tv [untitled] June 28, 2015 11:30am-12:01pm PDT
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seeing no other-commissioner adam jz y would it be prept to send questions it you and peter daily about chevron? this item was held and coming up and i have questions about chevron >> yes, you can send them to-within thing we have to be clear on is rowel on that simply as a regulator but you can have a off line conversation on that more. i understand there was comment about it >> okay, thank you. >> i don't know there is much we can do, but happy to talk more >> okay, thank you >> i think you have a [inaudible] he said he does chb want to. is there any other public comment? >> i wid do it. >> director [inaudible] do you have comments >> yes, i would like to
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remind avenue wn i believe it is sunday july 5 is the annual bloody thursday event. avenue wn is invite today come to the hiring hall to help commemorate that important day in local history. that is-and you sent letters. you rchbed a letter to that event so just a remunder it is a great event actually that is held annually commemorating bloody thursday of 1934 and highly recommend if row rin the nairnd you drop by. it is omen house format beginning at 10 a.m. and running until 2 with live music and lots of fun and game squz really really really good grilled dogs. i can attest to. >> 10 to 2?
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meeting of the treasure island, mobility agency, and i am scott, the chair of the transportation authority and today we will be conducting the first meeting and adopting rules and also electing a chair and a vice chair. if i could, before we do roll call, and entertain a motion to elect a temporary chair to conduct the first portion of this meeting >> commissioner breed? >> i make a motion to elect scott weiner as the temporary chair. >> is there a second to that motion and could we take a roll call on that. >> a roll call on that motion. >> sorry? >> first and a second? okay. >> great, and so, we will proceed. and mr. clerk could you call the roll, for the meeting?
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>> on item one, roll call, avalos. >> here. >> breed. >> here. >> campos. >> absent. >> christensen. >> present. >> cohen? >> absent. >> farrell in >> absent. >> kim? >> kim, present. >> mar? >> mar, absent. >> commissioner tang. >> present. >> weiner? >> present. >> and commissioner yee. >> present. >> and we have a quorum. >> call item number two. >> item two, executive director's report this is an information item. >> miss chang? we will provide a brief overview of our treasure island meeting agency, meeting today as chair mentioned we will be setting up the administrative code and other rules for the agency and electing our chair, and vice chair. and for the members of the public the treasure island redevelopment plan has been under way for many years and so
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this is a culmination of ten years of of effort of the city family including the staff here at the timma from the beginning, the city's plans is to add 8,000 units of housing and development on the islands and recognize to avoid the congestion that is on the san francisco open bay bridge and so as a result, the treasure island called for a majority of trips to be taken by non-automobile modes and for the creation of a new regional transit system from the island to the east bay and the ferry here in san francisco. and that provides the backdrop and context and we have the slides to adopt the goals that were adopted by the early, treasure island authority board and the significant increase in transit service that is needed to support the island's development needs to be backed by a committed and permanent source of funds by tolling and pricing and for this reason, senator, passed and led ab, 981, with governor schwarzenegger support in 2008
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in the transportation management act, that authorized the program and the transportation management options for supporting island services and the acts called for the agency to be designated to over see the toll operation and to manage, the provision of the new transit services and the transportation, authority has had a long time partnership, and with the organization and including the construction of the island ramps project that is happening sxhou in 2011, when you all adopted the treasure island development project, the plans were already in, and under way, to partner for the role here as timma and we were so designated in 2014, and the responsibilities of this agency is to insure that the program meets the transportation performance and the financial mandates of the original plan and for coordinating with the agencies that if necessary, to implement such a plan including the san francisco municipal
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transportation agency, and the cal trans, and the area toll fee, and the water agency that manages the ferries and the transit, the timma will over see the design and the construction and design from the contracting for the ferry bus and shuttle services for overseeing tolling and parking management and most of our work will be a three, person committee in terms of the governance with the chair and today, and with that we just want to make the introduction and pleased to be working with a great team to start the work, ra khel hyiat serves as the project manage and her her counter part, is the bob beck project director for tida and sherry is the principal engineer and the deputy for finance and administration, cynthia will support activities and also we have the assistance
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of tamala and neal advising us with legal matters and that concludes my remarks and i am happy to answer any questions. >> thank you, colleagues, any questions or comments on the executive director's report? seeing none s there there any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> call you call, 3 and 4 together. >> adopt the administrative code and adopt the rules of order, fiscal policy and procurement policy and travel and conference and training and business expense reimbursement policy. >> any questions or comments on three and four, did you have a presentation. >> good morning, deputy director for finance and administration, just it is best to take any questions for any of the policies that we have before you. >> great, any questions? >> okay. seeing none, we will open up
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ilt em three and four for public comment, is there any public comment on three and or four? seeing none, public comment is closed. and mr. clerk could you please call the roll on items 3 and 4 together? >> avalos some >> aye. >> breed. >> aye. >> campos. >> absent. >> christensen. >> aye. >> cohen? >> absent. >> farrell. >> aye. >> kim. >> aye. >> mar. >> absent. >> tang. >> aye. >> weiner. >> aye. >> commissioner yee? >> aye. >> the item is passed. >> okay, thank you, could you call item number five. >> item five, election of chair and vice chair. this is an action item. >> okay, colleagues, this is our first meeting, and the authority will elect a chair and a vice chair of treasure
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island mobility agency, i will hand it over to him or her and i will begin preceding and after that the newly elected chair will preside over the election of the vice chair and for the remainder of aagain day and we will open up it for the nominations and as soon as one receives the vote that person will be declared the chair. >> mr. clerk nominations are in order for the office of chair, any nominations? commissioner avalos. >> i nominate kim to serve as the chair for timma. >> okay. >> and are there any, and i should say is there a second for that nomination? seconded by yee. >> commissioner breed. >> i would like to nominate julie christensen for vice chair. >> we are just entertaining
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nominations for chair and vice chair will be after. >> okay, mr. clerk am i doing that directly. >> because both items were called. >> right, but we will do one, in succession. >> okay. >> any additional nominations for the position of chair of the authority? or of the agency not the authority? seeing none, nominations are closed. okay, is there any public comment on the election of the chair? seeing none, public comment is closed. and are there any comments colleagues? anything else? okay. then we will proceed to a vote and i think that we can just take this same house same call? >> same house came call, without objection, the motion is adopted and commissioner kim, is elected the chair.
