tv [untitled] June 17, 2015 10:30am-11:01am PDT
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that is a daily activity and it is not something that we can just do once a year and expect them to be able to comply with the law. >> i will be happy to answer any questions that you may have. >> i am just curious, i mean, i know that the name of the position, --. >> i guess that it was the 1842. >> what exactly is that called? >> do you know? >> i believe that it is management assistance, and the title that we use is language service specialists so in the original request there were five positions three for language access, and in two for the deferred action requirements that we are now, that are now under our office. >> okay. >> and that is helpful thank you. >> i have one more question.
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in regard to the minimum wage now that we have the, and our new requirements for the minimum wages and i assume that we need more staffing to look at, whether the people are actually, meeting those minimum wages or not. and >> so the additional provisions in the budget are the positions not only that we, not only that were recommended by the office of labor standards and enforcement but there were additional provisions that we talked to not only with the wage that is the task force but also with progressive alliance
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and we believe that is the positions are enough to believe to enforce the ordinance that are proposed in the budget. >> thank you very much. >> supervisor mar >> thank you, i appreciate how many different types of departments that you have to juggle and like supervisor lee, i am appreciative for the languages and the immigration community engagement office. and also, that the number of position haves been approved but i know that the partnershipwise the community based organizations have been critical in insuring that proper out reach with cultural sensitivity is done, and the existing staff and community based organizations and i
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wanted to just say that today, and through this budget process i am going to do my best to be focusing on equity in different departments. and i know that quite a few of your documents really have great programs from technology on digital inclusion and i guess having a little bit more specifics on how our and the gsa, budget for technology includes effort to reach out to the low income communities and isolated seniors and the staff of the family that don't have the high speed to the home but i am hoping to get more specifics on the equity and digital inclusion and i was also talking to supervisor breed about the neighborhood and there is an incease of $900,000 on top of the $2 million from the previous years and so the data like the district by district and the projects will be really
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helpful, and neighborhoods that don't have as much of an advocacy capacity, are considered in addition to the neighbors that are always asking for funds and so that information will be helpful. >> i did want to ask a question to miss pond about the new budget and i know that that is a large one with the labor council and the immigrant rights and sf island and the community coalition, but i was wondering how that fits into the budget. >> thank you supervisors, we have not asked for additional funds, and to do that except for the two positions for deferred action and those are critical and we are partnering with the san francisco labor council and for that system and we will probably be providing
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them with two interns this summer for the green, sf program. and however, we have not, i think that we can cover the expenses for working with them, through our existing grant program and i think that we, and it is critical that we have the two positions, for the deferred action because, although there is an injunction granted by the 6th district court in texas for the new expanded docket program and the newly established dofa program we cannot move forward with any registration for those programs, and the existing doca program which was established in 2012, by president obama is still in existence and, that is not affected, and we have a great number, the number of eligible has doubled in san francisco and we and our work is almost tripled in that area, we have a lot of youth in san francisco that have not applied and who are eligible and we
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have never had any staff to provide for those services. and so those are critical to moving forward with immigration. >> i think that as a u.s. conference of mayor to kevin johnson to the other mayers, and visiting san francisco they will be looking closely at the office of immigrant affairs and civil engagement i am sure for how we engage the immigrant and the language minority communities and thank you for the great department and the work. >> kate howard is going to respond. >> through the chair, the mayor's budget director and just to add one additional point to what director pond mentioned, the mayor's budget doesn't include funding within the office of mayor's office of community, and development and housing for the sfisland proposal, and so, the fund for immigrant and legal and education and the legal services and education and it was $300,000. >> and thank you. >> and i did see donna get up a
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moment ago and the director of law enforcement and i was wondering if she could address and do we have adequate staffing not only for the raising of the minimum wage but also the retail workers bill of rights and other policies as passed. >> thank you, supervisor. the mayor's budget includes three new positions and two, entry level investigators contract compliance officer position and to enforce both the minimum wage ordinance and the retail worker bill of rights. as well as an 1824, administrative analyst, and that is very much needed in our office. and this year. with, and our one analyst, and spent a lot of time on it, and administrative guidance for the phasing out of the health reimbursement arrangement
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provisions and the healthcare and security ordinance and now working on guidance for the retail worker bill of rights. and, you know, some important tasks just are not getting done and we did not issue an an annual report, and next year we will issue two years at once and simply the reporting on the healthcare reporting is not atrack and the sweat free monitoring contract and so we desperately need another analyst, and the mayor's budget will support that need. >> thank you. >> actually i did want to jump into the grants to the art but i know that breed has questions but i didn't want to take up all of the time. >> tang? >> thank you so much and along
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with my colleagues and suggest that supervisor mar and yee and that we are happy to see the additional staffing and i know that we had donna up here as well and i am glad that we are adding ftes and one of the things that i wanted to bring up is that in our work around human trafficking and a lot of the massage establishments that have been problematic and i hope that with the increased ftes that we can use some of the existing laws that we have on the books whether it is minimum wage to have it as a way to reach out to the potential victims of human trafficking that exists in our establishment and there is a way to figure out from the various departments, and also through olsb to tackle this very difficult issue from all of the angels and i am glad
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that there is increased staffing and i hope that can help that situation. over all, again, i am thrilled that we are going to be beefing up and strengthening the ways that we can help with the language access in our city. and especially preparing for the lifting of the injunction for the ex-expanded thank you. >> president breed? >> thank you. >> thank you, mrs. kelley for your presentation i just have a couple of questions specifically i know that supervisor mar mentioned, neighborhood beuticication and i am interested in receiving the data because traditionally it had received on an annual basis and $2 million and this is a significant increase and just to understand where the existing funding is distributed by the proposed new funding in detail could be helpful. >> and the other i guess that is a comment and not a question.
