tv [untitled] June 29, 2015 1:30am-2:01am PDT
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shipyard will be built out treasure island will be built out the basin will continue to grow vertical units will continue to grow again having 1971 officers is a place i have nitrogen been before if we have another 12 or 13% more people with the already 12-13% more people might not be a bad idea either. >> i anticipate that response and having a strong multidimensional support it could make sense based on the data we're deploying differently and we are having the same impact on crime and prevention combine with other approaches besides policing we have a resolution saying we're going to increase with the increase in population size we support increase in police staffing is not necessarily one i see that
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is worth supporting at this point. >> fair enough >> please continue >> the next slide. speaks to where we are right now this is january to march so you can continue the part one crimes just over 14 to 15 are up in the first quarter again. that said the help is on the way i can't -- in making this presentation i don't want to seem unaappropriative of the board to get us 1971 i'm just trying to paint the picture of where we are. there are questions asked about civilization we look it as a recivilianzation when money got tight in this city sworn
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staffing continues to hire and civilian strafing stof but a lot of the tasks needed to be done as officers would be on various substantialings of modified duty would come if inside do that work and those people stayed for long periods of time when supervisors chu was on the budget committee she had a plan id's planning sessions this is the 12-13 budget that is akin to an entire academy class to the discounted rate of the nonsworn personal versus the higher rate of the personnel the other ten are in the position of hiring process as we will be able to make good at least on that budget hopefully by the end of
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this fiscal year. supervisor avalos asked about being what we can being deployed as efficient as with can. when we hit the recession that was in place when i got here one of the things ha happened over time when the ten hour day became the industry standards in 1986 for principal a lot offed police department gravitated to that that say hit in staff from outside we took 500 officers about 25% on the ten hour day wasn't assigned patrol and went to different schedules with eight our nine hour day with specialized training that is akin to getting 66 officers for free inside went immediately outside which was a savings or a nonspending of money to get an
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additional academy class outside. that concludes my report for where we are in so far as the march hopefully to get to 1971 to supervisor avalos's point when we get to that number it's critical we don't do what we have as a habit over the years which is just stop. to stay at 1971 there has to be a minimum of two academy classes a year just to stay compliant with the man date 1994 that came from many years before that as a suggestion and it was put in the charter by the voters in 94 back when the population is closer to 700,000 people now with the 850 or the million being forecast in the future so i again the men
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and women in the police department keeping this city the safetiest however the more people that will come the more people will call i would assume get these response times to a bear minimum to where they were before i think when people call for aacid tans they should get it as soon as possible. >> we have questions we will start with supervisor avalos >> thank you for all your work. we were trying to find in the ballot hand wok where the number came from i think there were competing ballot arguments in support that said the source was in a different place from the
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1971 i'm wondering how we got there. and my other question looking at the data from 1994 to the present there is di crease in violent property crime i'm wandering what the crime levels compare to in 1994 when we established that number. >> the mid 90s were a particular levi lent time in san francisco. i can also tell you there were a tremendous amount of grant dollars from the clinton administration back in the mid 90s there was a huge augmenting that's when the cops office was established back in washington d.c. you mentioned overtime our overtime budget is half what it suz ten years ago even though we have less officers so at some point you reach a tipping point you can't conserve and you have to spend just to stay where you
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were again i don't know what the staffing levels were in particular but i know with regard to the violent crime certainly >> it's much less than it was -- >> yeah but we went back there again in the mid 2000 so we do this up/down staffing thing rather than gettinger nest staffing for a down tourn in violent crime to invest in the young people to get them the education they need so we don't have an uptake later on. >> i know the clinton administration where our overall prison population across the entire country got to over 2 million people. that's the concern when we do this level of increase and put our efforts into policing than
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other things we fill up our jails at that point people become disenfranchised >> i can tell you in san francisco that is not the case we have record low county population record low juvenile population and record low police officers in youth engagement despiting being down 300 office irs, we're trying to get to the generational change but right now i'm anxious the officers have been holding with the cry lent crime it is up a bit this year and far more than anybody should have ut it. >> chief before i get to my question i sheriff i would like to invite you to sit up here if you would like and make a few remarks if interested chief one
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of the main concerns with police staffing the charter ignoring all of the plans in san francisco specially in the south east what does the department plan to do for the increased population growth? then my second question do you or any member of your staff work with developers on additional funding sources? >> so with regard to the planned population and neighborhood changes we went through redistricting working with many members of this panel to are apportion the police districts to strike a balance with the officers that we have in the hope we get to 1971 no matter what we will do the best we can with what we have. as far as developers wet met with a group from the mayor's
