tv [untitled] June 28, 2015 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT
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residents off the street. finally, an initiative initiative started in july initially dubbed the tenderloin pitstop, so that we can actually have a place for individuals to relieve themselves with dignity instead of on our streets. the program that's been incredibly successful in the tenderloin on loan using a 60% decrease in steam cleaning request. this enabled that used to have number one complaint for human feces on our sidewalk. along with that, on a side note we been saving over 2000 gallons of water every month from these reductions of steam clean request. not only is unable it cleaner, a residents have a place to go with dignity were also saving water in this time of drought. in the budget,, in the board of several supervisors technical adjustments, i am happy to see our district will be supporting our immigrant communities and empowering them to develop leadership with the language and cultural specific
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organizing and outreach particularly in our latino arabic filipino and -- community. we also look forward to bringing those communities together so we can play together around tenant issues, public education and schools, and of course public safety issues. along the lines of public safety, were happy to see funding to do a second phase for streetlight plants of the tenderloin so that our neighborhood is well lighted at night. we have some of the fewer streetlights per block of any neighborhood in san francisco and this is definitely something our residents would like to see. i'm happy to see that we are fully funding request from -- to augment the education component of vision zero which is as important as the engineering enforcement piece so we can be more citywide education to make our multi-modes, our drivers, pedestrians, and our cyclists safer on our roads. finally
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family of corner betsy carmichael schools along with some capital improvements to one of our arts organizations and also happy to see that we are funding subsidies shall subsidies for rents to keep our seniors in visual disabilities, homeless adults and families housed in their home. also i'm glad to see you funding come in particular to our transgender community around organizing but also legal services, and leadership support for those that are formerly incarcerated and frankly, disproportionately impacted by our criminal justice system. finally, i like to say them back to see the board fund initiatives both in the district attorneys office and public defenders office for real criminal justice reform. in particular, i'm really excited about the pre-child's attention unit as a public defender's office, which will now house to public defenders and two paralegals to actually go in for bail hearings, so that defenders have witnesses and evidence are presented
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before judges get these hearings are often a couple minutes were just as we make very quick determinations about whether an individual is really a risk to public safety, and we've seen that this discourse only impacts for example the african-american community more than others. the public defender will finally have the resources it needs to ensure that people who are not risk the public can actually go back home and stay connected to stay employed, stay in housing, while they wait trial. so, again congratulations to the budget committee and to your leadership, chairman farrell in particular and getting a stupid i think is a very good budget dolby living through today. >> thank you supervisor can. supervisor cohen you're not up. supervisor yee >> supervisor breed >> thank you. i want to thank our budget -- 30 year as chair and has done an incredible job leading this effort and continues to make sure that we
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run a collaborative and efficient budget price. thank you chairman farrell to you and your staff as well as to the other members serve on the budget committee. i know that it's a lot of hours with a big investment am really excited and thankful for you for your service. i want to thank mayor lee and his team for working with my office and other members of the board to come out to the community and look into the community and make the appropriate investment in the community in his budget. i think that that process really helps cut back on some of the asks that members of the board continue to make, especially during the ending process of trying to figure out what we should fund and what are our priorities, but more broadly, i think we should also keep in mind that there have been really a lot of incredible programs
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that will be funded in the mayor's budget as well as some additional priorities set by the board. thank you to the mayor and his budget staff, kate howard, the crew to ben rosenfield and his staff and the controller's office as well as our budget and legislative analyst. i'm really honored to be working with harvey rose who we all know is just really a legend and spin around city hall longer than most of us have been alive. you know, i love you harvey. thank you to the clerk's office and their team as well as my colleagues and my staff, valerie bauman and iris one, for their commitment to helping to facilitate this process. really were fortunate in the city just a booming economy and its
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helpless to increase investment to areas that are really important to each and every one of us could specifically, without public transportation system, for the first time ever will have over a $1 billion operating budget. we've added $48 million which is made possible by last year's opposition be spearheaded by supervisor wiener give new vehicles 171 new drivers and 73 new mechanics and cleaning staff. in important bicycle and pedestrian safety improvements. i'm really excited about that especially because there been a lot of folks live in my district who had difficulty in finding employment opportunities were now being trained and working for the municipal. i'm really excited this is finally making a difference. the brand-new trains are coming, and that i pushed so hard for. i'm hoping that soon there'll be a notice without noticeable difference
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without public transportation system for all our citizens that rated on a public database to the public safety plan to hire 400 new police officers over the next two years. now that every police officer with a body camera, which am very excited about. in addition to increasing staff for the office of citizens complaints in order to improve civilian oversight and to address the ambulance crises, which i brought up time and time again, and improve emergency medical services for everyone in san francisco we've added over $47 million for 33 new emts in addition to 42 new emt paramedics who graduated last month. 82 new firefighters, 36 new 911
