tv [untitled] June 22, 2015 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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bay socks and this is a journey from a young girl playing middle school base ball on oa boys teams and all the trials and tribialations and strength and weaknesses. i do want to say thank you to pamelaitate roger on behalf of the book. this is for the mayor and then we also have a pictureed autograph for phil and for the commissioners. >> thank you rocky. we'll make sure the mayor gets that. because of the [inaudible] he couldn't be with us this morning but we'll work to have you [inaudible] oneplore time and get air time with our sport fan and chief. he is the biggest sports fan in the city and second me to pass on how honored and thrilled by just
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how well you did >> thank you everyone. thanks bay socs >> >> before we conclude i want to recognize boston property and san francisco giants among others who with their generous support helped get the team [inaudible] i also want to thank the parents who stepped up. whether it was extra funding to make sure all the kids could go or guideants and supervise vision and support. the parents deserve a incredible round of applause for their effort. we are going to conclude the gm report with something unique. we always show a video of this month in parks and what happened in park in honor of the bay socs. we had espn do a little filming for us. if you can queue the
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lap top. >> sequence turn 13 the coach told me he didn't want me on the team and girls play soft ball and that is when i decide i won't quit. [inaudible] she is already broken down so many barrier jz proven girls can play the sport. she opened up so money door squz girls have nor opportunities than we used to. [inaudible] national tournament for girls is long long over due. there is nothing as empowering feeling you are no longer alone. i never see girls play because there no girls in texas. i have never seen so many girls playing baus ball ever. all the kids from 8-13 is awesome because they all believe inl themselves and each other and their dreams. [inaudible] this
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is not a new phenomenon. girls and women have played base ball since there beginning of base ball. when we played ball we did want know what we were doing, we were just happy to be on the dimands getting the opportunity to play. to this day every time i come out and watch these girls play ball and live my life through them and every time they make a error and feel for them because i did the same thing. i saw a girl make a play in the out field that would make the top 10 in espn. they are phenomenal. [inaudible] because you are a girl and not because of your talent, you start to internalize that and when i played i tend to play with the weight of the world. [inaudible] give you a drive and make you work harder because you want to show you can play base ball [inaudible] sometimes i get told i can't play baus ball but that makes
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you want to do more and be better than all the boys. once a team [inaudible] kept calling me girly bear and after that i struck out all 13 of their batters [inaudible] they say like, you [inaudible] they say girls can't play base ball it doesn't bother me. if they say girls can't play, then why am i playing base ball? i'm a big fan of coed base ball. i think when girls play with boys [inaudible] however i think we'll have more girls playing bausball. [inaudible] not every girl wants to play with the boys. they are disgusting. it is pretty fun because when we beat them the boys are like, man and the girls are really happy and we prove girm girls
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can be better than boys. girls are much better than boys. we hit faster [inaudible] and heard the boys say there is a girl on that time. darn right. and then i hit a home run and they are like, wow r girls can do that. it wasn't fun for us then they started crying [inaudible] these girls are good. they have heart and they have the skills and they have all the potential in the world. [inaudible] we are going to do 3 timeathize work the boys do just to prove we can play with them and i believe girls can make it to the [inaudible] they just keep working harder. this is my [inaudible] i want to make it to the mlb even if it isn't me i just want somebody to do that. [inaudible] my
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daughter assumed she can play base ball as long as she chooses to and she is choosing to play ball ball and loving it. justeen always says if you tell a girl she can't play bail base ball what else will she believe she can't do. [inaudible] 3 years i hope they never [inaudible] >> that concludes the general managers report >> thank you very much. >> is there public comment on this general managers report? being none public comment is closed. we are now >> thank you bay soxs. >> now going to item 4 general public comment up to 15 minutes. at this time the
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members of the public may address the commission to the public within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission and do not appear on the agenda >> margaret let's give everyone a chance to exist. thank you everyone for coming and congratulations again. >> with respect to agenda items your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded at that item. i have 3 cards, kelly watts, lind a light hizeer and bill carline and you have 3 minutes each. >> i have a video, no audio.
