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tv   [untitled]    June 17, 2015 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT

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academies over the next 5 years arrest the new academies is socializing needs to prepare for the spike in retirements that is anticipated to come on the ems does the hyphen plan was modified to incorporate in the academy of 42 new hovers in the current fiscal year i have 40 but graduated 42 on one is the formation of the planning division the department emigrate criticism in long term efforts by the department i'll have to awe agree we can't forecast our growing city and be able to full our mention planning is a high priority and given the lack of administrative
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resources we've been forced to additional have been unsuccessful the planning sources the deputy director of policy and planning will head up that unit with support analysis on topic forces strategy planning and successor planning and policy and development and research next slide. >> the departments arson unit had it's levels reduced it ruled in workload and as well as decreased the staffing from two to one that educates safety issues and work-related issues its bureaucracy reduced to a low of 5 the department was appreciative last year being allocated two additional investigators that was added
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during the ad back process and worked out well, for us definitely into this rebuilding mode and this year, the mayor's office has added two investigators that binges our staff up to 90 we have two investigators working together every shift in the past two years given all the construction projects that have been coming down the pipeline it is restored the staff needs to be helped so the projects what precede we'll not be preserved as the bottleneck from the fire departments plan check review we've allocated additional staff to assist in the blag those positions i'm going to turn it over to are fund by foe revenue and don't represent an increase to the
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general fund but we're grateful for that. >> i just briefly wanted to touch a on a number of other go things to formalize the relationship with the department of public health for a health specialist to help with the osha to make sure the smern with working 24-hour to where we very in terms of employee health and safety the department was allocated resources for a uniform recruitment to improve the candidates to find jobs within the department i'm sure you're aware of with the depth department of hearsay i've not hired off that list but as far we think we can improve the applicant pool i'm committed to
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having a equivalence department i think all of you agree it is to be recollected in the city and proud of many members and background and cultures and the languages our departments speckle we want to continue by having money set aside for uniform folks into the community and represent our department makes sense and it will only increase accident dpifrlt of the single-family home folk we have furniture and furnishings and fixture which fund is not eligible to be used and also to fund to be having special event that most the superbowl to next year.
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>> ward to it equipment and allocation we have written here over the next couple of years we have reserve dedicated to improving the ems system in addition, we have equipment allocation for a few apparatus along with remaining allocations so we're focused on rebuilding primary with staffing also reversing some of the much needed staffing and resources we need more ems and really binging ourselves up to it i know all of you were surprised and supportive of our need to have more modern technology in the fire department and we're working closely with d t we still don't have live fire stations but we're committed we should have it citywide but
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probably sooner not just in other parts of community. >> supervisor wiener. >> thank you mr. chairman thank you for your presentation i know and i had an opportunity to walk through this presentation i know in the next few years not a lot of vehicles two engines and one truck in the next twon or fiscal years; is that right and correct. >> that's a literally small number in the overall size of the fleet. >> correct but we're taking deliver from the previous contracts of 6 engines 6 trucks we took delivery of 10 engines. >> right from the previous rfp or previous that's from on old - >> it is it is candidly this is not keeping with what we worked
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on but a step in the right direction. >> i'm proud of the department keeping it's fleet and making sure they're good and more than that and i'm supportive of investing in that one thing i know you talked about a number of occasions talk about u talked about not the size but the maneuver ability of the trucks for the budget analyst report i know there's been a dial with the department about that i want to make sure as we are we've heard fourth hand through the grapevine that future truck purposes make the truck possibly bigger and less maneuverable but as the city grows and putting
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aside street design issues that effect a small percentage the street the city is congested it is important for the trucks to be as maneuverable as possible understand you have operational issues can you address that. >> i know you asked for a response from our conversation legibly i met with our aid he's done phenomenon tag but didn't believe with respect to the 6 trucks are larger than previously ordered trucks we're mindful of the alleged population in the city the pedestrians and bicyclists and cars on the road having said that i know you get that we're looking always to make sure getting the most efficient
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vehicles to the ever changing and standards we need to meet so we're all working that's part of what we signed on when we agreed to the resolution collaborative with our police commission. >> we appreciate the fire department it's been working collaboratively with our departments and advocacy community and you're at the epic center of every time for emergency responder and ambulances for people injured on our street you guys see it all for the men and women of the fire department do everyday so keep our communities safe and i'm glad wore continuing in that dialog so thank you. >> thanks supervisor wiener. >> sorry supervisor yee.
