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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2015 3:00am-3:31am PDT

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michelle. for the -- foundation the reason i'm here to express my dismay at such an important propose nalg for a huge chunk of money towards the police budget when we still begging for more throughout the city -- >> if i can ask that the side conservations we want to listen to the speaker if you need to have a side conservation you can step out so we can hear what people are saying. thank you. >> well what do i do then? >> if everyone if the interpreter can can relay that as well thank you. >> it seems like it's more important to live and weight for
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sit who has last two?ian hofman and terri instead of looking at the early warning that should have been active for the chair people we need each captain in their precinct. to tell us how many sit police offers are ready to be activated it's more important to train disbatcher so they don't send mixed messages getting people killed it's important to create local hiring for our kids with decent health and child care options. trust me you know that if our kids have supportive environments there is much less
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crime. and this commission does not even swing vote there are two against three i people can press do not make hasty decision the fiscal year is around the corner but you need to address deep thoughts about where the needs are -- (speaking off the mic) >> thank you very much. next spooeker? >> good afternoon supervisors john biasdaros for the travel aassociation yaeshgs last year san francisco had 18 million visitors they spent $1.2 million every hour every day this contributed 6,065 million to the budget that is enough to pay the average price of 224 police officers here in san francisco
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the visitors are going into more and more neighborhoodses and more and more commercial corridors here in san photograph as they explore the issues in san francisco it's imparrivetive they remain safe so they go hope home and talk about the fabulous time they had in san francisco and encourage them to come to san francisco rather than go home a victim of a crime and discourage everyone they talk to tr going to san francisco. there is the importance of ratio of residents to police that is important number but considered the fact there are 150,112 visitors every day that need protection as well with this in mind we would encourage the san francisco police department is proerply staffed particularly when you consider the population
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increase in the city as well as the expanded geography the police department must cover as the result of new developments in certain areas with that i appreciate your time. >> thank you very much. next speaker? >> good afternoon before i begin my statement i would like to request the presence of supervisor cohen. i have to say before for my district before i begin >> she's running so you should make your public comment. >> very good what i have to say to you today is the number we're relying onto make these decisions are improper what i'm hearing the calls for service and population what no one is
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spoken about is the experience rate of crimes unable to clear. for example 48% of homicides were cleared 2012 and 13 only 8% of property climb crimes have been cleared in 2013 this comb from the fbi crime reporting program based on 1211 and 1213 moving forward is the matter that has not been addressed of the community presents with san francisco residents having their hands violated at the hands of san francisco police department that would include civil rights for unlawful detainment officers arresting for illegal crimes people beaten and abused on video camera what you failed to mention is a huge decrease this
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crime from 1994 to the present if anything violent crimes are down -- excuse me nonproperty crimes larceny is going down so therefore what you are trying to say population -- excuse me -- i'm out of time i tried to rush this i can't express myself so rushed -- >> if you could back up the data you said around the difference in crime between 1994 and today where did you pull your information from? >> thank you. that information was pulled from the california department of justice statistics center which notes a huge decline in property crimes and larceny from 1994 and 2013 >> do you think the population increase has to do with crime
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>> i think the population increase has nothing to do with policing whatsoever. it doesn't happen through policing it happens through economics education and opportunity if people have no reason to commit crimes there is no reason to police them. more so excuse me if i may to further address your question about the population increase that seems to be the most important pertaining matter the crime rate has gone down as the population has gone up this talk this notion we increase the police force with further increase population statistic loo is not correct. there is no statistical basis by which to ask for more police officers because there is more people moving here. i think most of us in this room know the people moving here we know what demographics that cerritos that is not the
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population that comes into contact with police officerses now we have district ten is where a lot of the proposed changes are going to occur but district ten is in dire need of education in dire need of economic and job opportunities that are not being present inned this resolution >> thank you very much. next speaker please? >> my name is [inaudible] borne and raised in district ten in the district for bayview point i'm against this police station as somebody that worked on economic and racial justice this is negative - -- and your data but
