tv [untitled] June 29, 2015 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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committee and federal home loan local initiative and raymond james again mta and, of course, silicon valley thank you. the gentleman will say a few words and the humans agency thank you cindy and joyce and city attorney's office beven and kirsten thank you all our political supporters look at all the board of supervisors thank you to sxhooikz and commissioner tang supervisor kim and supervisor mar and captain david lazzaro and thank you, derrick for all the free tickets that's not in the script i added that and once again aaron and so many
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people to thank i'm going to cut auto u out and introduce our first speaker silicon valley fiona from silicon valley valley bank if i speak too fast too bad. >> thank you everyone it is good to be her o from silicon valley bank i'll keep my remarks short i'm told the two words you want hear from a banker is your approved i shared the incredible stories the story from the rubbles to new begins like lydia flores moved ♪ april the incredible enthusiasm from the bank and, yes for the involvement to 9 project i want compromise convey it to wit new
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and the entire team i come to release as much asia i like to powwow it is critical we bring in the communication gambling more people about the health and affordability crisis especially in the city and state those who can't afford current market rate and how it impacts them we need the votes on upcoming legislation that benefits the entire city we need to remind folks that great ideas to this amazing city is derived from the passion that's our square feet and a that's what is at stake i'll take off any banker hat and i can finally say yes in my background 1, 2, 3 yes, in my
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backyard so i can say it so my team member advocates for some funding for the community room we can say that we become we believe this project broadway-sansome apartments is an asset to our neighborhood and we welcome the families who live here and wish them a happy beginning thank you so much >> thank you fiona well, i better use this one we, of course have to have sam solomon not only for this building but down the block you've got the corner on this market. >> i expect a microphone that norman is held to sizzle my figures it is it is enforceable in the mini have to say all the reasons this moment is so
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enormous for me convey my appreciation's this is a celebration that san francisco more than any other city san francisco is there it's successful mayor's and amazing community of nonprofit have created repairs to the stairs and the issues in our beautiful city with desperately needed affordable housing for an old san franciscan like me north beach is sacred ground nothing means more than the great people (calling names) the whole institution have given to me and my colleagues to transform the square of the embarcadero freeway for those buildings and across the street as you look around the big picture how to fits into the
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city is originally and file number look at the people and look at the buildings but look at the many pictures look at how every baseboard meets the doorjamb and see how the hard work (calling names) by the incredibly capable and daebltd steve of our office i especially want to acknowledge fred lion who is glorious photograph in the lobby and his life work of affirmative for san francisco conveys the ervin history those buildings are part of thank you thank you all for to special moment go warriors (clapping.) >> so some of you explain why
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al legislation - thank you reverend does this one work well, congress is in session i'm looking to be here on behalf of the congresswoman pelosi dear friends i'll add my congratulations to celebrate of the opening of broadway-sansome apartments out of the rubble and destation the looifrnt has housed the homeless and other deserving low income individuals and families some of here this opening is a critical time in the affordable housing crisis and recognize our equality and
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affordable housing across san francisco i join you in applauding the chinatown development center for their leadership in stare heading this ambition project and binging hope to many of chinatown's resident your effort will give any deserving san franciscans a new and save place to call home providing save affordable housing is a matter of social and economic justice we must insure respect for every family and justice for all holders and hope for all americans today we build a future of flarns fairness and equal opportunity for all regards nancy pelosi. >> thank you (clapping.) okay. all right. politics is a part of life okay. we have our current
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commissioner christensen come on up. >> politics is a part of my life first, i want to welcome the individual families that have become our neighborhoods by moving into this building their blessing is whoefrthd and big big thank you to the chinatown development center a wonderful organization with such a great history essential to our neighborhood and valuable i've been proud for many years as affordable unit a neighborhood advocate to work within them on the joe dimaggio playground and as a supervisor their importance to me and the city government is more underscored there is so much to be done and cdc are essential in take care of the neighborhoods and society thank you, norman gordon and all the
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staff i'm pleased to do my little part at a supervisor i'm glad to join with the mayor and fellow board members this november and hopefully, we'll have a lot more ribbon cutting and groundbreaking i've been working on prevention that will help people who neighborhoods stay in affordable housing in neighborhoods with president breed and mr. rosen weaving to give preference to people that quality for affordable housing so they can sacrifice in thaush neighborhoods and friends and neighbors to remain with us we're about ready to start work on 88 broadway another affordable housing project an broadway and marcus that project is not only a good home but a great neighbor to the people around it is it windshield integrated into broadway and the