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>> oh i'll wait for her e chief joanne hayes-white to finish they are presentation and this is your capital funding allocation over the next couple of years the department has a number of capital improvements the general fund allocations over the next two years and in addition working on easter projects finishing off. (off the record.) and while the department is appreciative of the capital and easter fund there is a significant backlog of capital needs over 50 facilities we maintain most of them 24 slash 7 facilities and previously i mentioned some of the ems work recommendations would be other recommendations that came from the workshop was a need for a new ems facility we
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continue to work with capital planning to include that facility in the 2016 log that concludes my presentation. i'd like to acknowledge the work the budget analyst and let you know we're not at this time in agreement i'm optimistic we'll reach resolution soon >> thank you very much chief. >> supervisor yee. >> thank you supervisor farrell thanks for your presentation and the work you do for the city i have two questions one of them less about the court budget for me to understand as we go further into the future you know we have major buyers this fiscal year in the mission bay fire and the fires in the missions i'm curious when you have major fires what impact on the budget if any. >> so it is a great question
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obviously we for training training it is fountains of our success and best as possible keep our members and community safe we have minimum staffing per day during the actual event wore challenged from a resource standpoint but like the motorbike fire it is like a chessboard we're limited on another larpg scale incident breaking out we're good in managing it in terms of resources we're pretty much ready to respond unless we need to do the reciprocal paradises we're able to manage a large-scale incident like mission bay. >> the other one i've spoken to you about hiring
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to a certain extent what can we do to enhance our local hiring i know you mention the one strategy to have more firefighters out there in the community and but are there other especially this opportunity with increased classes are there other ideas you have reflective in the budget to encourage for of our residents to actually apply for those types of positions. >> yes, we need to be mindful of the law not mavrd but through our recruitment effort we feel most of events are city driven from the bay area but that in
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and of itself should help wore hiring to hire someone locally although not mandated as part of the hiring ooifr process there is a survey we have our members fill out it includes background in terms of education, if they speak another language community involvement and so forth it can be derived from the survey what we seeing i'll have to run the data but anecdotal we've seen more people hired in the few years that live in the city p than in the previous 10 years a lot of it has to do with a robust reserve program a volunteer program take the reserve program many have been
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selected into the firefighter academies approximately about 9 months ago 33 percent ever over workforce that reside in the city higher than other departments. >> is your reserve program similar to the police cadet program targets any age. >> it is slightly different i thought that was an excellent idea and worth further discussions our reserve didn't target the ages there is no upper age limit for example we have 50 volunteer reserves that go through a competitive interview process you need to live in the city and go through a two or three hour train we use them for exterior experience not going into buildings you have to
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be over 19 to be a reserve offsite it is a gateway to get information about being a firefighter as well as seek a career opportunity we also work closely with our black firefighters association under the direction of '81 iron a youth firefighter academy that is similar to a inmate program students as young as 12 up to 18 to introduce them to a paramilitary type of organizations and their opportunity 0 for those members some of them are given to apply to the self-fire department and most not all of those cadets live in the city but i don't believe that city retainedcy is required for the black firefighters. >> supervisor president london breed. >> thank you thank you for
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your presentation chief i'm excited about the additional fund to the department $35.7 million that will help to pay for the new academy classes a lot of the services and support that the department needs especially the volkswagen planning and having someone in the department krgz to make sure we have sufficient staffing but sufficient training and all the great things that make important for a better department it is a long time coming and hopefully had money will really make the difference i know that we also have 19 new ambulances on the street in the past 6 months. >> right. >> we're definitely on our way i'm really very devastated
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excited as a harsh critic of the department it makes me existed that finally you know the support is there but i want to also you know understand you know what are some they're still challenges and time to move into into a direction can you talk about the remaining goobldz to get up to a point where we are just in a better position in terms of response times and the other challenges of the department. >> certainly we're definitely headed in the right direction it make sense i know there was a discussion about take a look at the population growth as it relates to police staffing we had discussed with the mayors budgeted office to be looked at strongly for the fire department
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as well we see new community that will be huge within 10 to 15 years and be able to address our rvments to say the new hunters point and quality development and what's happening at park merced and as well as treasure island i appreciate our support and criticism it led to a discussion we really need to address our growing city and the shrinking fte count i support what you said about the planning fudges we need a dedicated professional and has at education and background to solely look at where we need to go 3 or 5 years from now, some of the trend in ems to be able to get us where we need to go so we can look proactively and not only retaking accurately we
