tv [untitled] June 20, 2015 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT
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building; is that correct? >> yes. >> the property should have been post for thirty days notice of that did you not see the posting. >> we didn't see it not aware of it. >> it's a largest poster very bright and objective was it not there. >> not that i airline i'm assuming the affidavit and knowing. >> so the building was posted and this commission that is all we're required to expand do get the property post if i get a if you have that much concerned about the club you should have eaten the posting. >> i understand. >> thank you for your comment any additional comment on code word. >> please come on up.
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>> hi dna lodge inspired a song. >> let it burn down the rest was broken ii lost all claim to expand what i had hopes in i can i wonder collin and night and the terrible rain any any all of a sudden family and friends clicked to expand the jay, i can i it is another chance it's another monday night i wait for you with another hope and another reason why i wait for you it's another gas and tlurnd
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under the illicit's and i wait for you it's another it's another monday night i can i. >> there's another word nothing lasts - wait sorry i'm so nervous singing in front of all of you gorgeous i want to expand sing the last versus nothing lasts everything gone. >> i can i remembered you from my life before i can i never thought you would welcome me home. >> i can i with warm and open arms it's another chance it's another monday night and i wait for you it's another hope another reason
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why i will wait for you it's another distance and moving lights and . >> i'm sorry time thank you. >> thank you so much you i was so nerves. >> dna launch inspires song public comment is closed. >> commissioners. >> i'd like to make a motion and the reason why this proposed has been a night club since i was in san francisco i've been in san francisco more than a couple of daeblgz it's been there the buildings across the street are basically under construction and had a meeting earlier this evening about an ordinance will
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protect night clubs this is a reason not to expand grant and in that spirit i move to expand approve that with the police conditions. >> thank you. is there a second to expand that motion. >> i second that. >> the motion is seconded any other comments commissioner perez. >> i want to acknowledge the residents that came thank you for thank you for your time and we'll do our best to expand make sure the applicant is in compliance and i know you have a recourse it should have post the phenomenon and call and make sure we have the noise turned out down and out of compliance we can have them come back and review they are permit thank you for coming. >> i noticed that the applicant went up to the residents during public comment and traded business cards and hopefully that will open the lines of
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communication so is there any future comments let's take a vote. >> on the motion same house, same call? >> yes, ma'am the motion passes and we'll move on to the next item scott wiener we have no more permit next is the action to expand approve the review process for implementation of legislation encouraging capability between live entertainment we had a meeting earlier we absolutely should continue this we'll be waiting on what the city attorney does say about our language in that process and i know that the incarnations want to say anything more we'll bring this up at the next meeting a motion to expand continue? motion to expand continue >> is there a second. >> second.
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>> is there any public comment on this seeing none let's take a vote. >> i will do the same house, same call? but ask you all in the process to expand very much think about what we talked about today and how to expand create a process that doesn't overburden you as a commission but you know make you feel like your encouraged in the project for substance and then we will come back and do in three weeks about have a more robust so same house, same call? everyone good. >> thank you. >> all right. item no. 7 commissioners questions or comments any thoughts from commissioners? go warriors >> sure. >> those from me. >> i have some let's see do we have another
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meeting this month and not july. >> on saturday night i'll be saying there's a surprise for the award i'm getting but a benefit for rocker that's the important part about it, it is 9 to 2 25 bucks to expand get in that's it. >> all right. public comment on commission comments seeing none our final thing new business items for future agenda anything anyone want to expand make sure we come back director sing >> i have a thought we have a lot of the things we typically do an entertainment commission birthday party sometime in july are we've done it in august but
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if you put thought to expand a date that might work for the majority of you we can have when i plan that something worked. >> july won july one 2003 this commission was burn. >> or born. >> july 10th is my birthday. >> somewhere we're turning 12 we're 12 holy make rely and we're in puberty. >> no comment. >> so just think about that we haven't chosen and date if i guys have dates and place in mind forward me an e-mail. >> what sdaem exactly are we having and a party. >> we're going to expand meet a minute before the party and have
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pilates are for you. >> programs are variety year around at various locations and to learn more come to the >> good morning, everybody and welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors budget and finance committee meeting for wednesday, june 17, 2015, my name is mark and i will be chairing this committee and i am joined by katie tang and yee and mar and weiner and breed as
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well and i want to thank the members of sfgtv covering this, and the clerk of the committee miss wong. >> do you have announcements? >> yes, please silence all cell phones and electronic devices speaker cards to be included as part of the file should be submitted by the clerk and items today will be appearing on the june 23rd, board of supervisor's agenda, and there are currently six supervisors in the chamber and we are convened as a special meeting of the board of supervisors. >> thank you. >> and the departments want to thank you for being here after the warrior's victory and i want to get going, call 1 through three. ? >> on the budget up dates from the mayor and the controller and the legislative analyst, including balance, shortfalls, strength and additional revenues, two, proposed budget and appreciation ordinance, all estimated receipts and all estimated expenditures for departments of the city and
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county of san francisco ending june, 30, 16, and june 30, 17, and proposed annual salary ordinance and positions in the annual budget, for the years, 30, 2016, and 17, continuing creating or establishing these positions. >> okay, thank you, madam clerk, colleagues we don't have anything for item one and so we will continue that item later along with two to three to tomorrow, but up first, we have the city administrator here to begin. >> thank you, supervisors. kelley the city administrator. i wanted to start off the presentation in and i don't see the slides next to me. there we go, okay. and so i want to start off right away, on my fiscal, 2015 through 2017 budget with just an organizational structure of all of the different departments, and the divisions and programs that are under the city administrator. and as you can see there is 25
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of them, and however, the department of public works in the public of technology will be here later, today to present their budgets but everyone else, and including treasure island development and i am going to run through their budget right now and i don't know, if they are going to be here later, because i will cover treasure island and it gives you an order of magnitude of the departments that we are going to run through today and the next slide is the two year budget out look. and for current year for fiscal year, 14, 15, $309.two million and fiscal year 16, we are proposing --. >> sorry, real quick, could you call item six with this as well. >> it is the title budget. >> resolution approving the budget of the treasure island development authority, for fy 15, 16, and 16 to 17.
