tv [untitled] June 20, 2015 3:30am-4:01am PDT
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feet long which means it's large enough to have articulated coach stops the bus stop is 75 feet long, so we're designing a bus stop that is on the far side of the street that is long enough to accommodate the longest articulated coaches that run on the 29 route and is closer to a safer crossing into golden gate park which will be created by the traffic signal this fall. >> one quick question mr. mcguire, does this move continue to meet our stop spacing guidelines? >> so the spacing will get a little closer between -- from 34th back to 36 you know, in a situation like this, we feel that the safety benefits of locating the stop next to traffic signal do out weigh the guidelines, we try to meet those standards whenever we can in a situation like this -- >> it sort of out weighs it. >> to that point, are we going to be moving other bus stops to stretch it out a little
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more or is that not in the future plan? >> we do not have a plan to put another bus stop before 30th street, no, 30th avenue. >> or to move them further out okay. >> i want to thank the community for coming down and bringing this to your attention but i'm going to make a motion the approve this because i do agree with director mcguire that this is going to improve the safety for our passengers. >> we have a motion. inger >> so moved. >> is there a second? saul in favor any further discussion? all in favor say aye. >> aye. >> all in favor, say aye. >> yao*i. oppose? ed the ayes have it. next item >> item 10.2t which has to do with establishing various tow away, no stopping any time on oak treat street and fell street in the vicinity of laguna. >> do we have speakers on this one? >> yes.
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( calling speaker names ). >> good afternoon, glad to be here. i want to speak up on this tow away and no stopping any time within the oak, sell, laguna area because everybody seems to want to use this area and what happens, when you remove the parking there it leaves the people that actually leave there to make their go around or whatever you want, looking for parking to come home and usually this time happens around 4:00, 2-4, 2-6, and i think there has to be a better traffic control than just taking away parking to give another way for more whatever they call that, just more people wanting to come that way and this should have
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been thought of long ago when the [inaudible] was taken down, what was going to happen when you built the new -- i guess the ramps to get to the freeway and it's a hardship on the community and more people they found out how to get o the freeway going through laguna or coming off and when the freeway was up, it wasn't like that, and now nothing's the same, okay, we have new buildings coming in, we have more people moving nrao n the neighborhood more cars and there's going to be more traffic and i think this needs to be replanned and rethought about, i seen a lot of engineers down there looking around but i don't think they came up with the right answer, so thank you, i hope you think about this. thank you very much. >> thank you, next speaker please. ( calling speaker names ). those are the last two people on this matter. >> good afternoon, president nolan, commissioners and
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director reiskin. i'm here about specifically oak and laguna. there are a number of items that will be coming before you fairly quickly and they all have to do with the taking of almost 40 parking spots in the haze valley neighborhood. this is coming at a time when there are new buildings going up with hundreds of new residents and circling is already a problem. at the corner of oak and laguna where i live t problem is the river of cars we're browning in. to take away these parking spots for alighting, who is opposed to day lighting that's such a wonderful idea but to take away these parking spots is not going to solve the problem. there is no traffic enforcement on that corner. if you're trying to get
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across oak street, laguna the cars that are really focused on going to the freeway, they are in the crosswalk. when you get down to octavia where they're heading, you constantly have to weave through cars, sometimes semi's to just get from one side of the street to the other. if you stofrj this flood of cars, that would be helpful, also people -- am i out of time? >> 30 seconds. er >> families need cars, you know, if you are a single person or you're a couple, you don't need a car, but when a child comes with all of its stuff, you need a car, you have things to schlep, they have games they have to go to on different sides of the city where muni does not go, elders have car, they have appointments they have to go to, thank you.
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>> thank you, next speaker. >> jim johnson, he's the last person on this matter. >> good afternoon mr. johnson. >> thank you. so, my name is jim johnson, i'm a recently retired executive director for the not for profit asung pacific institute residential care facilities for the elderly that are between haze and grove streets on laguna and we have 90 residents there basically at any time. they have families to visit, medical providers, social workers, etc., always using their cars, we have between 120 and 140 workers there most cannot afford to live in san francisco, they live nr the outer mission or in daily city so they're good at car pooling and sharing housing, they car pool in we give them time to go out and move their cars every two hours so eliminating more parking spaces is really going to be a problem for our workers and the people who visit.