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dispatchers knew amulets is, by vengeance, radius, the system improvements to the entire san francisco fire department. as for housing, we are continuing our commitment to rehabilitate and rebuild over 4600 public housing developments here in the city. to make sure that our families are being housed, to make sure the veterans are being housed,. this new three 10 million affordable housing bond, is the builders -- it will speed up our ability to move these projects forward in a more timely manner. over the next five years will be leveraging city resources to secure over $1.7 billion in combined local, state, and federal funds for affordable housing. clearly, this budget outlines our need to make housing a number one priority for those who need it in our city most. our homeless services and senior services, including subsidies for families, as well as increased services for home deliveries, for homeward bound seniors, will he make it clear those things are important to us as
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well. it is no coincidence that san francisco is experiencing a 3.4% unemployment rate, because we make a commitment to invest into programs that serve san franciscans in helping them to train and prepare for implement opportunities. in my district, the past couple of years, i've fought hard to make sure our western addition neighborhood access point not only was fully funded but also provides important stipends and the things that people need to address barriers to make it get employed and they stay employed. public housing, we've done a lot of work with providing support for our residents bear. with the new c bmc hospital that's opening up, were making sure our residents live within close proximity of this development have access to
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those employment opportunities, and to continue to support programs that not only help to train these individuals, but provide stipends, provide -- and other needs to get folks ready, get folks prepare for these job opportunities as what's going to make a difference to not only get folks employed but keep them employed. i'm really excited about what is to come and supervisor kim mentioned the pit stop and the tenderloin neighborhood. we will be having a pit stop of our own in the haight asberry, which i'm really really excited about an hopeful that it will make a major difference. along with that, a program called taking it to the street will be helping to facilitate staff not only with the pit stop but also some other restrooms in albert lake. we've a lot of work to do in san francisco and were really fortunate to have a
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thriving economy with unprecedented civic resource. now, in partnership with our colleagues here on the board of supervisors, and mayor lee, you're putting those resources to use it to make us safer healthier and hopefully eventually more affordable city for everyone. thank you. >> supervisor cohen >> thank you very much. of course i want to give a moment to recognize the leadership of mayor lee was done a tremendous job as the mayor listening and responding to what constituents have made a class of him. i want to appreciate kate howard and her staff who done exemplary work on helping constituents feel more engaged in the entire budget process. i went recognize marked farrell in really revamping the whole budget cycle experience, not only from, as a nonprofit, not only as a, your colleague as a
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policy maker in the mayor's office, but to be able to create a system that is fair and that doesn't drag on. here we are three and that doesn't drag on. here we are 3 pm this posted 3 am in the morning. i think that is a testament to your leadership. i also want to recognize, acknowledge, the controller's office as well as the budget office because our office program called participatory budgeting and mr. trudeau used to help us guide our budget asks. we go to our constituents and meet with him and are here with their budget priorities it. they make presentations on different dose limit pitches on budget priorities and they vote among those cells. i find this very helpful tool. it helps me stay connected to what real people are wanting and needing. sometimes on the board you can get away from the polls of the
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different neighborhoods. is the controller's office and the budget office that helps me price out these budget priorities so thank you very much for understanding the process. that process is also run by -- i want to acknowledge her leadership. to help organize this and our good i also want to recognize andrea -- is been instrumental in ensuring that the conversation about what our budget priorities will be for district 10 as well as for citywide art fair that they're very balanced. i believe this budget really reflects the priorities of where san francisco is going. we literally are putting our money where our mouth is. we have heard from people from countless hours of public comments about the need for housing. mayor lee has stepped up your we are collectively stepping up will be bringing a housing -- shirley in the fall. we heard a resounding cry for
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public safety reform and it's more than just stepping up and adding more police officers in the street, but also includes pretrial release. also includes expanding a father program, teaching young men to be a part of their children's lives. it also includes victim witness protection program spending programs that we have an existing. i'm really proud of the services that have been reimplemented into the office of citizen complaints. not only are we funding more police officers, board also funding the the vehicle to hold the police 11 inches. also includes on powering a district attorney's office as well as the public defender to make sure everyone has the tools they need to do their jobs to the best of their ability. so the criminal justice reform, is balanced and very fair. i also want to recognize something i'm excited about is the lunch program senior lunch program, seniors
