tv [untitled] July 1, 2015 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT
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assist with this fee waver request i invited staff with the conslet general of mexico including their attorney to explain their past agreement. i also invited jill [inaudible] with the arts commission as she was thestaff who brought this instullation to the port. this concludes my prezensationitation >> thank you. no public comment? >> did you invite them to speak? >> if there are no public comments jill [inaudible] would like to speak on behalf of the piece >> you would like her to speak oin part of your presentation. otherwise she is limited on her time >> okay, great. >> good afternoon
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commissioners. i'm very pleased to be here to speak on behalf of the arts commission. i just have a few notes. i'm here to speak in support of [inaudible] by jose [inaudible] this project does not fall undeder the official purview of the arts commission the san francisco arts commission strongly support this project for many reasons. the instullation of 11 bold sculptures that comprise [inaudible] will have a striking presence on the embarcadero and harry bridges plaza. it ilwill announce san francisco is the city of arts and cultural experience squz is certain to be intellect wale provocative to its visitors. the scale of the work and critical mass of the instullation is suited to that of the plaza. more over, a special added advantage of the work is that is designed to be accessible
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>> student site empairs persons which is always a goal of the arts commission. excuse me for that. the concept of the sculpture based on the importance of freedom of speech is [inaudible] with something all san franciscoern can appreciate and demonstrate whether expressic their opinions at public meetings like this or protesting in front of city hall. san francisco will join international cities in displaying the art work. it will further or reputation as a cull chrm destination and connect the port to the next im international art and idea festival this summer sponsored by the mexican conslet. the art commission thanks and cumnds support for your on going support of public art that represents a diverse range of artistic styles from both local and international artist. we think this
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project is a winner on all accounts. thank you so much for your time >> thank you. >> you're welcome >> now, is there public comment? >> so moouved >> second. >> public comitant. seeing none public comment is closed. colleagues >> thank you this looks like a wonderful idea and wonderful hch it weighs so much, how will they get it here? i have one question, what is sth fee we are wavering >> we are waving the license fee which is the rent for 3 months from july 15 to oct15 for using harry bridgesplaza north >> what is the fee? >> that is a interesting question because we used it for special events and when it is for special events it is part of a larger event so the price for using that one
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area is hard to determine and we do know the commercial fee for plaza area but we have never achieved it at that location with the artist stalls so it could be as much as 3 to 4 thousand but we have never achieved that there. -if we charge commercial there >> 3 or 4 thousand a month or overall? >> overall. . >> i think we wanted to know what the fee was and support this and don't have a problem with the waver but wanted to be sure we understood what we were waving >> in the rental roit schedule you don't have a set fee for this portion of the water front. we don't traditionally rented out this portion of the water front we listed it on the schedule as a special event location and the only fee we
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have is use of the plaza for a special event so that is why [inaudible] is on what would be a commercially viable fee for something like this but the compareable we do have would be the artist stalls >> i don't know that they paid the commercial rates >> i do have one other question on the liability side if there were any defacing, marking or whatever who carries the burden and is there insurance that conchs that kind of possibility? >> that is a great question and it is a concern that we all had and shared with the conslet general of mexico that this location would likethry get graffiti and it part of the license agreement they are responsible for maintaining and removing the graffiti and they are require today provide liability insurance to sate standards and agrud to that and provided their certificate of insurance they used at the port of san
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diego as a example. >> i guess in the other cities do we know was there special precautions taken to protect the sculpture? i understand we put it on them and that 1 the right answer but in terms of the execution to protect the art work? >> excellent question. i will ask the conslet general to come up and explain how the instullation will be installed to prevent damage. >> it is honor foobe with you from the conslet of mexio and san francisco. first oaf all thank you very much for the timing. we have done these in like 12 cities and we have hired security to protect it and
