tv [untitled] June 20, 2015 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT
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departments and so we want to be an it provider for those departments that they see as valuable and contributing to their own departmental missions. and so to that end, we have also completed, a significant reorganization, and in the department that, involved moving some responsibilities and roles and people around significantly, and recruiting efforts that i will talk about more in a minute but also, just changing our way of speaking about what it is that we do, for our clients. and so the orange represented here shows that break down and also the fte counts in those various teams. >> and maybe the thing to point out here is that you can see, a large number of our ftes are centered on client services and public safety system and those are the things that we are delivering that are critical to
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our client departments. they have to deliver the mission to the customers, and so the project management office is critical to the successful delivery of the it projects and uls at engagement which is really important to making sure that we understand what the clients need and what they are getting from us and make sure that we are delivering value. >> service delivery and it services management is essentially the core role that we have. and this is the data center operations and the infrastructure as a service that we are delivering and the application and the teams and engineering and the technology and architecture and security is paramount to all of this being a secure and delivered efficiently, and cost effectively and service efficiently. and the public safety systems kind of go without saying and we know that those systems are critical to our civic duty and we have a major role in supporting all of those public
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safety departments with those critical systems public communication and administrator and finance are all important to making sure that we engaged with the client u and both the city and the public and that they are responsive and organized well and being very, careful in responsible ste wards of the finances and the responsibility that we have. so in the last year we have had some significant achievements that i would like to point out briefly and we have made the major progress on the city wide e-mail migration with just a couple of departments moving for ward and we are well over 26,000 on the enterprise cloud based system and we are also redesigning the data center and network infrastructure to be delivered in the model. and improves resilientcy, and over all service delivery. the topic of much discussion, and it has been expanded in
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partnership with, public libraries, and we have made the significant improvements to the parks and we kopt to do stow and making sure that we are actively listening to the customer feedback and being as responsive as possible. sfgot tv was the nominee for three emmy thises last year and we are proud of the work that they do, and in fact, providing more video coverage than any other city or county in the country. >> application of development team has improved the government, eservices and the business pour tal has won many awards, and we continue to move forward with that and other projects that are listed here and our plan that we presented to you as part of the plan is a significant, strategic move to identify the investments for the infrastructure and also, beginning that conversation
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around public broadband and digital inclusion and i have already touched on this but it is a major accomplishment was the reorganization of our department, and establishing king focus on service and delivery. that budget includes some significant initiatives and upgrading the network which is the core infrastructure back bone and all of the rest of the applications, that we want to deliver and the digital egovernment services and the public connectivity and better and improved technology and support and service to our
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client departments in the public, and all rest on top of the core network, and so, that is paramount to our mission is to making sure that we properly invest and slow that crilt cal infrastructure to where it needs to be >> i mentioned this one and this is a significant portion of the budget increase and we have worked closely with dpw and identified ongoing projects that we are excited to participate in quickly should this funding be approved. >> fiber to the city buildings is also a core to that infrastructure and we do want to make sure that we are using our allocated funding but also responsive to the departmental work orders and increase the connectivity and capacity among the public buildings as possible, with the emphasis on the fire stations in the health department, offices and clinics.
