tv [untitled] June 21, 2015 2:30am-3:01am PDT
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are waved to the board of supervisors can consider consider this with the commission i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> any public comment is closed. >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> commissioner antonini. >> thanks before the waive on this maintains i make sense on the flments f in-law units we want to encourage people to get the legalized unit by waving the fees relate losses it is small in view of the entire budget that make sense and the second item is administrator in nature even though it is in the planning code and corrects i
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think consistencies. >> thank you for the explanation i think those are fine i mean they seem straightforward and thank you sophie for the explanation on the housing fee i mean on the housing funds that seems more confusing when we read it was clear my question as i was reading this we noticed this hearing to waive our right why not having the hearing right now for the recommendations and we have to do a 20 days newspaper notice to take an action on on ordinance it is actually more of a month when you include with getting it to the newspaper the day they publish it and the 80 days if three to four weeks. >> those are we normally hear
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an ordinance that's affordable unit a recommendation to the board on an item so in those cases their noticed in the newspaper. >> yeah. correct the only 90s needs to be over 20 days. >> do we do additional 90s. >> sometimes e-mails notifications? a big ordinance we did that for the article two ordinance but normally newspaper. >> that is what we're actually we're hearing we can ask questions about the substance changes i wouldn't have recommendations i'm supportive of substance i mean is it sound like we're waving our rights to do something our chafrgs this is
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still through the normal if people have issues they will florl or normally order our agendas. >> it is the notification not to take action today to waive our rights or two to not wave our right and hear the recommendation. >> i think that most people don't get their notice of those hearings from the newspaper i mean, i don't know what the newspapers are those days or what newspapers are around those days (laughter). >> i'm fine i don't think we have anybody be hear talking about the substance it is fine and appropriate i guess we're not supposed to talk about the substance. >> i want to echo that
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sentiment sentiment as i understand the affordable housing fund piece has been in the works for a number of months or maybe even years so it is unfortunate we're here asking to be waive our own rights i also feel though if this came to us as a piece of notice probably the commission would pass it without recommendations or changes to have the legislation do anyone else so i'm okay to waive our opportunity but just want to voice i think that it is quite uncomfortable to do so issue of fees i think? a good opportunity it is not what this legislation is about but for us
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to maybe recognize the commission needs education how this happens neighbor a cd to make a presentation on that. >> commissioner moore. >> i share commissioner wu's concerns not as much about me but for the public and be we represent that voice by waiving it since the public is not aware this is happening we this meeting is not broadcast so i'm prepared to support it yet i hope that will be the only time i'll be asked because the length by which this is talked about is uncomfortable and encourage a more robust conversation how the
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money is spent i continually am concerned i got an e-mail housing funds are being spent in which the project is those discussions are very important for us to participate i'll strongly encourage a more open discussion on all of this. >> commissioner richards. >> i agree with everything commissioner moore and commissioner wu said if this was a more substantive issue i wouldn't support waving but this comes before us we'll not have much to add i hope we can put on the list having the mayor's office of housing come to explain this. >> commissioner antonini. >> move to waive the commission review of ordinances lists listed in this legislation.
