tv [untitled] June 30, 2015 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT
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win for our community and all of san francisco having the warriors in our neighborhood in community will create and bring new businesses within mission bay, dog patch, and beyond which would be bay area for me excuse me. thank you for your time and i hope you'll take my support in consideration have a good afternoon. >> thank you. >> hi good afternoon. i'm anna i'm here to talk about the opposition because we don't want the stadium to be built at the mission bay so over the past two weeks i've been companionships the area and speaking with residents and employees and the diversity roeltsd who are visiting patients at the hospital and been asking them what are your views of building the stadium in
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such closed unit and overwhelmingly the response i received frequently was do not build i enjoy the stadium don't want the traffic and no parking the bart station didn't go in that direction more people will be driving in number one the concern is to definitely avoid the traffic congestion one employee said when they say droifz out of a parking lot it takes him 30 minutes to drive one block and two or two half an hour to get out of the area to catch the freeway the infrastructure is not suited for a stadium not suited to bring in 18 thousand fans into this area a nurse mentions her concerns which are how are the emergency
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vehicles going to access in and out of the area there's no plan and if there is it's not been communicated that's the problem and the latest i want to talk about what responsible development looks like in san francisco not just the problem with the stadium but in san francisco in general what does it look like for the councilmember brooks traffic is a problem and the quality of life for all of san francisco thank you. >> thank you. >> hello commissioners. i'm kirk the executive director of rock real option for kids and in visitacion valley over 20 years and will also a castro hill residents i'm a birthday supporter of the warriors i know
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the team and city have hard work to take the feedback from the community and address the needs and put this into these a plan it is great for the contingency in addition to my work at rock we've worked in partnering over 10 years that's the one rare sports team that takes to heart and gives back to the organization like a hoist of things without the expectation for pr but the right reasons and looking for the organizations such as ours and the general community thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon. i'm alexander i'll be speaking on behalf of harold that couldn't make it today although i support the warriors home in san francisco the mission bay is not appropriate for this project to
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the medical center and at&t is a respite for congestion i understand there is dmashl transportation and infrastructure support from distance from the park thank you for your time. >> would the following people please come up sebastian (calling names). >> good afternoon commissioners and madam chair i'm sebastian i'm here to speak on behalf of the project i'm a student and rely on my bike i think this is
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tremendous bike assess as outlined in the eir it has over 3 hundred valet spots in the office building and dozens more around the site it will be more bike spaces on 16th street street thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> hi, i'm scott van horn thank you for the opportunity to have me speak today on the draft eir i live in dog patch a cooperative of blocks from the site i'm actually, one of the if any, that is going to get my view of bay bridge blocked as others talked about this document it is critically thorough i applaud the city for looking at the issues i'm pleased about the
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businesses and parks that will be within walking a dance implementing i implementing the warriors and city has been working with the neighborhood and incorporating the community segsdz suggestions into the plan as a result they've come up with a project that perjuring fits to restraining order into the mission bay and dog patch and on the community most of the neighbors that i've talked about are xooefl excited about i'd like to go on record i'm personally in support of arena thank you. >> (calling names). >> please come to the podium. >> good afternoon. i'm patrick valentino the vice president of the merchants association i live
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in the neighborhood close to where the new events center will be i've taken time to look at the traffic management plan and the draft eir and couple of things that are important to point out number one if you start to compare traffic management plans of arenas that are constructed in the recent decade you see this is probably one of the most in depth and forward-looking plan move to 0 transit first plan sooepts to prioritizing the all this will have the most bike parking spaces and in discussion from attending a lot of the public meetings talking about direct right-of-way for the emergency vehicles and workers this is extremely important to remember is it so not the case that the emergency issues have
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been taken off the table surface r as far as quality of life we're evolving and finding the city is green and this is a chance to put housing next to work and play and the place that this can happen can create a new place that is environmentally aware and sensitive to our surrounding a lead goal certified construction with offices to mitigate hundred percent of green house gas emissions and again we shouldn't look through the lens of the automobile and what might have been construction in the 1990s i support this project and so does our association thank you very much. >> thank you, commissioners i'm kathy i live in mission bay with any husband and daughter and
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next door to the proposed arena site we're excited as a family not only to watch the companionship warriors in the arena by feel strongly that san francisco needs this entertainment section like disney and the glob trotters and other events together i'm excited about the waterfront park nothing like ♪ the south neighborhood and provides a place for the families to enjoy the views and have fun in a safe environment the warriors have gone to extensive meeting ucsf and our neighborhood to address our concerns they've made good process with us especially ucsf in their respective operations so both can function in our neighborhood as a result, the warriors team came up with a project that fits in the
