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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2015 6:00am-6:31am PDT

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r who provided design for the skate park and did fun days up there with program frz the folks in the neighborhood. lisa wan and robert wattcon and the volunteer staff. kimberley ceefer and her staff who helped with volunteer days and structural [inaudible] as they provide feedback. today i'm joined by mia so she will probably dm come up in a couple minutes. thauchck very much. staff rementd aigds is to approver the hill top design for ren ovation and funding of 218 thousand for the skate park portion of the project funded by xhinety opportunity fund. >> is there public comment on this item? come on up.
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>> hi, commission. mia rogers from parks 94124. thanks caren. i want to say first parks 94124 is grateful for everyone vaubed in the process for the commitment to the project and listening to at times our very different views. parks 94124 want today insure the communities voice was heard accurately and we are glad everyone involved is so on thatd same page. as a community resident and native and i whole heartedly say that has happened. i believe that not only have we encourageed the community to speak out and if they-i remember our original design had no swings and that was the first thing we heard
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from the community is like, where are the swings? we built significant relationships with the neighbor jz i view this partnership is a model for future partnerships. that's it >> thank you very much. >> is there anyone else who would like to make public comment? being none public comment is closed. commissioners >> entertain a motion >> motion to approve >> second. all in favor? >> aye. so moved. item 8 is off calendar so we are on 9, the recreation and park department strategic plan >> thank you commissioners [inaudible] i'm very proud to present to you our 2016, 2020 proposed stuteejic plan. this is hurld in the operations and capital committee so it is not
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new for any of you so i'll try to go through relatively quickly and be available for any question or comments. why do we do it? a strategic plan is a important road map fl organization. over the last 5 or 6 years we faced a lot of challenges successfully but in a reactive mode as the city economy has gotten better it allows a opportunity to think and to plan for the future and create a road map that will not only guide the department internally and provide a transapparent understanding to the park stack holders. it is also pornts because it is legally required. the park code section requires that we do do a 5 year strategic plan to be updated annually that
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established mission goals and objectives. the last time a plan fs done in this organization was i believe 2002, 03 under gol goldsteen. this is led by 2 very important planning documents that has come before the commission. one is the budget process. that is-forms the year to year guide for the decisions we make and performants planning and management process where we had 7 core goals in the organization for the last 6 or 7 years that guided the work plan and the organization. so, none the less, it was time to redo this and we were very fortunate to be able to work with the harve rbd business school community partners program. this is a group of people that give probono time
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that pride expericize. we applied for a project and got it. andrew brown [inaudible] was to be here today. he had a family emergency. [inaudible] get toog our organization and best practice review. their projeblth was time limited and we have been work on this for all most 2 years so wree grateful to have the support of [inaudible] and i'll bring her up to say a few words. sue and her firm tag teamed with [inaudible] and worked big pieces of it to continue to help particular on internal facil taiz and dedesign work to help us get to where we are today. among the external stack holders we worked with is prozac which has a advisory roll in the process and prozac
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has 23 appointed members 2 in each district and the mayor aproints a single member and created a subcommittee with whom we met on numerous occasions. i'm pleased to report prozac approved the strategic plan at the june meeting. this is a list of some oaf the external contributor that were involved in the plan. we tried to reach out to and have hbs community partner program work with us on reaching out to a variety of exsternl stack holders that were conveners and represented different stack holder jz thipg there are a few here today who are repaired to offer public comment. i see the park alliance is here and john cunning ham is here from [inaudible] we did a lot of
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research of other agencies looked at their plan and operations. we loorked at strategic plans that were not park entities. most do a strategic plan and we were able to pick and choose elements from a variety of agency squz looked at a couple in the private sector and a few in other cities. a lot of work was done with the internl stake holders. we touched on 35 different job classes. the meetings were arranged so they were cross divisional and cross hiarchical so we didn't have a conversation with just managers or gardeners, we tried to get everyone in the room together and that journey provided a lot of benefit as we were able to
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get to know each other and learn a little more about what was important toory numerous different business lines and operating division. we like to do things by the numbers at rec park see you see our plan by the numbers which included open houses, prozac meetings project manager meetdings and focus groups, all the things we talked about. both of our facilitators harvard business school and miry posea leadership commented on the breath of out reach we do in the public secter. now the plan itself. we started with the mission statement which surround in the organization for a while and the mission statement described what we do and it is similar to what the mission statement has been in the organization for a while but with one important change that was requested by staff in
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the inclusionary community which is emphasize the naich thorf services and there may be public comment to speak to that in a little bit. vision, which is our asseparation. this required lot of discondition and careful cureating of themes and concepts. the long version of the vision statement which isn't that long rnsh a good vision statement should be under 20tory 15 words, inspiring a livable city fl all san francisco connect to play nature and each other and because we tend to remember les not more inspire connect and play is the short vision. those words are very carefully cureated and like the collide scope they mean different thing tooz different people. the parkerize inspiration and hope to inspire people to be acktdive and connect people with nature and each other and
