tv [untitled] July 3, 2015 3:00am-3:31am PDT
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in contract who that contract went to i want more information about what this sort of source of that significant $3 million in increased costs for transportation and the other piece this is something i brought up last year as well as more information around in m t sf and to superintendent gerrero we have a number of positions that are funded under the student enhancing the students programs for the stutter ftes so i wanted to ask not that i don't see the importance of execute but in some cases schools they have an allocated council but 5 ftes in security h those allocations are considered what
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the needs and how we determine the effectiveness in supporting you're safe loefrn environment at that level particularly around the enhancing supportive student learning climate so those were the two questions and then to underscore a point i'm glad we're having this conversation how in the way we allocate our resources we get more even more targeted than we have been around students that very specific needs and some ways a higher level of needs commissioner fewer and commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell and others brought up homeless students and sro's i'll add to that newcomer students for the chinese education center and the
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m e.c. two schools and many of our other new comers was we see think about how to put equity in action how to make sure we are reflecting that as targeted way as possible i'm not just saying all you know low income students are the same that will really getting to understand where our needs for the students and schools and reflect it into in the m t ss and how we allocate central office and in the way the student form i hope to continue this conversation that was heard and again, i wanted to thank you for all your work it reflexes the spirit of what the board asked for in terms of the priorities and especially last but not least superintendent for your leadership on this and we appreciate it thank you.
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>> commissioner norton. >> yes. i think pretty much everyone has touched on what i want to say i wanted to thank the staff for really good work i'm overwhelmed by the paper but i appreciate the questions that i asked and the questions that the people asked they're great answers so o to those questions in the document i just appreciate the efforts and i hope we can make it more efficient and less last minute next year and thank you for agreeing to my incisions my suggestions to the el cap flafrtd. >> thank you to the team i want to thank my colleagues on the board we've dedicated tuesday
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night in june that meet with the presentation on the staff those meetings i want to thank everyone for the process i think we're ready for a vote we'll vote on those individually. >> can i have i have one more question about the el cap i want to thank everyone for the work on the el cap but the lcff collaborative working group last thursday we talked about this i wanted to report a little bit about that we had a number of people including that said they think that no el cap should be more than 10 paydays packages ours is 74 pages and 72 i want to say that somebody that was at the meeting was a county board member a small county butte community the el cap is hundred
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and 47 pages i said how can i have a hundred and 47 pages last week that was 67 pages i think that we - that's what we're doing on the collaborative group talking about whether we want this to allergy congratulate into a compliance so i wanted to sound that causationy note and next year where we can't look at the document through that lens and say how much do we want it to be - and i actually want to say that the narrative at the beginning like the narrative at the beginning of the budget says what the states says an el cap
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should have those are our goals and this is how we're going to target the kids this is how to measure so but i want to say that we - i think we should be cautious and should be glad we fall between the 10 page account and beulah county this is we're getting to the point we're reading this this is a version of reading this and different version every week so thank you and - >> commissioner fewer. >> so i want to say one thing on the summary of expand turns on the page that you know, i see a lot of - and compared to the
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last couple of years it smells the funds are transferred in larger amounts i don't understand so i think that can you explain to me why the code of offers of family engagement when i a long time it i say wow. our eliminating one hundred percent of the budget so i feel like some of the things like your mind is 46 percent of allocation for last year what is going on with that it is minus $329,000.40 from one department i mean i've used this in the past to see how departments have grown or shrunk if our switching up the numbers then it is hard to compare from last year to this year if so it really gone or did it get picked up from
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smoifrl do you know what i mean if we see those things eliminated i wanted to point out the baby zone last year lead superintendent zone bay area was allocating at $793 plus this year it is hundred percent taken away so i'm assuming that we have investing that same amount in a bay area zone is it somewhere else when we pull out that amount of money from a specific area it is going to have some sort of impact so i'm assuming we have picked up the $793,000 somewhere else but like to be
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reassured and where that is going and another thing that i've nos is this year is nice to see in a way the r the recommended site budget locations but i think what is interesting around this we're now seeing before i think some of the members of my colleagues have noticed there were drops in enrollment i mean big drops hundred and 75 students from one school i'm seeing a little bit more of it being stable but there are some populations and this is probably not your purview but i'm seeing population from our middle schools losing presidio like 61 students which for a school that is considerable; right? even an lefrment we're to shift thirty