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we have insurance coverage. it was mentioned before [inaudible] festival it has been chosen among 50 conslets-we have 50 conslets in the state and we felt san francisco should be the next [inaudible] because it is a icon for the worlds. the relationship [inaudible] had in mexico city, governor brown and [inaudible] coming here, it has been a special momentum to bring our presance and strengthen our relation with san francisco. [inaudible] we thought that this is the icon city and the place to do and believe me we are much more concerned beabout the protection of our [inaudible] than no one else and we have very very very aware of the problems with graffiti and any [inaudible] you can be sure that we are
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concerned about that more than you and that we'll do everything to have a great experience here with the people who are invited to the gnaw nob festival [inaudible] july 22 for [inaudible] the great dancer from [inaudible] with great mexican dancers. one is here and also in the ub[inaudible] we are having a whole week of food, experiences and taest of mexico. we have mexican americans here [inaudible] >> very glad to hear you are concerned. we just don't want to see harm to the art work. you are right you should be more concerned than we are, but we want to make sure our end of the bargain is also maintained >> i speak in favor of this
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i am looking forward with commissioner [inaudible] doing the chaw chaw down there and i think it is really a honor to have it on our water front and it speak tooz the diversity and culture of san francisco and i caents think of a better place for it to be in this [inaudible] i think you said 12 and 19 other cities so for us to have in san francisco i think we should consider ourselves honored to have it. [inaudible] i support this and thank you for being here and i look forward to going to it and think the sit zins of the sitee will enjoy this. to have sump a iconic presence and this adds to our diversesty and happy it is at the port and not other city and it is down on the waterfront. thank you >> i echoes the remarks of my colleagues and having literally just returned from mex row last night it has a
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special importance for me. i thank you for the honor of selecting san francisco and particularly the port to house this beautiful port, we are very excited and get the sense from all we are very pleased to have it. thank you for your work on making this happen. just had 2 comments, one, i want to highlight it as @ the harry bridges which given the title is freedom of expression i can't think of a better location. that is what harry stood for and he was often attacked because of his own attempts at freedom of expression so it is so fitting that theplaza where it will be held so think there is a extra pair ll in that location so delighted to have it there. i know we disussed in general policies with
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respect to art work on port property and i know director mu [inaudible] you are looking into some [inaudible] >> you just approved that in the rental rate schedule. in fact, we thought about because of the timing the approval you just passed could have covered this but we determined it was important enough to bring it forward. in the future what would happen is we would bring it forward just as a informational item and instalation of this magnitude and significance would be a fee waver for all the reasons conia just articulated. you have to meet those criteria >> i athink aums we are nolt displacing any current vendors, this isn't a place where they are typically set up so there is no-- >> this location had artist stalls a couple years ago
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bud didn't like that location so we don't have anything there or anything planned >> we are very honored to have the instullation and looking forward to the celebrations coming with the mexico im festival so thank you very much . thank you for coming from the art commission as well >>ite all in favor? >> aye. opposed? the resolution carries >> item 9 execute contract modification for construction contract number 2746 maintenance, dredging 12 lane, 2015. we do through a dredging company to increase the contract amount by [inaudible] >> good afternoon commissioners. my name is ken chew, i'm the project
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engineer for the [inaudible] these agenda item 9 a is requesting your [inaudible] for contract modification to increase the amount of the construction con tract maintenance strategy [inaudible] dredging company. on april 26, 2011 port commission authorized the maintenance [inaudible] for the amount of 15, 901, 50 over the 5 year term from 2011 to 2015. as of today, we are building 892, 552 has been expended. when the
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original contract was approved the 34 [inaudible] was not yet known and the dredging at the pier 3032 wasn't required that increased the dredging expenses therefore the remaining contract amount is sufficient for the upcoming dredging at pier 35 and [inaudible] those dredging [inaudible] increase of [inaudible] is necessary to complete the dredging event for this year. i am here and [inaudible] of maritime
