tv [untitled] June 27, 2015 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT
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bill. i want to thank sclu chauncy smith [inaudible] also i introduce with all the members of the board of supervisors a rez dugz to doclar july every year americans with disabilities month. it is 25 year anniversary of ada. i want to say it is grass roots organizations people with disabilities them sevl squz their direct action in history of their civil rights movement connect would so many other movements are why we have laws like ada. [inaudible] sijeing of the land mark ada. the first world wide and creates a national man date for elimination of barriers. 25 years ago with the passage of
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ada [inaudible] people can disabilities and create equal opportunities for them in employment housing and so many other areas. the board will be proclaiming our pride and playing a critical role in supporting the ada in the month of july and working toward a future in which all the doors are open equally tonight for everyone with full participation, independent livling, [inaudible] for all with disabilities. the national ada effort took hold in san francisco bay area with the start of independent living movement in berkeley and other areas of the bay area and culminated with month long [inaudible] in 1977. first we had alkatraiz take over by indians of all nations in 68 and 69 and 10 years later disabled people taking over the federal building direct action to address their civil rights
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and it directly led to the implementation of regulation of section 504, the rehabilitation act federally. san francisco has supported the rights of people with disability for equal opportunity and self determination through legislative and financial action. for example over the past 25 years our board has taken many steps to make acamidations for people with disability such as increase to build squgz increase access to these chamber and pedestrian right of way to mitigate accessibility barriers at public acamidations. however as many of the grass rots people with disability know and have struggled for many years there is much work to be done. since our initial hearing on employment with people with disability last year the department of human resources in a great way met with grass
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roots leaders. my officer and many others to support had rights of people with disability to public employment. we had on going discussion and looking forward to another piece of legislation that will come forward to the board that comes out of the important task force meetings. the strong diverse communities of people with disability i salute and in pass the resolution acknowledging july as a important month for those with disabilities. also i want to say beginning july 1 is a kick off celebration of the with the mayor office on disability and community alliance for disability advocates were celebrating a kick off event july 1, wnz day from 11:30 to 13030. edroberts disabled people leaders said
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the greatest lessen of the civil rights movement is that the moment you let others speak for you you lose. i think the acknowledge of people with disability speaking and organizing is critical as we celebrate the 25 anniversary of the ada. we expect grooss roots organization and historical readers from the movement to be there. it will be fun, historic and educational with comedian, interaners, refreshment and gathering and celebrating the sitry. the website is ada 25 bay thank you the rest i submit >> thank you supervisor mar. madam president i see supervisor achb lose on the roster but don't believe he returned to the chamber. otherwise that concludes the introduction of new business >> thank you madam president
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>> chair wiener thank you >> at this point we'll move to public comnlt >> at this time the public may comment for up to 2 minutes. including the minutes and items on the adoption calendar. public comment isn't allowed nob pursuant the it board rules direct your remark dooz board as a whole not to the individual supervisors nor to the audience. speakers using translation assistance are allowed twice the time and if you like to display your document please state so to sfgtv and remove the document whether you like to return to the meeting >> good evening honorable
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president breed and supervisors. [inaudible] i would like to share a poem. this poem popped into my mind fully composed. i attended the a public meeting. i walk down the hall way there was a san francisco flag hanging from the pellagpole. i took the edge of the san francisco flag between my fingers and un[inaudible] at the moment i released the flag this poem popped into my mind. ashes to ashes, dust to dust, iron is mighty, but gold never rusts. this poem perfectly coinsides with our city motto [inaudible] gold and peace iron
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and [inaudible] thank you very much >> thank you next speaker please >> i may be using some slides. peter warfield exponent tev director of library users. the american library association is holding its annual convention in san francisco for the first time since 2001. 14 years ago. as we love book squz librarys and librarian we want to welcome them and with them wish them well as i'm sure the city and board do as well. but for both of the ala and your board especially as you consider the budget please keep in mind the librarys words do not always
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match itss deeds and appearances are not always the realty. about a year and a half ago a nice book was published call the public library with photographs by robert dosen and it contained a esh aby lieuese hurarea called spreading enlightenment and here is a exert. on any given day children bay be enjoying a rock concert in the library odd toerium while teens are learning djing and moving making skills in the teen center. well, that was a wish rather than a realty and lieuese [inaudible] was describing the realty what just opened last week a year and a half or more after publication of the book. with respect to magazines as a example you
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expect the library would do well with magazines. when you go to find a new yorker there are no new yorkers on the shelf neither the bound magazines nor any nations. the [inaudible] >> thank you very much. next speaker please >> good afternoon supervisors. this one is important. this is david eliate lewis and speak on behalf 06 the mental health board and crisis intervention training team. this wednesday my mental health board passed 2 important resolutions we would like you to know of. both are asking for fundsing for cit. i don't know if you know, even the police commission asked the police department to do crisis intervention training the trainers are volunteer. we have all most no support from
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the police department other than they give 25 officers 3 times a year in a room to train and have no support for professional actors or roll play. further more thosheriff department has no cit training other than just a few hours in the academy. this resolution that we passed on had board is asking for a line item for cit funding for both the police which is one item and a separate resolution for the sheriffs department. the police at least have [inaudible] the sheriff department has none. i hope you will consider adding a line item for support cit training. woe don't need one training, now we have none. we have all volunteers mpt my board secretary will pass the resolution on to your-you
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supervisors so you can see the spirfck texts. it is a very short and simple resolution. it will help make the city safer by teacher police and deputies to use verbal deesclaigz rather than the threat of force when deescalateing people in a mental health crisis. crisis intervention works we just need a little support >> mam if you can come forward. >> [speaking spanish]. >> good evening supervisors.