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>> thank you. >> continuing on to the capitol investments for the year 15, 16 we are proposing 30.million and 19.5 million and as you can see underneath for the 15, 16, budget you can see the net increases to the different departments. but the biggest ones are the department of real estate at 21.6, and the medical examiner at 11.2 and i just thought that i would note the office of short term rentals which is a new division, that would proposed to come under the city administrator's office for 475,000. and some of the net changes for real estate are the garden and transferring from opii to the former redevelopment agency into the real estate department, and then, other you know, two million dollars in capitol investments for our facilities that we manage and
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the hvac and that nature and 2.5 million and the new space cost for leases whether it is finding space for the department of public works or a department of technology and then, other operational changes, and the medical examiner, the lion's share of that is 11.2 million and 9.5 million, and the furniture and fixtures for equipment, and the move from one new haul, and from the hall of justice to the one hall street. and i can go and through later if you have other questions about the net increases. and on the next slide is our fy 15, 16, department uses by expenditure types and as you can see about 42 percent are non-personnel, services, and that consists of you know, operating the convention facilities and paying down the debt, to improve those facilities and about 28 percent is our salary. 11 percent is services to others and documents and 4
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percent is materials and supplies and the lion share of that is the fuel that we consume for the city fleet. and 9 percent is capitol. and the biggest part of our capitol in this city administrator budget is convention facilities and managing our real estate portfolio, and then 5 percent for grants. moving on to the next slide, is all of the different divisions under the city administrator minus the department of technology and public works. but that you can see the different the budgets per each division, the biggest budget is real estate, and at $109.2 million and followed by convention facilities and the operation of moscony convention center followed by fleet management and that is primarily not necessarily in salaries but our fuel budget. and followed by risk management which is a small division, but
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we buy the insurance and procure all of the insurance for the lion's share of the city and county departments so most of that is insurance premiums. and again, we can come back if you have more questions later. our next slide is our fte. position changes. so, for fiscal year, 15/16, we are proposing 49.88 additional ftes, and it comes down to the very few sort of following the fiscal year for the fiscal year, 16, 17, at 6.52. and part of the 15 and 16, and fte changes are prior year approved position and there is 3.85 ftes for real estate and which are laborers and we are carrying those over and we agree to those positions due to the labor agreements and having those positions in our budget
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and then the other positions are positions for the animal hear and control which were the ad pact positions last year which were only in last year's budget we only had one year of funding and annualizing it for this year's funding and into our budget, and those were the add back positions from last budget year and so the new positions, and i will just run through the biggest ones, and ocii and as part of the settlement agreement and the charter change there were eight employees that decided that they wanted to be employees of the city and county of san francisco and not of the former redevelop. agency and so we have agreed and they are sitting in my budget, but functionally report to ocii. and but they want to take advantage of our labor agreements and our retirement system. for our real estate, it is we have 4.62 additional ftes there and everything from custodian and media, and sustainability
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officer and the surplus property sales, analysts do to sell off of the properties. and that will go, to affordable housing. and the office of the civic engagement is an additional 3.85 ftes, and two of those positions are to work on doca. and translation and one of those in the access ordinance will be translating russia and for the office of labor standards and enforcement and there are three additional fte and this year a lot of those came from recommendations of the wage task force and the progressive alliance and along with the office of labor standards and enforcement and enough to hit many new pieces of legislation from everything and minimum wage and formula retail and family and friendly workplace and bending the box and paid sick leave and then the contract monitoring
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division, they will have three new ftes for this next fiscal year and a lot of that is to deal with the expansion of the local business enterprise ordinance that was adopted by this board of supervisors and the mayor in january of 2015, but expanded the coverage of the local business and enterprise ordinance and it went from only not just the city's contracting process but we also extended it to the public, private partnership and private building, and building constructed on public land and we are expanding it to leases and we are expanding it in addition and we are increasing the threshold and increase the number of businesses that would qualify under the local business enterprise ordinance and on top of which we are looking at creative programs to help subcontractors who are deal be with timely payment of creating a mentor program, and also working on an lbe advanced payment program and so all of these positions are to help
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with all of the requirements that came out of the new legislation adopted by this board of supervisors and then as i mentioned there is a new office of short term rentals and in which there are three new positions and to help with the registration and in stream lining and enforcement of all of the new short term rental law that was adopted and possibly soon to be amended. and that is where we are on changes, and our next slide is major initiatives. >> just one question, there will be three fte and this will be through your office and planning and dbi and have their own stuff as well. >> it will be split between the city administrator and planning and dbi will not super a role other than advice, yes, because the enforcement and the current law has all of the enforcement