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office that the built out of candle stick point if there say commercial codoer there and wanted dedicated officers that would be the expense of the commercial corridor. >> that means the developer interested in bringing these vendors or companies they would pull their resources to enhance? >> right if they wanted two officers there would be a work order prepared for the two officers to work there they would be on top of the 1971. >> it's interesting. when the developer wants to develop something that we have fees we assess them that goes twor infrastructure improvements increasing the light rail adding more lights public space parks
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to the best of my knowledge these resources don't go to the police department am i correct? >> not that i'm aware of >> yet you increase your service patrol area >> if it's within the 190 square miles, we will take care of that. >> i want to speed this up. maybe you can accounted for this increase in growth in the redistrict ree of the police districts >> the consultants that were hired and worked out of the controllers office was terrific. looked at a notion of factors so population is one of them. response times were one of them calls for service the different crime rates the alt -- amount of schools parks events in a district and the violent and property crime rate probably
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another dozen or so factors so it's not district based on crime and population a myriad of affect fors some neighborhoods are not as dense and don't have as much crime but they have to cross a greater distance in the bayview than in tenderloin. tenderloin is more dense and vertical than most of the bayview all of those were taken into consideration as to a thoughtful approach in how to bat lance the district >> another interesting tidbit was the civilianzation rate con tin uts to be low compared to the rest of the organizations what do they do for civilianzation efforts >> we try to have more positions in the budget that are trying to be civilianized we're not
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successful getting a lot of the the positions especially when we're in the middle of a large higher we are now one would think if we get to where there say static held line of 1971 we can can get more efficient with having civilians doing other tasks >> do you have any other benchmarking goals or time lines associated with getting -- >> i don't have that now >> internally within your department do you have that? >> yes. >> you and i discussed on several occasions the trend across the city particularly in district ten of property crimes i have sent you numerous e-mails and through captain sulivan and now through vishwani what do they do for repeated home and auto burglaries >> home and auto are up 100% i'm
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not immune myself i have been a victim of a burglary in my house and my son prevention is what we're working on having lesser amount of officers we're working to make good cases on having chief redman put together task forces in areas that are particularly hit art a lot of these burglars are serial auto burglars legislation from 2010 says though folks do time for being serial burglars in the county jail. >> given these are low priority crimes would additional staff address this crime? >> sure making sure rekeep that response time we said earlier as low as possible there are tasks
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for specific crimes in certain areas right now that is the amount of staffing we just don't have. not regularly. >> we know that some district stations have different staffing needs the bayview in particular covers a significant amount of geography but deals with a large public housing development such as patrero hill with increasing property crimes how do you staff your district stations? we will start there >> district stations have a base number of staffing we look at response times crime rates we have floating officers we loon when there is up ticks, when you speak to public housing they have dedicated officer >> does every housing have a dedicated -- >> in the south east in district
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ten they do because there is certain amount of violent didn't go down i'm not sure every housing complex has staffing >> so would a business station like bayview benefit from increase in officers >> absolutely. any would >> how are you moving around officers to stations >> the floating kadry or sign up then as the academy classes come out we try to assign those officers with cultural and bilingual -- so they stay. >> going back to what supervisor weiner talked about with special
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events the giant win the world series how do you determine where to full the officers from? >> for an event the station is staffed at 80% which is what we have determined is the base level of staffing officers are not allowed to take any additional time off. say you need a saturday or sunday for an event that is not allowed then any officers above that which is usually beat officers as supervisor weiner referenced would be put together to work a cultural event where there is no cost recovery the rest of staffing goes to overtime. >> what do you think is the imbakt of the large events on the neighborhood and the the ability for district stations to respond to calls and continue
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the same level of service and do proactive policing if you are pulling resources >> the impact of our ability to respond to calls is not impacted we safeguard that as our priority. what doesn't get the same sort of attention is the engaging officers on the foot beat they're sent to the event then as soon as it's over they go back again. >> so increase in staffing would help balance that out so you wouldn't have to pull from your beat officers they would remain in place for resources for special events >> yes so to all of those. >> we had discussion the can sheriff can can bring to staffing issues i know this is
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an issue happened before you and the chief and sheriff. referini is a sheriff there is ongoing discussion. what do you think the sheriff would play in helping decreasing staffing deficiencies ? >> there is conversation with the staffing unit with the advent of -- we don't have as many custodial situations of the like the greater help would be at san francisco hospital where we lose officers two at a time for medical issues abscess infection mental illness energy -- injury what have you. would keep officers on the street.
