tv [untitled] June 28, 2015 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT
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aging. program analyst there. i come before you today to present a small grant for elder and dependent adult abuse prevention to asian pacific islander legal outreach for your review and approval. this was a product of rfp 647 and we want to let you know that the purpose of the grant is to improve the protection of older persons and dependent adults in danger of abuse by raising public awareness of elder and dependent adult issue and mandatory reporting requirements. api legal outreach is equipted to [inaudible] city wide effort you will hear about after this item. recently the program manager showed the data shows asian pacific islander are
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unrepresented. we can draw that there is less abuse or need in the api community, but it seems more likely there is a suvarunderreportingin the community and we also know there is probably very real barriers to this issue and so it is with this type of confident that we have for thisancy and this grant to provide the multiculture and multilingual skills to target outreach and education within the api community. one key element is to produce and distribute language appropriate education materials to the general public, professional and care givers. we urge your support of this particular grant >> any questions? commissioner loo. >> the education al material,
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you know how many languages are they in? >> um, i believe-i know on some of the more significant asian languages, but know the staff there speaks quite a few languages and dialects. >> we have been around for 40 years so we have cantonese, mandarin, [inaudible] korean [inaudible] spanish and it incleess dependent on the volunteer base we have. we do produce at least 5 of the primary languages that often come to our office both in the written materials and in the news letters that the department supports and providing services in. >> thank you >> i was just assisted by [inaudible] who is administrative director for legal outreach
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>> any other questions? commissioner sims >> the scale was a question for me. it is a fairly small grant and target 500 people. is that mostly an education sort of goal? it couldn't be case management. >> it isn't direct client suvs it is more educational and coordination and they do have a api task force that meets on a regular basis and they do case review and support and so that is how they actually get involved with more direct client issues but thais grant doesn't have direct client services >> this money go tooz the production of information? >> yes and the coordination och services and provide training in the community on how to work with the api community >> so there is some training function as a part of this?
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>> yes. one of the bullet points-at least one unit of service training session, i know they do more because we have called on them before. there is a requirement that our programs have elder abuse reporting training once a year and they have been able to provide that for us for our contractors. >> could you maybe put this in context with the other-it sound like this is a part of a larger whole so maybe we could understand how this piece fits with a larger scheme and supported by other budgets >> perhaps it would have been easier to do if we had the larger programs mentioned before but they will befollowing my presentation here. again the city wide effort utilizes a different model and there-what we doknow
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commissioner, is there will be a effort to coordinate services so there isn't duplication and we know there is a big demand in the community for education and training and so the aps program manager asked if we can coordinate betwer the non profit agency as well so i know they will be doing more of that as well. i think it will be clearer when you hear the other aspects from the larger programs. thank you >> i have a question. even though they don't provide direct legal service, do they have a way of making referrals? if someone came to prevention they do offer any kind of information about referral to people who will provide services? >> so, the elder abuse and
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dependent adult prevention grant is a small grant of api legal outreach. clearly there are legal services in theancy and you'll hear about them later as well as we ask for approval. they are able to refer back tothe main program or other agencies out in the community that support and help the api community. and there are also just-they also are key partners in the asian pacific islander partnership group. >> any other questions? hearing none i call for the vote. all in favor? oppose? the motion carries. request authorerization to enter into a grant on institute of aging for suicide prevention and
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emotional support services term of july 1, 2015-june 30, 2018829, 689 plus 10 percent conteskancy for total not to exceed 912, 856. can i have a motion to discuss? >> moved >> good mornling president james [inaudible] we seek approval for this new grants issued from rfp 647 for suicide pr vention and emotional support services. the purpose of the grant is maintain or improve well being of seniors and [inaudible] due to grief resulting from death of a family member, spouse or other lovered one or people who need crisis intervention based on isolation in the community or
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lack of access to other services. for this grant when is occurring on institute for aging this is a renewal for the next 3 years. first if there is a component now that recognizes the grief education training and community outreach done by the director doctor pat rrk arbore, this is something we has traditionally done and it wasn't in as a service before and now we are tracking his community outreach he does in education. additionally, there is service items for informal emotional support and formal emotion support. these 2 items were teased out to acknowledge the 2 types of individuals that call into the hotline. those who want assistance over the phone but don't want to give information. someone calls up but don't want to give their name. they
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are given informal support over the phone. they may call back once or a couple times and still not give information and that is informal support. formal is for individual assessed for the program, brought into the the program and given a range of services that could believe regular phone call for voluntary staff, medication check in and things like that. those are the 3 big areas of change for service tracking with the new contract. we urge year approval of the grant >> just one minor point, the summary in the ajunda calls for 912, 856 dollars but the total on the actual contract is 912, 658 and the latter number appears to be correct >> great, thank you. appreciate that.