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under plan and they have ramped up and hired positions and so three positions will remain at plan and three with the city administrator. so we are going to co-locate and as well as at the planning department and we are working out the roles and responsibilities but we will focus on working with the treasurer tax collect and her planning and the regulation process to stream line that process and we will work out the complaint process, along with planning. >> okay, so a total of 6 ftes so far for the entire office. >> thank you. >> okay. >> major initiatives, when i come to this body during the budget season and first and foremost that is important to me as a city administrator is improving the public safety and health and so i, and making sure that the medical examiner's office is strong and
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the animal care and control is strong and we are also looking at moderizing the systems and infrastructure and the medical examiner will have a new facility and a new hall and equipment in there to stream line the processes and we are working to renovate, and the animal care and control and we are in the mist of facility planning and along with the fleet management we will have the money in the budget for telematics to explain to the entire city fleet and not just in the control of the city administrator and the fleet manager. and in addition to increasing the government accessibility and community participation, and the office of civic engagement and affairs and it is important to us is the language access along with contracting opportunities for local small businesses, and our ada transition plan and projects.
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and also, as you know, treasure island transferred the property from the navy and to the city and that was closed and before the board of supervisor and so the development of treasure island over the next ten years is very important to us. and so, we are not in agreement but we have been working closely with the budget analyst and we look forward to continuing to work well with this department, and over this next week and so we will be and i am here and available and i want to thank the budget analyst for all of the great work that they are doing and putting into the budget and i can answer any questions, if you have any. >> supervisor yee? >> thank you. >> and thanks for the presentation, and i am glad that your initiatives that you listed and especially in the category of the increased government accessibility. and i recently introduced the legislation to require interpreters. and to be present at every board of supervisors meeting. and can you talk about the need of additional staff as at that
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particular office, and i guess that it will be under the community and engagement and the immigrant affairs is it reflected in the budget at all? >> i believe so, we have three positions right now, under the language access ordinance, that is correct. and let me just confer real quick. >> right, so we have three, 1842 that have been added to translation services. >> and yes, they are, i believe it is upon request and their legislation if you need it or is it just for every, every single board of supervisor meeting and every agenda or is it upon request? >> it is for every board of supervisor's general meeting. >> okay, if does not mean that they have to stay here for the whole duration, they will be asked to come here at the beginning of the meeting and stay for a little while to see if there are any requests for it rather than searching around when we need it. >> i believe that we have
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enough but let me get back to you next week on that. >> okay. could you sort of describe the implementation of the recently adopted language of access ordinance and what changes you have made to the budget to reflect any of the requirements. >> the language access ordinance, we have three 1842 positions that are put into this budget for the language access ordinance. and of those positions one is for russian, and they are available to do translation services. what i can do is i think that adrian pond is here and she can address what the three positions will be doing. >> good morning, supervisors the three positions are to provide services, language access services to meet the growing demand that is coming not only from the city departments, but from the board of supervisors, and mayor's office and even community-based
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organization and we currently only have three staff available, one for each of the required languages, chinese, spanish and filipino and we have seen the increased request for russian and the chinese requests are out the door and we cannot keep up with the demand, we get requests to assist with hearing not just for the board of supervisors but for other commissions and entities and we want to be able to provision for this. our work load is more than double what it was, we now have to provide tools and resources, training, and assistance, to over 67 different city
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departments. and we just finished training, most of the liaisons but as an ongoing thing that is a daily activity and it is not something that we can just do once a year and expect them to be able to comply with the law. >> i will be happy to answer any questions that you may have. >> i am just curious, i mean, i know that the name of the position, --. >> i guess that it was the 1842. >> what exactly is that called? >> do you know? >> i believe that it is management assistance, and the title that we use is language service specialists so in the original request there were five positions three for language access, and in two for the deferred action requirements that we are now, that are now under our office. >> okay. >> and that is helpful thank
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you. >> i have one more question. in regard to the minimum wage now that we have the, and our new requirements for the minimum wages and i assume that we need more staffing to look at, whether the people are actually, meeting those minimum wages or not. and >> so the additional provisions in the budget are the positions not only that we, not only that were recommended by the office of labor standards and enforcement but there were additional provisions that we talked to not only with the wage that is the tas
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