tv [untitled] July 2, 2015 8:00pm-8:31pm PDT
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the agenda. the jewish family children service is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in the packet not number 1 so we scramble through pages to find which you are referring to >> okay >> thank you. any other comment or questions? comment or questions from the public? hearing none all in favor? opposed? thank you the motion carries. requesting authorization to enter into a new grant agreement with self help for the elderly for naturalization service for july 1, 2015-jun [inaudible] 355, 473 plus 10 percent contiskancy for total not to exceed the amount of 391, 020. motion to discuss? >> moved >> second >> michael >> i'll be brief on this. self help for the elder
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naturalization program includes 1 to 1 assistance provided out of offices on jackson street in china town and have esl and citizenship classes offered throughout the city. they have 2 locations in china town and one in the richmond district and one in the visitation valley providing those classes. language capacity with self help for elderly includes cantonese and mandarin and happy to answer questions >> comment or questions? comnlt or questions from the public? hearing none all in favor? any opposed? thank you the motion carries. e, requesting authorization to enter into a new grant agreement with asian americans advancing justice asian law cock aucus for natural zakez for
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july 1, 2015-[inaudible] 102, 1075 dollars plus a 10 percent contiskancy not to exceed amount of 112, 316. do i have a motion to discuss? >> following suit as my colleague i would like to give brief information on each of these agencies. the caucus works primeally in the asian pacific islander community and the services they provide are to 60 unduplicated consumers and they are working with them on 1 to 1 issues and assistance and also providing for 400 units of legal assistance. their languages also include cantonese, mandarin tugalling and believe korean and they are located in china town. we
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would like to get your approval for this grant. >> thank you. commissioners sims do you have a question? >> i was confused because i thought you were referring to the api. >> no >> any other comment or questions? call the question all in favor? opposed? thank you the motion carries. q, request authorization to enter to a new grant with asian pacific islandering for natural ization service [inaudible] amounts of 349, 020 plus 10 percent contiskancy for total not to exceed 383, 922. do i have a motion to discuss? >> move >> second >> commissioners. thank you.
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api legal outreach provides fifen 8 unduplicated consumers with 45 units of service of 1 to 1 assist sns qu also 255 units of legal assistance hours. the languages spoken at api include the languages that were recently shared with you by ester [inaudible] but again to include cantonese, mandarin, japanese [inaudible] recently they hired a spanish speaking staff person so that adds to their language capacity. the office is located in the south of market and in aadditional api holds a subcontract with veet numies [inaudible] small agency that provide services to 13 unduplicated consumers. the agency is small i hands on at
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[inaudible] to achieve their naturalization. 58 units of 1 to 1 service and 240 hours of class hours and also veema is located in the tenderloin or more specifically in the area designated little saigon. we urge your support for this contract >> comment or questions from the commission? any comment or questions from the public? hearing none call the question, all in favor? opposed? thank you the motion carries. >> thank you very much. the next agency is [inaudible] latino >> i need to have a motion to-- >> requesting authorization to enter to a new grant with [inaudible] naturalization service for the term july 1,
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2015-june, 30 [inaudible] plus a 10 percent contiskancy for total not to exceed amount of 322, 519. maria will present. motion to discuss >> thank you. this particular grant include a subcontract with mission neighborhoods centers so central latino san francisco and mission neighborhoods centers collaborate well and they provide 750 undupe licated consumers. they provide classes to 145 student and the class hours amont to 557. mostly spanish speaking consumers are served and both
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central latino and mission neighborhood are located in the mission district a few blocks apart but serve 2 different community groups and we believe this camination has proved highly successful so we do urge your support for this contract as well >> comment or questions from the commission? hearing none comment or questions from the public? hearing none all in favor? opposed? thank you the motion carries >> s, requesting authorization to enter into new grant agreement with national institute of bay area for july 1, 2015-amount of 469, 911 plus a 10 percent contiskancy for total not to exceed the amount of 516, 902. maria do i have a
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motion to discuss? >> thank you very much. so, international institute of the bay area is in the south of market but serve a city wide population. as the name implies they are very significant organization within the entire bay areas. one thing i would like to say is they do diligent work on trying to keep on top of all the new changes within immigration law and also in the immigration reform efforts. they are very good at providing that kind of continuity and awareness. they work with 280 consumers and they provide a comprehensive level of service. they have 1
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to 1 assistance and work with at least 80 students. they have classes for esl and citizenship. the language spoken there include but not limited to, spanish cantonese, russian and i believe manren >> thank you one observation, you mentioned the laws are changing and in california with the approval of same sex marriage, the issue of naturalizing same sex couples one that is american and the other that is not is something i think will have to help educate the providers of naturalization service >> right, tend to believe they have already. i think that is a very good point to make and thank you >> comment or- >> i want to make a general comment. in all these programs
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you have appendix f the [inaudible] but only 2 programs have self help and the [inaudible] how come it isn't standardized everyone has the chart? it is nice to include it so we can see it >> i remember you mentioning you like the side chart. as i put these together i listed the location time in the scope of services but we can create-most of these are just single sites but i do understand that it provides a little more information so yes, we can do that >> thank you. >> right mike? >> any comment or question from the commission? comments or questions from the public? hearing none all in favor? opposed? thank you the motion carries >> t request authphraigz to initer to a new grant with