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>> he can provide that. >> great. >> short term rental and that money is going to come from where specifically? i'm assuming that maybe the anticipated hotel tax from the short term? >> this is general fund. >> the additional hotel tax will go to. >> okay. >> the reproductive services, their funding comes from other city departments. >> that is correct. >> which is why of the increase. >> because of the additional and they don't do additional work because the duments are asking them to print. and risk management why is it increasing. >> insurance premiums. >> 1.4 million. >> that is a huge increase.
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>> and also, how is that possible if the city is self-insured? >> do you want to come? >> all right. >> adam wynn my budget director. >> to answer your question supervisor, for insurance the increases are basically due to large claims that swre had in previous years and, we have things like accidents at asiana and other claims. >> so some of those and not just the lawsuits, but there is other s? >> and there are items or properties that we were required and that we are mandated to provide insurance includes such art collections that we have at mu aoe um and they are valuable. >> and we have to provide the insurance for that. >> thank you for that
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clarification and last but not least, i just wanted to understand a couple of things and i know that with the grants for the arts in particular, we have been working with the san francisco foundation to address the issue of equity and the concerns about how the funding is distributed and how the decisions are made and how the smaller institutions are clearly under represented in the distribution for the arts and we have what appears to be a 662,000 increase and i know $500,000 of that is from the mayor's additional 1.5 million over the next two years. >> 3 million total, but 1.5 for this physical year, and 1.5 for the next and one million will go to the cultural equity grants and 500,000 will go
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towards funding for grants for the arts and so, i was hoping that you could explain, and i'm assuming that the 1, and that the additional 162,000 is the --. >> that is correct. >> and i was hoping that you could explain how your office proposes to invest these additional funds it is my understanding that they have received the notices that specify an increase and i assume that they were made based on the cola and hoping that the decisions were not made just yet for the additional $500,000 that is proposed to increase the budget and i want to have understanding of what your plans are because i know that we have not developed a clear plan on how to address this issue around equity just yet and so with this additional
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funding, i would like to know what are your plans and this is approved? >> so p supervisor, you are correct, 743,000 increase, for the arts, and 500,000 is from the mayor phase and, and 163,000 for cola agreements for 15, 16 base. and what we have done in the last few years is send out professional awards notices. and the grants for the arts, funding has been so, and it has been it has been a big part of the arts, and the budgets but they have asked that and in order to, and they would be able to have better planning if they knew, right away, for a july 1, verses? september, or october, and
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sometimes, with the 500 enhancements that went to all small, and small, communities, and the small arts organizations and it was done, with a and if this is approved, and it was done with the advisory council and the grants for the art and it was open to the p public and we did include the people to have public comment there and we very much looking at an eye towards using the budget and the legislative analyst criteria to look for the minority women and lgbt, arts organizations but again, the process that we are working with is the san francisco foundation and we don't want to hold up the funding in the eight or five different points that we had with the productive hearing that you and supervisor mar held there is 8 different points where we are looking at
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elbility and how do we change it and have a more transparent and open thing of the advisory council meeting? how do we get the different panel members on and more with an eye towards the areas of ex-per, and the areas of concern that you are looking at on the grants for the arts advisory. >> can you provide us with a list of the grants for the art
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awardees and the specific dollar amount as well as separated out the additional $500,000 that was increased and where that funding was distributed to the grantees that is was distributed to? so if we could have that information, that would be great. >> okay. >> and last but not least, when the organizations are penized, for example, if they turn in documents late i think that is about a ten percent penalty what happens with those funds? >> all right, i will find out the answer to that and get back to you. >> i am hoping that that has happened, especially with the smaller institutions what you are proposing will be helpful for a lot of the smaller institutions but i am hoping that there is a possibility to
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make changes to that and i don't want to continue to see them penalized. >> supervisor mar. >> i wanted to follow up with president breeds question and echo a lot of what she said, and i think that over the past two years of the budget cycle, we have had this similar conversation but it is good that there are more resources this year but i think that the conversation was any new funding that comes in for grants for the arts will go towards neighborhood stabilization and equity for the smaller and mid sized arts group, and we had the discussions over what the prop two could bar us from doing and what it can't and i think that really looking at the displacement crisis and push out of the small arts group and artists from the city and it is really a crisis level, so the
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more money that could be allocated for the stabilization of neighborhood and arts organizations the better as we did the hearing that was the strong loud and clear message from artists and arts organizations across the board. and my understanding from the mayor's announcement for the money not only the cultural equity, was also the grants for the arts that any money will be donated to small and mid sized arts group and i see that there is a significant percentage going to the larger with the cola increase and i am wondering is that a contradiction in what we have been saying, i know that sam louder when he was a rep and now nicole has been really trying to engage more of the broader diverse arts, but there was an asked for increases for the larger groups and i am wondering if you could give us some quantification verses how large and the smaller groups.
