tv [untitled] June 20, 2015 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT
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be huge within 10 to 15 years and be able to address our rvments to say the new hunters point and quality development and what's happening at park merced and as well as treasure island i appreciate our support and criticism it led to a discussion we really need to address our growing city and the shrinking fte count i support what you said about the planning fudges we need a dedicated professional and has at education and background to solely look at where we need to go 3 or 5 years from now, some of the trend in ems to be able to get us where we need to go so we can look proactively and not only retaking accurately we received funding for ems go
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supervision plan not fully if you wanted we're looking how to deal with that and we're grateful for funding but there are certain things we didn't quite get fund for we believe that we're definitely headed in the right direction but press for the staffing we believe we need and the equipment we believe we need as i state about 90 percent goes to the well deferring men and women in our department but that leaves a relatively small amateur for the fuel and facilities so we want to make sure we believe through the planning and policy analysis process we'll be able to further plead our case full. >> as a result of you know there was a recent paramedic class and as well as new
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ambulances has that led to a decrease in the response time. >> yes. it has i can put this slide up if this projector works. >> and yes we absolutely have you were a evaluated member we saw the response times last summary for the guidelines we like to have an ambulance on scene within 10 minutes and it is grown in the meow percentage actually over last year, it grew to over 14 minutes we've seen just the data the most recent data dropping that down approximately 77 percent of the time we remember getting there in 10 percent in not the 90 percent actually wore seeing i have copies wore getting back 80 down to the 11 minute range
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in the 90 per actually so 96 point plus time we're getting in 9 response time. >> what you have in stubborn moving forward with this new proposed budget how soon down that is fuel below the 10 minute. >> it is nearly continue years we've fountain below the 10 minute time. >> but almost 87 percent of time within that range we feel is a huge improvement even from 9 months ago that's the collaborative effort of many people in the room. >> i wholeheartedly agree with that i wanted to ask about two other
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- one other issue specific to some of the challenges that we have had in the past with mandatory over time that was a challenge and that seems to not be as a large challenge as it used to be but still a challenge from mined with h 1920 firefighters the firefighters paramedics i know we have i think i've discussed that with kate howard in terms of the possibility of looking at the new academy classes instead of h-2 to h-3 and wanted to check in with you over the mandatory classes with the h-3 paramedics
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and their approach to challenge from h-2 to h-3 clarification. >> you're correct our mandatory over time has decreased it remains a challenge in h 1920 level 3 for the als stations we'll get that up to thirty. >> we have 9, h-2 firefighters that vsz pharmacy fundraiser licenses and are in the process of going through a 3 week training period to become transition to h b and that's 9 more and hiring as part of the cadets 14 members from station 49 h-2 level paramedics through a train to clarify as
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firefighters that's years end 23 and the new classes for january we'll take into account the numbers at this point but we will have a portion from station 49 be able part of the class we're looking at the retirement from the hrgs level 2 and 3 by the are comfortable with what we have to get us to the numbers where the mandatory overtime will drop down. >> you basically, i just want to make sure i understand you that that based on the number of stations we were at what level are you at now and what level are you proposing to get to in terms of h-3. >> so we were at typically staffing about thirty fire stations als and we've dropped
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to 27 we're still for the most part meeting our 7 minute goal 3 thresholds the biggest one that was enhancing ambulance response time this is the ambulance on scene within 10 minutes in the per actually having a paramedic that is 7 minutes with the als engine company we're meeting the announced we like thirty better it is a comfort zone we feel hoping get back to that at the end of the fiscal year you wouldn't changing one the classes to an h-3 class get you this year sooner or later. >> one of the analysis feels weighing we'll be there at the end of the year. >> so the classdoesn't matter.