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are here too for any questions. >> thank you. a motion? >> so moved >> second. >> is there public cominstant seeing none public comment is closed. colleagues any questions? >> when will the-when will we rebid this contract? >> we plan to come to the commission sometime in septor october as approval for [inaudible] >> is [inaudible] the only dredging company in the area? >> for the last contract they are the only dredging company for the contract. >> right, but i mean are there other competitors that dredge? it seems we have been with [inaudible] for a long long time and not
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saying there is [inaudible] >> [inaudible] for the project but we did have request for information for bid frg the project. for the new [inaudible] there will be more advertised >> okay, thank you. >> john daiby with maritime department to further answer your question. there is 2 contractors in the bay that regularly bid on dredging contracts, that is manseson and deutruconstruction. deutruis the awarded bidder. there is potentially a third contractor that does work on the west coast. [inaudible] >> thank you. >> just one question i had,
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it may be a allocation of cost. this contract does it cover all dredging for the port because we'll look at how the cruise ship terminal is operating and one of the increased costs there is dredging that is higher than anticipated, so is that just in a separate allocation of cost or incremental dredging? >> our dredging contract covers all the areas within the port that we are permitted to dredge. over the course of the 5 years we project the sites that are most common that we dredge and those include pier traevl and 35. the comment about the increase in dredging cost at 27 is in
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part comes from our additional putting together the new bid contract cycle knowing what some of the escalators are in the dredging world and our contract is no doubt going to be higher in unit cost than the present. >> but it is covered under this contract? >> so you are correct, this contract covers the payment inwork and the next covers the [inaudible]-this is paid for through this contract and we rucounting for it in the next imet so you can see the full picture of the facilities so you are correct. any other questions? commissioner adams >> so dweckter [inaudible] asking a question this will be covering pier twaevl and 35 the old cruise terminal? [inaudible] park sunchs and that other stuff but it just
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helps out-can you explain that to me? >> yes, so to my knowledge we do not do dredging at pier 31 and a half, is that correct? that is dredging done by horn fwlouer >> there isn't pier dredging there in the past several years. it isn't required to do for the activities there this contract covers dredging the port pays for at port facilities and may dredge at facilities paid by tenet and that is not covered in this contract. >> just for clarification for everyone this is just for the remainder of the 2015 year and then as i understand it there will be a new rfp put out for dredging for us after that date? >> correct, the increase in the contract amount is to
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cover the jobs that are scheduled for this year at 27 and 35. this will then conclude the contract period and we'll nishiate a new one in the next contract cycle. >> thank you. all in favor? >> on average how much does it cost to draej a year, is it like 4.4 million? >> the total dredging is right around 4 million dollars. it is about 2.3 to 2.4 is for the digging cost deutrudoes. there is cost for scientific sampling and testing and preptory work to do a dredging cycle >> thank you. >> can i ask a technical question? how does it build up so quickly every year that we have to dredge so much? >> that is a complex question in regards to the symmetry there and how much
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is influenced by currents and material within the bay and activity within the [inaudible] and a certain amount of material that comes down out of the delta region. there is right now speculation that with the drought there could be some less amount comes down into the bay in terms of new material that is coming from the delta but it has been avenueeraging about 18-20-about 2 feet a year in the pier 35 area where we dredged just about every year for the last 15 years so we have a pretty good set of data to do a probability on that. pier 27 the first dredging done is 2006 so it is a little harder to drudge and a little different situation of the bay in termoffs the current of the golden gate so that is a rambling answer to your question
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>> intereing. we end up with a depth of how much we have to provide with ships? >> the controlling depth is 35 feet, that is what we dig to. >> commissioner [inaudible] i want to tell you it doesn't matter what port dredging is on going deal, it is like maintenance of your car >> i fs just wondering if someone comes up a technology that helps move the earth around differently >> it is oongoing maintenance. you got to do it. >> i did have a question going forward and know we'll cover a little bit in the next item but in terms of the approximate annual cost of dredging now that we have this new birth will that result in any increase in the aneral cost? will they
