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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2015 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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i'm speaking on item 34. we have [inaudible] would it be okay if i use some of his? i'll try to get time in 2 minute but if not can i seek [inaudible] >> i didn't hear you the first time >> my name is brian park and oakland port commissioner and member of wn00 black men and here to speak on item 34. i like to thank the board supervisors and especially supervisor cohen. we started the movement around black lives matter. we have introduced it here through supervisor cohen and others in san jose and want to make this a national issue. you see the specific number of asks before you. this is [inaudible] as weknow and hope you will continue to focus on
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education and jobs, it is those things in our opinion that are most highly carilated with poverty and lead to violence in baltimore and oakland and other places around the nation so we are in support of this resolution also in support of senate bill 411. we think it simparative to focus on training good mental helths and body cameras and citizens being able to take evident and not be prosecuted. we would like to plomote good relaishzs. your deputy chief is a fruturnty brothers. [inaudible] allowing to understand each other. lastly, i think it is imperative we focus on definitions around training of when it is permissible and appropriate to use lethal force
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so we would really hope that you would support this resolution. we stand by for any questions and thank you for entertaining us today >> thank you very much mr. parker and welcome to san francisco. next speaker please >> good evening madam president and board of supervisor, my name is [inaudible] here in support of our initiative we submitted as a resolution with supervisor cohen and i they think thank you for the time to push this forward to insure more safe policing in the city and community [inaudible] in direct response of the lack of safety and they have especially in communities of color we have seen what can happen when we do not make a effort to investigate and address the inequality and inequities in our society. this aloed many
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to live in fear and have their right taken away from them. [inaudible] also the officers that are supposed to protect them. [inaudible] criminalize people who are trying to protect themselves in a way that doesn't interfere with police work at all and we have seen over the past especially in the last year all the hanns crimes gon unnoticed had there not been a citizen with a video tape. we need to protect the citizens triget be able tee be able to quantify evident and [inaudible] i know that we can't whipe out all racist acts happening within our government
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within the police forces but it is our our and your civic duty to do possible to insure that it isn't happening or least likely of happening so i ask you to support senate bill 411. thank you >> thank you very much. next speaker please >> i would thrike use the overhead. so this is a picture of a nazi rally in the rotund raw here in san francisco in 1935. already that same year actually 2 years prior to that in march 22, 1933, [inaudible] had been opened. the nazi rally attended by the mayor is
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shock and taken by a jewish man who immigrated to san francisco because of elthnic clensing going on in nazi germany. this next picture shows in 1965 right outside in front of city hall san francisco flew the confederate flag which called the confederate flag. in isn't the confederate flag. it seems nothing changed. we have still where we in the early 1960's when black men were being tearized today and by law enforcement. why 1 of 17 affrck african american [inaudible] fifen 0 percent of the arrests made in san francisco are african american. martin luger
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king if he were here today his quote would be relven when he said a white mans heaven is a black mans hell and the board of supervisors is no different. we have gay and white supervisors continually vote against the interest of african american and latinos. we saw latinos get kicked out and not speak. nothing changed because the racism-obama talked and said using the n word in public is not acceptable but that doesn't mean racism doesn't still exist so you take away the n word about leave all your policies >> next speaker please >> tom gillbirty. the
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president was in town and wonder if the money he raised will go and spend to the democratic congress people to vote for tpp. first and get that one through. [inaudible] came from san francisco. do corporate buses increase access? i don't think so. people in south carolina have a flag a tradition, they are having a value system that needs to be changed. we can see it. we over here in san francisco probably have a harder time seeing our valia system, what we need to claisk and what we need to move ahead. housing that 88 percent of us can't afford. long term renting security, none. legal
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evictions, okay. renters kicked out, speculators moved in. and [inaudible] dollars you can play. i can expand but let's go back too housing and i recommended for every 5 years you livered lived in a place you got 3 percent of the cost of your building when it was sold. twen units building, 5 stories, 4 equal properties on each floor, everyone live there 10 years 6 percent, [inaudible] it is 12 million dollars. it doesn't work. with 4 seconds left i have to finish.
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>> thank you next speaker please >> good afternoon board of supervisors. moo ename is marther rien and founding and executive director of homeless sknr enateal [inaudible] since i'm here i thought i would get up and introduce myself to you. the homeless prenailtal program serves poor z homeless families in san francisco and we have been doing it for 26 years. the focus is pregnant mothers and children 0-5. our mission is end the cycle of childhood poverty and that a tall order in san francisco when we have so many families that are homeless i can't afford to provide a place for their children to sleep at night. not to mention to feed them or keep them in school. i
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just would like to invite some of the supervisors have been to had homeless prenatal program and there is no substitute to seeing the program in action. congressman nancy pelosi has been twice and she said he are a model for the nation. we have a staff of 80, more than half former clients. we invest in the people we sunch and welcome any of you to knh and see what we do and learn how you can really make a dif wrns and that we are doing the best we can but without housing it is tough and without jubs it is tougher and want to encourage you to think about the entire city and not just your districts. thank you for your time >> thank you very much. are there any members of the public who would like to provide public comment at the time?