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neighborhood i look forward to our help we're allowing to the sgrarn that people that are adapted by the rad program that we're going to encourage landlord to find a place for those people and hopefully return to their homes so there's loots to be done and glad as i am and happy i want to remind everyone for a long time this was the site of the new police station i'm happy we have affordable housing but captain lazzaro we recent the oldest moldy police station in the city and make sure we take care of those people that are taking care of us thank you all very much (clapping.) supervisor jane kim
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(clapping.) >> thanks bunny she works in my office it is always great to be back home i am sure i spent 6 years of the chinatown community family and continue to be part of the family and of the neighborhood one of the things i leader added chinatown cdc i carry to this day on the board of supervisors things get talked about a admits normal that is an opportunity not true but what is true that in country there is opportunity and one of the things i've leader another cd c turning something into tragic as suzy mend the 1989 leadership whether
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the former international hotel we partnered with st. mary's to build hundred units of affordable housing for your seniors in the city to many of the sites on broadway when did freeway was there to build affordable housing i'm sure you're aware of it is really, really difficult to build affordable units multiple unit housing their current 3 thousand plus homeless children and one of the wealthiest cities in the world this development is going to help to take you will say another step towards eradicating and eliminating families homelessness in san francisco we know there are many families that also maybe not in the shelters life in sro's hotels 8
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by 10 and kids trying to do their homework and it's multi generational there's a subsidy to know that families couldn't even be afternoon to make a transition to beautiful building on broadway this is what chinatownc. c is making our neighborhood healthier thank you gordon and novrm and many people that are involved here today (clapping.) we found out that willie brown will not make it after andrea our residents speakers the mayor you have 15 seconds to thirty second to cover the story back then how this become affordable
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housing you were here. >> thank you, norman it is quite a story and actually a story where the thanks go to the people of district 8 because the police amendment was going to be told me sold off and the money to build a new central station on this site but the good people of district 8 encouraged their supervisor mark leno no, not to sell it off and as a result not enough capital funding for central to come here i sfeptd in with gordon and rose and convinced willie brown it was time to make affordable housing at this site let's do it again at the bus yard and john hancock elementary school and all over the city cd c you're a
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rehabilitate committee thank you. >> you're our hero our hero for today, it's all about you let's give her a big hand at broadway. >> hello, everybody i'm andrea a new resident here and i want to (clapping.) first give thanks to the gentleman without him, i wounded be here and i want to thank sro collaborative and my coach that that helped me through my family and i stuck by us and that's correct thanks to our mayor and everybody i see here my neighborhoods and even to say thank you so much to all of you we owe our deep itself gratitude
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for putting us in here it is - thank you for giving us all a new life compared to where i came from i was homeless for 3 and a half years my family and i living in a hotel i appreciate. >> thank you so much for giving me the opportunity the staff i can't forget you i love the staff here we love you guys you're on top they're there when we need you and cal where i at you're so wonderful and i can't forget my girl thank you guys you guys put together the best staff ever when you put them here thank you so much for them (clapping)
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>> thank you for giving all the tenants another chance of a better and greater life thank you (clapping.) all right. okay are you ready mr. mayor. >> your time is come we want to thank everyone involved a lot of obligates participation and collaborations that make to possible like i said in the begin i don't know how happier he can be this is one of the things homeless and sro families suffering in little rooms anyway this is a good one everybody i'm happy we're depending upon our mayor mayor edwin lee (clapping.) thank you, norman and congratulations again to you and cd d.c. thank you to the
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supervisors that are here, commissioner christensen and anothers thank you to gordon to rose that's been not only here we were together when we opened up the family housing a block away this was named after willie brown so got to go down there i want to thank you for the opportunity not only to celebrate many reasons to celebrate this the reason they put me last they want to make it quick it is getting warm congratulations andrea i love the story i watch our baby walk around and get on the bus and go to school this is amazing that's the definition of family housing people can really have the entire family be a part of this neighborhood i want to say thank you to the 14 families