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community and we are excited about put us down as supporters thank you >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners madam chair and director bohe i'm the young director of the bayer i'm here to express in my support as pat stated i was extremely expressed impressed how green the arena is it will be gold certified and set a standard for dine in the city and the worrying are more than a basketball team with the team they'll be part of the community i know that young community developers within the past season we've 34r0i89d over 2
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hundred yields from bayview hunters point to work in the arena just imagine how many more folks will be able to go to work in mission bay i want to thank you all for speaking on behalf of eir and my support for the warriors stadium thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon i apologize inform the younger adjudicators in the back this is what happens down here at city hall i'll go on i'm ace and i'm on the case is going to be ace is the cased an enterprise we don't analysis think about the scheme and this team we analyze the team and scheme and the thing about it ladies and gentlemen i'm not new i'm try to this i'll say i don't need your permission i'm on the mission i've been doing this for 25 years my name is ace
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roadway let's talk about the players the players this is about dollar bills and eir this is about dollar bills right here let's talk about the players and who is rechlt who won side is x member of the marries and the next side is the community or he works for consultants to the lennar you've got too big consultant we're talking about money they don't mention that in the eir but we put all those things together and come up with a solution many worrying it is community reform flip-flop and drop if other stuff we have to be involved not growth of the city store the generation in the back so therefore i have a method to all this pollution we need a conversation
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about how we're going to put things together we've got to collect with the supervisors and london breed and supervisor cohen that's the only way journals ooikdz and also about the warriors at mission bay for the blacks to load we were part of the mission bay through jim jefferson my name is ace i'm ace and i'm on the case. >> (calling names) please come to the podium. >> good afternoon commissioners i'm kim i'm a potrero hill
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residents and small business owner in south beach i'm also the co-president of the mission bay business association and i'm here to express mire support for the warriors earning arena in mission bay after taking time to review the eir i'm excited about the open pedestrian accessibility in the arena the walk is going to be flat and easy and beautiful along did waterfront this is for public transportation anyone that lives near bart walk to a stop or station and arrive 80 at the doorstep within minutes and triggers mission bay more hope that at&tal and allows people to enjoy the waterfront right now that is not possible i hope you'll take my feedback into
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consideration. >> commissioners good afternoon. i'm tim the executive director of san francisco labor council we represent over hundred units many of the members that live and in the district district 10 and 6 of the areas that have been revitalized over the psa past thirty years i can remember an old train station out in the area and many different plans that were put together to build a hospital new businesses and parks there so some exciting things that are going there i've been on record as saying the labor council supports this rather than to come to san francisco the first one the warriors did one of the first things when we nauntsdz their intentions called the labor council many, many meetings and discussions with the used here in town and that's
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where we moved last night when i coming back from new york city the california nurses association even before i saw they had a press skwefrnz still problems with the nearbyness of the hospital i've been insured by the warriors as we go through the ongoing process those mitigation will take place this is an evolving neighborhood a wonderful and exciting that the warriors are coming here we'll get to the right place at the right time thank you very much. >> thank you. >> hello commissioners my name is john i'm a small business owner in mission bay and in south beach i support the warriors arena project in san francisco knowing it will have a positive
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impact organicisms on the mission bay community i've reviewed the plan and what stand on the steps the architects have done to minimize this impact on the environment thank you for the opportunity to weigh in today. >> thank you. >> please come to the podium paul o b.i.d. s mo n and c a ss o l a t o. ben please come to the podium adam gould and curt >> good afternoon, commissioners john with the san francisco travel association i'm here to express our support for the warriors in mission bay throughout the process the city
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has done a thorough analysis the project and ever conceivable issue with the city and they've been talking about this project many, many years ago we'll have confidence in the cities assessment the traffic had been manageable and the modesty perspire arena will far out we the impacts with that, i'll thank you for the opportunity to weigh in today. >> thank you. >> thank you for your time i'm diane i'm here because i'm a real estate professional working in the south beach mission bay area since 1989 been specially in south beach mission bay since 2005 and worked with hundreds of people renting purchasing in the area and here to support the
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progress and growth i know that change is difficult i believe witnessing and attending meetings and talking to the people are supportive of responsible growth in place in the city not having heavy traffic i live in a neighborhood with retail that comes with pros and cons but the vision for this neighborhood moved here knowing this change was inevitable the owner if people collaborate what about positive for the entire city in the just maintaining thank you for taking the time to listen to everybody with all their opinions thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm steve on i'm a person in the city but obtain a
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pro bono business i'm 50 years old and i was 10-year-old when the warriors won the companionship that made me happy as a young child and got me interested in the warriors i'm 50 and still existed about what they brought to the bay area i would like to say when the giants came to talk about putting a stadium on the water there of the opposition and many of the same opposing argument you're hearing today, however this is a very thorough group project sponsor from the top down they pay attention to detail they dot all the i's and cross the t's and they hired very, very skilled people and they're well present prepared this city will have something