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>> 658-- >> this is the correct number. >> okay yeah. so the contract-okay. any other questions? commissioner sims >> the service objective target 1 thousand people >> correct >> in discreet numbers you can get to about half that. how do you crack the other 4 or 500 people? >> those are all the people that call into had hotline and additionally i believe it is people that are outreach through the educational groups. it is a tricky number to track in the sense there is so-the volume of calls that come in i believe each month are in the hundreds and sometimes in the thousands because it is state wide and people call across the country so we tease out the individuals that are from the city and county of san
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francisco. there is a bunch of calls that come in and a birch of services given where there is no way to identify the individuals personal information like described previously, so that number is total people accessing the service for the friendship line and cesp combined. the numbers teased out for specific services within the contract. >> commissioner- >> i'm just looking at the operating expense detail, item 22, consultation, subcontract and it seems like it quite a bit of money because it is about 58 percent of the operating cost. >> what page are you on? >> the last page >> the last page. and you are looking at-
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>> consultant >> those are the individuals that provide group counseling so there is group grief counseling and they have i believe 2 contracted license therapist that help facil thaititate those support group so they are not staff, they are consultants >> i'll call for the vote to amend this. the motion is to request authorization to enter into a new grant agreement. hold on a minute. with the institute on aging for suicide prevention and emotional support for the term july 1, 2015-june 30, 2018 in the amount-do we have that right? 829, 600 plus 10 percent
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contiskancy not to exceed 912, 656. 658. so, could i have a motion to approve this amended amount? >> so moved >> second >> all in favor? oppose? the motion is carried. thank you request authorization to enter a new grant agreement with the institute on aging for elder abruce forenzic sent frr the term july 1 [inaudible] june 30, 2018 in the amount of 258, 108 plus a 10 percent contevlgancy nolt to exceed 283, 919 dollars. is that right? yes. could i have a motion to discuss? >> so moved >> second
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>> okay now we have [inaudible] >> thank you commissioners good afternoon this is [inaudible] deputy director for dos. so, i just wanted to prefs what i will say by saying dos in particular has basically a whole plan around elder abuse prevention and response to elder abuse. we were talking about the apilo piece and we are talking about the institute on aging piece. these are pieces of our response to elder abuse and also our plan around elding abuse prevention. i think one asked a question about that and how we go about that. the asian pusichic islander outreach piece is targeted to the asian pacific islander population because we
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realized that was a piece we were missing with the larger grant. the goal is to provide public education and make sure professionals are educated and we continue to do that in the community. one thing we know is that for-i don't remember the specific stats but people who call for someone for elds elder abuse, we think there are a number of calls that are not made and that is because a lot of people don't understand the system and how it works, how to make a report and who is a mandated reporter. that is what the grants do is help people understand what elder abuse is and how to respond to it if you hear about it. that is what this institute on aging grants is for. this provider has been doing the service for many many years. i have worked with them probably 20 years on this way back when i was in the
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community and they do a very good job. that is why usee a lot of the volume here. in addition to public education and educating professionals they work with director of adult protective services and other people who are really trying to move the issue of elder abuse response within the city. they are part of that effort as well so those are the things this grant pays for. >> any questions? >> happy to answer any questions >> commissioner sims >> the partners in the program are other government agency, other city agencies, da, police department. >> are you looking that forensic sentser or elder abuse prevention piece? you are right on those counts. i'll talk about those partnerships in just a minute
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>> i guess the question broadly that occurred to me is the function felt like a city employee function rather than a contractors function so i'm interested to understand why it would be a agency outside city government versus dos employees or hsa employees coordinateed between city departments? >> if we talk about the elder abuse pr vention and training and education, we kooa lot of that internally as well but we dopet have the capacity to do the amount of training and education that we need in the community and the best way is do it in conjunction with the community partner. sometimes they send in a protective staff person to dothat if the situation demand that person but we tag team so we both do
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it. you say it is less expensive and more efficient >> it is less expensive but the adult workers are social workers work wg clients. sometimes because that experience gives them a different you know, different information they can then share with others sometimes it is helpful to bring that to a group of people, but the institute on aging and apilo both have experts that are good educating people on a mass level and that is what they do and it is a different job >> this is about training people in the community >> right >> we both-we swap so the forensic center is the coordination around city and county departments. >> any other questions?
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>> just a comment about coordinating. it is difficult for different cities departments and other financial institutions who may see a aspect of elder abuse, the forensic sentser does a good job pulling the pieces together. >> that's right >> any other questions? hearing none i'll call for the vote. all in favor? opposes? the motion is carry >> request g, request authorization to enter new grant agreement holding-it is the institute on aging. >> these are-- >> grant agreement with the institute on aging for elder dependent abuse prevention for
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july 1, 2015-june 30 rkts 2018 >> president james we are doing f now instead of g. we had them out of order. >> it is my fault i did them backwards. >> we just did g and now we are doing f. >> that is my fault. just to be clear the one that we just talked about was elder abuse prevention service which is training and the training public education, the training of professionals >> i was look at the amount in the grant which is f which says is 283, 919. >> right >> that was the one that we just approved, right? because i'm looking at the amount.