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and plus stepping to the creation of the buildings and really highlights the next effort around the public wifi and the public broadband and we are working closely with the mayor's office and in fact, the board of supervisors and budget and legislative analyst and other stake holders that are key to that particular mission. >> paramount to some of our challenges are obviously hiring, and suffice to say that we are in a very, tech centered, community which creates a situation where we have quite a bit of competition for talent and so we are constantly challenged with recruiting and retaining quality and current skill sets in our department. and we have also, and but, to that end we have also made quite a bit of progress, and i will talk about more about our
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hiring plan and our progress in a moment. >> procurement continues to be a challenge and just the nature of technology, and how quickly it evolves, and the way that the vendors are delivering those technologies and services to us requires to work very closely with those. and the city attorney's office to make sure that we properly adapt to the changing landscape in the market. >> resource constraints and we are competing for the funding resources and so that continues to just be something as we are working towards the fiber and other network improvement projects. >> specific to our hiring strategy. one of the big accomplishments that we did this year, we established a comprehensive hiring plan in the department. in march of 2015 and, what we did by establishing that as we
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prioritized our hiring efforts, and we were able to really focus on the gaps that we needed to fill, that urgently. and so the good news is that worked. so we, we will have, nearly 55 appointments by the end of this fiscal year which is significant, and we are, and we have been averaging about 20 in this last quarter and so we expect that now that we have a clear cut plan and we expect to continue that pace. >> and so, we have every reason to believe that we are going to acquire the talent necessary to do a couple of things that are really important. and continue to move forward with the dt strategy and be focused on customer service and service dlibry and making sure that the services are of high quality that the people and the talent is, very critical to that. and also we have had to use the contractors to fill the gaps and so our hiring plan is
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bringing the people on to employment at the city and county of san francisco and so we will be able to continue to move from a contracted scenario to an employee, or a city employee scenario. >> and so lastly, we have received, the budget analyst report and we appreciate all of the hard work that they have done and my staff worked closely, over a lot of long hours, and responding to questions, and unfortunately we don't understand with the current position and of course i am a very concerned because the current regular daysing will actually have the dt's next budget at levels below the current year budget but we also look forward to this next week and working closely with the budget analyst team and i am positive and confident that we are will be able to come to an agreement over that period of time. >> >> thank you, and i know that we have a few questions here, and first of all i want to
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thank you for all of your hard work in kofming into the department. i would say that a number of things that continue to be a priority to me and first and foremost is the issues around connectivity and i know that we worked on the wifi project and i think going forward we need to think, boulder in terms of our department of technology, and the initiative of building a giga city in san francisco and it is something that we need to have a vision starts support and here in the board and inside of city hall and i am encouraged by all of the work that we are talking about together and but if we are going to be serious about, having our technology community, not only be private companies outside of city hall but deliver the services and the daily lives of our residents of san francisco and i think that is a critical part of our infrastructure that we need the fund going forward and
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i will advocate for that and as well a number of colleagues have advocated as well, but continue to fund the big ones ordinance and lay that groundwork for fiber throughout san francisco if it is not only identify ter today and it is the only, and we need to prepare for the future and while we have the roads and streets dug up we need to do more and more and that is critically imperative and so i am sure that i am not alone in those xhepts and i will turn it over to supervisor weiner. thank you for the presentation and the issues that i raised for you in the past are moving forward now and including laying the con did conduit in the street and i know that moved faster and i appreciate the leaders for making that happen and i was really, a level of surprise and saw the leg sayive analyst, and i am sure that we can talk to mr. rose about it and the cuts being proposed for your
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department, and i am looking forward to hearing the explanation for them. and it is something, and we make sure that we understand, not in all of the my co-piece by piece but just the big picture what those cups will mean, 3 and a half million dollars or there abouts and so for the program that the department is ramping up to make sure that we are laying the conduit and improving the connectivity and of what, and what are the cuts that are proposed for that. effort to try to ramp up our ability to do that and what will be the impact date. >> a lot of the cuts are propose around vacancy and it is clear that we have had long tanneding vacancies for a long time and that is part of what has been a less than acceptable status quo to just speak candidly and that is why i put
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a lot of emphasis on that hiring plan and making sure that those moved forward because geting the people in the seats is critical, or improve the wifi. and i think that is sort of the principle view of that. report. day one specifically, we are *, hoping that our budget as proposed getses approved, and because that 2 million dollars as assigned or allocated for dig once and we mentioned ta we have already worked with dpw to identify the projects that are under way. and that we have the high probability that we are able to engage in, in some form and so the timing will be critical in making sure that we are able to activate on those. >> and so of that 2 million, that the department and the mayor proposing for the dig one, how much of that will be cut under the bla proposal?
