tv [untitled] June 22, 2015 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT
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recommendations are on audit finding two weeks ago we released an audit on the fire departments planning processes and the strategic planning we stated we are not recommend new general fund position we have a discussion in the topic what we have recommended one position this is consistent with other fire departments that have some kind of support strategy planning process we want to point out there's a highly paid position within the fire department which we recommended their responsibility was live strategic planning and planning my understanding the depended agreed their strategic planning process should be included we stand by our remedies and the
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other recruitment the audit they needed to work within the existing resources they district attorney have an overall recruitment problem but with only the department attract san francisco residents to the fire department and we're very clear we need to work with the existing resources there are many to the best of your knowledge they're not looking at the existing resources to improve that process as. >> yes. mr. chairman, and members of the committee i want to read the item the chief spoke to the reduction of 477 plus we recommend that you reduce uniform shareholders in 2015-2016 the department has increased over 7, 8, 9 by over $3 million up to 9.3 percent increase in 2015-2016 the department will eye $350,000 for
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recruitment of new officers the board of supervisors approved a full-time professional in 2014-2015 at the department of human services and in addition the department is requesting 50 thoughts r thousand dollars for extra coverage during fleet week and finally the budget analyst recommendations shifting one hundred plus from over time to temporary salaries to support the paramedic program those recommends will still allow for an increase of $2 million plus or 7.9 percent increase in over time. >> thank you, mr. rose supervisor tang. >> if i could ask the fire department to respond to the budget analyst planning
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positions their planned to have the existing staffing for the if i could respond to that. >> certainly we feel as does in previous audits did you i done by the budget analyst mravm mentioned the recent audit what has challenged, in fact, our admin staffing went down in 2002, the planning unit with 4 members and then in 2014 just a year and a half ago 3 people in the most recent audit we can do it win that's not possible we don't have the staffing we need the staffing to be able to plan and anticipate our growing population most of the fire departments in the country have more than two chiefs of department in their analysis
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we're the only department with two reports in 2002, it was spoken by the budget analyst they recommend property a direct report to the fire chief and the unit was $280,000 much more than strategic planning we want to do to be effective and anticipate what is coming down in the future the analytical staff should work with the staff to a help where the policy and b have a strategy plan and c the monitoring tools and d manage the quality improvements and e write grant applications we ago in 2002 we had more people to do that kind of work we have fewer today in 201417 are 18 short
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months ago i have a copy they called for 3 additional positions budget analyst reiterated the importance of a planning function within their department they recommendation to the fire department included 6 policy option to the board of supervisors one didn't say the creation of a strategy planning unit their words this would have committed 3 new positions we didn't go there because we knew we were having biggest reduction now the time to fund the positions we feel strongly and we'll be a much more forward independent. >> supervisor yee. >> thank you chief i just carries in terms of if you had this position to do a strategic plan generally is it takes a year or less have you seeing this position as a on and
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on position. >> yes. if i for the question the recommendations is a 10 year is a disservice with the planning we feel should be in in grained into the fire department with the professional member that has the expertise and background to anticipate the future needs of the department to be able to fulfill our mission we see it as a permanent position. >> from my perspective thank you to the budget analyst opens this vice president in particular colleagues from any prospective as it revolts to planning as i see within the public safety this function is critical should have existed a long time ago but now the intention if anything we've learned from the police staffing in the city and county of san francisco we need to plan as the
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population grows and the deduction must of us coming on the board where from high prospective there couldn't be more critical department than the fire department i'll very much like to support and in terms of you know the over time allotment for recruiting to congregating more doing more recruiting in san francisco to get the san francisco residents into the public safety i'll support i think whether you do it inside or outside the staff it is relevant but something i definitely think is growing the diversity is hugely important so i just want to be on the record i especially the fire department is necessary and we'll be remiss as a beacon hill
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if we didn't approve that and send it forward. >> colleagues, any other action supervisor yee. >> i intend to agree that the position to do the strategic planning is a necessary piece as a function of most organizations to have someone to do that arrest generally speaking you go through the process not every year most would say a 3 year or 5 year plan and we look at it every year so i'm questioning whether the position itself would be as intense a second year 40 for the purposes when you have a strategic plan the next steps to complement the plan and so i'm clear about the second year but definitely
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support the first year and supervisor i envision in addition i know a strategy plan you have a document and you've implemented we've anticipated it is a working document in addition to that responsibility there's a whole mri i can't do of data again to keep us where we need to be in terms of fulfilling our position and looking at grant opportunities we feel the creation of those positions and this unit will service the department and city well in terms of having someone to focus on the future of the neighborhood we see park merced and brother hood and hetch hetchy and candle stick this is 20 or thirty years out how to anticipate the most effective use of our resources we see that is a permanent a long time