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>> we have to go back and vote for g and then let [inaudible] explain f. >> right >> okay, so i'm confused here. which one did you just get through- >> i talked about elder abuse prevention which is g >> that isn't what i read >> i know it was my fault. >> lets table this. can i have a plosion to table f? and then we'll go to g. >> we approved f. >> no we didn't. i didn't call for the motion to approve. you approved it? >> why don't we just move to g? >> so they are very much related. that the thing, these are 2 very related services and so elder abuse prevention as i said is the training, public
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education. the forensic center really is the coordination of various city departments who look at ways that we can betting prosecute elder abuse. one of the issues we have is when we have something come through adult protective services we don't have a mechanism to make sure it gets from point a to a prosecution with the da's office so one of the things that institute on aging is very effective in is they have worked to help these city agencies come together and coordinate in a better way so that is what the forensic center does. these are 2 very related things and both related to adult protective services and both related to elder abuse prevention or response. >> okay. we are reading g?
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>> yep >> request authorization to enter into a new grant agreement for institute on aging for elder abuse for july 1, 2015-june, 30, 18 in the amount of 227, 2 [inaudible] can i have a motion to discuss? >> so moved >> okay. >> if anybody has questions i'll just take questions. >> anyone have a question? >> under training session for professionals recollect , many of the names professionals in the item i would have assumed
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that some of this would be included in the certification process for licensing for such professionals. >> that may be true. >> [inaudible] >> that is usually what we provide. you are right, sometimeatize is part of the certification but then we are providing it-that piece of the certification >> and they are not paying for classroom experience sfr certification? >> we don't get that much time. woe would like toget more time with those professions. it is a very small piece of what they learn at the academy. the police recruits learn at the academy and would like to see more. the other thing is the mandated reporter training we have to do on a regular basis so even if someone had it before they may need it again based on regulations. it happens a lot. we have paid
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for it at times when we get grants. the problem is if t is often not in the other departments budget so if we don't do it it doesn't happen and that is in part why there is a federal and state funding source for some of these things >> these are probably government employees mandated reporters not necessarily cliinations in private practice and aortcategory of people? >> generally they are government employees or sometimes a lot of timeatize is a cbo's that we work with and sometimes it is financial institutions >> i just have a question, how much do the ministers or faith based communities are involved with training because a lot of ministers know about and that is the first person people go to, how much is they-are they
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involved in? catholic they may report this and [inaudible] how much are they involved in the training? that group- >> when people ask for trainings we had faith based organizations ask for training. i agree i think sometimes they don't know as much and there is a issue and have seen that myself but we do it if we are asked to do it. >> only if you asked? >> yes we haven't done a big campaign for that. i know >> i know, i just say there is abuse with the the parent and it is codependent. you don't want to talk to the parent because you say you are a bad parent because you are not raising your child and they are on drugs and the parent is in the home and the child is laying there. that is abuse but they are codependent on
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each other for transportation and taking them around and here is the pairpt-that is a hard thing to deal with to accept that your child is not doing the right thing, but it is a little rate to tell them i got to cut you off and you are in my home. i really think a lot should be done with the ministers around this in terms of older parents. >> that may be something we can look at the future. right now we have a certain amount of resources, >> i just want to make that point because it is problem >> the reporting in paragraph 11 is a bit more structured i'm used to seeing in terms of dates and detlines and quarterly reporting, does it stand out for some reason? the reporting peerds and due dates for- >> hat is just the function of the person who put this
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together. he is variety interested in that. >> i like that >> adult protective services director. >> no other questions i call for the vote. all in favor? oppose. motion carries. h, request authsition to enter into a new--[inaudible] okay. i know i made a change in the amount. request authorization to enter new grant agreement with asian american advance injustice, asian law caucus for legal service for seniors for july 1, 2015-june, 30, 2018
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amount of 445 thousand plus a 10 percent contiskancy for total not to exceed amount of 489, 713 dollars. can i have a motion to discuss? >> so moved >> second >> commissioner before i get into had various items that will follow i want to give a summary of the senior legal services. it will just make it easier i hope as we go through the various items. i want you to know that another component of rfp 635 that dealt with consumer advocacy include legal services for seniors. our solicitation brought in 4 bids and the 4 bidders are current legal service providers. i
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will be presenting the 4 new grant request and summarize common threads between them i will say san francisco is fortunate to have this network of legal service agencies that work so collaboratively together and inshurure confidence among the communities they serve. these agencies must adhere to set guidelines administered by the state and provide detailed reports on progress by way of quarterly basis. dos office on theagying also requested they attend a quarterly legal service work group so we can do joint problem solving and also coordinate effort more effectively. the 4 legal providers also responsible for re-creating a senior right fwulten and this is produced in 3 or 4 languages.
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