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struggling across this entire city into be able to provide a few meals to them is incredible. i think we've done a tremendous job in recognizing and homeless services. the delay pronounce challenge in our city. in providing funds to the our frontline service providers was absolutely critical. i am excited to get to work on continue the work with the baby off as a needs a sizable amount of money as well as the new park which is a historically been a youth serving agency that's been on the hill, the top part of baby hunters point that's been closed for years. mix it to revive it. this is in partnership with the san francisco unified school district so that we can begin to change some are young people's lives in the course of that they are the course and pass their traveling down. i
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went to knowledge not only do we have a significant mind of resources going into the arts, but excited to see that the korean war memorial is going to be continuing to move forward. so, with that said, i think the mayor's office, their staff, the controller's office, mr. harvey was, you and your staff. supervisor farrell you and your staff have just been incredible resources and of course i want to give us but special shout out to my own stuff. thank you. >> thank you supervisor cohen. supervisor avalos. >> thanks for all your work and leadership on this budget. this was your third time around and i think it was silly different. i think you did put us through paces that i think you pursue peace with something that actually resulted in a lot of good work and i think we
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also, despite the short amount of time, where the quickness we went through this, we actually were able to see a lot of moving parts of this budget and understood what the trade-offs were and those were clear. in your work as chairman, i really appreciate that. my work on this budget was trying to make sure that we're all talking, moving forward, not to the budget committee but really was looking at how can maximize funding for affordable housing. and we have a housing bond weight on today's agenda and i were for to that work at that point. so, i want to thank chairman fontenot for your work and the budget committee for their hard work as well. of course, all the support from the mayor's office for mayor lee who i knew has worked very hard to at this budget together at first going out to a lot of neighborhoods and listening to the constituents and concerns from people all over the city,
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and of course, the mayor's budget staff, budget dr. kate howard, your work, thank you for your staff, your hard work putting this budget together. of course, the controller's office, at rosenfield and all the staff that were there. the budget analysts and your work, your gain in year out. i just want to thank you all for that. for me i would like to talk about just district 11 and how can't work within doing year after year, building upon past work for district 11. early on knowing that district it not have a lot of places we could build stronger public services. we have a kind of historic real small and we devoted our efforts, my office, to community development with. how do we i should build the assets that are currently in the community? from that were slowly but surely able to build up a lot of services that were
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looking at economic development in our -- building affordable housing and doing workforce work as well. so, for that happened with the two projects moving forward that look like they can go forward for housing. when is the operative yard about ballpark station and another one i think is contingent upon passing a bond that could be at the valente site on mission street next to safely. that actually could be about 100 units of housing altogether. a lot of that is found in family housing. it's really been the work of multiple years to get to where we are right now in terms of how we can maximize our services to the budget that build upon the past. we also have a lot of projects in district 11 around capital improvement, excited about as well. especially because i have it a year left in office but i think some of the sites that will see will be able to show the community what's been achieved over the past few years. we've a lot of safety efforts.
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beautification is at the top year we are finding in this budget that score to enable us to actually build a mosaic on the steps of athens and avalon street. if that is been neighbors in that area working for baby about 10 years so far to build a project like this. so it's finally coming to fruition through this budget. we also have a couple of urban agricultural projects that are moving forward with some serious capital is going to be in this budget. to actually enable them to break ground as our farms by next year. i'm very very excited about that. we had a big debate yesterday about policing and one of the things i hear a lot about in my district is how to make sure that we have ample levels of policing especially because were well below the 1971 number , and there's a big call for beach officers was actually have a relationship building experience with the residence in the district, but we now have a way to get there with
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their academy classes moving for. i'm supporting the academy class. i said i have been in those or something that i think is important that residents in district 11 having calling for. i want to make sure that i listen to that call. also, knowing notion i do appreciate efforts that supervisor cohen is moving forward around police accountability where. i do appreciate that effort. i think the two-pronged approach is important, especially performing the police and making them ensure the police department response to our communities and see themselves in the eyes of the community rather than the batch they have. that's super important to meet city like a miller briefly touch on the things i think this budget really living forward on. we have a caller that of the first time wesley -- we have not had a debate about the color in the month of june to i really appreciate the mayor's office working with our stakeholders and the public sector. nonprofits, to raise
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the cola. so they can the cost of doing business for nonprofits. i'm really excited about the work to support seniors and people with disabilities. we haven't seen as large an increase in services as we have busy. that's really something important because i know doing during our downturn we did have a lot of cuts to senior services were we just generally build upon those services as we could have. overall, the one thing i think that were missing in this budget is especially overseeing evictions continuing strongly, and being very harmful to people is that we haven't funded defense as much as we'd like you to think between now and middle of july when we do the final part of the budget we can actually think about how to meet the growing demand of services for people who are facing eviction in san francisco. again, i reserve my comments on the