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i also -- my partner lives in the last block of willis street, she and all the neighbors are considered about all this housing that's coming up there and there's no provisions made for parking at all. now so we ask you to consider this, that is a very congested area already and parking is really a problem. now the fact is that if you're in the first part of your presentation or your plan you want to widen six foot sidewalks, well, we can't oppose that, if that's a handicapped accessibility issue, we're all in favor of it but there's 30 more parking places and we ask you not to eliminate them. thank you. >> nicole ferara, she's the last one who submitted a speaker card on this one. >> nicole with walk san francisco and i want today thank the mta staff for using these quick low cost effective treatment that is are
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proposed along laguna, oak and fell to make safety improvements for people on foot, people biking and driving because when you remove or push back parked vehicle from the corner, you help improved adviseabilities and that's called alighting, these proposals are also for build-outs, and so on behalf of walk assess and our members, i've heard countless times how dangerous and hard it is to cross fell and oak, so i appreciate mta putting their -- following their vision 0 policy with the implementation tools that are presented here and i hope you support this project. >> okay, anybody else? seeing none, we'd like to ask mr. mcguire to come back. >> i want to ask a question about the enforcement issue. >> can we get mr. mcguire up here to answer. >> i live nr the neighborhood and the congestion and people blocking the intersection iss a real problem and i know we hope this will help with that
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but can we add some enforcement or is there any enforcement? >> so we've gotten comments through public outreach and public hearing for this item and some other items we've done in the haze valley area recently just kaolin out for more traffic and parking enforcement so fell and oak are two of the streets that we've prioritized for improved block the box, double parking enforcement through the mayor's congestion reduction plan, so we're hitting these streets on a rolling basis but we are deploying pco deployment in these neighborhoods in particular. >> can you speak on the general issue they were talking about. >> and i may ask casey to add details as well, the basic facts are the item today is removing 7 parking spaces at the two intersection, oak and laguna and fell and lagune gaoun na to provide sa shortened crossing distance and wider sidewalks, some of
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the speakers made reference to an additional 30 spaces there is another item that we're looking at which we're still going through the public outreach process for -- to do some alighting throughout haze valley and all the areas of the safety concerns that nicole raised are present but today we're talking about 7 spaces at the intersections of oak and laguna and fell and laguna. did you want to add anything? >> yes, i've been working closely, casey with mta, i've been working with the haze valley neighborhood association back in the summer of 2014, they developed a list of about 12-14 top priorities for transportation safety. laguna, oak and fell were at the top of that list so we are trying to address the communities concerns that have been raised, utilizing funding we have for the neighborhood for safety improvements. we will be taking another look at the intersection alighting proposal based on some of the comments we've received to
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see if we can strike a better balance but i think just to stress that these improvements i think have widespread support amongst the neighbors that i've talked to and we are targeting what they perceive to be the top problems. >> so i just wanted to clarify, thank you for lairing the number of spots 7 this is the same type of vision 0 alighting work we're doing in other neighborhoods, we've done a lot of dying light ining the tenderloin and i'm sure we have other intersection ins the works as well, so i wanted to confirm that and repeat that, this is for vision 0 pedestrian services purposes. >> we're going beyond the alighting by painting the curb extension. >> i'll make a motion to approve. >> is there a second? >> sektd. >> any further discussion? all in favor say aye. >> aye. >> so that is the consent calendar. >> you have 10.3f which was removed. alright, and 10.3f has to do with establishing no left
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turn on brannan street. barry toronto? >> mr. toronto? >> good afternoon, chairman nolan, this is another one with a left turn restriction and i was disappointed that you don't even consider the impacts it has to the taxi service, all you're doing for the record, i'm just putting it out there because i know you're going the pass this anyway, you're goik the hurt taxi service and make it more difficult and make passengers mad at us even more by not giving us the same opportunity as muni to make these left turns so i want to let you know that it's just hurting taxi service by taking these -- or exempting taxi from the left turn restrictions and it is exciting what you're doing, i should be two-way and you're adding some stop signs that should be there but on division street, but to bar drivers from being able to make that left turn is going
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to impact service i'm sorry but that's what's happened with a lot of left turns, we're trying to get some exemptions elsewhere so i'm hoping you'll consider those i want to let you know, we're add tog the headaches we have to deal with out there every day especially with the tnc's parking and the taxis. thank you very much. >> thank you, sir. anyone else? >> ( calling speaker name ). >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon, commissioner tom, executive director of [inaudible] here to speak in favor of this item and a along with the others, 10.3, these are all a related set of items if anybody have been to the gym that i should be more often, it's missing a sidewalk on 9th street, so it is now one way, the sidewalk is gone, there's a huge messy intersection at division and 9th so this project will restore that two-way traffic, it's going to do some curb
