tv [untitled] June 16, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT
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fascists and answered anti-semitic country. 17 years ago the united states [inaudible] 500 women and jewish children by joseph kennedy who told jewish people came [inaudible] want to immigrate to the united states to avoid the hitler concentration camps. and auschwitz death chamber. joseph kennedy told them no one jewish person will come to the united states. [inaudible] in all 500 women and children went to auschwitz concentration camp
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in the gas chamber they disappeared. it is another side of the story. the rabbi who came to joseph kennedy who is very good, best friend of hitler and mask kennedy to allow jewish people to come to the united states to avoid the gas chamber. he said, no. then they told him, that he will be punished by god and his sons and grandsons will be killed by god. this is what has happened. [inaudible] were doing unbelievable [inaudible]
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>> thank you very much. next there, please. >> michael charles. the following city agencies starting with a prior commission, the sunshine ordinance task force san francisco housing authority, and the human rights commission are for agencies that would like to have their meetings aired on tv. unfortunately, this city hall is not wired for hearing all of the meetings. osha's upstairs at the sunshine ordinance task force in room 408, which is also the housing authority needs. that room is not wired so that sfgtv can air their meetings that take place there that they cannot hear
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them on tv so there is less sunshine of these four. board and commissions. very disappointed but as far as i know, there is no effort to increase money for sunshine in the budget this year to wire every meeting room in this building so that the fire commission, human rights commission, and sunshine ordinance task force that their meetings could air on tv. now, it is year 2015. i was under the impression that we had already allocated funds to make every hearing room wired. why is it i am here today saying, hey, we need some real transparency and accountability of those commissions, but unfortunately this board has not allocated the funds to install cameras and also get enough staff and sfgtv so that those meetings could be aired on television? in july the fire commission will be moving from their headquarters here at
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city hall and unfortunately, there is no room that they can get to air those meetings. discomfort for full sunshine >> thank you. your time is up. next speaker, please. >> my name is emile margolis. marissa in district 1. an organizer for ewald working to reform the commercial side of proposition 13. i am here today to thank you for your leadership on this critical issue. just about a year ago you passed a resolution calling for this reform. as a result of your efforts 109 other school boards and city councils have followed suit. there is now over 700 elected officials in california calling for large commercial property owners to pay their fair share of property taxes. so, thank you again and please do support sca
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five which is the first is a piece of legislation ever introduced in 37 years to close fully the commercial property tax loophole. here in california. so, special thanks to supervisor cohen for sponsoring the legislation. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> [inaudible] pied piper of virtue. [inaudible]
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>> thank you. next speaker, please >> good afternoon. i am calling to announce from -- in sonoma county do you recognize this? u.s. constitution. she remember to uphold and defend this.? i did. i ran for office challenging einstein not because i want to be a politician but i want to authentically to send and uphold the constitution. did you know that the end of the bush administration us
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conference of mayors said congress is not listening. we got potholes all kinds of other problems unfunded liabilities and pensions. this war in afghanistan and iraq is taken a lot of our budget and by the way which would get we have to service as was money we do not have. so the u.s. constitution the mayor said later they are troops out of iraq and afghanistan. so we sort of did. except that we did not change the unconstitutional use of force. it happened in october of 2002. public law 107243, that is what this us conference of mayors need to talk about. so i want to encourage you to do this. you are a member. talk to your mate about this. public law 102743 says that the armed forces of the us president can be used to usher if you want to
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present you have to change the law anyway. we might so make it constitutional. we can afford it. it will also make less of a [inaudible] who do serve one is not [inaudible] of choice. so i contacted supervisor breed's office to discuss the international [inaudible] september 1 is first-ever one-day cease-fire on the books . it suffered no poll did. so >> thank you. next he could, please. >> good afternoon supervisors. name is barry hermanson. i am a member of the physicians for nothing of national healthcare also single-payer now. i am not a physician and we were going to have a couple of physicians come actually make comments