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position most departments have a person supporting them to look at those types of issues to cuba's if there's a firefighter the problem i see as the civic center commission i have a letter i'll have the cfo pass around some civil service they sent a letter to the mayor, we need dictated men and women in uniform the beauty of the san francisco fire department the men and women we've seen recently not a lack of numbers but a lack of diversity in the numbers even though dcyf has been funded it is valuable to have someone that looks at like you and talks like you in
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uniform to recruit into the definition communities in san francisco. >> chief i certainly described the motion the question about the recruiting process firefighters out there but if we're going to pay time and a half for overtime h does that work. >> for some members yes. the idea to fund a position perhaps that would own the recruitment piece using over time expenditures to have the members of the department to own the offer time fees. >> i'll support that that is exactly what i was going to say if we're going to end up paying everyone time and half why pay someone or several people you know to make up a full-time and
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not to pay time and half. >> that's what we're contemplating supervisor. >> i'll support it. >> supervisor tang. >> thank you chief for your answers at the budget analyst office for the registrations colleagues, i think at this time i'm supportive of the strategy planning and the ftes that have been asked for not only for this year by the past years and given the reports whether out of the budget analyst officers saying the fire department needs this to fund it i'll be interested in seeing the outcome in terms of recruitment i said there is one civilian to do the recruitment efforts but no uniformed recruitment i sat through a geohearing last year a number of groups came before us and said they want to see more
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diversity in recruitment and currently no staffing to be able to do that i'll support the recruitment as well at this time i'd like to make a motion to accept the cuts proposed by the fire department of 7 hundred plus thousand dollars for year one and roughly the three hundred thousands for 2016-2017. >> supervisor tang under corral maybe ask a question from the fire departments as upgraded those cuts keeping the positions but taking them in awe transition are you able to translate that into year two. >> to accept the budget analysts recommendations with the expectation of $200,000 plus
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with recruitment and restore the planning with the attrition. >> that's correct. >> so right now mr. corral i understand that will help to figure out the number two not to put you on the spot but claubl on your end and it's claubl. >> thanks a motion by supervisor tang do have i a second supervisor mar we'll take that without objection. >> so moved. >> thank you very much. >> okay. up next, we have oewd. >> thank you chair farrell todd with the oewd i'd like to thank the budget analyst they're and
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their hard work oewd is in agreement our agreed reductions in 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 items we're not in agreement on are two ongoing reductions of $500000 for community-based organization serves as noted in the b l a report the contracting delays with the contributed to services provided tloir through the mayor e.r. the back the issuance of an rfp purposes those drafts is detailed the staff of contracts for months as a result, the significant balances at the end of the fiscal year our cb o deliver services with the investment & infrastructure as reductions in
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and impact the staffing oewd has priority the b o a with the plan that reducing the balance by the end of the fiscal year and it includes the names where we are in the contracting that process and the related amounts i'll accelerating the progress a priority and to implement stems to help the process i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> thank you very much supervisor wiener. >> thank you, sir a question on this the b l a says it shouldn't be cut but we received the news because the groundbreaking timeline do we know and this is a question i'll ask the same question to mr. rose in terms of tracking the money does that money get spent the following
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fiscal year. >> to answer that it is yes. the way it is generalized because generally oewd is responsible for generating new programming every year. >> if you're a round number $1 million if fiscal year number one and you spend $700,000 so 3 hundred goes to the following year that's one .3 that year because of the 3 how does that work carry over you spend the 3 hundred and it keeps flowing over. >> my cfo e ceo correct me if i am wrong that gets spent from the previous year but those additional dollars do get spent. >> i'll ask mr. rose so as
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tloksz the chair that he address that issue whether or not the b l a money never gets spent. >> colleagues mr. rose. >> >> yes. mr. chairman, and members of the committee we have two recommendations for savings on page 40, 2 hundred thoughts rue thousand dollars the 5 hundred on fyi supervisors i'm known to say and is supervisor wiener i say that sincerely i will eat those to pages with ketchup if they don't chief the $500,000 savings on both pages i'll read the explanation reduce $500,000 for historical spend the department has $1.9 million for the 2018 and
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but only spend $8.4 million in 2013-2014 resulting in $4.5 million in 2014-2015 those sewer plusses and minuses are the details with the community organizations mayors budget increased grant to the community-based organization by $4.6 million for $12.9 million in 2014-2015 to $4 million in 2015-2016 the same explanation on fyi no way this million dollars is going to be expended i know that supervisor wiener the only way to prove this is wait until next year let's assume i'll wrong for a minute if i'm wrong the
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department can come back to the board of supervisors and r request a supple appropriation we'll recommend approval what we're telling you is based on historical spending take the money and use it for the needs and don't leave it in the departments as it's left for the last two years no matter what 9 department says all that money will not this expended. >> mr. chair if i may and in terms of the departments position that the funds will not always spent in the fiscal year get thereafter so, of course, we'll not should be allocating it. >> no supervisor if it didn't get spent this year that money have roll over into the general fund reserve and the board of supervisors should be presented