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extensions to shorten intersections at that intersection it's going to provide buffered bike lanes in what's turned out to be a good cycle route and wi hope you will continue those cycling all the way to fourth street and beyond because more and more resident ares moving down there, more and more businesses are moving down there and the pedestrian infrastruck which you are is terrible, we're supportive o*f this project. we kind f help shape it and we're instigating the sidewalk addition on the west side of 9 sx*t we're happy they've come up with a comprehensive proposal, there's a lot in here for bikes pedestrians sxit's going to make this area a lot safer a lot more walkable and a lot more amenable as it grows and exchanges so we'd urge you the support this and the rest of 10.3 is done this is an integrated piece, i can see why they want the turns with
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the perpendicular on 9th, visibility is low, it's a long crossing distance and the left turn would make that signal cycle much longer and pose a danger and then they'll dash and try to make the left turn putting pedestrians in danger so we think it's part of a whole and urge you to approve it. >> means of the board? director heinicke? >> yes, just to staff i assume as you designed this, there was a consideration whether to put an exemption in for taxicabs and it was rejektded for some reason perhaps the one director said or some such thing? >> [inaudible]. >> so if the answer is yes, i'm happy to say on the record you have nod and had the answer is yes and what i suggest is this, i think we as a board understand the chan challenge that is the taxi drivers are facing out there navigating the city in increased traffic and i think we as a board have expressed our preference to ease restrictions on taxicabs where it makes sense in the greater
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plan, so one, i appreciate that you're considering the taxicabs each time one of these changes comes up and what i would suggest is rather than -- and please keep doing that for the changes we make, and what i might suggest is we can ask director toran or or whoever is the appropriate staff person to work on a more comprehensive review of where maybe some additional exemptions could be added for taxicabs with the input of the taxi industry with the input of stakeholders so we're not getting this one by one piecemeal and no offense o the comment e i'm glad he's bringing this issue up, it would seem to me that would be the way to do it. i'm happy to support this item no, i understand staff's reason for the no turn here, we should consider whether there should be a taxi exemption and as we're change ago lots of thij, we put it on our timeline to come back and get input from the taxi
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industry where we could exempt taxis and do it in a manner that's safe and consistent with vision 0 sxh the like and have that as a future board item at some point. >> so that's a motion? >> yes it is. >> a second? >> >> all in favor say aye. okay, thank you. let's see. >> madam chair mr. chairman okay that concludes your consent calendar items. >> it certainly does. >> it does and i do know that supervisor kim is on her way up here, so it may be that you want to pause for a minute and not call the next item. >> do you want to move to 12? we could do that, couldn't we? >> well wesinger do have staff here for item 11 and you only have one item of the public who wishes to address you on
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that matter. do you want to call item 11? >> yes. >> item 111, approving the fc2015-fy2030 short range transit plan. >> perfect timing. >> good afternoon, supervisor kim, good afternoon. >> good afternoon f, i love having perfect timing. good afternoon to the board of directors director reiskin and to the staff i'm here today to express my support for safer market street proposal brought forward by the staff of sfmta. as you know so well, creating safer street widths the focus on intersections with the highest rate of collisions is critical to us achieving our goals for vision zero. safer market street targets four of our worst collision intersections where drivers fail to yield to pedestrians cyclists and will reduce traffic on market street by
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30-50% the staff estimating almost 1000 vehicles diverted from market street. market street is the main boulevard and spine for san francisco. most of our muni lines eventually run down market street and easing congestion on this corridor will noticeably reduce transit time for thousands of our transit riders who we should be rewarding and encouraging to ride public transit and being one less car on the road. further we'll be increasing the speed of flow of traffic on north/south roads leading to market streets, as you may well know when you walk down market street, the right turn lane ares halted with one to two cars moving per green light as they wait for the many pedestrians that use market street to cross. i'm excited we're moving towards a market of market street that prioritizes our pedestrians and cyclists as our city becomes more dense as we grow with residents and workers, we have to engineer a city that works and that
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involves our riz dents and workers walking, biking and taking public transit. this is really the only way the city is going to work, it cannot work with even the current conditions that we have with the existing number of cars that are on our road here in the south of market, in particular, we are experiencing really high levels of congestion and this will only be exacerbated as we grow and more cars go on our road. in order to make this work,, we need to put plans into place today that will make people feel safe, walking, biking and taking transit on our most transit-rich, most pedestrian-rich and most bike-rich corridor not to mention our most vibrant corridor in the city. i want to thank sfmta i think this is a bold move by the agency and i'm excited about it, engineering and planning is a key component to vision sao*er rho and go a long way in improving traffic goal and getting us to our goal of 0 traffic fatalities in 9 years
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so thank you to the board and i encourage you to support this today. >> thank you, supervisor kim i appreciate that. >> go back to item 11? >> yes. >> since the item is called, it would be appropriate for staff presenting on this, i know mr. edo was here. >> you made him leave. >> i did, yeah. [laughter]. >> good afternoon, mr. edo. >> good afternoon. good afternoon, chair nolan, members of the board i'm here today, my name is art edo from the sustainable streets division, here too talk to
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you about the short range transit plan that we're asked to prepare every few years, i'll walk through the purpose of the plan, what it contains how we develop it and ask you for your approval. so, the main reason that we prepare this short range transit plan is to meet state and federal requirements that are channeled through the metropolitan transportation commission, mpc, to have have a plan that documents our transit performance metrics, our plans both on the capital side and the operating side, how we're evaluating performance in the like. this feeds into a requirement for the transportation improvement program which is the funding document at the state and federal level by which approvals are given for a lot of the funding sources that come from the federal government, and so we submit