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received funding for ems go supervision plan not fully if you wanted we're looking how to deal with that and we're grateful for funding but there are certain things we didn't quite get fund for we believe that we're definitely headed in the right direction but press for the staffing we believe we need and the equipment we believe we need as i state about 90 percent goes to the well deferring men and women in our department but that leaves a relatively small amateur for the fuel and facilities so we want to make sure we believe through the planning and policy analysis process we'll be able to further plead our case full. >> as a result of you know there was a recent paramedic
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class and as well as new ambulances has that led to a decrease in the response time. >> yes. it has i can put this slide up if this projector works. >> and yes we absolutely have you were a evaluated member we saw the response times last summary for the guidelines we like to have an ambulance on scene within 10 minutes and it is grown in the meow percentage actually over last year, it grew to over 14 minutes we've seen just the data the most recent data dropping that down approximately 77 percent of the time we remember getting there in 10 percent in not the 90 percent actually wore seeing i have copies wore getting back
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80 down to the 11 minute range in the 90 per actually so 96 point plus time we're getting in 9 response time. >> what you have in stubborn moving forward with this new proposed budget how soon down that is fuel below the 10 minute. >> it is nearly continue years we've fountain below the 10 minute time. >> but almost 87 percent of time within that range we feel is a huge improvement even from 9 months ago that's the collaborative effort of many people in the room. >> i wholeheartedly agree with that
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i wanted to ask about two other - one other issue specific to some of the challenges that we have had in the past with mandatory over time that was a challenge and that seems to not be as a large challenge as it used to be but still a challenge from mined with h 1920 firefighters the firefighters paramedics i know we have i think i've discussed that with kate howard in terms of the possibility of looking at the new academy classes instead of h-2 to h-3 and wanted to check in with you over the mandatory
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classes with the h-3 paramedics and their approach to challenge from h-2 to h-3 clarification. >> you're correct our mandatory over time has decreased it remains a challenge in h 1920 level 3 for the als stations we'll get that up to thirty. >> we have 9, h-2 firefighters that vsz pharmacy fundraiser licenses and are in the process of going through a 3 week training period to become transition to h b and that's 9 more and hiring as part of the cadets 14 members from station 49 h-2 level paramedics through
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a train to clarify as firefighters that's years end 23 and the new classes for january we'll take into account the numbers at this point but we will have a portion from station 49 be able part of the class we're looking at the retirement from the hrgs level 2 and 3 by the are comfortable with what we have to get us to the numbers where the mandatory overtime will drop down. >> you basically, i just want to make sure i understand you that that based on the number of stations we were at what level are you at now and what level are you proposing to get to in terms of h-3. >> so we were at typically staffing about thirty fire stations als and we've dropped
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to 27 we're still for the most part meeting our 7 minute goal 3 thresholds the biggest one that was enhancing ambulance response time this is the ambulance on scene within 10 minutes in the per actually having a paramedic that is 7 minutes with the als engine company we're meeting the announced we like thirty better it is a comfort zone we feel hoping get back to that at the end of the fiscal year you wouldn't changing one the classes to an h-3 class get you this year sooner or later. >> one of the analysis feels weighing we'll be there at the end of the year. >> so the classdoesn't matter.
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>> thought and how many are anticipated in the class the upcoming each academy class. >> approximately 48. >> for one the class to have half. >> 14 and the next in january 10th in station 49 that gives us 33. >> ultimate the position that is being funded to help to analyze this kind of information is useful in making or assisting in discussions about what kinds of firefighters are needed in general based on capacity and so on and so forth and right in a
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perfect world i'd like to see all the fir engines staffed it is the same make up throughout the committee i don't want to give additional headaches to the mayor's office but oil with an investment in train and personnel to have of fire engine with a part-time it would solve problems that is baby steps back to the thirty and hoping by the end of that fiscal year we'll be a .32. >> okay. i want to bring us back to the issue that supervisor yee brought up regarding hiring people from the community i know that the cadet program established under the police department would allow for kids
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that graduate from high school in san francisco an opportunity to participate in a paid cadet program until their 21 when they qualify to go into the police academy to be a police officer a way to make sure that young people that graduate from high school in san francisco have a way into working for the police department and having kids who grew up in the community police the community they grew up in i think that it would be great to have some similar at the fire department and so i just wanted to - i know that the reserve program exists there are a cadet program i'm not completely fume with the cadet program as much the reserve program but definitely want to see some kind of similar program that allows
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for more young people who grew up in san francisco access to job opportunity at the department i want to through that out that there. >> i wholeheartedly agree with you i would commit to going to the same entities benny hoff or for that matter it is premature but the thought of having a cadet where their exposed to all of public safety so sometimes in police department or the fire department as well as the sheriff's department because those types of careers there's a lot of commonality i've not approached chief suhr but the concept of a public safety