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>> i think that the smaller and mid sized groups are getting and i don't have it in front of me. s in my, beedsing and i will get back to you, the smaller and the mid sized groups and the smaller groups did not get the increase and i don't have that dollar amount in front of me. >> but that would help to get that break down, i think as the budget analyst report shows over a 25-plus year period and i know that you are contesting some of the data but it looks like for some of the small groups to catch up it is going to take like over achieve real funding and equity, and i think that this increase of $500,000 to smaller and medium sized arts group is
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critical, my understanding is that there are 118 groups and about 49 or about 42 percent might be categorized from culturally specific or historically under served communities and could you make sure that we get the data so that we understand what the groups that are being considered as under served community groups because that will be helpful as and if the 118 groups funded is correct, and in what the data that i have. >> absolutely. >> my last question and i know that with the black well and the san francisco foundation and terri who was on the committee that they were working with a consultant to have a good process to look at and the best practices from other cities that might not have a separate arts commission and a separate grants for the arts but the best model and
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practices for achieving inclusion and cultural equity and do you think that the $500,000 to the under served communities is enough? i am just curious about that because i know that the mayor has allocate that had and do you think that is enough to achieve cultural equity. >> we understand that there is the mayor's office, and the fund and the trade offs that they need to work with, and but, over all, three million increased to, whether it is grants for the arts or the arts commission, and there is an overlay of many, and it is an increase to the arts community, where it has been stagnant for many years and so everyone is very excited about the 3 million dollar over the two year increase to the arts community. >> there is overlay, some of the grants for the arts, and the grantees are also cultural equity and so, you know, they
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will get probably funding from both organizations, but, we are definitely happy with the increase and i am sure that the arts organizations want more. >> thank you. >> colleagues if there are no other questions, mr. rose could you go to the report on the city administrator. >> yes, members of the committee on page 6 of our report our recommended reduction to the budget, 1 million, 660,141,? 1516, 1 million, ten are -- and savings and on, on the reductions would still allow an increase of $56,766246.
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>> and the recommended reductions, and in 16 and 17 and of that amount, 1 million, are ongoing safe ands 291,000 are one time savings and we were still working with the department as miss kelley has stated and we will report back to you next week on the final recommendations. >> thank you very much, colleagues any further questions for the department or the city administrator's budget. >> mr. rose? >> when i was asking about the interpretation and what was the name of the positions, and it was, adrian mentioned that it was, management or something. >> are you referring to a specific recommendation? >> it looks like it is
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specific, yeah. >> could you tell me the page? >> we requested management assistance. >> you are talking about page 10 and, i can go over that with you if you want. >> yeah. >> would you -- and because i am just curious how you are -- analyzing this. >> specifically, what we are stating supervisor yee and mr. chairman and on page 10 of our report we are recommending that you deny two new management assistance positions and the department has cited a new increase work load due to the deportation, and that is the
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item that you are refering to? >> unlawful immigrants and additional dream, sf fellow to supervisor. >> and with this actually several places but what i am concerned about is that, we would have enough of those to actually implement some of those potential and do, and holding and coming down the pipe. supervisor yee all of the recommendations are intended not to reduce the levels and we are still working with the department to understand the programs and when we report here next week that is our absolute. and that there is no service reduction whatsoever. >> thank you. >> okay. colleagues no other questions or comments, we are going to
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>> do you have any comments? >> anyone else wish to comment on item 6? >> comment is closed, colleagues could i have a motion to approve item number 6 and send it forward to the july 14th, full board of supervisor's meeting. >> so moved. >> motion by tang and second by weiner and we can take that without objection. >> and up next, the department of technology and mr. demino. >> good morning, supervisors and i am excited to be here
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today. i mean that because i think that there are a lot of good things that we can talk about today with regard to the progress made at the department of technology, and plans that we have to make meaningful continued change going forward. so first and foremost i want to highlight the fact that we have really fundamentally changed the way that we are talking about the technology and customer service. and within the department of technology. and we have made sure that that is permeated culturally throughout the staff and implemented an organization that is specifically supports, that effort. and we have said very publicly that we aspire to be the it provider of choice and which is just a way to say that we really want to earn the business from our client departments and so we want to be an it provider for those departments that they se
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