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all three cosponsors has implications for my community in the bayview population increase is in-- what good does that do if there is a low clearance on crimes so cops don't make our community safer it's a band aid to the deeper issues we shouldn't be throwing more money without looking how ineffective there is ix been six months of of the year there is ten cases of miss conduct and corruption. murder of low pes and beaten homeless people and pushing paraplegics in the street i don't think so we can't trust
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san francisco police department in the neighborhood if you want to highest concentration of black and terri people that makes no sense you will have a significant impact on the community does not trust the police department if my community knew about this we be here packing the room we have committee people willing to sacrifice her time the -- clean our communities -- (speaking off the mic) imupset. at the bayview shipyard there are thousands of people that are neglecting the needs of the community. a fair needs of [inaudible] prevent crime not cops [applause] >> thank you. before the next speaker we have
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a board rule at the board of supervisors asking people not to boo or applaud positive or negative so we can have everyone say their piece and have public comment occur feel to do thumbs up thumbs down spirit fingers whatever you want to do we ask that rule be followed. next speaker. >> (speaking off the mic) >> can't hear you. >> the most importantly i'm a long time resident of lake view -- >> can you start from the beginning? that is how the members not in the room can can hear what you are saying start from the beginning >> madame clerk can you restart the time please? >> my name is raima calawa i stand for here bike way chapter i'm a long time resident of san
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francisco i come with surgeon concerns with the police staffing policy as a black resident in san francisco i'm deeply disturbed telling you the trauma my family has experienced at the hands of sfpd the proposal to at 262 police officers to the san francisco especially to treasure point which is the highest population of black people as the city of san francisco as they work hard to push latinos and blacks out of the city -- is to protect the luxury housing how the local government uses the police to protect the needs over current needs of families -- add economic resources that will serve as aye prevention to the
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crimes that coauthors claim they need more police to govern we know the police is a driving force of gentrification to wipe out the poor homeless and youth using gang junctions as a tool as how sheriff's get rid of us as an organizers have been brutalizing we know cops are not the answer malia of district ten should take a strong stance we need you to step up and address the migration of black people and issues in the community and stop passing band aids that has nothing to do with the community. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker >> i want this board to focus on
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police quality versus quantity you say there say police decrease you should walk in my shoes there has been increased 16th corridor they're being harassed by police. why? because that corner is able to be taken over by google at 16th street -- more than 200 police officers here and contrary to cohen said my brothers keeper program has not started for every one you hire you can hire three community workers you should look at other police departments, like richmond how to not profile communities right now i'm here because i don't care about what politics in our re-election
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personally i don't like eston he's starting a task force i want to know who supported it i continue conduct and people investigated for the things that have happened in my community and citywide two months ago was a break in there were two officers that came to my house and my son was with plane clothes officer that didn't have badges when i went outside to confront them they refused to give me their name and they were in my property when they walked away aye took their drivers license four fedfed i'm scared to report that stuff i'm hurricane because my community is here i can say something here (speaking off the mic) i want
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the task force for police miss conduct. >> next speaker >> and i came with a flu. >> okay [foreign language] >> i don't know english so i speak in chinese. (through interpreter): i almost to the city can allocate some budget on increase the police. especially i think the public safety is very crucial importance. and especially recently it happens a lot of the issues that really makes a lot of concerns
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in our community. and when i have also the same thing to talk about the person who i bring in here is -- do you think that it's really crucial and important that the rate should increase the police in our community? not including our community but also in san francisco. >> [foreign language] >> interpreter: okay. not
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only just in some areas in san francisco but including especially when people talk about our money and cal pen especially the western left there they really feel unsecure in that area especially the police and the security there. so we hope that you can can increase our security by increasing the staffing also can make us feel safety in san francisco. thank you. >> thank you.