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today, but you folks are moving on -- so i called him to say they would not be here in time. i am here to speak in favor of the resolution that is in front of you shortly. item number 45. it is a resolution to supporting the national day of action for medicare.. 50th birthday and i will take place on july 30 in oakland that finkel and donnell plaza. beginning at 11 am sylvia rowley and speakers at noon. this is a very very important resolution. i am glad for many of the improvements in healthcare that obama care does offer us. particularly, in terms of the dramatic expansion of medicaid and medi-cal. to serving those who are the poorest among us. even with full implementation of obama care delete tens of millions of
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people who will be without healthcare in this country. we continue to pay about double or more than double, of what every other industrialized country pays for healthcare mba poor healthcare outcomes. so, i am here just to say please pass this. i think supervisor wiener for introducing this and for supervisor -- and campos step before to cosponsor the rest of you will as well. thank you. >> thank you.. next speaker, please >> hello i am -- [inaudible] a
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supervisor meeting in honor of commissioner leroy cain >> already done mr. james >> thanks for a much. the other thing i am bringing seeing none, letters coming from the community asking for three people to be selected on the oci i cedric jackson bridget leblanc, derek tolliver their resumes and what have you be coming for. i would ask a would support that did it long histories with -- and western mission and also i would like to -- the mayor to support them also. keep up the good. >> thank you, mr. james. >> listener, first of all i recommend supervisor campos. i
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have to commend him this week congress has been doing our job. okay well it is happening the mayors commend for solomon do this my name is a cinnamon on this case. suppose people it is no mystery. just check black history. what is going down? in this town? only go to another segment. we work together [inaudible]. i want to
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am here to talk about proposition 43. supporting immediately of [inaudible], citizen in the united states but other than san francisco my children go to school year but i am of venezuelan origin. my brother has been in prison since february of last year, 15 months. for sedition. is called for peaceful protest, denouncing the government of -- for corruption persecution, repression and censorship. he has -- that peaceful protests for mostly students. he is being tried right now using subliminal message -- he has been in the hunger strike since
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may 24. he has been 24 days in a hunger strike over 100 people joined demanding the liberation of all political prisoners, the end of this position persecution these thousand of parliamentary election state. the resolution before use important because it represents support by the international community. to respect universal human rights are not being violated in venezuela. -- has been supported and asked for public feedback that president obama. it is received bipartisan support and u.s. congress. the high commissioner of the united nations has called for his liberation. the arbitration detentions committee of the united nations is also asked for his liberation. command parliaments and over 50 ex presidents of it western hemisphere. i have a responsibility to push forth his brightness. please support this proposition. angry
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>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> hello my name is -- i am also warning that venezuela. i can hear -- i love you i come here because it is the only way for me to do any support for the injustice that are being done in his bailout. it went to world knows as much possible the only thing i can do from here is signed petitions they been the different organizations to support his liberation. there is over 93 people right now joining him on a hunger streak. they are asking for liberation of political prisoners, many of them within unjustly arrested. and to support freedom of speech.
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thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> tom gilbert t anderson the president is coming this week to raise some money for the wealthy people down in the peninsula, the same people walking their third check from caltrans create a bottleneck for transit. the bay area deserves the best transit in the country. he is raising money. will he share it with the loc and democrats that are proposed his tpp? signpost of our modern times corp. corporate lobbies writing rules
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to protect profits. complete the secret from the people that we send to washington. so why do we even bother to sending to washington? global economy equals corporate economy, and the corporate economy owns the government. in the week i news a rarity. in addiction, 2001 and in the city got evicted, 1.4 money dollar executive paid per piece of property. if renters get appreciated at the point-of-sale i recommend for every five years living in a house you get 3% of the price. that woman would have got one
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and $60,000. that would have given her some time to move and some places to move. the owner would have got 1.23 dollars. it is time for the social change to happen. thank you. >> thank you premise. other any other members of the public would like to provide public comment at this time? seeing none, public ominous post >>[gavel] >> member can you please read the committee items for adoption without committee reference >> yes. items 42-47 are being considered for immediate adoption without committee reference. single rollcall vote may not these items. the member objects and item may be removed and consider separately. >> supervisor wiener to ship items 45 and 47 >> 45 and 47. supervisor fell >> 43 and 44. >> okay. supervisor avalos