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>> thought and how many are anticipated in the class the upcoming each academy class. >> approximately 48. >> for one the class to have half. >> 14 and the next in january 10th in station 49 that gives us 33. >> ultimate the position that is being funded to help to analyze this kind of information is useful in making or assisting in discussions about what kinds of firefighters are needed in general based on capacity and so on and so forth and right in a perfect world i'd like to see
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all the fir engines staffed it is the same make up throughout the committee i don't want to give additional headaches to the mayor's office but oil with an investment in train and personnel to have of fire engine with a part-time it would solve problems that is baby steps back to the thirty and hoping by the end of that fiscal year we'll be a .32. >> okay. i want to bring us back to the issue that supervisor yee brought up regarding hiring people from the community i know that the cadet program established under the police department would allow for kids that graduate from high school in san francisco an opportunity
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to participate in a paid cadet program until their 21 when they qualify to go into the police academy to be a police officer a way to make sure that young people that graduate from high school in san francisco have a way into working for the police department and having kids who grew up in the community police the community they grew up in i think that it would be great to have some similar at the fire department and so i just wanted to - i know that the reserve program exists there are a cadet program i'm not completely fume with the cadet program as much the reserve program but definitely want to see some kind of similar program that allows for more young people who grew up in san francisco access to
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job opportunity at the department i want to through that out that there. >> i wholeheartedly agree with you i would commit to going to the same entities benny hoff or for that matter it is premature but the thought of having a cadet where their exposed to all of public safety so sometimes in police department or the fire department as well as the sheriff's department because those types of careers there's a lot of commonality i've not approached chief suhr but the concept of a public safety cadet program not only the police department i want to reserve the
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right to talk to chief suhr but the types of youth towards the police cadet program. >> last but not least i want to bring up the fire station station 5 and he meet with sxhifrgs covington that braurngs brought to my attention not certain why we didn't think about it before i know we are going to do a complete tear down of station 5 and complete plans are underway to rethe p build station 5 with some of the challenges with housing the option to build potentially a whole affordable housing project above that particular fire station i don't think it crossed anyone's mind i wanted to ask if you're aware that that might
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have come up or has there been talk about potentially building the heirs above the fire station can i talk about it is on my radar several years ago like 10 years ago there was discussions about a similar kept for air rltd rights to build above the station we did an analysis at the end of the day we did work with real estate and didn't pan out i'll have to go back and take into account why but certainly wore open to i've spoken with vice president koch ton it is certainly worth exploring given the hockey's and turk and webb sincere is a stakeholder location in the city
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i don't have the expertise but work with the department of real estate my goal not to necessarily delay the project but look at the possibility because it is challenge to find affordable housing and i just want to make sure we are x mror our decision. >> any other commissioners questions or comments. >> mr. rose your report. >> mr. chairman and members of the committee and wanting breed on page 53 of our report first of all mr. chairman you called item 5 i committed we consider the approval for a policy matter we know that the revenue is incorporated with the balance of the freptsd budget. >> on the recommendations on page 53 our recommended reduction for the proposed
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budget one million dollars plus in 2015-2016 of that amount 5 hundred and 51271 are ongoing savings and another amount one time savings those are allow $10 million plus or 2 percent in the departments 2015-2016 budget our recommended reductions to the proposed budget total 6 hundred accomplice of that amount the ongoing saved are one time saves those reductions will allow awning increase of $2 million plus or 8 10th. >> thank you, mr. rose any questions from mr. rose on the fire department budget. >> thank you, very much chief. >> would you like to talk about item 5 and yes, please and i'd
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like to ask our cfo who i didn't thank for all the hard work mark will present this item. >> thank you very much. >> good afternoon mark fire department to present on this item two pieces of legislation involving the from time to time will been coming forward involving the fire code that is excuse me. the city and tax regulation code for the increase for licenses involving the fire department collected by the tax collectors office we've been able to avoid raising fees on this by reallocating resources by wage and benefit agreement that no longer the case we're requesting 4 percent increase to those licenses i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> thanks very much colleagues
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at this point open up for public comment is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak seeing none so colleagues as with the other items in front of us like to take a motion on the other hand, and move itforwarding we'll take that without objection. >> okay thank you guys see you on monday up next d e m i want welcome the director here and. >> good afternoon. supervisor farrell and members of the bifurcation at a time a pleasure to be here i'm with the department of emergency management in san francisco that have i've prepared a very brief budget presentation for you as i've presented to you in