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since the previous speak erp said she had the flu can you turn that microphone away. i recommend people use the longer microphone. since she said she had the flu. [laughter] >> [foreign language] >> interpreter: i'm happy to
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attend this meeting since it is a good time to talk about increasing staffing to help us have the safe and stable community in san francisco especially when people talk
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about the mission district and the security we have. so i hope all of our community to help us support this plan and to support me and to help support city hall to increase the project of police. and in our community center we have such kind of meeting we also talk about this kind of topics and the police talking about the public safety and i hope all of my members can attend this meeting thank you. >> thank you. i want to reiterate. board rule asking people not to applaud or boo. if you could translate that and people can do thumbs up or down or spirit fingers i will call mr. speakers before you start. and i apologize in advance if i
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butcher anyone's name edward depalma randal scott larisa due began quad ra davis. david i'm sorry i can not read your last name. nicholas r. allen julia arollo shnel williams -- and jennifer freedom bach. you should use the long one paragraphs >> thank you for having this hearing my name is kooelt auswits representing bayview improving their environment i used to live in your district scott weiner think i moved to the bayview i can tell you it's under staffed we need more police there if you look at the
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projection of population growth in candle stick in bayview if i need to call for the police now there say long wait i think if you let that linger as the pop ewe -- population grows. i have a neighborhood that walks their dogs gets in the car driving to a park i have an an old neighbor that doesn't leave the house too many crime -- i i have a neighborhood that commutes to the bank two blockses away. as far as everybody talking
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about clearance i'm great with that have better police inprove the crime rate we need more and better police. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. next speaker >> my name is mike hardestien. from my experience the police are not here to protect you they're here to protect property. and sweep up the mess you must protect yourself if you have any common sense whatsoever you will make measures to protect yourself personally caught two rapists, the police didn't give a damn because she was homeless and the other one didn't care because was a mental patient. so what are we going to do keep
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the monsters off the street? this say key problem the war on drugs are a soft holocaust they have threatened to kill me and shoot my dog my car was stolen or impounded 25 times for driving under the influence of poverty there is 5 million that have lost their license to unpaid fines and failures to appear for child support and dui's that may or may not be valid how do you want me to make money? i will feed my family do i have to steal to do it? simply
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stop spending money harming me stop spending money for harming my kids poor people should be able to ride the buses for free. poor people ride the bus free. >> thank you next speaker? >> good afternoon my name is jordan gwendin davis i'm a homeless rights active vis in the mission district i would like to oppose mission district 150628 we should not fall into the police when they're not held accountable we have seen racism or the murders of people of color like rici and right here
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in the city the police department does a lot of harassment for homeless and transgender 3 groups which i belong to -- to police the homeless we should invest in the housing instead of putting more bullies on the street will cost the taxpayers and blow up the city's budget. and poor people being unable to pay so called broken window citation more cops with more marginalized marginalized. a lot of people in the lg pt especial loo in the t get harassment if you are going
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support over policing for krillzation or gentrification and and. you do not support lgbt rights you do notsan francisco's right mr. weiner. >> okay next speaker >> i want to ask the crowd or the folks here for public comment to really practice cordial behavior we're strongest we can talk about the issues from our hearts and in a sound way as well that is not demeaning >> good afternoon my name is sha nel williams the at the stra for development i was an organizers for safety network 2006-7 when
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we had the highest rate of crime in san francisco it was the highest rate in the country what was clear at that time the cell justice at that time they developed a report which is clear from the community and police department is the police didn't equal safety in our community it was communities coming together crn and other pokes that live in the community that have relationship with folks that can build those relationship were the indicates that reduced the crime i think this is a really crazy message we're sending to the community right now we're having a tough time we have police brutality we see crimes where young folks are being gunned down there is no justice to have police budget expands at this time i feel
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supervisor cohen the chair of the committee is not here to hear from the community to go through all that. a lot of folks were hear earlier they left i was down stairs in the north light court a lot of people had to leave because so much time was taken to the police this is a bad message to the community and the fact around gentrification black and terri folks are impacted by the system and black and terri folks are being pushed out adding more police to the community we know looking at the statistically the blacks and terris will be the most epacted in our community we know that part of the policy i'm not trying to put cohen on the spot it's disappointed to not have her here