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>> >> good morning and, thank you colleagues, for your support, i look forward to chairing this body. and as treasure island is in the district that i represent, but i also think that this project poses really an exciting ground on which we can really experiment with a lot of different types of traffic and congestion management and other ways to encourage people to get out of their cars and use public transit and other modes and i think that this will certainly be an exciting project both for the transportation authority and the city at this time, our nominations are now in order for the office of the vice chair. are there any nominations before us? >> commissioner breed? >> thank you, i would like to nominate supervisor julie
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christensen to serve as vice chair. >> okay. >> commissioner julie christensen is nominated is there a second to ta. >> seconded by commissioner weiner, and are there any further nominations? >> if not, nominations are closed. at this time, he will take public comment on this item, please step up if you would like to speak on this item? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. mr. clerk, could we take that same house, same call. >> congratulations vice chair christensen i look forward to working with you and this is a part of our city that abuts both of our districts and i look forward to working with you on this object mr. clerk could you call the next item. >> adopt, the proposele fiscal year annual budget and work program, this is an action item.
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>> good morning, commissioners, rachel, the prans pal transportation planner, the annual budget this year is $750,000. and $650,000 is provided by the treasure island development authority, and matched by our prop k, sales tax dollars and this supports our work in three main areas, program management, and the stake holder out reach, and it is including working with all of the many partner agencies, and planning work, and engineering. and happy to take any questions. >> any questions? >> on the presentation. >> seeing none, thank you very much. >> we will now take the public comment on item number 6. >> seeing, no public comment, public comment is closed, mr. clerk, could we please call the next item? >> my apologies. before we go this item number
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7, we need to pass item number 6. okay? and can we do that same house same call. >> same house same call. mr. clerk, item number 7. >> item 7, introduction of new items this is an information item. >> do any of our commissioners have any comments? or introduction of new items? >> seeing none, we will take public comment on this item. seeing, no public comment, public comment is now closed. mr. clerk, could you please call the next item. >> item 8, public comment. >> at this time we are open for general public comment. >> seeing no general public comment, public comment is now closed. mr. clerk, next item, 9, adjournment. >> before we return i would like to recognize sfgtv for recording this meeting and transcribing them to make them available for the public,
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wonderful. >> by the power vested in me, i declare you spouses for life. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> to actually be able to get married and be a part of this time in history and time in our history is amazing. >> this is a momentous occasion for us to be able to actually have this opportunity to have equal rights. >> we have been together for 14 years. everyone is so welcoming. it's been all set up and people have guided us from step to step. it's been easy. there was live music. people are so friendly and excited. so excited for us. >> it's really great. >> yeah. >> and salvador is party a here to known as party a. >> on the out it looks pretty simple. you come in, you made your appointment. you pay.