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we want to foster play, whatever that mean frz our park users in the communities whether it be active play, structured play, unstructured play. we are a organization and agency that is about play and that is a good thing. our values. this was a really important part of the conversation. the values are how we do our work and lot of feed back where we do well and where we have opportunity for growth. a lot of discussion internally about how we really wanted to gobed about our work and ended up with 5 key words, respect, resilience, relationship, responsiveness and results. they are defined in the slide as you see and think the word that is most resinginate td with me was the
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world resilience and that is what the organization is over the last 6 orep 7 years and will continue to be. our sunchs squz programs and parks really matter to people and we all have different views about what is important, you hear that at every commission meeting and unanimous consent is impossible but have to address different park views with empathy and perspective and must be willing to adapt to change, we must be able to change. we identified 5 key stratdanies, one is inspire public space. we want to keep the parks safe clean and fun and promote the heritage and build the great parks of tomorrow. we want to promote play. we want to inspire investment through community engagement advocase and partnerships. it is important
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because parks matter to cultivate more financial resources to keep the parks and programs accessible for everyone. want to inspire studeredship [inaudible] and lastly in orange we want to inspire our team. encourage innovation and cultivate a connective engaged and aligned work force that delivers outstanding services. the core strategies are how we epreechb the vision, the asition spraof inspiring connecting and play. each of the strategies have a series of objectives. it is important we have real metrixes and below the line you see the work plan and that is not really a formal part of the strategic plan. we includes it to be transparent and give
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people both our own staff and external stake holders key work of the objectivesism objective one is development open space to [inaudible] we can go on to objective 2, taylor. we want to strengthen the quality of existing parks and facilities. we want to steward and promote good park behavior. love deloris. preserve and celebrate cultural resources. park are about a sense of place linking past to present to future. strategy 2, inspiring play. some of the key objectives. we want to continue to strevlen the quality responsiveness and accessibility of the recreation programs and a variety of initiatives that are designed to address those. you have seen these before so we can focus on them if there are
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question. objective 2.2 we want to strengeen and promote safety health and well being of san francisco youth and seniors. 2 core constituency in our-that use and rely on our parks. objective 2.3, work with partners and neighborhood groups to activate park to organize event activities and unstructured play. yoi can see example thofz initiatives there of ways to activate our various parks through a variety of activities that are important to our park users mptd turning the strategy 3. inspire public investment to better align with infrastructure needs. the heart orphoutreach and conversations we had, this was the nut of it. our ability to really implement much of our strategic plan is largely
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reliant on the resources we have to do it. so, some of the key initiatives in 3.1 i'll take a second to focus on this is pursue a strategy and mayor and board and park alliance and community. we are please today hear the mayor talk about this in the budget speech and i'm grateful to had park alliance and prozac for helping to lead that conversation which ought to be taking place over the next few month about how to better align our level of invesment with the resources weez have. objective 3.2. a big part is continue to broaden engagement and strengeen external [inaudible] there are a variety of strategies to that. some involve technology and some involve good old fashion person to person meetings which this organization has never tracked. the organization spends a
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remarkable amount of time meeting in [inaudible] continue to cultivate philanthropic support. we need partners and friends and particularly on the capital side a lot of our most ambishish ideas require a significant amount of philanthropic investment. strategy 4 is inspiring stewardship for 3 score objectives one is conserve and sfrevlen natural resources. the drought is with us for a long time. we talked #3w9 the reforestation program and coming up with tree maintenance cycle which is probably one of the biggest vulnerability. we continue to increase green waste prubz and expand compost
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product. under the leadership of deny and [inaudible] there has been a lot more education and certification-environmental education for the staff which is something that will continue. objective 4.2, we want to increase biodiversity and interconnectivity on city park land. i hope it isn't years but months before the [inaudible] this is real. i think a few of you attended the botanical garnd 75 lunch with key note speaker of [inaudible] who talked about bioderversity and as the planet heats up and struggle with water and resorbss biodiversity matters. it was one tof things we heard most loudly from the field staff. it is important the parks are well man cured and look pretty we have a very
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serious responsibility to manage the ekeology of our open space and biodiversity and focus on sustainable plants and creating cor doors where [inaudible] can thrive is important and you will see us continuing to focus on that work. part of our responsibility if we drive and push on diodiversity is? crease the literacy of the users and staff and help people understand why biodiversity is important. there are a sears of initiatives and measures designed to attack that. last but not least because this organization while the park system has great bones at the end of the day we are only as good as the people who work in
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our organization. we want to inspire our team. we want to continue to strengeen efficiency and support innovation. it is something we talk about a lot about how as a organization we embrace a new and prioritize insooivation and then we create sort of the business process change is to make it work. internal communication and collaboration is a challenge in a organization with nearly a thousand permanent staff and all most 12 or 1300 temporary staff in the field. not everyone has the mobile tools for us to actually communicate with so communication and collaboration is a focus over the next 5 years as well work force development, professional development and recognition. we got to celebrate a wonderful work force program at [inaudible] last week. our apprenticeship program is something we continue to be very proud about but it isn't