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years, he is homeless and-he is 40 years old and where really need you to intervene because i am from essal and we have been here and we can't go back. i really want to ask all your for your help. i know some are mothers and can understand my flight so i hope someone can help me and ask god to bless you >> thank you very much. next speaker please >> sfgov tv i have a video, no audio. i have been asked to give a upidate for the record.
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i'll limit my comment to items not in dispute. june 10 yale university released a study that analyze said tire crumb tur: it reported 96 chemicals and 20 percent were car sengens. this corresponds to the [inaudible] over 25 percent of tire crumb infill is known by the state to cause cancer. within a year of completing the [inaudible] mr. avalos district, the rpd all but acknowledged tire crumb problem when they announced plan tooz replace tire acrmb fill with organic fill. in march the environmental [inaudible] including senator [inaudible]ue approvered the bill calling for a study of tire crumic cancer
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risk. this spring [inaudible] are you opposed to artificial turf. over haf the respondents peeking to 808 percent prefer natural tur. osthis spring the university of san francisco said they will utilize organic [inaudible] i think we all agree the impact of transfats and sugar fail in comparison to non hodgkins lymphoma. what will it take for the board to stands tupe up to the rpd [inaudible] requiring that they also utilize organic infill at the beach shall a. as oof to todays date this is a reez nnl and doable stipulation. i'm
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available for [inaudible] >> thank you next speaker please >> america is the worst fascist country in the world in going in the direction of [inaudible] hitler is laughing now that we call him fascist. fascist is obama, [inaudible] you killed your people like you killed indians, like you killed million black. by the way it is a interesting statistic. united kingdom made 3 shots for a year last year they made police made 3 shots, can you believe 3 shots? united states made a million shots, police.
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it is very interesting to me. australia and new zeal land and police don't carry guns. united states, where are you going? police don't carry guns. 3 shot in united kingdom. look what you do with the homeless? you made concentration camps on people on the treat people are eating from garkage and sleeping on the floor, never see doctors. 6 police came to my home. i'm 85 years old and they naked throw me out on the street. 85 years old. haul icost survivor. [inaudible] from
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board of supervisors 2 times [inaudible] throw me on the street. who is fascist, hitler or the united states? of course it united states and you can guilty because you are the government. partly [inaudible] >> thank you next speaker please >> good afternoon president breed and for supervisors. for pride month i have a grachic. it is a gay alumpic met l medal, it is a gay slinky. twilight zone. i just wanted to show that. city [inaudible]
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>> thank you next speaker please. >> thank you supervisors for letling me speak. my name is rob crystal i'm in the 94101 zip code. we had a problem-mainly referring to bike riders. the problem with the city is unfortunate as far as bike riders they are driving without crash helmets without vestors and lights. there is no law in the city as far as lights and reflectors and crash helmets. it is very small investment but what is happening the young adults as well as older dult drive without these things it is like driving a car without lights. they drive in the city. i have seen several casualties in the last several months due to
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people not driving properly on bikes. listen to pan doria. i haet to bring up drugs or call. i'm not protected because i have people not playing with a full deck dribeing around. it is a messed up situation. the city is such a nice city, i lived here such a long time and if something can be done like enforcing lights on bikes or reflectors on bikes, at least the proper gear to ride on bikes in the city because it is imperative. i appreciate you take thg time listening to me and maybe working with you again. me and my friend here are members of the ymca so thank you for helping us >> thank you very much next speaker please
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>> every year for the last fee years in june i go hungry about 6 days in a row. nobody cares. [inaudible] la earthquake starts shaking. me and my brother wake up and jump on the bed and mother comes to the room and says you are shaking the bed. [inaudible] my dad starts beating me [inaudible] there is a real god [inaudible] he'll prevail me. 20 years later he gave me a house on top of twin peaks which i thought i took from you guys. imeer in the house and he prevailed me and he isn't just showing me, he will one day show you. it is still my house and he has given to me and it is up above everyone else. risen above
