tv [untitled] June 18, 2015 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT
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leadership. i'm father j smith, an evangelist in the mission and san francisco organizing project. a few months ago i spent a week in ferguson and i listened to many young people describe what they had experienced at the hands of law enforcement. i listened to many of the mothers. this was difficult for me as a parent as they watched their sound at the hands of law enforcement. this is not how god intend us to live with all of these tears and all these fears. i did not have to going to ferguson to hear stories like these. i heard these word for word in my own neighborhood. this is not to say that ferguson is not us. ferguson is here. the
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racism and homophobia is as it is in ferguson. firing these officers or a few bad apples. their dismissal alone is not enough. this is not just a matter of a few bad apples. these problems are both systemic and cultural and requires changes to policies and people's hearts. i endorse what angela said and with regard to changes, i realize these cannot be legislated but we can avail ourselves for sensitivity training and final the district attorney should be fully funded to discover and
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rectify those prosecutions that have been contaminated. they can owes in south africa with the reconciliation. >>supervisor eric mar: thank you. i will call a few names. thank you, i am deacon in the episcopal diocese reporting to the bishop of california, i'm focusing on social justice. i want to speak very briefly to the funding of the select group that the district attorney has asked to receive the cases potentially affected by the homophobic and racist text especially because several of the recommendations we heard today focus on
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training and information about how stereotyping and implicit bias can impact police work. i believe that an informed review of those cases will provide specific information on how stereotypes and bias manifest and play out not only in the actions of individual officers but also in the justice system. if there is systemic issue, this review should be most helpful in assessing, quantifying and understanding the root causes as well as helpful in developing specific corrective actions. i would urge at the review of these cases is essential to understanding the mechanics of bias and also to establishing the credibility of this system, the city's commitment to valuing each of it's citizens. thank you. >> my name is george nun with
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legal services for children. i have been looking at this criminal justice system for approximately 40 years at this point. so, i'm sitting back there thinking, i'm sitting there waiting for item no. 3. and while i'm waiting for item no. 3, and listening to the testimony for item no. 1, i can't help but ask the question of how much racism need to be practiced for us to determine that we don't need the jail. so, like are we going to talk about transparency on some real level. we can't keep rewarding law enforcement with constructions of institutions that maintain a black people at a disproportionate rate. we can't keep rewarding them for stopping more african american. stopping more
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african americans for smoking weed, arresting more african american, putting them in prison at a higher rate. at what point is it enough. so for political transparency, if we vote to give the sheriff money, that means none of what we have said, none of the reports we have issued accounted for anything. we just as well saved the paper, saved the people's time if the outcome is going to be the same outcome as if you weren't informed about anything. if there is anything that i want to really emphasize that i know that the jail that you build right now, you are actually considering it for my kids. that's what i know. i was here
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and i fought the jail in san bruno, i fought the jail on 6th street. i haven't been to jail in probably 20 something years. my son has been to jail and my grandson has been to jail. i think the jail that you are considering right now must be for my grandchildren or great grandchildren. so at a certain point, i ask you to actually think about not building a jail because at a certain point, you are going to have to stop acting like slave catchers. >> thank you, mr. nun. i'm going to call a few more names. camilia johnson, joyce clag oz, people should come forward and lineup on the side
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of the room. >> hi. my name is karen shaken, i'm from adult probation. i don't think i'm out of order, you called my name. i'm the staff at the san francisco reentry council. the public defender talked about a report coming out this tuesday at the meeting of the council. i don't want to steal their thunder about what is in here however the council asked as part of the justice initiative to look at three as far as bail, and sentencing. that, i have a draft here and the final will be released tuesday shows very clearly that everyone of those decision points, the disparity continues to exist on in fact increases. and so i think it's
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an important point that people have been saying all along and especially most recently is that if we are really serious about ending bias, that's something that happened not only at the police out in the street level but happens at every step along the way. were you asking about if in terms of arrest, the disparity gap, this reports says between black and white arrest in san francisco continues to rise even as the proportion of black people in this city is decreasing dramatically. and also the rest of the state of california actually that disparity is going down, but not in san francisco. i think it's kind of shameful and time to figure out what's going on here. this report is the what and the next is the why and the solutions to it. i invite the board of supervisors and other people to come to the reentry
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council meeting. it's this coming tuesday, june 23rd, at the marks auditorium. >> ms. shane, could you report how people can get that report. >> we will be posting it on our website. sf >> good afternoon, supervisors. adele, carpenter of the youth commission. youth commission apologizes they can't be here today. due to the cost-of-living they are working to be able to serve the city. i want to thank you for having this discussion
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today. i think the shooting at emmanuel church in charleston, serves that way white supremacy and antiblack race manifest themselves. this is the time we collect and grapple with the way that racism shows in our system and not just a problem of the elsewhere. so it's also a timely discussion because it's budget season and youth commissioners are watching closely the discussion this week about population based policing and the upcoming academy classes. they have not taken a position on that. i just want to really underscore in the discussions happening in our office that we want to see discussions about how policing is happening in our city and about effectiveness and not
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about the quantity of police in our departments and police. we think a real corner stone of that is is ensuring that how officers are trained and deal with young people. community members have been calling for it since 2012 since there was a joint police commission hearing in this chamber. recommended that it be a skill base and dealing with escalation skills. chief suhr did commit to doing that in 2012. what i want to emphasize is that between 2012-2015 that's a long time in young people's lives in this city. it's a lot of lives of young people with dealing with police in those intervening years. the perception that they have of police and how that's going to affect communicated relations long-term and we know that
