elements and the total packages were evaluated in the plan bay area this is be complicated but it is the nature of our inputs to the bay area as you can see the center is the extra san francisco transportation plan it was adapted in 2013 and feeding into the san francisco transportation plan a various number of city efforts going on in ongoing city efforts so everything touches the inputs in the bay area
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so the 2013 back and forth i'll quickly go over the things we gained in san francisco the first is 7 of the top 13 highest project manager projects were in san francisco a project by project we're doing well, for the use of transit system and united states community regional soft start funding priorities this is one the steps towards getting the promotions in line for ref federal fund and the one bay area grant program that brought $40 million for the transportation projects that linked to expand housing an amount of planning for the priority areas and the creation of the transit performance initiative that is a regional competitive program and to expand transit operators program that sfmta has take advantage
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and it raised awareness of the lack of funding for transit rehabilitation and maintenance? something plan bay area was not able to achieve hundred percent of its needs and it's an area of great interest thought commissioners and finally a for example for future advocacy when the sfmta move forward with their framework for cap & trade to expand this is the effort we've embarked is adapting the region transportation plan in 2017 and m t c has an update the plan areas was a region transportation plan that was going to expand make modest changes to the existing plan as well as incorporate subject areas that bay area was not able to address like the documentation and economic prosperity
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i know this is hard to expand read a timeline this is put together the most relevant the call for projects that kicked off in may and through october or november wore working to expand comical the projects those projects will be evaluated and m t c comes up with a list of projects to expand include in the preferred somewhere by june of 2016-2017 and adopted in 2017 after review moving into the area to expand make sure that the existing practice writing these projects are funded and seeking funded for new initiatives we want to expand increase the share for the funding that closer to expand meeting both for local streets and roads and transit we want to see investment in the san francisco initiative like vision zero is one of the ones that
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come down to expand mind first of all as well as the freeway corridor management we want to see the 2025 for a new bridge toll and regional gas tax and you mean bart measure and incorporate some of the policy objectives as a city seeing stronger language with the displacement policy and establishing the regional freeway management program in may we released a call for promotions so for the san francisco as the congestion management area agency we're charged with the bay area plan area and we'll have the solicit- they'll be assign the target m t
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c to the individual projects and looking as we evaluate those looking at project readness where the project came from and is it constant with the transportation and ludicrously goals for san francisco starting point had been the existing plan bay area and the transportation plan and we'll also for new projects that are nominated by the members of the public we'll be looking office of the city administrator those to the same framework through the call what we are looking for those big promotions increasing the capacity in the and were is migrant for federal offhand need to be in the program but of interest to the mubdz traffic calming those and those will be bundled and in the plan
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