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[inaudible] naturalization service for the term july 1, 2015-june 30, 2018 in the amount of 110, 340 dollars plus a 10 percent contingency for total not to exceed [inaudible] motion to discuss? >> so moved >> thank you. >> so with [inaudible] you are seeing they work with a smaller group of folks. 13 unduplicated consumers however their moteo is to do much more hands on services for these particular consumers to include the 1 to 1 assistance. these 13 unduplicated consumers are also students for 160 class hours and they receive 140
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legal service assistance hours. lurasa is in the mission district and they serve mostly spanish speaking individuals and again with this agency i know that there is a lot of accompany to the seniors to ins and to their actual exams and so forth and again that is not to say that the other agencies don't do this as well but i know that they do provide this extensively. >> thank you. any comment or questions from the commission? comments or questions from the public? >> yes question. the allocated staff time to this particular program is significantly less than full time so they are providing other sorts of legal service in addition to immigration service? >> yes. they are also a legal service provide frr seniors and so yes they do have-and at they
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organization they provide services for employment and other programs as well. it is community based organization that has been around for quite a while. i believe about 40 years. >> thank you comment or questions? comment or questions from the public. hearing none, all in favor? opposed? thank you the motion carries. u, requesting authorization to modify grants with [inaudible] independent provider mode during the term july 2015 nob nub amount of 3, 194, 535 for a revised total grant not to exceed 217, 058,
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315. i see megan isn't here [inaudible] motion to discus >> good afternoon commission ers. deputy director for dos . this is a modification of public support contract and as you know we have 22 thousand in [inaudible] public support has a variety of service that support the client and provider one of which is acting as employer of record and handling the health and dental plan. basically most of this is really because the cost of health and dental have increased so most of this modification will cover the increase in health and dental benefit that helps get through the rest of the contract period. in addition we had a
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late decision by the public health department to work order 20 thousand dollar tooz the department of aging and adult service for peer mentoring program which is primeally for people coming out of-going back to the community from laguna honda so this program provides peer mentors for people in that positionism in the third piece is for increase postage expenses due to the the fact that the public authority required to send out letters to independent providers regarding inactavety. it is a letter that came from the state that changes that department so we put in 4 thousand to handle the increase in postage >> question about the dollar amount. where would i pick up the variance in-i was guessing it was going to show in the
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operating expense detail, but my quick math-the line item is health insurance line 37 and dental line 3 aithd. the difference between fy 13, 14 and 15, 16 don't match the budget request. >> i'll have to get help with that question. >> i'm looking at appendix b 3 page 3. j my apologies david florous [inaudible] looking over the commission memo probably one of the explanations for the various is we left out [inaudible] which gets you to the total amount
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you read in the record. it doesn't explain the variance. that may be part of it. >> so the budget amount we are approving is what >> your total amount read by commissioner seriina is the correct amount, 217, 058, 315. it was a oversight the aadditional amount is 3, 194, 535 but we add 2, 5 twive, 65 which brings the total amount to [inaudible] >> probably where it is >> as we came before to try toict areify the issue with benefit cost for home bridge with contract mode for ihss, we are making a similar adjustment here for the health benefits
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cost for the provider mode managed by ihss public authority and their costs spiked tremendously and think director [inaudible] can attest to that >> any questions? >> i think the fastest thing is if you send a revision >> we absolutely will. i'll have our contract manager get that to you >> any comment or questions? comment or questions from the public? hearing none call the question, all in favor? opposed? thank you the motion carries. now we get to v. requesting authsition to modify the grant with northern california presbyterian home and service srf seenjure center for community service during the period of july 1, 2015-june, 30, 201867, 500 plus
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10 percent contiskancy for total grant amount not to exceed 1, 314, 599. [inaudible] will present. do i is a motion to discuss? >> director henten. madam secretary. ewe seek your approval for this grant with enhanced outreach component. this outreach subcategory is intend to allow agencies to inhanls or grow thar program. [inaudible] this grant enhancement will continue these efforts. they employ a outreach coordinateed who arranging and conducts [inaudible] various hotels, cbo and other local businesses in the tenderloin and throughout san francisco. with these
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presentations and visit staff with interact with [inaudible] builds relationship and answer specific questions. to date for the 14, 15 fy year, 14 presentations [inaudible] all these efforts are tracked meticulously by jejer. when i visit i was impressed by her level of detail. she tracks everything she does, the fliers she gives. she does a soled job in outreaching the community. seek your approval for the grant enhancement and happy to answer questions >> comment or questions from the commission? hearing none, comment or question from the public? hearing none call the question, all in favor? opposed? thank you the motion
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carries. w, requesting authorization to modify the grant with episcicul community service during the period of july 1, 2015-june 30, 2018 in the amount of 75 thousands not to exceed 1, 033, 314. monty will present. do i have a motion to discuss? >> we seek your approval for the grant enhancement to [inaudible] with enhanced outreach. with ecs the additional funding goes to increase service unit to the chunty service program. in the 4 service areas there is a increase of 9-18 percent. they also staff activity coordinator
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and outreach coordinator. the outreach worker compiled a list of resources. we seek approval for the grant enhancement and happy to answer questions you may have >> comnlts or questions from the commission? seeing none comment or questions from the public? again hearing none call the question, all in favor? any opposed? thank you the motion carries. x, requesting authorization to modify grant south west community corporation for xhunty service during the period of july 1, 2015-june, 30, 2018 in the amount of 90 thousand dollars plus a 10 percent contingency for total grant amount not to exceed 471, 127 dollars. [inaudible] motion to discuss? >> so moved >> second >> thank you commissioner.