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>> power up, please >> high commissioners. what filler rr left out about had womens world cup tornment is that the athletes sued the organizers of the tornment due to the tire tur. they based the suit on the fact saying the turf caused injury. the organizer said they will not force the women to play on synthetic turf future events. i am asked to give a upidate. for the record on junetennially university released a year long research study that studied [inaudible] reported on 96
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chemicals found in tire crumb and 20 percent were carcinogens. as you know this correspond with 2003 [inaudible] that over 25 percent of the [inaudible] in march a bill calling for a study of tire crumb was approve bide the california state senate environmental quality committee. in may united states consumer product safety announced a previous statement released and used by the commission for reporting announced that synthetic turf was okay to install and play on was infact inaccurate. they renounced any such safety claims. this spring the san francisco examiner did a pole title are you [inaudible] over half the respondents peeking
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alt 83 other at 1 point prefer natural turf. also this spring the university of san francisco announced it will utilize organic infill instead of tire crumb. since sth rpd has all but acknowledges tire crumb problem, when they announced plans to replace 3 tire crumb fields. this is up to your commissioner to make this decision but perhaps it is now time for someone to stands up and address cancer exposure to children on these fields by instead supporting organic infill. as of todays date, this is reasonable request, it is possible to address this and this can be easily remedied. as always i'm available to you for clarification or further information. thank you
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>> thank you. >> linda. >> glood morning commissioners and general manager. my name is linda lighthizeer and here today to speak on behalf of friends of camp mather. i want to give a upidate on the report i gave last month when we headed up to camp to do precamp volunteer work with the staff. i want to report that it was a excellent precamp. we were able to do a lot of work up there helping out the staff, spreading a lot of the-what do you call it? --we were working on awning for the dining room hall deck and that is a area where we have really been good contributors. we have been able to buy awnings at a very good price and install them for
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the camper tooz use in the dining hall. we also took on something called a curtain project which was to replace all the curtains in camp which is over 122 cabins. we have 6 cabins that are replaced and washed every curtain. that was quite a project in itself. we have also-we were there when the john oconal student was there which was a incredible experience. the stuntd experience nature and camp for the first time. then my husband joe and i were able to stay on for the first week of camp to be volunteer leaders and we got to be some of the first people to experience the ropes course which i think everyone will really luchb t. is a empressive set of courses.
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not just one, but there six or seven different areas you can go to and different levels so i picked what i thought was-they said chs entry level, but when you are 50 feet in the air balancing on little moving planks it does challenge you quite a bit. i watched a 7 year old do it and said someone has to get up there for the other side of the life span so i did it and i am very happy i did. i also learned climb a cargo net is incredbly difficult but what is fun is to know you are totally safe and protection around you is very good. and the team building this sfaunsers and doesn't interfere with anything else going on in camp. it is in a great area not used now. it was also inclusion week and we had such a great time experiencing inclusion week. this is something that the
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department should be incredbly proud of. so many families had campers that have physical and emotional dish abilities and they thrived. thank you. >> thank you y bill carline. >> [inaudible] good morning. i'm here to apologize and i have to say i'm regret being here at this time after a joyful resinitation by the bay soxs. i was here the fr the april meeting and told you one woman was issued 800 dollars in [inaudible] i learned it was
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one woman walking 8 dogs issued one ticket. i also learned the ticket issued for walking dogs off lease in mu claren park are dismissed because they were in a official off leash area. there is commotion and confusion over what chs a sudden and unannounced change in policy and which began [inaudible] no notice or hearing and contributing years of policy and practice. we subsequently learned the signs have been changed by department staff who didvent the authority to do so. still it appears that the department is operating as all it has to do is-all it has to do is set or revice the policy is post a sign and reference park code 3.2. no rule or regulation shall be adopted or repealed
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without a public hearing. the policy of off leash at the amp theater was amended. the eir has not be formalized or review by the planning commission. with the snaugz all the signs, it appears the [inaudible] at least in mu claren park. the signs say, this is a natural resource area, but that is not determined. by that sooin and use of park code 3.02 the [inaudible] an official dog play area. it is as if the department and community spent years formialating a dog policy and it is if there were no dog policy. commissioner i ask you stop the department from implementing the [inaudible]
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until the planning commission has passed the eir and at least until them, please take down those signs. thank you >> thank you. >> is there anyone else who would like to make general publiccome comment. being dunnitem 4 is closed. we are now on the consent calendar, is there anyone who would like to make pub lm comment? we need a motion >> so moved. >> all in favor >> aye. >> so moved. >> we are now on item 6, the san francisco zoo. >> [inaudible] still got a little lion theme. thank you for your support on the consent
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item. thingerize going up at the zoo as well. let me go to metrix here as we get to the end of the fiscal year. may attendance was above budget with 92 thousand visitors versus the budget of 90 thousand. year to date nearly 100 thousand folks come to the zoo. year to date attendance we arely over budget by 100 thousand as well. as you know we discount for folks who come in group jz that is getting close to 40 thousand folks coming through as discounted groups. this is camps, schools outside of the city. san francisco public schools come in free. we had muthder come in for free on fathers day and can't ignore the fathers so the fathers are free on fathers day as well and on july 4 we'll
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have both vets and active military come in for free. as i mentioned fathers day, dads come in free and will also take the opportunity to highlight floid in the for front. i think he fatherered 12 calves including bobby and errhine who are we little things and we are also having a fathers bike about. this is a funiocan come to the zoo on bikes or triceicals and go through the zoo. lastly on fathers day we'll have jeans for giraffes when if you bring in new or orld jeans we recycle them and the fund go to conservation groups in africa and i just brought in all my skinny gene
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rrs that will never fit up again so i gave up on that. in oner of floid. you may have heard the puffer train was down for quite a bit. we always take her down, she is 100 years of age. one of the remaining steam engines in the country. she went out in jan and just returned. that not only was at the dismay of many visters young and old and projected a loss of over 3507 thousand so that puffer is a cash cow. no one is happier than jany here, the lead train engineer. i keep telling johnny keep puffing so thank you jany for getting that back up. local conservation we participate with partners in california to
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make sure the local wild life stays afloat. we just recently relaced to the tahobasin 95 frogs. they were being whipeed out fwie a fungal disease called kitred that comes in through non native fish in the tahobasin. we bread and raised them for a year at the zoo, innocumented them and have a string of frogs here that should be immune to the disease so they are released and we'll be watching them. a lot of volunteers and employees went there to release. as you may have seen the sculpture learning plaza opened this to great fanfare we had 1300 members come and open the plaza. this finishes out the childrens exploration zone near
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the playground. most of the animals and skeptures are species you do not find at a zoo. this is a rare tropical chameleon and understand supervisor norman yee would like the name right frz this guy. i guess it matches one of his suits. this is the head of a grey whale. there is braille on each skullture so the blind visitors can touch the whale. i just have to point out this [inaudible] was so real life my husband startleed. this was made using the scales of a dead python shipped in from florida to assist the artist and it is quite amazing, looks life like.
