tv [untitled] July 3, 2015 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT
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special meeting on the san francisco community investment & infrastructure commission the successor to the agency for tuesday, june 30, 2015, welcome to members of the public madam secretary role >> the next order of business commissioner respond. >> commissioner mondejar commissioner singh commissioner bustos that absence madam chair rosales. >> i have 3 present and one absent. >> the the next order of business is item 2 announcements a the next regularly scheduled meeting of july 7th will think one p.m. in room 416 and b announcement of prohibited electronic devices please be
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advised the ringing of and use of cell phones pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. are prohibited at this meeting. please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any person(s) responsible for the ringing or use of a applying pleading c announcements of time allocate for. please be advised a member of the public has up to two minutes to make comments unless the commission adapts a shorter period it is strongly recommended that members of the public who wish to address the commission submit the card to the madam secretary the the next order of business is item 3 report on actions taken at a previously closed session meeting my no reportable action the next order of business item 4 matters of unfinished business
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there is none the next order of business is item 5 matters of new business consisting of consent and regular agenda first 5 a approval of the minutes of may 16, 2015 >> madam chair. >> yes. i think it is the minutes of may 19th. >> may 19th. >> do we have any speaker cards for in item. >> i did not okay mr. washington. >> i'd like to let the record to show you i'm under protest i don't appreciate what's been happening at city hall in the pressroom for 10 years more than any of the pressroom and the sheriff had the adrift to put
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his hands on me this is 2015 do you knows what in medians i know ross before the sheriff deputy to assault me and as a black man, i'm 62 years old i've got kids that have kids i'm demand respect you know i'm retiring not tired i've been running with jesus for a long, long time i'm retired for 3 minutes looking like a damn fool at city hall i call s it silly hall i'm starting a program called silly hall it will tell the word what happens as city by i bay so ross and the deputy i wanted him
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reprimand all the law firm and the da and all of them when i have a tv show all of that is going to be changed there maybe history in my name and god put me here for a reason not to put his hands on me, i'm new to this i'm trying true to this. >> mr. washington you need to address the commission. >> thank you. >> public comment on the consent calendar is closed do i have questions or comments. >> i move to proof. >> commissioner singh indicated he was not present at the meeting i'll second his motion there is a motion and a second. >> commissioner commissioner mondejar
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commissioner singh commissioner bustos is absent and madam chair. >> yes. >> i have 2 i's, one absence extends and one absent. >> the that motion carries please call the next item arrest the the next order of business is regular agenda 4 b public hearing on the draft environmental impact report for the golden state warriors and be mixed use development at mission bay from the blocks agenda b a public hearing on the environmental impact report for the golden state warriors event center and mixed use center at mission bay the purpose to receive the comments on the adequacy and accuracy in identifying the potential impacts of the projects on the
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environment members of the public wishing to make comments are ask to limit our oral comments to 2 minutes and try not to repeat points by other speakers more detailed comments can be made until july 15th please be advised standing is not allowed due to room capacity we have organism in the event those fill up room 42 4 will be available once you made our comment make our ways to overflow room madam director. >> good afternoon to the members of the public commissioners that a public hearing no proposed action on the promoted golden state warriors mixed use project
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and today again, this sole purpose to get comments on the eir with that brief introduction deputy director to provide context and the commission will receive comment. >> good afternoon this item to receive comments on the golden state warriors event center at mission bay blocks 39 to 22 the eir was pushed and the comment period is through july 15th written companions can be sent to warriors anothers or the planning department that is certifying with the draft and the mailing address is to the planning department is listed on page 2 danish 9 of the report
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the comments will be transcribed and will render to all written comments and make restrictions as appropriate not a hearing to get approval or disapproval and the hearing will occupy the c i r comments should be directed to the accuracy and commenters are to speak slowly and clearly for an accurate transcript we'll also take comments on the draft and that concludes my presentation. i'm available for any questions thank you. >> thank you. >> members of the public please come to the podium in the following order and state your name for the record anna neil ray, esther and
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matt. >> can i repeat those names. >> e.r.'s take care stern's public school neil public utility ray and matt. >> hello commissioners. i'm ray empathy i've acknowledged in potrero hill and as much for the past 15 years i also have two businesses nearby and board member for the south beach merchants the warriors have shown an expressive committed to the community input in planning the rather than the shareholders presented update to the mission