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what we are doing here is adding on the funding to south west community corporation community sunchs program for the next 3 years. this is money that had originally come as a add back for this community program. they are able to utilize this money to help build up their infrastructure and continue to provide service in a much underserved area. we really do seek your support for this particular grant. when we have our next nova for community service they will be up for a whole new situation but right now we have that money secured in the budget if you approve. >> thank you. any comments? commissioner loo >> yeah i look at page 3, operating expense of insouth
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west program and what is the contract services? >> yes, the way it is set up is sth executive director-page 3 your said commissioner? >> yes, the operating budget >> sorry looking at the wrong budget. if i'm correct the executive director is actually a contracted position, it isn't a regular staff position so that is what constitutes that amount >> thanks >> thank you any other comment or questions? comment from the public? >> just that it is helpful if these were packeted ipthe same order they are presented in the agenda item. >> thank you. any other comments or questions? any
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comment or questions from the public. call the question, all in favor? thank you the motion carries. y requesting authorization to modify the grant with golden gate senior service for community service during the period of july 1, 2015-june, 30, 2018 in the aadditional amounts of saerfb 5 thousand dollars plus a 10 percent contingency for total grant amount not to exceed 1, 525, 292. again, maria [inaudible] will present do i have a motion to discus? >> commissioners, this particular grant is similar to the iletm you passed for south west community organization. this is money that had come to
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the center with add back and is part of the baseline budget for the next 3 years should you approver. they are able with this money to hire a staff person that is chinese speaking and also has bicultural skills to work with a large population of their participants. this was a real gap in services that now it has made all the difference at the center itself. they still continue to get quite a few asian consumers but now they do feel part because they are able to get the social service help they need, they are able to understand the various activities and so forth and participate fully. the person that they hired is very very skilled and very well liked so the units of service are soreing because of this addition so we hope you approve
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this grant as well >> any comment or questions from the commission? hearing none, comment or question from the public? hearing none all in favor? opposed? thank you the motion carries. >> if i may i want to say thank you commissioners for the opportunity to serve and what would i do without all your quick questions and [inaudible] again, thank you very very much and i know that the aging and disability community are in good hands. >> congratulations and we'll miss you a great deal >> you are in your office and i represent a agency that gives a small grant and i don't know
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what is going on and you carried through the money come forth and people get benefits and i also-i'm a union member and know you are very active in the union and hope you will be more active in your community and have a nice vacation. a much happier life [inaudible] >> yes. see you on the picket line commissioner. >> thank you. i know this will break your heart but we are at the last contract, z, requesting authdization to renew the grant agreement with [inaudible] day service for the provision of physical fitness and diabetes for seniors and adult, july 1, 2015-june, 30, 2018, amount of 281, 087 plus
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amount of 28, 109 not to exceed 309, 196. linda [inaudible] motion to discuss? >> good afternoon director and commissioners and madam secretary. this is a request to renew [inaudible] day service for helths promotion physical fitness and diabetes self management. the amount is not to exceed 309, 196 for fy 15, 16. the services indicated in the memo, the goal is for the health promotion is enable seniors and adult with disability to be more physically fit with these
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evidence based programs and this program is offered in 14 different locations throughout the city. [inaudible] day service [inaudible] is our lead agency to help coordinate the services with the partners which they have agreements with. also included in this grant agreement is funding to continue the pilot program for [inaudible] diabetes self management program. we had approvered that this curnt fiscal year and this is clinical model in the community based environment. the serviced to be provided is to serve a total of 850 people unduplicated consumers with total of 1776
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