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seeing none public comment is closed. madam clerk can you please go to the adoption without committee reference >> item 32-35 considered for immediate adoption without committee reference. a single roll call vote may [inaudible] a member may object >> supervisor cohen >> i would like to serf item number 34 >> supervisor wiener >> 35 >> okay, item 32--32 and 33 roll call >> wiener aye. yee, aye. avalos, aye. breed, aye. campos, aye. christensen aye. cohen, aye. farrell, aye. kim, aye. mar, aye. tang,
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aye. there are 11 aye >> the iletms are adopted unanimously >> item 34 is rez dugz to support california state senate bill 411 to right to record bill authored by senator recardo [inaudible] maintain a audio or video recording of a police or peace officer in the public place and the individual has a right to be in is not breaking the law. >> supervisor cohen >> thank you very much. colleagues today i'm asking for your support and passage of this resolution. we joined the [inaudible] over reform and regreckt the [inaudible] are not hear to hear about this resolution that is equally important. we have stood together to announce important
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and reforms that the police department has been supportive of. a few of them include the implementation of police worn body cameras, more funds frg the office assistance complaints, more police cadet classes and bias training [inaudible] senate bill 411 states anyone making a audio or video recording of a police or peace officer in a public place that a individual has a right to be in is not breaking the law. the resolution encourages the sit a eto tine to do more for the citizens [inaudible] the best and most diverse deparm in the country. woo can have better training on how and when to use force, record data on stops and [inaudible] as well as the sheriff department. and develop a 21 century
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policing strategy to guide-for a city which is guided ironically coming out of the parenthesisdants 21 century policing report issued earlier this year. i want to acknowledge brian parker and the other gentlemen that spoke on behalf of 100 black men of san francisco and oakland in support of the resolution z hope you will join us. it a community collaborative effort and hope i can count on your support >> colleagues can we take this item same house same call? without objection the resolution adopted unanimously >> item 35 is motion to approve a final map 8005 a 5 residential units condo minium project located at 135 breno
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visty a west >> we continued this last week because we [inaudible] the owners had not offered a life time lease the tenet so we continue to try to resolve the sicherationment that life time slees now offered so we can move forward with item 35 >> colleagues item 35 same house same call? without objection the motion is approved unanimously. colleagues or madam clerk would you please read the in memoriam >> todays meeting will be adjourned in member of the following beloved individuals. on behamp of supervisor cohen for mr. [inaudible] and at the suggestion of supervisor kim and supervisor yee on behalf 2406 entire board of supervisors for the 9 lives
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slain in the shooting at emanual [inaudible] in char stn south care rolina. [inaudible] depain middleten doctors. [inaudible] church pastor and state senator. [inaudible] daniel simens. sure raunda culmin singleton and [inaudible] >> this bringstuse the end of our agenda. madam clerk is there any further business before us? >> that conclude our business for today madam president >> we are adjourned , thank you everyone.