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i know that is an expense to the sheriff's department and don't know if that is in their budget. >> thank you for your time supervisor kim has questions then we will go back to supervisor avalos. supervisor kim? >> thank you chair cohen i appreciate your questions on the civilianzation commitment and goal i know that his or her been a discussion since i got on the board but since i was first on budget committee it's important for us to hit that goal we know police officers are trained to make our streets safe eefrer we don't want them doing hr or task that civilians can do i had one question aim could have of times the question of special events came up in the district i
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represent our residents are unhappy when our police officers get rerouted. to es when they could be in tenderloin or other areas around the city the city has different systems for police officers i lernted that baseball team like the chicago cubs pay for their police officers in entirety 100% >> so do the giants >> my understanding is that we provide officers above and beyond what the giants need on game days is that not the case >> the giants pay for everybody that works inside at&t park >> inside but not outside >> the people that go to the giant's game walking blocks back to their car the huge concentration in and around the
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ballpark those are additional city street principals so we focus on burglary -- >> so on a nongame night would you be providing the same number of officers to that area >> that is an assignment within southern station that is the five car with the only exception being arrival ree series or play off game if the dodgers come to town or play offs in the world series there is additional people just because of the number of additional peerm in the area >> so on a game night that is not rival or play offs you would provide the same number of offers on that night >> southern station handles that >> the same for a game night --
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will there be more officers from southern on a normal than a nongame night to those areas >> that is up to the platoon commanders they are going to be they are where there is the most people they would consent treat control in 6-8 blocks around the ballpark >> i see a lot of officers at the ballpark which i'm not against but we deemployer resources on the resources for a game night they're not paying for those resources they're only paying for what is in the ballpark they wouldn't be there if there wasn't a game >> before the game more police there are more people during the game not so much. >> but we wouldn't be deploying those officers for the game if not for a game. there is a cost.
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>> there's a sensible deployment of resources >> because there say game -- >> in the civic center we have more in the mission corridor as people come and go we do the same thing where there is a large number of people. >> we deploy more resources with a nonprofit organization or where the event officers can can pay for >> the answer is yes the more resources go there before and offer game >> plays, or rivalry with you deploy more resources to the neighborhood? >> yes >> so i just learned this recently i understand that chicago cubs do pay for the entirety of the deployment both inside and outside of the ball work i can call commissioner mic car the and ask him and ask what
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their agreement is with the cubs >> it's a question i bring up when we talk about how to fund additional resources for sfpd it's important for managing teams particularly we may have another team coming to san francisco it's important for us in short like developers we're considering what the need is bringing great organizations and resources to the city. >> supervisorer avalos? >> thank you on the kwi of the giants game i recently went to a game on saturday night got there early bobble head night my kids wanted a bobble head we were there an hour early before the game we got the on the t-line outside of the ballpark got off the trine and there is four
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peace officers >> they work for mta they're on the mta work order >> so the mta is paying for them in that case so outside of the jurisdiction there are officers who are deployed outside of the park who are not bade for by the giants >> from southern station >> so are they fair check? >> no they're police officers again just large numbers of crowds >> it seemed like i wasn't sure if there was a good use of mta dollars there were four officers before the game my kids couldn't stay the whole time they just wanted the bobble head we left in the middle of the game they were 2-and-a-half hours stan standing in the same place that is an anecdotal thing i wanted to say. i understand the issue around
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staffing levels at stations as i said i'm supporting the eight classes we're going to see the next two yeared when i hear about the discussion not having adequate levels of staffing i look that we still have eight classes to put forward before we get to a level we can start looking at okay what are the overall staffing issues in san francisco based on the number that's been hard to get to we will finally get to for a couple of years from now it's hard to conflate what we're going to need after reaching that threshold to 2200 officers that is hard for me to put those together i believe what we have in terms of reaching the threshold we have been trying to reach since 1994 is most important. >> i would just say we look at redistricting every ten years it
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has been time since we looked at it. 1971 to 1994 it's smart to look at it at the same time we're looking at redistricting going forward >> thank you supervisor avalos thank you very much. chief. okay sheriff makrimi if you would like to address the committee we would invite you to do so. >> supervisors good afternoon ross rokaraimi for the sheriff's department in san francisco. to this discussion we want to be as helpful as we possibly can over my time as sheriffs we have worked collaboratively for the police department to help with their function to they can
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redirect their personnel other pressing matters that has been attempted for several intervals the last 20 years the police department referred to as station transfer units in context this has relevance to the discussion you are having with our partner the police department the reason i want to bring it to your attention what has been remarked about in the press puts things in context what our contribution can be in order to advance the larger public safety needs and staffing challenges before san francisco and city hall. before any money transacted that came to the sheriff's department. from january 14th-15 we were
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able to stabilize resources for the mission and tenderloin stations station units have been done before between the sheriff's department and police what is different about this particular pilot a where he were able to follow this on our own to show good faith and commitment but b this has hour by hour and day by day data shift how much time and data savings we were able to benefit in being able to station units versus the police department we knew coming into this pilot and i know that haven't forgotten 1 of the issues that the police department would like assistance with we
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