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housing bond at that point. but, i have to admit that the work on this budget was inextricably tied to the bond, so i know they're related, and so we'll get to that when upon is divorce. judge thank you. supervisor autos. personal medical, would you call items 12 and three from our 9 am meeting copies shipped to item number one the budget update on the mayor's the controller and the budget website of analyst including shortfalls and additional and item number two proposed budget and putting receipts and expenditures for the department of the city and county as of as of june 1, 2015 for fiscal year ending june 30, 2016 and 27. item number three proposed annual salary in one's in the annual budget and appropriation ordinance for the fiscal year ending june 30 in the annual budget and appropriation ordinance for the fiscal year ending june 30, 2016 and june 30 27. continuing creating
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establishing these positions. >> thank you. colleagues, we principally three items to knock up your purse to ebi item in the second the housing bond items in the budget. first, let's go to item does matter but have you called item number four yet? shoved >> no we have not >> please call at first >> item number four, the fee schedule and informing the planet abundance determination under the california environmental policy act. shifted thank you. so colleagues, this is on dbi feeds a new supervisor winner has some amendments to proposal but will do is after bubblegum and kick a motion to approve this item and send forth to the july 4 14. >> supervisor winner >> thank you very much. we mention ugly posing an amendment to take some of these funds that were going to be in the form of the cuts and put them into a reserve fund for increased code enforcement by
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the department. whether it's hiding the asserted city attorney to property owners that are violating housing codes of building codes. we have a significant deficit of code enforcement in san francisco, and we need to really prioritize it more. so, as you know, colleagues, because of the explosion of building permits in san francisco, department of building inspection is accumulated a significant surplus, which is good and that hopefully be able to cushion the blow when economy goes into a downturn and we will have as much boom and bust hiring and layoffs at dbi. but there is a proposed reduction in building permit fees so that were not violating laws, essential, in terms of charging more fees than the actual cost of doing
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the inspection and so forth. now is a good time to take a look at whether we need a full fee reduction. i don't think we don't. i don't think we do. so the amendment that are proposing will create a nearly $4 million code enforcement reserve fund over the next two years and will be constituted in two ways. first, there were about $2 million over the two-year budget of cuts proposed by the pla daily excepted. that money can only be spent within dbi. it can go into our other gen. fund needs. so that $20 will go into the dbi general reserve. this motion will move that $2 million into a code enforcement newly created reserve. in addition the fee reductions being proposed in item number four will scale those back to the tune of $1 million per fiscal year creating another
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$2 million that we will then redirect into this newly created code enforcement reserve fund. so, i think totals so, i think totals about $3.75 million and so we distributed the amendments. on page 6 of 50 ordinance and we've double underlined sections. part of this is really a positive step forward, and ask for your support and that is my motion. >> thank you supervisor winner. first take public comment on item number four. anyone was to pop comment on this item? seeing none seeing none, public on undisclosed gallo >> i want to thank supervisor winner for bring this forward. this is not the brightest of the word [inaudible] so i want to thank either motion by supervisor winner on the amendment. second by supervisor mar we can do that without objection gallo >> to have a motion to bring
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this to the full board. we can take that without objection. >>[gavel] >> next will do the housing line i'm somatic work if you could sue the recessed meeting from monday silverback two items number one and number two. for the money meeting, do of a number of amendment seven passed him on item number one regarding the mayors bond. i want to thank everyone for their support during these discussions in particular supervisor avalos. item number two penny for quite a wild. these are the underlying ordinances for the resolutions we talked about for a little while. via the minutes i be offering up include three things in principle. one raise the amount of the bond from to in a 50 me to pretend million dollars. second of all, adding a specific section around the mission and third, adding language as was discussed with
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supervisor avalos around laws including local hire as applicable to the funds being used through this bond. before i get to any other third further discussion, i want to ask kate howard the budget mayor's budget director rather be a formal presentation on the bond, but i know ms. howard won a chance to talk about some of the other cases within the bond themselves. for item number one. >> thank you supervisor's, kate howard the mayor's budget director. thank you for introducing me the amendments to the market just a moment ago, the mayor is excited that will be able to increase the size of the bond from its original proposal of $250 million to pretend million dollars without raising property taxes and without impacting cities capital plan. at a high level, the bond will
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fund four major categories of expenditures and i think you be receiving a more detailed presentation in two weeks when the bond comes back to you for approval. first low income affordable housing $100 million -- in that category. $50 million for affordable housing in the mission, $80 million for public housing, particularly, our efforts to rebuild the most distressed public housing to our hope sf program an additional $89 for middle income affordable housing programs. in addition to those funds, as you party mention, the budget they'll be before you will include an additional $25 million borrowing from the housing
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