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april on and it's pretty much along the same lines i believe you know the department of emergency martin luther king's mission to leave the city in preparation for the citywide event and major disasters it's the vital link between the public and first responders and provides leadership to the community functioning we into the division of the emergency communication 9-1-1 the division of emergency services and the administrative distribution through the bay area for housing and grant funds ward to the 12 bay area counties
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looking a high-level budget summary for 2015-2016 d e m total budget request is 83.0 millions this is the breakdown for the divisions as you can see the largest allocation is it tied to the emergency communications i mentioned our 9-1-1 operations all $30.29 million is fund with general fund support the division of the emergency services has a $5.45 million budget with with 44 percent tied to general fund approximately 232 percentage from ems and work order recovery from public health the remaining is from homeland land security grant allocations 98 percent of the administration and support division
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$23.66 million budget is tied to the general fund with the bay area san francisco serves as the fiscal agency it is hundred percent funded from the homeland security a large pox the grant dollars are fooltd to support the fire department and police department and my own department of emergency management. >> going overstaff changes we have a number of personnel proposals the first with the support of mayor ed lee and board supervisor president london breed d e m plans to carry out our preliminary hire initiate to hire 36 new community dispatchers over the next few years to help to improve the 9-1-1 staffing
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performance and offsetting the attrition of veteran dpaefrnz we requested one new senior communication systems technician as we begin the public as a result of radio program the budget proposal adds temporary salaries for one 8602 to assist in the fleet super bowl 50 cooperation that allows the current staff members to focus on their work streams and to meet the project deadlines that are looming ahead of us with super bowl 50 there are a number of major project initiatives with the d e m proposal flo 3 critical
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information projects that were previewed through coit the public safety are project it is a significant project to replace the meg hurt system which we are now in the prelims phase and $14.2 million over the next fiscal years will staff the project management team and address did infrastructure one $.6 million in 2015-2016 and one million dollars plus for replacement of radios for police and fire and sherpz in 2015-2016 to fund the replacement of the 9-1-1 digital logging system and 2 hundred thousand in reduce the to fund the emergency notification system that has been previously fund through the homeland security grants
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the 3 capital projects are $3.5 million for the radio site improvements that are required as part of public safety radio replacement project and 2 hundred and 73 in 2015-2016 to replace the aging gutter system on the turk street facility and hedge fund thousand to xhuktd conduct a needs assessment for an analysis report for the it area within the e or d e m turk building other departments have talked about superbowl and e or d e m is responsible for court reporting the efforts to fleet week and super bowl 50 a say is several line items to address those initiatives i've mentioned on the major staff challenges
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we'll be hiring one temporary cooperated to work with the planning for those events at $300,000.40 in special services so for the fleet week to deliver a splr leader seminary and related to the disaster relief programming with the militant we've added 75 thousand for existing and out date technology within the city's emergency operations interest thank you for the opportunity to thank kate howard the mayors budget director and anthony we appreciate your support and thank you for your support of the radio project and really creating miracles thank you kate tiled thank benefit rosenfeld in
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the controller's office for working close with you and, of course harvey rose our budget analyst and julian who was the analyst that worked with us regarding the budget analyst recommendations we're not no agreement but continue to work with them over the coming week and we'll see you on monday, monday i like to thank my director that put this project together and works tireless to make sure that d e m is the best emergency department in the state that concludes my presentation. i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> thank you very much for your presentation. >> colleagues, any questions or comments. >> okay. seeing none i think we'll go to harvey's report. >> particular case and members of the committee on page 61 of
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the report our recommend reduction for the paroled pro-proposed budget in 2015-2016 and of that amount 4 hundred and 1 thousand are on and on and hundred and 16 thousand plus are one time savings those rescues will allow an increase or 8.4 percent in the 2015-2016 your recommended reductions total 162 plus in 78 of that amount are oncosavings and hundred 91 are one time savings those reductions allow an increase of 60 or 8.2 percent in the budget and as the department as stayed we're working with the department and report back next week. >> thank you, mr. rose any questions for the folks.
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from mental illness and on non-speaking persons most of clients we represent are below the poverty level in san francisco our budget for the past 3 budget cycles 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 our budget is begun up roughly a millions those remain constant or self-reliant this year it is proposed to have a hundred and 60 full time staff we measure how prosperity as area effectiveness in our caseload we handle a total of 696 cases our afternoon is 2 plus well above the national standards for
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misdemeanors above the national staff and mentally ill you'll see the same we have expanded duties this year we're concluded prop 47 with a number of felony offenders are carding we estimate 25 thousand cases that have to be brought back to court we've done that without additional resources you're well aware of cases with police psychiatrist dna cases 2 thousand cases this is again from the police departments fail to accurately operate the crime lab we have a grant funded traditionally age youth core that is going
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