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>> i don't think that particular dollar or that identified project initiative and specifically called out as a cred ilt. >> okay. so i am just confused because because we see a whopper of the number in terms of proposed cuts and mr. rose, will explain piece by piece, but i am trying to understand from the department is in terms of subject matter of the projects that are trying to do and what are the cuts and what will the impact be and that will help me to understand whether these are appropriate cuts or cuts that will under mine policy objectives that i have and that the board has. >> the cuts are around vacancies. >> i understand, that they are vacancies but they are vacancies that are specific to different areas and i am trying to understand what policy goals of your department that would probably share, are going to
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beer under mind? and it could be in 100 different places if it is a area that is not a high priority and doesn't matter, and it doesn't matter, but if it is a vacancy is going to effect xy z policy, and tell me about buckets. >> one specific bucket is project management and so we have requested the project managers to be added to our pmo and that is, that is a very direct, and we are able to put them on the pro-yekt and seen through successful implementation and as a very specific example. >> okay. >> if we can break it down by
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subject matter and that will help to determine it because i want to be sure that if we accept the bla cuts that we are not undermining your goals that we share. >> we will create that crosswalk. >> that will be helpful. >> supervisor mar, and i wanted to thank you for your extremely ambition vision that you are trying to implement for the city and the vision to get us to a city from right now, a
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city where the digital divide is still large, that well over 50,000 people are still using dial up and way over 100,000 don't have access to high speed brond ban according to our budget analyst. but i did want to ask you and because the initiatives that you are mentioning from the dig once to the phase two of the connectivity plan are really important and i was wondering if you can talk specifically about what is get and what parts of your burg are getting us towards, reaching the gap for low income familis that don't have access at the home to keep up with the homework for students, or the gap with senior digital divide with the isolated seniors that are not having access to health advice, and other things that the middle class and other neighbors might have. >> all four on the slide helped
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to move that needle and most specifically things like dig once and the buildings allow the groundwork for that future network and whatever it might look like, excuse me and the phase two of the connectivity planning effort, is calling out exactly what that future might look like, and i identifying exactly, how we might accomplish such an ambition goal. and so, it is, and i think that it is, and it is easy to draw a correlation between all four of of our budget ininitiatives that help to contribute to improving that situation.
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you mentioned the programs and what do you think that we could do to lift the people from the slow or no connections and the library and parks with the sfwifi are important but as the budget analyst define, the digital divide means that the people that don't have that the high speed access to the homes and i know that some public
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housing and some of the city buildings but how are we going to connect to, like non-profit run housing, and in the mission, and to lower income communities in the south, east part of the city, for example, how are we going to accomplish that? >> and so there is two, and kind of two parts to the response, and one is, as part of the connect and phase two of the connectivity planning effort and we are engaging directly with the stake holder groups and making sure that we fully understand what the concerns are and what the environment looks like before we present or propose a solution? and so trying to make sure that we have the full context of all of those different, acknowledged and recognize and represented and so that is one and that is core to that phase two planning effort and then, secondly is, i think that the out come will be a plan that is very specifically ininclusive of making sure that that is
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part of what gets accomplished and so, concretely, the fact that we are investing in conduit systems that stretch into all neighbors and fiber that stretches into all neighbors is a precursor and it is a critical asset to that ultimate ability to deliver the high capacity connective to all of the neighborhoods. >> i know that we have the high-tech sack ter and the districts that have a lot more access than others and i am just wondering how are you addressing specifically equity and how we are looking at all neighborhoods? >> right, and so the equity in terms of fiber being available in all of those neighborhood and also, equity in can terms of can the people access and consume that? and so we are not stopping short of saying that fiber is there and we want to include in the strategy or the call to action and that the people actually have the ability to access and consume that service, but doing things like
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connecting the city facilitis that and includes, you know, parks and library and fire stations just by the nature of where those facilities are built and helps insure that we are establishing an equality distributed network and right? because if we are putting it where the fire stations, they are in every neighborhood by design, and the libraries and the public library is the same and park and rec the same and that is kind of a corner stone component to this model and by building the fiber out to the public facility that we have an urgent need for and also sets us up with an asset, that is distributed in the neighborhoods in the socio economic status and that is a very specific, component to the ultimate plan, thank you. >> and thank you for your