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you go here for your license. you got there to get married. you go there if you want to purchase a certified copy. behind the scenes there was just this monumental just mountain of work, the details into everything that we had to do and we quickly realized that we were not ready to issue the numbers of licenses that people are anticipating that we would need to issue. we definitely did not want people waiting in long lines. this is somebody's wedding. you want to be able to plan and invite your family and friends. know what time you are able to get your marriage license, know what time you're going to have your ceremony. >> thanks for volunteering. >> we got city volunteers we got members of the public volunteering. we had our regular volunteers
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volunteering. we had such an overwhelming response from city employees, from the members of the general public that we had way more volunteers than we could ever have hoped for. we had to come up with a training program. i mean, there are different functions of this whole operation. you were either, you know a check-in person. you were a greeter. you were part of the license issuing unit. you were deputy marriage commissioner, or you were on the recording side. each one of those functions required a different set of skills, a different oath of office if they needed to be sworn in as a deputy county clerk to issue marriage licenses or as a deputy county recorder if they were going to register the marriage licenses or the deputy marriage commissioner if they were going to be performing ceremonies. >> donna place the ring on her ring finger. >> the marriage commissioner training was only about a half hour. it was very simple. very well run very smooth and
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then we were all sworn in. >> they said we would get our scheduled sunday night and so 7:00 8:00 10:00 you know, i got it at 11:00. this person who was orchestrating all of the shifts and the volunteers and who does what you know said from her office sunday night at 11:00. they are just really helping each other. it's a wonderful atmosphere in that way. >> have you filled out an application? >> not yet. you want to do that. >> take this right over there. >> all right. >> take it tout counter when you're done. >> very good. >> congratulations, you guys. >> for those volunteers, what a gift for them as well as us that they would take up their time and contribute that time but also that they would in return receive so much more back because they're part of the narrative of someone else's love and expression of love in life. >> this isn't anything that we had budgeted for so it was
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basically we asked our i.t. director to do the best you can, you know belling, borrow steal if you have to and get us what you need to do this. and he knew what the mission was. he knew what our goal was. and, you know, with our i.t. grids and our software vender they really came together and pulled it together for us. it made it possible for us to be able to serve as many couples as we have been. >> so once you're ready you and your husband to be or wife need to be need to check in here and check in again ok. are you also going to get married today? >> yeah. >> let's process you one by one. do your license in exit and re-enter again check in at that desk. >> our wedding is at 3:00. >> as long as we get you in today. >> we're getting married at 2:30. >> don't worry about the time line. we're greeting people at the doorway and either directing
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them to the services they need on this side which is licensing or the services on this side which is actually getting the ceremony performed. >> this is an opportunity to choose to be a part of history. many times history happens to us, but in this case, you can choose to be a part of it. this is a very historic day and so i'm very very proud to be here. >> i have been volunteering. last monday i performed 12 different marriage smones. the least amount of time that any of the couples that i married have been together is two years. most of the couples have been together eight, nine, 10 i'd say 70% have been together at least that long if not longer. >> there is a lot of misconception about who gay and lesbian people are. it's important that people see that we love our husbands and wives to be and love our children and have the right to have families just like
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everyone else. >> it's important that we have experienced our own families, our own friends and the excitement of the volunteers when we get here has made us feel wonderful and accepted and celebrated. >> there is a lot of city agencies city departments, divisions that offer up their employees to help us out since overwhelming response, it's unbelievable at how city government works. this is the time that san francisco city employees have really outshined san francisco's clerk's office didn't need to hear from the mayor to say what's your plan. they offered a plan and said here is our strategy. here is what we can do. we can add all of these computers here and there. we can connect our databases we can expand our capacity by x. we can open up early and stay late and stay open on the
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weekends. it's unbelievable. we can coordinate all of the training for our volunteers and them in as deputy marriage commissioners and make sure it's signed and certified. that's an example and a model for others. this is -- what happens is when people prove that things can be done, it just raises the bar for what is possible for everyone else. >> it kind of went cooled plan and this is what we planned for. in some respects, people have kind of commented to me, oh, my god, you were a part of history and how many couples did we mary? how many families did we start? how many dreams did we make come true? the whole part of being part of history is something that we are here and we are charged with this responsibility to carry
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>> what do you think about working at an airport and i love it is busy all the time. >> we want it to be an those away was this is a venture if i didn't love it i'll be an accountant. >> we want the experience that is a non-airport experience the negative stigma we're trying to erase that. >> everything is in a bad food to excite them about the food
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and they have time to learn about us. >> people are imitated by traveling and the last thing to do is come to a place fill of chaos. >> telling me how the extent of napa a farms came about. >> it was a vision of the airport director he had a suspicion of a really cool gourmet speciality market locally friendly products this market local flavors this is the best. >> can we get a little tour. >> absolutely (laughter) ♪ ♪ >> so first on our tour. >> we have the clock we like to call it. >> this is coordinating it is made in san francisco. >> what about the customer
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presence. >> we like to get the permanent farther i love the cappuccino and you have to go to multiple places for the cupcakes the cup a cakes from kari's people want to live here they're longing phone call for one thing in one spot in you know anything about san francisco the cheese the most popular cheesy think a lot of the people from the west coast say so this the real san francisco sour dough and they're curious. >> you find people respond to the idea of organic and absolutely. >> this is autumn. >> thank you, thank you and there's a lot of personal touch. >> i see san francisco. >> it's very hands on. >> what's the most popular
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items. >> this is quite surprising our fresh jotting this is the chronicle special a bowl of warm oats and coconut that's mites farther. >> and speaking of drinks tell me again the cocktail scenes is that one, the things your known for . >> the cocktails are fantastic. >> really. >> fresh ingredients we don't have a mixture it to order this is our marcus bloody mayor. >> farmer's market bloody mary the bloody marys in the airport are grea
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