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>> is that all the items? >> that has all the items. >> there is the matter of item 46 which is not been called by anyone. >> for item 46. >> item 40 2002 support senate bill braithwaite end-of-life option offered by senators rose walt and -- which would extend the end-of-life option in california. >> supervisor avalos. >> first off i would like to thank my colleagues are we not encompass for supporting this resolution. which is in support of senate bill 128. i also want to thank amanda jacobson and connie -- were here as well and working tirelessly to see that
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this bill passes. the senate bill also was the result of years and years of effort to see we could actually provide people who are terminally ill with a peaceful passage to the next life. often people of the ability to do it as we seen in oregon and california where there is legislation enables people to have an end-of-life option, they are given the ability to do that mercy gratification, to bring about a peaceful death and actually choose not to take it. so, we know that providing this pallet of release does provide people with a real sense of comfort knowing that they can actually believe their suffering if they
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choose to do so. it also allows families to be will to come together and celebrate the lives of people have lived. colleagues for mileage of your support on this measure and i think my colleagues again further cosponsorship. >> madam clerk, can you please call the roll call >> item 42, supervisor tang aye, wiener aye yee aye avalos aye, breed aye campos aye, questions and aye, cohen aye farrell aye kim aye, aye aye dara leben aye >> this resolution is adopted unanimously, >> madam clerk vehicle item 43 >> item 43 israelis should to support media release of the venezuelan opposition leader -- who was illegally imprisoned in
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an attempt to silence dissent and free speech if ever 2014. >> supervisor carol >> [inaudible] >> he wants to send the item to committee the item will go to committee. >> madam clerk. please call item number 44 >> .4 is a relation to declare july 2 mike fogarty gate in the city county of san francisco. >> supervisor fell >> polys, want to declare july 2, 2015 mike fogarty gate in the city of san francisco. mike is one of the rare amazing breeds to left our cities better neighborhood bartender for 40 years district 2. he first went over my family sorry mike father drinks in the early 70s. before i was born and he continues today at the balboa café. i went to high school with his son in 20 wedges in
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the neighborhood that i think is a rare breed. his turned 70. this gritty neighborhood celebration to want to do this to honor him a true legend. goods industry to answer for my family. so if you commend him on his 78th birthday. (support on this one. >> collies, tickets item? cohen is item same house and call. without objection this resolution was adopted unanimously >>[gavel] >> madam clerk please call the next item to ship item 45 resolution to support national day of action for medicare 50th birthday on july 30, 2015. >> supervisor wiener >> this resolution will we affirm our strong support for medicare on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the program. this is been medicare is a program that is with to summary people out of poverty and insured millions and millions of people access to healthcare.
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it is also a great example of the government program that works very well in tubes of having very low administrative costs, 2%, which is less than 40% we see in the private sector. we also know that continual efforts to undermine medicare with by privatizing it order raising the eligibility age, or other efforts to really undermine it is one of the most successful and important government programs in american history. so is one of the on record in support of medicare and medical train 50 rally which will be held in oakland on july 30. >> thank you. colleagues,, this item same house and call. without objection this adopted unanimously >>[gavel] >> item number 46 emotion to
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schedule the board of supervisors to convene a committee is all on june 23. 3 pm. told public hearing on resolution approving report assessment cost public works for inspection and/or repair blighted property to the sorted sidewalk abatement program. which we already did >> which we audited, tickets item same house and call. without objection this motion is approved it unanimously >>[gavel] >>[gavel] >> item 47 >> item 47 a motion to approve the final map 80055 residential units condominium project. 135 when of east ave., west. >> supervisor wiener >> i moved to continue item 47 one week >> supervisor wiener made a motion to continue item 47 to the meeting of june 23 2015. second by supervisor christiansen. colleagues,, this without objection.. without objection this is continued to next weeks meeting >> madam clerk can you please read -- is there any other
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>> can you please read the enema >> today's meeting will be adjourned and on behalf of supervisor wiener this is vicki rosen. at the request of pres. reid and supervisor cohen on behalf of former commissioner leroy cain and mr. james jerome.. supervisor campos, the late mrs. karen huggins. >> thank you. is there any other business before us today >> that concludes our business for today matter present >> thank you everybody. we are adjourned. >>[gavel]
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