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presentation, and you know i realize that the scope of all of this, again, and for this down there, and and in regards to that question, and in the access to the low income communities and my question though, or it is really more specific to the parks and as you mentioned, and if we were to have it, and in the parks, and as one way to provide access in all neighborhoods, and so, i am just, curious in terms of what the process is, in terms of rolling out the wifi and at our neighborhood parks, and we are, and where are we going and what kind of resources in your budget, and it is going to, and maybe expedite some of these, and so, thank you for the questions, and so, we accomplished as noted,. wifi connectivity that included building, the fiber out to 32 parks all over the city. and we are working very closely and the one of the best
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partners quite frankly and the rec and park department, and so we are working very closely to identify, what would be the next round of parks and so that we can properly quantify what resource its will take to bring fiber to that facility and to distribute it wifi and we are working on the plan of the rec and park department and, resources are limited and so that is going to be the constraint, i believe ultimately but we want to, between the, two departments, and try to forward that effort as quickly as possible. >> okay. >> do you sort of a sense of when all parks would have this? >> it is, it is going to come down to resource allocation, i believe, at some point. >> and, which was when, and a original, question and what kind of a resources are you asking for in your budget?
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>> well, in the, ict plan we had pretty specific request for an broad, sfwifi and i would have to follow up and give you a rec and park specific number but i can do that. >> okay, colleagues if know other questions, you can go to your report please? >> mr. chairman and members of committee, mr. chairman, we have planned, and i don't know if supervisor weiner wanted us to go over each one of the recommendations at this time and or plan was to do that next week, where there were disagreements but we are prepared to go over each one of the recommendations if supervisor weiner would like that. >> no next waoeb we will be going through them line by line. >> i would like to make the general comments supervisor weiner mentioned vacant
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position and yes, we have recommendations the deleting of the vacant positions and not just in this department but in the various departments where the positions have been vacant for two or three or five years it does not make a difference supervisors what the policy of that position was, what the responsibilities the fact of the matter is that the departments are not filling the positions it is not necessarily the department's fault or necessarily human resources fault but is there a bureaucracy and it takes the time and they are not being filled and so we see no reason for the board of supervisor to leave money in the budget for vacant positions that have been vacant for years and years, and rather we have recommended that you take that money and use it priorities where you think that the money will be spent and to meet your priorities number one, and the second general comment that i wants to make is that the director stated that our recommendations would put them below, the, or their, and
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that is the recommendations for 16, 17, and would puts them below, the existing level, and what he didn't state to you was that it was the mayor recommended reductions to the budget that put them over a million dollars, below their existing budget. and our recommendations were based on the mayor's budget but i want to point out that it was the mayor's office that made those initial recommendations and i believe that those recommendations will probably justified. but, the department, just mentioned the budget analyst and not the mayor's office and on page 14 of our report, our recommended reduction for the proposed budget total, $4 million, 704,000 in 15, 16 n that amount, ongoing safe ands 1 million, 796, at one time savings, and all recommended reductions to the proposed
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budget, total 3 million. or all of which are ongoing savings and we are still as the department stated working with the department, and we will report back to you next week on our final recommendations and i will be gland to respond to any questions. >> colleagues any questions right now? >> okay, look forward to the continuing conversations and we will see you next month. >> okay, up next, we have our department of public works, is here. and madam clerk, could you call item four with this? >> item four, ordinance amending the public works code to add fees for nighttime work permits and preapplication meetings with the staff and affirming the planning department's determination under the california environmental quality act. >> thank you very much.
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>> okay. >> good morning and thank you for allowing to us to present and i withvy couple of slides. he i guess that i will begin by saying in developing our budget for 2015 16, 17, with td proproesed several core principles that align with our three year strategic plan and we continue to expand the innovative programs and chiefly the success of our pit stop program which is the public -- and another key strategic principal or a budget is restoring the service cuts,
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