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just in the field, our work with san francisco state, the recreation program with the youth, work force development is something that runs through all the business lines in the organization. that is a rather quick summary of the plan. it is all here in detail, you all had the pleasure of seeing it. this plan was presented 2 budget meetings and 2 prozac meetings and this is the first commission meeting. it has after a couple years well vetted. i want to do a couple things now before i conclude, one is bring up sue [inaudible] who but a vacation day-her vacation on hold to give her perspective of the facilitation
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work. >> thank yous. thanks bebeing here. i'm honored to be here and honored to have worked with phil and staff and a lot are here and got to know them well. i say in the 20 years i have been doing this work, a lot of executive coaching work this is probably the most exhaustive piece of work i have seen. we talked to a lot of people and i'm very caufd we honored the community and peoples opinions and that is reflected in here. we can't have everyones opinion in here, but i think we definitely got a lot of peoples input. it is also reflecktded in the wayee did this. the values we put together and the way we met as a team, the way we talked with internal groups when we put the groups. even the way we were mindful about the specific question weez
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asked. it was a lot of work and a lot of kindness and also some tension of course but i think we handled it really well. we incorporated a lot of the information into the plan and now we nude to go do it. there is a lot more to this in terms of how to incorporate this and implement it and the good news is the way we have been doing it and put it toorlth we are on our way in terms of how that reflects of the implementation. i'm up for questions. phil anything you want to me address? i want to honor the fact that hbs isn't here, but they did quite a bit of work in terms of understanding a park user perspective. a ton of research before i got on the scene so want to augknowledge them as well. made my job a lot easier
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>> we wanted to thank you you for all the hours you put into this and want to thank nob we have a certificate of appreciation >> that is really nice. >> we do have public comment, would you like me to go ahead- >> please >> john cunning ham, mat t
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[inaudible] >> john cony ham and national director of [inaudible] it is pleasure and honor to speak before the commission and i want to take you back 24 year jz cu-mind the innovative creative and craijs steps the staff take 24 years ago during the darkest age of the aids epidemic creating a public private partnership. we have invest td nearly 3 million dollars in improvement of a #135is that was a abandoned site and thipg monday i'll have the honor of being the first stop by the mayors coming to the grove and continue to share that story not necessarily about the aid story but what a city can do twh reaches out. i
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want to cu-mind phil and his team. i had the opportunity on the for profit and non profit. i had a opportunity to review that plan over the next several week squz i'm very imprec pressed with the thought and vision. it is a road map to the future as phil said mptd there is a lot of work put into it, the work now begins. this partnership means a great deal not only to myself and the citizenoffs san francisco but to ourination. partnerships are stested by marriage not in the good times but the tuff time and the last year is a tough time both for rec and park and the grouv as well. arve we had a quarter million dollar of vandalism inflicted on the grove. we came together and continued to work and look at the future and how we continue to take the foundation of that relationship. what it
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does is highlight a couple things called out in the plan and hope the commission will look at. first and formost we have the crown jewel of park systems in the country, but if we don't create a space in which the visitors and tor rks ist can am and be assure td is safe and secure, they are not worth having. i can personally say i feel the investment in our park patrol and park ranger system is inadequately fundsed. we have billions of dollars of infruc structureture unprotected so i hope you'll look seriously at that. i avail myself to work with phil and other park partners to replicate what it means for the
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sit zin tooz get vaufed. it is easy to look at the government to say fix it do it, make it. on behalf of the grove board of director i encourage the commission to not only approve the plan but work with it going forward. thank you >> thank you >> matt. >> good morning matt ogradey with san francisco park alliance mptd the charter does mandate a plan that looks forward 5 years and that be upidated on on a annual basis. this is the first time you have a plan going back a dozen years. there are a million reasons why that wasn't done in the past but they are moot now because you vaplan in front of you. i was among several people of the park alliance who were consulted and intervud in the development of the plan.
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we were given a couple briefings as it was drafted so we had a nochb opportunity to provide input and there are a number of close alignment between this plan and park alliance own plan. it is a solid plan. the format allows for creative and adaptability for changing condition. it allywise the park alliance own strategic plan and highlights a number of partnerships we have together. a few specifics we long sought included in the plan, setting maintenance objectives and a mainss plan is something we have seen as a critical need. also developing a specific list of projects that could be funded with philanthropy. there a number of instances in the past where donors want to make a investment in the park and not
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having a clear [inaudible] that would be extremely valuable. there is strategic value. it saw gressive plan but the department doesn't have the budget for all of it. we do recommends adaungez possible with one amendment to the plan you will hear about. we strongly encourage the commission to intist e cyst on regular briefing and move forward with the annual upidate in the charter >> >> thank you. >> tyler? catherine. >> good morning commissioner,
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catherine howard. i'm concerned the reck and park department has followed the letter or spirit for the strategic plan. the charter states pry to adoption of each 5 year plan they shall conduct 5 hearings and [inaudible] however there have not been 5 hearings held in location distributed geographically throughout the city. they have all been held at city hall. reck and park claimed 2 meetings have been held in the neighborhood however those meetings were primarily advertised at a public meeting. a brief note, get a sneak peek at the department new strategic plan. find out [inaudible] this wording clearly states the staff is doing the planning, not