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that were displaced by our central you were trusted and patient with a city that has not fulfilled old promises the way we should this project awhile great today i think unfortunately took over seven years to be able to produce and chinatown and our neighborhoods didn't feel the benefits of the tear down of the embarcadero the way other neighborhoods felt simultaneously i went through many years with the chinatown businesses and residents to suffer the impacts of that and so this is one of those rare moments what years after we get to celebrate a few of the things that many parts of waterfront celebrated many, many years ahead of us this is why wore in
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a hurry this is why we want more andreas and by the way, fiona i didn't move in about mrs. flores he welcomed her i want to make sure i said that correctly in those election times you never know when the media is looking for in this borrowing year but i wanted to say i'm appreciative of all the elements of our community coming together i'm going to ask to you stay together on the sites like here the sites we respect opened in the tenderloin and ocean avenue and fourth street mission bay all those citing sites we need to accelerate this so it it if take 7 or 9 years in the case of the last place we gave keys to families i want the andreas and
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the others of the displaced resident we're working harder and faster cd c has many more projects along with mercy housing and the housing home sharing housing authority we old promises to fulfill by the way you know this thorough the 25 slots in the allot 3 thoughtless people that were opining they couldn't get into the precious housing at the same time, we need to make sure we are preserving and preventing evictions have been long time residents of the character that's why we put serious money into whether it's dollars or lawyers or neighborhoods stabilization efforts we're going to do that while we try to
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figure out faster tracks for affordable housing to be built we need public and private partners to do so i was glad we found more capacity to increase the housing bond to $300 million if there's more capacity we'll increase that even more not at expense of valuable other programs we have but in the way in which is honors long time promises not raising property tax we need that 2/3rd's votes we need sites whether in the mission or selma where we can control that land make sure that we build more rapidly wore doing so as we speak this is why in the $300 million we have identified serious elements to get at difficult areas of the city to increase the possibility of building more affordable housing that will end up as the
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finance experts get the pressure off this country's we're learning the new tricks, if you will, the private sector has used to leopard that to the nonprofit sector to make sure we that build this affordable housing and sustain it again that fulfilling old promises this city is for everybody no matter where you want to live descent housing i look forward to broadway and working with commissioner christensen and the other housing developers in the city to make sure we expand that opportunity dpw steps up as a our city administrator remembered us the land was analyzing turning it offer for more affordable housing this is why we're aggressive thank you
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to the police department for your work while we're doing this your protecting and improving lives i love the fact you're working there the neighborhoods we'll rebuild our places for safety for everyone and their even better designed mr. solomon step up you're going to be asked to design more housing and make sure all of our architect you're at the heart of the job commission in the arenas and gordon when our through with selling off your books get back on the horse and volunteer your 7, 8, 9 we have 8 thousand units to build an treasure island development authority board i looked at it to work with everybody make sure you vote in november and have on your mind a bond for thirty thousand more
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families for homes right reverend save the - have the faith of the city. >> hang around before the ribbon cutting we'll be lead in a blessing i always add a people's blessing after he says his sentence i ask you to say a word. >> (inaudible). >> actually america has helped me, too. >> first of all, just i think hall and exhale feel the gratitude thank you may the spirit of peace bless all the residents of broadway-sansome apartments please shout out one word peace.
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>> peace. >> may the children and families and adults living in in this new community be filled with joy. >> joy. >> joy. >> from the rubble of loma prieta to the hope of renewable and great affordable housing let's give it up for hope. >> hope. >> and may the spirit of love embrace all who enter broadway-sansome apartments. >> let's embrace the spirit of love everyone say. >> love. >> and the spirit of peace, joy and hope and love be with us all amen. >> okay. i've named the mayor gets the super scissors we bought it fresh off the weather we want 0 people to stand behind
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this may not be everybody i have a list so norman oh, that's me and reverend ma gray crepe susan and naomi kelly brigitte jackson this is neighborhood week we want to celebrate neighborhood work cd c is part of the organizations we were the first selected in san francisco we their celebrating also on the list alex representatives from david chiu and andrea and gordon chiu come on up and jane kim and aaron all the front row just get up here step up we need to move the
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table back she want to be in the shade move the table back yeah. >> so there's more standing room you you get the new super scissors and get ready we want everyone here. >> where do you see these photographs (laughter) and yeah. captain lazzaro we have space. >> yeah. that's chief suhr. >> a plan. >> oh, john, of course from mta okay. if you think you're a big shot come up whatever there is room in the back in the back okay. are we ready. >> count down.
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