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this to the mtc and they use this document to meet that requirement. so, what the short range transit plan is is a collection of -- it summarizes a large number of other planning efforts that have been undertaken over the previous years, it starts with the basis in the strategic plan from the goals and the performance metric that is are established within there incorporates transit -- specific transit improvement programs such as muni forward, capital investments that are identified through the real estate vision or the transit fleet management plan, and then it also takes a look at both our operating and capital budgets and projects those out into the future. while it's called a short range transit plan, the title is more of a legacy of when these used to be 2 or 5 year
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plans, we are required to report ten year into the future with we look across most of the planning documents we developed in the recent past, 2030 seems to be the time that we can align most of those, so if we look at about 15 years from today provide an overview of the transit system how it operates the number aligned, some of the promising recent history, talk about the goals objectives and standards from our strategic plan, and talk about the major expansion projects that are funded primarily with federal funds such as the central subway and the van ness bus rapid transit project. so, in general, we update this plan every two years it there's been a little bit of a gap, 6 years since we last brought this to you, during that period, mtc was focused
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on updating the plan bay area, the regional transportation plan but we anticipate that going forward we'll be bringing this plan to you every two years. >> so essentially this is a compellation of policies the board has already adopted, we had public hearings on that's correct? >> yes. >> okay. >> members of the board, questions or or we have members of the public? >> you you do. >> ( calling speaker names ). herbert winer. >> in the short range transit plan on page 17 of the master document, mta has confirmed that individuals may have to walk a quarter of a mile to coach as the real transit, as i have stressed a number of times to the board this will occur hardship on senior and is the disabled, individuals
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will also be inconvenienced walking to and from bus stops to get to and from work, and respect the seniors and the disabled, paratransit and [inaudible] scripts are offered, this seems quite wasteful if one is going to travel a quarter of a mile to a destination. at present, bus and is light rails provide sufficient transportation, to add other services appears wasteful. it should also be noted that paratransit not always reliable and not everyone qualifies for this service. further, the elimination alteration of bus stops that has occurred for at least two decades has not stood up transportation at all. it is impractical even cruel to make the physically vulnerable to walk longer distances, they say walking is good for you, mta has not provided medical evidence as to the impact to stop changes
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of a physically frail and disabled. hopefully no planner got [inaudible] to make these changes. it is likely the board will approve this plan of a protest and this is a done deal, hopefully board members will sleep, even dream about the harmfulness of these proposals free bus fare is not a fare exchange for the harm that will be done. >> ( calling speaker names ) we have another member of the public. >> good evening, mr. nolan, and did board of directors, it is another politician game that let's you play again for vision zero. how come you don't make zero debt of the street if you have transit but you have to play the game because they are politicians, they want to looking for their political capital, they're running for office or like hillary
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clinton, okay, how it can be zero, people not die on the street -- >> mr. lee, this is about the short range transit plan. >> okay, thank you, this is about the transit safety you say you have to build a tower at market and van ness at the intersection, who die dpr the bicyclist and any accident puts their face so people look at every day, they will always care for, it's better than you do -- like make a change because you need a lot of tax money from us to make this happen. every day, you are talking about but you -- the traffic, all the cars on the street because -- i like muni, i take muni, muni system is so far, so good, but vision zero is impossible, anyhow people die, you have to educate more people, a lot especially asian old people, you have to find -- that's why i bring it
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before because i missed your public comment, so sorry about that i would like to bring my own view, but don't forget, bicyclists so easy to die. don't be coo coo even the faculty of the state, he was running with bicycle he got hurt, he can't do his job now he's an important people, how can you play the game like this, please don't ride bike anymore, i see you have a helmet mr. nolan. >> i just wanted to check -- mr. edo, are you still there? there you are. this report is -- it is really good and i did read it and i'm sure the public is reminded this is a requirement that we have this report in order to have the appropriations money from the mt cross-examination or the ta?
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from the mtc. how oftener -- to get to to question, how oftener do we update this, this is a yearly or every other year? >> it's usually every two years. er >> really that was my only question, it was a very interesting reading and it was a great wrap up so i will make a motion to approve? >> second. >> all in favor say aye. >> aye. >> the ayes have it. >> mr. chairman item 12 on your agenda amends the transportation code division ii, section 601 to extend the transit only area on market street from 8th street to 3rd street westbound and from 5th street to 3rd street eastbound and approves various traffic and parking modifications to implement the safer market street project, i will not read all of the traffic modifications. >> mr. mcguire, are you going to present? okay thank you. >> good afternoon again director
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