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>> good morning, everyone. my name is ken mcneiley and president of at & t california. i want to welcome you today and thank you all for being here and spending some of your morning with us. we are happy to be celebrating the most incredible work by san francisco's finest non-profit organizations and we are happy to have our mayor ed lee to join us in this announcement. [ applause ] >>mayor edwin m. lee: all right. thank you, ken for being here and certainly for at & t and for your team. i just want to recognize mark blake man and jason chan and cammy
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blackstone. i hope, ken, that you have enjoyed all the different hair styles that jason has been having. cammy is going to add to that as well. good morning everybody. this is a great time. another wonderful moment. i know a couple months ago ken and i shared the stage at palace of fine arts when we were inaugurating the celebration of our art history. it's helpful to think of at & t not just today in what they are doing but 100 years ago when they were making that first trans-atlantic hall with linking with our city's history has been wonderful. fast forward, 100 years later, at & t is doing it again. i know the board of supervisors and my office just announced a pretty big budget but a budget that
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continues to be in the works because whatever revenues the city can do to help our communities, the communities and non-profits that serve directly our communities are also saying they need more help. this is a time when all of us and particularly our business leaders like at & t can recognize the vital role that keeps san francisco accessible, keeps it vibrant and literally helps continue making at it the world class city that it is because the world class city has to have a heart. i know that at & t has made these grants. i have eight wonderful community organizations that represent the service that they do the most vulnerable of our residents. they help protect
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the environment and culture of our city. i'm proud that our private partners recognize the innovative and hard work they do and what they do in the city by supporting our people families, seniors and youth. today i'm pleased to announce a significant campaign that at & t is sponsored. it's called the sf summer of giving. it's an 8-week initiative and i can slip the tongue and say the summer of love because ken and i know that love is about giving. but the official time is sf summer of giving and it's an eight week8-week program that is going to help san francisco. each of these awards
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will be a minimum of $20,000 and more to non-profit organizations. we are going to announce each one once a week so each organization gets their week where they can celebrate. the total is over a quarter of a million of dollars of love that we are sharing through at & t's generosity. and you know, these grants are to agencies that are doing great work in our city. at a time even when we are probably considered the richest of the most unaffordable city in the country maybe next to new york. affordability, accessibility are everybody's concern. and certain is one of my top concerns. so, i want to remember that the organizations that help us deliver our services is not all government. it could be community based agencies in many ways are more culturally
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competent when they are working with our immigrants in particular, working on the ground in the community. so by design, as non-profits they invest everything they have to the betterment of our communities. so we wanted to acknowledge them through these grants and through this fantastic campaign that we are lucky to have. specifically today, you have organizations like the asian pacific american community center in the visitation valley. somewhat isolated community admittedly because while we try to reach all communities in san francisco we have isolated poverty areas of our city. well, a pac has been there from the start and they are trying really hard to provide culturally competent services to moderate income to immigrant families to allow them to be
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more successful. so i want to thank at & t for stepping up. this is the first of a total of eight. eight is a lucky number, ken. and it's also one that i believe will set yet again another great example in this city that businesses and you are going to hear, after we announce these and i know at & t will be thanked by the city because others will follow their lead as well and they will be making announcements that will be shared by other community based non-profits that need our help. i look forward to following this campaign on twitter and i know we are getting the details about how you can find out all of those details, ken, thank you for this generosity of at & t and also with the great partners with all of our non-profits. [ applause ]
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>> thank you very much, mr. mayor. we are very excited to kickoff this campaign and this is the first sf summer of giving that we've done and we have constructed it in a way that each non-profit organization gets it's time in the spotlight. over the next 8 weeks we will go to the organizations and thank them for their work and we will spotlight each organization on twitter to get the word out about what they are doing to improve the lives of san franciscans. i hope you follow us on # sf summer of giving and see how they are celebrating the contribution to san
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francisco. i'm about to announce the very first award to the asian community pacific center. [ applause ] a pac helps strengthen asian pacific american families living mostly to low and moderate income families. we are extremely pleased to present a pac for training and english proficiency. congratulations. [ applause ]
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>> [ applause ] . thank you. >> thank you very much for all the wonderful work you do in our community. as i said before, this is week one of our sf summer of giving campaign and we have not revealed the other organizations that we'll be visiting in the next 8 weeks. but i would like to ask that they raise their hand as i introduce them and tell you a little bit about the organization. the first, the next recipient,
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the san francisco aids foundation. [ applause ] the san francisco aids foundation is one of the most highlight respected aids organization in the entire country. we thank you for all the work you do in our community. next up, that's right. let's hear another round of that. >> the university of san francisco girls tech power program. [ applause ] thank you very much. the university of san francisco's girl tech power program supported educational opportunities in science, technology, engineering and math for students from under served backgrounds. a very special thank you to the president paul fitzgerald for joining us today. [ applause ]
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>> next up. nature bridge. [ applause ] nature bridge delivers environmental science programs to san francisco youth. thank you very much for the work that you do. next up, the arc san francisco. [ applause ] >> the arc san francisco is a non-profit learning and career center for adults with developmental disabilities with their families. thank you for being here today. [ applause ] >> meals on wheels of san francisco. [ applause ] >> meals on wheels of san francisco worked to alleviate the food insecurity and loneliness experienced by seniors who want to stay in their home but cannot shop or
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prepare meals for themselves. thank you for being here today. [ applause ] >> the california historical society. [ applause ] >> the california historical society which is working with the san francisco recreation and parks department to create educational opportunities for low income students as part of the centennial celebration of panama. thank you for being here today. [ applause ] >> last, the coro northern california. it's based in san francisco and works with --
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emerging leaders to inspire leadership success. thank you for being with us today. [ applause ] >> congratulations to all of our recipients. [ applause ] >> at at & t we believe that invest ning in our communities is a smart thing to do to keep our communities safe in the environment. it helps to lift up the programs because you lift up san francisco. thank you for all the incredible work that you are doing and i really do hope that this spreads. [