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they've needed desperately for years we have small and big venues but not an arena if we want to call ourselves a world-class city we need the venues more basketball concerts and events i remember in 20020th century 4 i brought mayweather before he he was money i remember at the civic we can attract more venues this eir is well-thought-out and this arena will be nestled in mission bay many people will embarrass what is going to happen we're going to make sure all the steps are taken so that all those concerns are addressed thank you. >> thank you. >> will the following people please come to the podium kevin
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are carol (calling names). >> hello commissioners. i'm benjamin the founder and owner of toxic life unite bars in san francisco we employ over 5 r 75 people i'm the owner of a bar alliance i'm the chairman of the board of the music association which is the trade group called c mac that represents bars and restaurant and microscopic's festivals in san francisco i want to talk about the impact that this stadium and arena has on san francisco night life it is our job to support the vibrant night life in san francisco we feel this arena contribute to bringing san
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francisco up to the bar of night life not just from the sporting event to a-list concert like the red hot chilly peppers or beon and others p will stay in the city and go out in the city and spend their time and money and enjoy the smiles at our night life venues we're excited about that they've outlined the existing parking and the extensive public transportation and the traffic management plan i've looked is thoughtful and thoroughly done we wanted to go on record to support the arena in the strongest possible terms thank you very much. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm nike want to weigh in on this proposal i
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think this is a wonderful idea to have an arena here in san francisco the area has gone through an extensive eir early on i remember my dads stories that were part of customs logo going through the warehouses and some things you don't want to hear but the issue is it had that eir that made it the possible what it is now, now a second eir making it so the warriors can have the arena here a true gem for san francisco it will compliment the possibilities and everything and it will be a great thing for san francisco i fully support this project and the rather than with all of my existence thank you. >> thank you. >> please come to the podium cheryl davis and henry k ar o w
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l i work and others. >> good afternoon commissioners my name is arnold's a resident of san francisco and business owner and here to support the warriors arena in mission bay i've reviewed the plans and the steps the architects took on the project for the environment they've made a promise to offset the green house gas emissions by paying to the upgrading of dirty school buses the focus on climate change is the future of the san francisco aide and i'm proud 105 west is leading the
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way and when the giants built their city it revitalized the selma area and i plan to buy a place i'd like to see that transformation happen in mission bay thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> good afternoon xhishgdz i'm kevin carol the executive director of the hotel council in san francisco i have the pleasure of working with a hotel that employees many people i'm here to support the warriors arena we believe we'll continue to attract for events and other activities to the city that will help phenomenal those who are working in the industries like the hotel industry that gets work to support the events the public space is it part of it i know is it the equivalent
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to the size of public scare this is important to us asia our hotel guests as well guests would stay in our hotel spend more money outside of the hotels than inside we can attract people to kwom come and they're going to spend more money in the businesses around i'm here to fully support the arena thank you for your time today. >> thank you. >> good afternoon jim lazarus san francisco chamber of commerce the chamber of commerce represents over 15 hundred businesses of size throughout the city employing over 2 hundred thousand people including the hospitals and the warriors including many businesses in michelle issue is traffic congestion it can be managed hospitals throughout san francisco are in locations that deal with
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access issues everyday how many of us drooiven by st. mary's on an afternoon or too jvbl drive is closed or building a new hospital added van ness and post or nasa for decades a neighborhood of key czar stadium for high school sports in that facility for decades before it was reduced in size thirty years ago i look at the mark handbook when the voters were asked to approve the ball park some unnamed group called players for san franciscans at the ballot argument against the ball park and opposed prop a u prop b because millions of additional cars and no marking will drive
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people out of the baseline and created gridlocked we know within weeks of the ball park openly in 2000 is it was a gem that was supported by san franciscans throughout but city the draft eir outlines a mitigation plan for traffic and congestion management that will work for ucsf it will work for the residents and work to the businesses if mission bay we urge this commission to support that eir and move this project forward as quickly as possible thank you very much. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners henry and i'm the president of the council of merchant when represents over 2 thousand businesses in the city i'm in full support of arena project in san francisco knowing we'll have a positive impact not
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only on mission bay but also on your gem of a city i want to thank the city for thank you for your time and energy to created a world-class project thank you for your time to weighing weigh in i hope you'll take my support today. >> thank you. >> please come to the podium (calling names). >> hi commissioners i'm ab evans i'm a student here i live in potrero hill and excited about this arena it is friendly and i in spite of everywhere in the city i love the transit first, because it will add to the green
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