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students from a kindergarten class to sort of luke those budgets i can for the site based on how much money for the special ed and concentrations grants that is nice to see buses i'm wondering about the enrollment projections and do we get final enrollment for the projectionings matt haney we know exactly how many students at that school right now it in flex that is what is anticipated but the first day of school it is completely different so i'm concerned about the budget being cut so much like one school hundred and 75 students that means rapidly getting rid of teachers you you know you're not able to hire that are going to
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the school but got a based on the formula so the stabilizations of the students is important so as a followup i'd like to see after and i guess that's in the fall with the allocations the real numbers of enrollment so the money that goes to those schools and their budgets are looking at like i know as principles are hiring staff in the summary and hundred and 75 students cuts into the staff and teachers, etc. >> superintendent. >> yes. thank you dr. murase and commissioner fewer so good suggestions a general note we work hard to hold schools harmless until a 10 day count and students are stabilizing we try very, very hard not to disruptive the students it is a risk this happens with school
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enrollment but i'll proposes to the board those kinds of update can happen and budget committee meetings how it is working out this is a good suggestion we work on that for the agenda for the committee meetings. >> we need to move on so are roll call vote and other plan. >> ms. casco. >> ms. fewer mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell ms. norton mr. walton ms. wynns dr. murase. >> 7 i's. >> thank you very much. next on one 46 sb two recommended budget ms. casco roll call vote. >> ms. fewer mr. haney
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ms. mendoza-mcdonnell ms. norton mr. walton ms. wynns dr. murase. >> 7 i's. >> thank you very much item i board members proposal none together so item j general matters so we have self large groups that want to speak tonight i'll read and call the names in the order they were received we have a group from the jewish committee restrictions council i'll read the names and allocate 10 minutes if you want to hear more perspectives and keep our comments short i of
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(calling names) if you could please come up to the microphone and i'll read a different group of speakers and then the last group will be related to the success center. >> i'm rabbi senior rabbi of emmanuel in san francisco we're one of numerous san francisco synagogue community that send our children to public schools and our teachers are in the public school system i'm a proud product of the california public schools and retain powerful memories going to public schools in the 1950s little awareness of the minority we're excited about the prospect of arresting bic
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and vietnamese and are thankful for the civil discourse we're here to ask you to remove the arresting rabbi organizing center from the resolution because they've shown through the repeated public statements to e pious intolerant attitudes towards our community i ask this on behalf of my community and my own personal memories feeling safe in the public schools can feel like thank you very much for your time. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi my name is naomi loopz a proud product of the san francisco unified school district and my parents are teachers they met
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back in the day and elementary school and i have two children in marshall lefrment and my family is a multi lingual and multi racial cultural family i'm jewish and my husband it latino we're very happen at marshall elementary school and appreciate the spanish and the cultural aspect of that language and the program i was existed and thrived thrilled to find out you're open to or restrict and vietnamese and appalled to hear that in the resolution there is a partnership that is the celebration of one language at the extension of the community as the extension of another community my children deserve to be respected and celebrated in their school and community and by partnering within an
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organization that is openly anti semiic i can see thing osz youtube user their website that are did care recognize against the jewish community by partnering with an organization you're sending a strong message to the jewish children and families we're not welcome and that's a tragedy in a city that celebrates diversity there are other options so i encourage you to move forward with the arresting bic and vietnamese pathways and please think long and hard with who you choose to partner with thank with thank you. >> i'd like to ask you to hold applause. >> i'm jeremy benjamin and this
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is a pleasure to be in front of you my two kids are in the public schools and like other people before me at the inclusion vietnamese and arabic is an important thank you for explaining this i cherish the environment being with the exit at my public san francisco school sunset elementary and it is a critical of - part of my san francisco upbringing and children and honestly they feel safe and able to express their fears or hated i want to keep it that waythorax that's why don't believe that the folks their rhetoric they shouldn't be included in any way
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with our schools they're not appropriate partners and they won't foster the kind of inclusive environment thank you. >> thank you at the time. >> i'm danny gross man the ceo of the jewish federation in the past i was proud to service on the advisory committee i grew up in san francisco and i'm a proud graduate of west portal i'm here to support your mission the vibrant school board we don't oppose the arabic or vietnamese i'm concerned, however, the reds 153 names a group that expressed the hated towards zion itself and partner with the group that