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bay advisory committee meeting and gather feedback from small businesses simple as myself one the many reasons i support the project is because it is so pedestrian friendly i will be able to actually wake to the arena event and take my dogs to the new green area because of the arena i like the fact their going to have year-round retail and restaurants for local residents a new meeting place to enjoy with that i'd like to say to thank thank you for your time and the city for taking the time for the environmental impact report thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm neil i'm a resident of mission bay i was originally going to
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address how expressed i am with the warriors and the arena but the meetings i've attended concerned residents voiced their opinion in delay, however after reading this morning chronicle most of the membership is unanimous none of the public members live close to mission bay and as most people see this is made up of biotech folks that are upset the land is not used for biotech he they know what is best the nurses association are against the mission bay arena have any of those representatives attend any of the cap merging no and according to the chronicle when asked about the warriors plans the speakers say their unfamiliar with the eir and no affiliation
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with the alliance this is for the - it was organized by the same public relations that represents the alliance i'm an educator if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a duck i'd be more concerned about the nurses comments if at the read the record reflect issues as a grandparent any grandchild - i find it difficult to building that did nurses association believes that the citywide ucsf and the warriors have turned a blind eye to the parking garage around the arena overall we're to 2 hundred events and salesforce would have brought folks into the and were 36 hours days a year let's not
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use this as a traffic concern for other people's agenda thank you. >> good afternoon. my name is a e.r. stare stern's a resident of mission bay i've been a homeownership since 2010 i very existed about the arena bike and pedestrian access he hope it encourages folks to get out of their cars and walk the neighborhood my mooiveng are raising three children teenagers in the mission bay the only teenagers in mission bay when we crossed the creek more traffic and development and more intensity so we're not surprised there is new development and don't expect there is to be empty lots we think the arena is an unexpected
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bonus with the parks and the bike paths and the eyes arena all those things are things that 0 enhance our neighborhood for families in a way of if you alternatives could achieve we're excited about the arena, of course we support the warriors and excited about the arenas for the neighborhood and the children now 2 hundred and 50 new children in the neighborhood we're excited to have access that it i thank you for your attention and hope you'll take into consideration those needs thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon. i'm matt the chief financial officer for live nation ems live nation is one of the largest entertainment companies we're strong supporters and in large part
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there's no arena in san francisco and this great city deserves an arena as san francisco multiple purpose arena it will attack people from around the state and world as a city we should be pushing transit first and the eir plan does that this is a transit rich area and they've done a phenomenal job studying the parking lots and we want to go on record to talk about our support of this arena and hope you'll consider our recommendation throughout this process thank you very much. >> thank you. >> anna fernandez (calling names) d o n i ac h. >>
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(calling names). >> please come to the podium. >> please anyone. >> hi, i'm representing the spur we've been involved in planning with the spur for decades he said putting an arena in mission bay is a change positive overall for the neighborhood over the years different people bring new ideas for the process of each generation for something different going to make mission bay an interesting place on the issue recommended to transportation i believe the warriors voluntary doing pretty much everything between the infrastructure and the fact that some people will be able to walk
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if a cultivating caltrans the city is making the investments in the infrastructure to support the project thank you very much. >> thank you. >> good afternoon. my name is a anna fernandez i lived at pediatric place in mission bay i help children and hands-on care i'm here today to gnaw my concerns and the concerns of my 3 thousand nurses represented by the california association including the 9 hundred nurses that work at mission bay we're not here to protest the golden state warriors we want to advocate for our family members i'm sure you're aware of the area around the hospital is a facility is almost like a small
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island with a narrow corridor between the bay and highway it is with this public transportation to be easily congested a major project like this will un2k0ub8 have congestion it is intended to house the games and other special events the traffic can result if gridlock and that's our major concern what will the city do for the high specialized care for patients will they have access in a timely manner when they need it twenty-four hours a day and including games and concerts or outlet special events what will the city do to help people get to the hospital always is- what will the city do
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for nurses and decreases and other health care professionals will we be able to get to the hospital and the clinics to care for the patients in the small city like ours the congestion and the needs of the community needs to be addressed and wealthy developers must be addressed many - >> i'm sorry your two minutes are - is up thank you. >> hello i'm al honeyed and am local 2 the union that represents more than 4 thousand hotel workers in san francisco i'm here to competence our unions strongly support so for the warriors project for the