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with a new set of facts to give whatever they need for the next fiscal year we'll recommend approval whatever they need for the next fiscal year. >> i want to implicit we don't believe that the money carried forward if 2013-2014 will be expended in 2014-2015 we looked at the $8 million in 2013-2014 on o preambles and looked at the budget for 2015-2016 it was $12 million there were expenditures of $8 million we don't think that the money are scared forward year by year are for a fact expended. >> mr. rose that was the beginning of our report do you want to give our full report just real quick as a question
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the dollars to the spent are necessary not from the budgetary prospective pit into the budget as a source. >> typically what the controller does for all departments not just this department for surplus funds not extent their rolling over into the general fund and they're used as a source of revenue to support the next year entire budget not only one department but for the entire budget that's correct it will be expended what we've said supervisor is if i know the supervisors are looking for their priorities if we're correct and we believe we are we're telling you there is money that is not going to be expended this year that should go into the pot for appropriation in the
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next fiscal year all departments start off from scratch and make their requests to the mayor and the board like i said if it is justified weight recommend approval we're showing you money that is not expended based on historical spending. >> thank you, mr. rose. >> so the total recommendations sheriff to answer our question our recommend to the proposed budget in 2015-2016 and we recommend closing out the general fund encumbrance and our recommended reductions for 2016-2017 are one million dollars plus. >> okay. thank you, mr. rose and supervisor tang. >> thank you i have with only question for the department whether we can potentially put the fund on
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budget committee reserve if in deed what harvey is saying is true and the second point i want to ask before you answer the question the rational for the $500,000 cuts is the same i want to distinguish between the programs was is economic development and the training that potentially in oewd will resulted in the loss of the entire city build cycle among other things so i want to dhaeft between the categories but oewd address that question. >> thank you supervisor one of the points the idea and that's the right question to ask is that the department is provided the budget analyst a
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detailed plan for the prior to the end of the fiscal year years that the majority of funds bad actor expected to fund the priorities of board in implementing critical programs related to office of economic workforce development it's our intention and the departments intention to move those grants out to get the cb organization to grant those so to be really, really clear i take our point supervisor that is little impacts and look at the economic side and the investment & infrastructure to the implementation of those services that we'll have to look at the impact that means the reduction of services for two to three corridors for the neighborhoods reduction in the amount of aids assistance and we'll have to
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circulate that exactly i do want to respond to our question about the reserve i think the department feels comfortable with the plan we've provided to the budget analyst office to expend the fund we'll have in the previous years at this point. >> okay. colleagues any further discussions there. >> supervisor wiener and one question so maybe this is i guess maybe to either one money is appropriated and than at some point the cash goes out in between then the department has a grant agreement or if you don't have the money appropriated can you issue an rfp or soliciting applications
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for grants from the money is not appropriate i'm wondering in terms of it not been spent is it obligated or put out for bid. >> right the listed of we've provided did budget analyst officer shows the grants we're in the process of moving out and the detail you know contract negotiation in signature the rfps have been completely again that was provided which the details and the vast majority of the money will be enbermuda. >> to the b l a in terms of the money that your stating will not be spent are you saying you don't believe it will be obligated or put out to bid before the end of the fiscal year. >> ms. casco mr. chairman and
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supervisor wiener i'm sure you're aware of a huge difference between an church and enendurance the departments will enberry money once that encumbrance is practiced that's theirs and, yes they can enbureau the money there is such a big difference between spending the funds the enar encumbered funds will not be spent. >> how can a department issue an rfp for a from the standpoint from the money is not appropriated if i'm a community-based organization i don't know if you can do that and why wouldn't you do that from the money is not appropriated it didn't exist. >> the rfps the departments issued them all the time and in
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terms of what the final results of revenue are in context what has been appropriated it can be different maybe. >> maybe an rfp is the wrong word but the grant we'll isolate a solicit grant this is the application deadline and 60 days to ward it when the money is not appropriated seems odd. >> i'll be clear about the recommendation what we battalions based it on true the money has to be appropriated for the money to be enbermuda what was we have to go back two years what was employment if you look at 2014-2015 it is what was appropriated they're saying now
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their encumbered. >> we think that is spending all the money in 2015-2016 that's the basis of our recommendation. >> thank you. >> colleagues, any questions or comments supervisor yee. >> yeah. >> i'm hearing the argument and certainly when it comes to encumbrance it based on what you are doing that and whether or not you're asking someone to contracting in june what money our spending and a lot of times when our
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