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issues of training around youth and dealing with training in our police department but we think it's part of the discussions. thank you for making this essential today. >> thank you. i'm going to call more. i'm going to say they are going to continue the jail hearing for another day. melody corral fagan, camerea, diana block from the california coalition of women prisoners. next speaker? >> good afternoon, supervisors, my name is joyce clagz, with senior and digit action and i just went to a meeting with coalition on the homelessness. the two phrases that come to mind
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are way back when deviant behavior is a normal reaction to an unusual situation. deviant behavior is a normal reaction to an unusual situation. also in the west dominican province, we learned through catholic teaching that all humans no matter who have a right to be treated with worth of dignity because we are created in image and likeness of god. as st. theresa an avila said a diamond is a diamond even though it's dragged through the mud. a diamond is a diamond even though it's dragged through the mud. so connected with the policing and i know it used to be with education commission. he also is a
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filipino. he was treated in unhumanly when he was arrest. i think there is desensitizing we need to do. if we can get a bunch of people to get experiences of injustice, get the root causes and then, anyway. that's the step to sensitizing folks to be able to get rid of the biases to reach in the human being and likeness of god. >> next speaker? >> good afternoon, my name is camilia johnson with the center on juvenile and criminal justice in san francisco living wage coalition. money spent on
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jail expansion and more police will better serve families and communities by providing opportunities for success. the money will be better spent on genuine pay on job training programs and more permanent civil service positions that will provide viable services for the community. providing long-term jobs would help build our community and promote stability among families specifically children and teens who would be properly supervised. and lastly this will provide a
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services to those on welfare. i too am a consumer of the criminal justice system and i hope you guys make the right decision. thank you. >> thank you. ms. taylor. >> my name is is fran taylor. today i got the report from the national poverty law center. a very respected organization from montgomery, alabama. unfortunately, our police made the national press with an article of six bullet point examples of racist behavior. a police officer who dressed up his young daughter dress like a police officer and had her dress up like klu klux klan member.
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and then we get to the san francisco police department and our text message. some people, white people who live in los la la land think having more police officers would make them safe. i will pass this along to our supervisors. >> thank you, next speaker. >> i'lived in the mission district for yeefrments retired nurse. if san francisco increases sfpd and jail, we are going in exactly the wrong direction. we need to get a
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with a from jail and get people out of the prisons and into the community. we know better and we know who is going to be incarcerated. especially men and youth of color, people who are mentally ill and people who are homeless. how to have community safety. i know greg suhr there will be an increase of officers in the streets which to me will only increase public hazards and decrease safety. what will increase public safety is change the ratio and economic inequities in san francisco. e
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evictions have increased 40%. gentrification may have something to do with that. people with mental illness i think between 20 and 50% of people in the jail have mental illness and often have a history of trauma and abuse addition. they often get longer and the relationships in the jails and prince prince. -- prisons. this is no place for mental illness. families are traumatized when their family members are in jail. >> thank you, next speaker, please. >> end the poverty scholar and always in struggle for $1. i'm the poverty skol affirmative what you going to do,
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arrest me? i'm in your city. i'm the scholar and we did jail time just trying to stay alive. first of all i want to thank you david and eric for doing this today. for not letting this billion dollar planning commission going without voices. that's no. 1, no. 2, we heard about the racist institution, the agents, the slave catchers that would feed the billion dollar jail and like my mentor dorsi said, we don't need another institution that the agents will fill. but the reality as i was blessed to be in a report on punishing the poorest today from our comrades on coalition of homelessness and advocacy project as more of us get thrown on the street, more of us get into the new public housing which is the jail
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system. of course they are building this jail, the ginormous institution to put all of us homeless in. everybody in this room knows. we are making those beds available at the same time as making sure that poor people no longer have somewhere to sleep. i know you tried to put a moratorium on the people. i know that didn't go through because of the politics and the rich people. i will say that because the public space and no longer becomes public. we will rise up and we could not let this happen. we could not let this system continue to incarcerate every poor person it gets. >> thank you. next speaker, please.
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>> good afternoon, supervisors. coalition on homelessness. i appreciate we have the opportunity to be able to discuss this. many in the community were reeling with a feeling of nothing and points of law in the face of continued racism throughout our criminal justice system. a lot of people are referring to a report that was released punishing the poorest and how san francisco person petuates the poverty. in speaking to earlier, one of the links i want to make between incarceration that black respondents, homeless black folks reported the highest rate. 74%, african americans have been incarcerated compared
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to 51% of white respondents. >> also that bad people are in the system. this is not true. we also know that the other city departments are inherently using racism to make policies. so in the controllers report regarding the jail population what they noticed is the african american population example decreased by 8% in 2010 and therefore they project the continued decline of our jail
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population. >> tore, how can people get a copy of this report. >> you can go online and get that report and the stories behind it. >> now i know from jane kim's office through her aid ivy that supervisor kim is urging the jail rebuild hearing be heard with the government and audit committee. people that have already signed up, i would urge them to go to the meeting to testify. if you have to stay around and you need to testify, we will be allowing people to speak after this item as well. so, i have just learned of this and i need to know a little bit more of why this is
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