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>> second. >> on that motion to do you want those regulations waiving the right to review oar commissioner antonini. >> commissioner hillis commissioner moore commissioner richards and commissioner wu so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 5 to zero. >> the commission will >> good afternoon and welcome back to the planning commission regular hearing for remind the members of the audience that the commission does not tolerate disruptions of any kind. commissioners, we left off under your regular calendar item 10
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pca zoning district properties on oceanic a zoning map amendments. >> good afternoon. dr requester river i'm from rh2 to ocean avenue neighborhood neighborhood transit district i'd like to provide supervisor yee's office a chance to present to you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners thank you for hearing this item i'm here on behalf of supervisor norman yee and mr. sanchez said this will expand the neighborhood properties on ocean avenue that
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are current rh2 and n one it allows the owners of the properties facing ocean avenue to transform their garages or combrrz into retail space an option for businesses along ocean avenue especially around the balboa park bart station this proposal fits within win i'm sorry the balboa park to support the ocean avenue and to allow for a difference mixed use within the area that represents the district is in full support of this legislation and the support of supervisor john avalos some of the blocks within the zoning district are within his district so with you thank you for your consideration and
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hope we can count on your support. >> thank you. >> commissioners the planning department is in support of zoning for the following reasons the ocean avenue has a great controls and flexibility advantageous given the changes in the areas including mixed use document have come online or will be coming online the commissioners context of the area lends itself to nc t type controls the properties are longer the muni bus lines and central lines and balboa park further the flagship campus lends itself to a fair amount of activity is it helps to realize the goals of long term as mentioned the balboa park station area and the geneva design between the public and private realm
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commissioners the publication of the case report staff received two comments or two overwhelms from the public about this ordinance both of them were concerned about keep that in mind the zoning district to talk about the planning i have those e-mails that concludes my presentation. and i'm here for questions thank you. >> thank you any public comment on this item? >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm dean weaver the executive director of ocean avenue association this proposed zoning change come out of our street light committee the challenge is that most pedestrians on oceanic never getting get beyond fellowship feland or geneva
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they're going from city college to bart and bart and city college and back no amenity or services provided along did ocean avenueably bart station for that matter and laughing u allowing this kind of zoning change potential adds services there are none now without disrupting the residential characteristic of the upper floors or the other buildings for that matter? not required with the pertaining to go through this we were inspired by the model of what's happening on 18th street in the castro some very nice ground floor spaces are created whereas it a mix ground floors still have the garages some that none but a nice combination of the old and the new and it's a nice
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combination of different ways of approaching expanding retail districts i'll be happy to answer any questions if you have thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon my name is godfrey i'm here on behalf of my family to ask the committee to pass the rezoning we own 4 properties but the buildings is listed as a i too occupancy hfa as a adult care home since 1990 we've closed it and time to convert that back to a 3 third-story it prohibits us
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from the zone it is rh2 our understanding it potentially allows us to convert the building back passing the legislation allows us for the much needed housing to meet the growing san francisco market. >> thank you. is there any additional public comment public comment is closed. commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i have a couple of questions for mr. sanchez it seems to be fairly limited i'm in receipt of a letter that property the zone to be a lot broader in scope in reference to ocean avenue the commercial strip continues to the west as far as ashton and cerritos is
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that nc t or remain neighborhood commercial. >> to your first point i believe a portion of the ocean avenue was taken out at the request of the supervisors as part of legislation that was done for the fine-tune zoning controls on that part of ocean avenue to work at greater lengths with the community can you repeat our second question from what i understand from the union 76 station west it is nc t. >> offer that's fax stone where it is 76 i believe an area between fax ton and it would be tax phenomenon and fte fee land not included that is a small area. >> it is a small, small area he
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let me put up a use the overhead to show you the parcels in the area that would be rezoned. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> just those two or three parcels but. >> all the area to the west in green is ocean avenue and this is it extends oceanic to the east. >> you're saying that begins right there where we see the green it is already an nc t. >> yeah. >> i wasn't aware that sound like fine the other thing obviously a feeling of a demand might be a demand for the storefront use interest is vacancies at the other ends of the street there's a lot of new housing can't do harm for the
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flexibility to use it for rate and that's our feeling given the number of new residential units that are for example the bay i think 11 ocean avenue there is a lot of activity that is online we think that provides patrons for any new retail establishments in addition to the students and faculty at city college. >> yeah. there's a lot of potential in some of the sub zoning and the residents in that area by lakeside but a possibility thosewet portal so we will talk about in the future. >> thank you. >> commissioner hillis. >> so this p that makes sense
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as ocean gross and the project happening and with the park station so i kind of question whether some t of it is built mr. weaver has a good point some of the form residential properties converting it make sense i move for recommendation of approval. >> second. >> commissioners, if there's nothing further there's a there is a motion and a second to adapt a resolution recommending approval on that motion commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner moore commissioner richards and commissioner wu so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 5 to zero and places you on items ab for the case market street you'll consider a request for a conditional use authorization while the zoning administrator a request for variance.