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if you vafear of snaims perhaps skip that part of the zoo. on the very good news, as aknow we had a 6 million dollar face live of the tropical aviary. this is a building built post great depression. that large branch there disguises bird feeding devises. all the birds will be free flighted. a lot of the parrots are rescue and abandoned pets. we get a chance to expand our reptile section. despite my comments on the reptiles we have a lot of boys to see the reptiles. there are caves to go under the reptiles and water files. we are bringing in a second sloth here. this is a 2 towed sloth, they hang upside down for most of their life so much so their fur actually
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grows upside down and algae will accumulate in them. they only come down once a week to go tothe bathroom and then go back up and that helps stimulate growth in the rain forest. this guy has not been named so maybe president you can help me auction off the name at the next zoo fest >> happy to oblige >> [inaudible] >> they are really fascinating feature. with that iconclude my report >> thank you very much. >> any public comment on this item? being none public comment is closed. this was discussion only. >> sorry, commissioner harrison, just a comment yfs benefited by a quick tour of the sculpture plaza by jofity who i might say is extremely knowledgeable about the creatures of our world and
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learned something. the tasmanian devil is a marsupial. if you haven't seen it, go see it, it is extraordinary. >> thank you. >> wree now on item 7, hill top park ren ovation >> good morning commissioners. my name is caren [inaudible] i'm a project manager from capital division. pleased to present this item to you today. item before you is a discussion and possibly action to approve the design for the hill top park ren ovation and approve 218 thousand dollars for the skate park portion located on the north eastern corn thorf park fundsed by the community opportunity program. approval action is defined by the san francisco
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administrative code chapter 31. this project is special for me to work on. the project was funded by a state grant overall. i have-we can turn on the-thank you. so, as you see here this is a overall plan for had design 234 park. we are rejuvenating and ren ovateing all the areas and added more features. this project also hilites a important part numbership we have with both the trust for public land and also parks 94124. community group comprised of neighborhood and reside in a nairnd and who i got to know 33 the project and worked with the department over the last few years to work to rejuvenate a few parks. this park is called sun dial park by folks in the neighborhood do to the large sun dial and has great slides.
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one of the first skate bowl, the first skate bowl and other aminities. unfortunately over time there was play equipment that has been removed. i'll show a couple images. the existing scale bowl is not as fun as the new one. they existing one is just a circle, it is probably great at the time it was built, but now it is not very challenging for skate boarders needs so thris is the new expanded more improved skate park that will be going in. this was made possible through the community opportunity program additional funding. one of the really great things about this project is trust and public land wurging with parks 94124 worked on a bunch of clean up days to bring people into the project, work on clearing out of the
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areas around the park that have become over grown and bring people to the process and anyhow how taprovide feedback on park design. this is a image of some of the material gathered during a clean up day and this is sth lour playground area now. it is a sand area and doesn't have play equipment at the moment, but it will after this project is done. the project has gone through a community out reach process and has support and benefited from the community grant. that capital committee i was joined bytrudey [inaudible] she couldn't be here today because they are at a week long conference they all went to. i'll pass along a couple comments. she thanked the staff included but not limited to jim wheeler who provided
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design for the skate park and did fun days up there with program frz the folks in the neighborhood. lisa wan and robert wattcon and the volunteer staff. kimberley ceefer and her staff who helped with volunteer days and structural [inaudible] as they provide feedback. today i'm joined by mia so she will probably dm come up in a couple minutes. thauchck very much. staff rementd aigds is to approver the hill top design for ren ovation and funding of 218 thousand for the skate park portion of the project funded by xhinety opportunity fund. >> is there public comment on this item? come on up.
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