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everyone else he prevailed me in this lifetop time. i [inaudible] after half a day cleaning i go to the castro and the rest of the day i'm there and noeb no one gives me a dollar. on top they always think i'm a thief. by the way i didn't hear homeless on the list. it is still okay for the police to treat homeless bad, right? homeless [inaudible] it is like saying my [inaudible] i'm vein and the hero and take care of your city rsh what's up? >> thank you very much next speaker please >> you can make donations today, i'm hungry today. >> thank you president breed
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and other mb members victim thofz cuball. my name is christopher cudoll. i rise to comment on the peril of system development. first the rule of thumb for system development, projects take 3 times the estimated development time. projects cost 3 times more money than the original estimate. projects only certify 1/3 of the requirement jz 1/3 are stated. why? there is the rule of dumb. systems are comicated but orezs are not. organizations are 1/3 as intellgents of the people involved. 1/3 on a very very good day. members once having some measure of system expertise i offered to this
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board february 2, 2010 a comment suggesting my city and county of san francisco create a data dictionary basely list persons roles and resources pertinent to had operations mptd if you set that up all the controller would have had to do to set opnew finance system is pull out the dictionary, compare with a known set of future needs prioritize the absolutely necessary, make a list and work to it. don't change requirements. if you forgot something there is always a inevtable phase 2. finally there is the rule of numb. people are numb to advice they didn't ask or pay for so thank you for the opportunity to exercise my public speaking skills. >> thank you very much. next speaker please >> good afternoon ladies and
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gentlemen. my name is [inaudible] and i live in san francisco since 1961. i divorced in 1998 and got [inaudible] the judge wrote for me in favor and i have been living in a condition like this the last 6 years since 09 until the 12. before that i couldn't walk from here to the the next chair. all this time i was hurassed. i was like a dead person, they left me out there. i have every evidence. i never have any crime or [inaudible] in the city. i can take the lie detector test and they are playing me. i couldn't even walk to the groges cery store. one lady
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came from behind and she did like this and told her smiling, i said, that aspect of my life is in the bank in a safe box. number 2, i told her there is a video camera. they are following my step by step and kept me from all my friends, everybody and i'm sure i can be put in a lie detector test and give me [inaudible] mr. campos office yesterday and showed all my evidence and have it from a-z. [inaudible] i never lie, i always tell the truth to [inaudible] board of supervisors now they are trying to do something to me. i live in fear. i have every
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[inaudible] >> thank you very much sir. thank you your time is up. next speaker please >> good evening [inaudible] san francisco. this is [inaudible] i was walking in savannah past a church [inaudible] my sympathy awakened and a wonder quickly grew till i found my self seated in a church pew. out front a couple sat in [inaudible] in the casket was a child. i can picture him while living [inaudible] i seen perhaps a thousand in my [inaudible] southern trips. then rose a [inaudible] and he said, don't be wheeping for
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this pretty bit of clay for the little boy who lived there has gone and run away. the lord didn't give you that baby by 100 thousand miles, she thought you needed sun shine and lent him for a while and he [inaudible] are just interest on the [inaudible] and don't criticizing the one that knows the best. given many [inaudible] he has the right to take away and unconclusion i say, he has the right to take away, not you, mow or anyone else. i just have tosay that all lives matter not just one particular groups. thank you for listening >> thank you very much next speaker please >> i'm speaking on item 34. we have [inaudible] would it be okay if i use some of his?
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i'll try to get time in 2 minute but if not can i seek [inaudible] >> i didn't hear you the first time >> my name is brian park and oakland port commissioner and member of wn00 black men and here to speak on item 34. i like to thank the board supervisors and especially supervisor cohen. we started the movement around black lives matter. we have introduced it here through supervisor cohen and others in san jose and want to make this a national issue. you see the specific number of asks before you. this is [inaudible] as weknow and hope you will continue to focus on education and jobs, it is those things in our opinion that are most highly carilated with poverty and lead
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