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>> good afternoon members the planning commission i'm tina this is a request for a conditional use authorization on market street pursuant to the planning code and 207 to modify the two bedroom mix. >> the project was heard in 2015 and continues until do i today after opposing the project it was continued investigate the amount of bedrooms the project was investigated the common area and consider a ground floor commercial space and dividing it after the hearing members of the planning commission requested design changes to the building facade in recognition at a hierarchical traffic intersection and to provide more residential in character and the
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market street it should be more commercial in character project proposed 42 total units with 7, two bedroom and one bedroom units the project sponsor found it reduced the number of unit within the building thus no accumulation was proposed it was increased the ground floor to 1753 square feet and provides water and subdivided the space and for the members of the planning commission the project sponsor made the provisions a lower bay window profile to the exist scale of the building and the project will have the residential entrance on hate street a 8 percent flow that was inassessable to the ada
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standards the project will have a dial entrance on hate street it has been revised to better compliment the market street masonry and light even the buildings color better articulated with the piles and the facing street has been improved that and articulated with the cornice and finally, the entire building has a clear pattern that is the middle base and top. in order for the project to proceed the qualifying pursuant to the planning code section to modify the required 40 percent 2 bedroom or greater mix by allowing 17 percent of abruptly of a construction find an 8 story building with 212 one bedrooms and 17 hundred and 3
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commercial space occupied by a current building that concludes my presentation. i'll be happy to answer any questions >> thank you project sponsor. >> good afternoon commissioner wu and members the commission i'm jim ruben reuben, junius & rose the here on behalf of the project sponsor for a couple of years quite a bit different than march 26 it is quite different because a lot of time the people spent i want to acknowledge the time that some of you spent i know that from work with the commission only 25 or thirty years this is not a big job and it takes an enormous amount of times commissioner moore and commissioner richards spent time with us and gave us insight and
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we were able to produce what i hope you find is a better project then what we brought i want george the owner who spent an enormous amount of time meeting with the staff and they've spent a lot of time getting that back here and george spent his time talking to everybody when was interested a stakeholder and you have a letter you didn't have before supporting the project staff has already related the major changes they're all of the ones the commission questioned the last time we remember here, of course, the unit count went down we include 2 bedroom units thais that's a request of the commission all of the bmr's that are
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required are now onsite that was something that the community wanted to see and we have a accomplished there are a number of less perhaps major changes including the commercial on the ground floor for the commercial to have two entrances that is accomplished i think frankly, we've accomplished everything with the sole exception of increasing the community space because when you increase commercial space you increase the bedrooms on the upper floors we were not able to find the additional space there's a complete complete submittals you have that with the design changes warren is here the architect is here if you want to see those we were not planning on that part of uh
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our presentation. >> okay. thank you. >> any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> commissioner richards. >> thank you very much it is interesting i get a lot of flax from why the commission continues projects i think mr. ruben summed it up we get better projects i think that nearly everything we ask for except the community space i folks worked with us and giving the community when is sponsor important for the commission i like the process and the project manager i want to thank commissioner moore for her time she's the expert but a group effort the project is much better i move to approve. >> second. >> commissioner antonini and yeah. i like it a lot i have one question i'm looking rendering a-4.2 to give the
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separation there's a rust color implemented on the floors up through about the fifth floor second yeah. i don't see it on one of the patents panels it is on the end of the building a-2 - a-4.2 >> color. >> a color change but let's see if we can see if this looks at fatdz oh, there it is all the parts of building have the darker color yeah, all the way on market this section didn't have it anything like that it should also have it it is more consistent with the rest of the building do you agree
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commissioner richards. >> i guess are you talking about the main from the off - >> you see how they go all the way down the rust matches the masonry buildings. >> it will calling your attention to the corner i get i'll defer to commissioner moore who's the architect mr. small for his opinion. >> well, the one of the excuse me. the architect for the sponsor it translates from the corner to hate street we use this for story high copper at bay to reduce the scale of the building. >> yeah. >> we reproduce it on the other side it has masonry inlays on market street and hates
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street there can be an adjustment i understand there is subjective thing we've tried to use this 4 story bay as a divideder and scale giver we articulated that hate. (the following proceedings were held in open court, outside the presence of the jury:) a little bit differently it had more mainstream to it and adjusted the bottom bay up hate and emphasized the entrance but the small material changes i have no problem with that. >> i'll defer to commissioner moore that worked closely with you i have i think it makes the building more consistent with its divided between the different parts of building one of the things the app pardon that is more traditional it emphasize that by not having that break i don't have strong feels either way from the other
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commissioners agree but thank you very much i want to say a couple of more things on the building everything else you've added the two broemz which is wonderful on a constrained site it is great to get those in there breaking up the two commercial spaces that will be a brought up the fact we'll have two smaller commercial and so i think that is the bmr on site i think as commissioner richards said everything we've asked it taken care of. >> commissioner moore. >> i'm adjourn comfortable with how you're breaking the mapp
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