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be shifted? our next item is the annual dredging cost are approximate 3.8 million which is the original contracting amount contained, but now that we have more time with this site being opened do you think it will change ? >> we do peer 80 andficial rbman warch to interduxz to peer 27 and the cost the dredging program will cause increase in some areas but some can be shifted or mitt kbaited by scheduling different projects at different times throughout the fiver year cycle of it so in addition to what we believe is going to be initial increase due to the contract amount, there is a potential for 27 to add to
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the overall dredging price but we have methods and ways of shifting the projects to try to mitigate that and we are not quite sure really every year how much 27 will-last time we dredged it we let it go for 2 years because we have americas cup there so lost data there. as we kooit more frequently we can zone in on what materials we use each year >> we had a significant dredging program we americas cut at pier twaevl? >> we dredged it twice. we dredged it initially to take to down to 35 feet well it was still a cargo shed. when they rebuilt the design the new cruise terminal that dredge area was widened so it added a little more but now we have that full area dug down to depth and it is
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maintaining the depth and should be slightly less than the initial digging cost were >> thank you. commissioner adams >> john, one other question, what type of leeway does the port have that [inaudible] or armo corp of engineers for these grants for dredging and stuff like that? how do we apply-i think we heard awe applied for certain grants buzz that fall under for dredging >> the birth we are talking about for pier 27 and 35 there are not programs in place the army corp of engineers. we are doing one in the central basin through army corp of engineers but that is a separate project outside this contract. >> i think of interest to
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you is in the conversations around the harbb maintenance tax one of the key things the ports are striving toward is get dredging included as a rebate item. the federal programs will fund dredging in a federal water way, a federal channel so the actual birth is considered ours. the approach to had birth is federal but it is deep enough. we made the case in the central basin for the ship repair yard that some of that is federal water and put into money and got line items and not received the cash if you will. i think you know well, the harbor maintenance tax moved a bit this summer and hope it will continue to move and dredging could be a component that would be eligible for a rebate >> thanks. >> no further questions?
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all in favor? aye. opposed? resolution 1524 carries >> item 9 b status report in the james r hurmen cruise terminal for the period of sept2014 to june 2015 >> good afternoon peter daily deputy director of maritime and i'll talk about mud today and dredging. the james r hurmen cruise terminal at pier twaevl, the only cruise terminal named after a labor leader in the world. it is one of the first cruise ship the crown princess a little over 9 months ago. since then the port received 64 ship calls with 26 thousand embarking
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and disembarking passenger. the term terminal in plaza has transformed pier twaevl from a underused view blocking a weir house to san francisco's newest civic jewel. public access now includes the 2 and a half acre cruise terminal lauza where visitors and residence have a new public space where they can get to had ocean going shipsism on noncruise ship days the plaza is used for sieving and corporate events including the tech secter. hosted 26 special events and one of the first being the san francisco giants celebration of the world series participation in 2014. this represents a very strong start. james r hurmen cruise terminal and plaza represents probably the largest investment in port infrastructure for 100
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years by a port commission. it provides a city with a nexus of transportation, employment, exploration and recreation and the site is now one of the regions premare event venues. the spectacle ofa riving cruise ship there is there for all to see. the openness of the terminal and public access allows folks unpair ll view of ship operationsism working a ship is not a easy job. working a cruise ship is really not a easy job. a typical day [inaudible] at 7 and kpart at 4 p.m. during this window appreciately 5200 guest embark and disembark and 1 thousand people on the crew get on and off the ship. long shore workers halgdal 12 thousand pieces of luggage
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and loud 100 pallet [inaudible] while this is going on u.s. custom and border staff process passenger while local 75 watch men and women screen passenger. fuel and fresh water is louded and garbage and recycle material is unloaded for processing. the ship is also being plugged into electrical power that reduces air emission to virtually nothing. each home port into port is the equivalent of nearly 15, 747s landing. the port and we call them metro but the technical name is pacific cruise ship terminal learned a lot in the last 9 month regarding the operation of the facilitiesism we met with users of the terminal including passenger
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