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good quality working class jobs the arena is probably the most important development in san francisco in the placing last 15 years as a time when working class families are squeezed out from stagnate incomes we should promote the projects like this one i'm sure you're aware of our union represents 8 hundred concession workers at the at&t park we struggle to work hard to race the was this because of the nature the - the possibilities the food service workers who help those jobs gives a pathway to the middle-income jobs a game xharng for the food workers in san francisco warriors reached out to our
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union to insure the workers that currently staff the commission is a place for the food and the positions will be the kind of jobs that raise the bar in san francisco that's exactly 9 kind of development our city should be investing in. >> thank you. >> the next person please come up. >> good afternoon. thank you my name is agreeing election i'm speaking on above the mission bay alliance the coalition of i was staff stakeholders and residents concerned about the proposed stadium in mission bay since we launched our efforts we've talked about with the neighbors and heard if hundred if not thousands of people about the significant impacts on parking garage and quality of life in mission bay and launched
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a petition calming for the city to reject this project we've collected more 46 hundred signatures from residents and employees and neighbors that are concerned about the 18 thousand plus seat i'm submitting that petition today and received letters we're submitting if neighbors will the concerned of park and access to hospital os and traffic and air quality consider other sites for this damaging project just yesterday the california nurses association expressed their concerns in the weeks and months to come more people will be joining the growing numbers how bad this will be for the access to emergency care and traffic throughout the east side we hope you'll take the residents and their opinion into
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strong k for this project thank you. >> thank you. >> please come to the podium. >> good afternoon thank you very much for this opportunity i'm speaking open on behalf of ass son she writes i have concerns of the environmental gangs of the arraign the draft eir shows the project will could you say gridlock and air pollution and mission bay next to the ucsf another hospital facility yet the draft eir explicit discuss the land use we were not analyzed in the admission of plant eir additionally the mr. glover project will end access to the bay bridge mission bay can't handle up to 18 thousand fans
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plus per year especially, when into stadiums have games it restricts the number of parking spaces but it maybe considered the effects will be yet more gridlock and unhealthy air emissions is it reduces the nursing care places for patients and challenges for the nurses and doctors and medical 12567 r staff that works on the campus it it interferes with the medical facilities increased car emissions will be unhealthy for the patient and have a health impact overall we're disappointed with the city's approach to the environmental impact report is it fails to provide mitigation for the impacts identified in the draft eir we ask the city
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and county of san francisco to avoid the disastrous entertainment center including the health and welfare of the workers and residents thank you very much. >> sir state your name. >> i'm davm on scott. >> will the following people please come to the podium (calling names). >> i'll be edward a letter of someone that was not able to attend. >> i'm concerned about the negative impact of the traffic by the proposed stadium at third
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street and 16 currently whether there's an event my commute to the financial district is 2k0ubd by car or train or bike because of inflection of people to the neighborhood there are fans that makes it difficult for residents returning from work i appreciate those people but not the trash left in the street this that concludes my presentation. to the way that crowds rush into the games and often not supporting the local excuse me. and how the crowds are not supporting the local community addressing basketball season calendar to this as a negative impact in the surrounding neighborhood and recipe will be hurt i'm in favor of neighborhood growth but unfortunately, i
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think this stadium will only profit the developer and rather have long term growth thank you, again that was jay a san francisco residents. >> thank you. >> thank you to the board for putting on this meeting i'm happy to have an opportunity to speak i'm familiar with the eir i know we've heard about parking i am starting with a quote will there be traffic yes will we be able to handle it, yes i don't think it is handled at all i don't know the credibility of someone that says that and the eir and public opinion is
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yes. the arena is pubically financed but the resulting public transportation improvements that will come along with this project so cultivating has approved line to king station but the mayors wants to change to the new arena and that costs $2.5 billion this is taxpayer money not addressed this the eir let alone the $40 million for improvements to the transportation transportation as well $6.6 million in annual upkeep fees those are costs not addressed in the eir under the radar none knows about this is a huge problem that have project thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon,
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commissioners i'm vanessa i'm a nature san franciscan and live in dog patch almost 12 years i'm also on the board of the neighborhood dog patch association and written first hand our our community as grown and changed a lot i proudly support the warriors mixed use development is it serves as a hub for performing arts, retail space and restaurant and wide range of community events the warriors have reached out to us even better the warriors have privately financing no money from the public and no new taxes this is a huge win for our community and all of san francisco having the warriors in our neighborhood in community will create and bring new businesses within mission bay, dog patch, and beyond which
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