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e pious hated an race or creed is a problem with the - it will kick the zion itself out of the district and pubically stated if you support jewish please don't partner with those discriminatory groups and i'm sam thank you for the opportunity i come to you as a product of public schools a fathered of two students in the san francisco unified school district and proud active zion itself people just me on the last statement they don't knows me and know know my position on
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imagine but as the executive director said on a public panel if you support israel i'll hate you i support the vietnamese and the arabic i i'm not understanding how the school district s can work with that a rocks is going to kicks design itself out of the district then it was a place where everyone was welcomed please don't partner with a organization with an organization that based it's public decisions is in indirect a lot that the vision 2025 which is entirely about experiencing our community please to partner with on organization with the
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passionate statement create an environment where my children won't feel safe. >> there is about 5 minutes remaining two minutes i'm sorry two minutes remaining. >> two minutes. >> because public comment has come 45 minutes later normal i'll grant 5 speakers with one minute each good evening. i'm awe lane a san francisco native growing up in gunshot and great experience and although i live in berkley the united states it's because of the experience i'm raising my child to be in the district i think that is wonderful that the district is increasing language
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pathway to better reflect the amazing diversity of our schools i'm jewish and find the statement a rock made is highly discriminatory thank you for your time and>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> and commissioner. >> also have to push it down (laughter). >> good evening, commissioners i'm rita it will help if i turn it the right way. >> pardon me. >> as some place that's been involved in agrees work with the past 40 years beginning with the contrasting movement i've learned hate speech didn't resolve anything it makes a mockery of learning i'm concerning that the resolution will undermine its own effort
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for a learning environment that's inclusive of all students because it includes a partner organizations that inspires hated it comes in all shapes and colors and sizes they pubically stated she hates those people partnering with an organization that hates is a bad example for children that are expected to learner to live in a it diverse world don't bring this you go will i rhetoric into the school system who's mission is to raise well-rounded and educated citizens i understand that the school system feeds to bring in experimental partners but those partners truly rescued the basic
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values and attitudes of the entire district thank you much. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> i'm roslyn the president of the jcrc an organization with the schools for bigotry a rock executive director as you heard tweeted we need to design in our own backyard to me that's a treat zionists when he grew up it is calling for our eradication is calling for our genocide the partners must be capacity of setting the district
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aims this is in any way, shape, or form that calls anti zionists it is against this wonderful city in light of the proceedings i ask you to begin the vetting process for the curriculum development and any part the recruitment going forward and in light of the fact we've started late i'm the last speaker but i think there are others that wish to speak. >> thank you. i understand they're with our group you thank you very much. (clapping.) >> the next speakers (calling names) if you could please to the
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podium. >> one minute. >> good evening dr. murase and superintendent carranza i'm here to talk about partnering with a rocky was going to talk as as member of the jewish community but ann as an employee as an employee of the san francisco unified school district i was in development of the vision 2025 a rocks agenda is hostile to any bay area residents by in conflict with vision 2025 equality agenda if i'm going to particle in the activities provided by a rock it creates a hostile vovrment environment for me as a child of concentration survivors how can i expect to work with someone that wants to kick me out of the be sure and
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feel non-threatened i believe that a rock must not be given a part in teaching the languages it is the responsibility of the district to quickly remove a rock and disconnect any communication with a rock thank you for your attention. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> hi, i'm julia residents of bay area candle stick point and i yet get to the point very brief i hope you're aware that the segregation in san francisco we're at segregated levels i have to be saying in 2014 is equally shameful as school board
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members we're able to look at the destrrld the programs in deserted naindz neighborhoods is a concern the solutions is relatively simple putting magnet schools in underserved neighborhood that are there specifically to serve the needs of the people but to graduating draw in students that are also have written into their charter racial integration our proposal a stem - okay. that feeds into the willie brown school i think we're a prime candidate once that's done the school in neighborhoods is good then everyone can have local schools first thank you.
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>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> commissioners in may of this year the chronicle i'm sherryly more and more in the bay area neighborhood and a residents of candle stick point i live next door to candle stick point stadium my concern is the resegregation of the san francisco unified school district and you've resegregated them along the racial lines and created an unequal environmentalist and education with that in african-american community and i think we had that conversation back in during that brown versus the board 6 percent of the population we comprise but 85 percent of t
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