tv [untitled] July 3, 2015 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT
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the draft eir outlines a mitigation plan for traffic and congestion management that will work for ucsf it will work for the residents and work to the businesses if mission bay we urge this commission to support that eir and move this project forward as quickly as possible thank you very much. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners henry and i'm the president of the council of merchant when represents over 2 thousand businesses in the city i'm in full support of arena project in san francisco knowing we'll have a positive impact not only on mission bay but also on your gem of a city i want to thank the city for thank you for your time and energy to created a world-class
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project thank you for your time to weighing weigh in i hope you'll take my support today. >> thank you. >> please come to the podium (calling names). >> hi commissioners i'm ab evans i'm a student here i live in potrero hill and excited about this arena it is friendly and i in spite of everywhere in the city i love the transit first, because it will add to the green blue light and have more access to the bike path and grab retail on the bike path thank you for your time. >> thank you.
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>> hello and thank you, commissioners i'm elizabeth kirk i'm a student here and warriors fan i've come to fully support of the warriors plan to move to mission bay i'd like to express my support mostly because of the environmental plans for this project in reviewing those plans and by looking at the renditions i'm impressed with the landscaping and the incorporation of the natural environments from the green roofs that are designed this project will have an impact on making our city more green thank you. >> thank you. >> hello commissioners my name is sheryl davis i run a nonprofit here in san francisco and first and foremost thank you for the time and deliberations
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you've looked at the eir and then also to express just gratitude for the way the warriors and city have worked to address the issues identified we're talking about the are environmental impact report and for me specifically in working with young people looking at the social impact and the possibility and potential of what the warriors have demonstrated as a great partnership we brought young people to see the process they've been talking about the roll science and technology and engineering and be mathematics and this is afforded them to look at that deeper and looking at sport is more than just sport and the office of economic workforce development developments and the community development, the classification and the highlights they've been amazing community partners and i
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can only imagine how much more in the city the opportunity to actually visit the building and see that are more than a sports we were arena and thanks or things like this today the warriors is an organization and commitment for community giving and support in giving back and being able to learn that process for me it is much bigger than the idea of the team but it is really about the organization itself and what they are doing so for community and allowing young people to see that happening in the city for a team it is right now being celebrated for the companionship. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm bruce i'm the transportation board member of
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the rincon hill association, however, i'm speaking on behalf of the myself i look forward to the warriors coming home to san francisco my comments are focused on the transportation interact of the eir and the society mitigates plans a review of the draft eir clearly indicates detailed account regarding the transit impacts on mission bay there's no sugarcoating of the assumptions and the transportation and transit they've been identified those of who us understand the congestion can anticipate the events of the arena and the assumptions outlined in the eir seemed to align with my intuition with the project i've reviewed the mitigation in the management plan some of those including the transit improvements supplemental services, a robust
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management traffic plan and the bike improvements just to name a few and have confidence with the appropriate coordination the traffic and transit congestion can be managed effectively thank you. >> thank you. >> will the following people please come to the podium michael, david, dennis jack and christopher holmes. >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is riccardo and student i'm a bic advocate and very impressed how bike friendly that venue will be and form of that
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will bring more bicycle lanes on 15th street making it simple to get in and out of area by making the path for bikes their reducing congestion in the area thank you for your time and consideration. >> thank you. >> good afternoon commissioner i'm not only a san francisco residential but the sports and recreation director for the bayview hunters point branch we've been community partners with the warriors i started in 2006 and remember being part of the warriors they've been more than a sports team and the families of the ymca through the years we've experienced the warriors from outside of the game of basketball and believe
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me those are stunt that people dream of being a part of in oakland this that whole time they've proven they'll implement the strategies that are best for everybody you you know the warriors and city work hard to listen to the feedback and incorporate the communities suggestions and as a result they've come up with a project that fits in the mission bay community and the community and the whole city is excited. all to acknowledge any support on record i port this project if we've been able to do that cross the bay imagine how many more people the warriors can effect we've been a indirect result and been privileged to experience those things and looking forward to those in the future as well thank you >> thank you.
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>> good afternoon i'm sorry. i'm a nature san franciscan lived in michelle for the past years i find the warriors a good attraction to san francisco i'm not opposed to the team moving back to san francisco even an arena in oakland i have a concern about the placing of the arena in the mission bay neighborhood approximately the 0 hospital it makes it difficult to get to that location i know from living two blokes away from the proposed site it is hard with the at&t traffic in that area one time i was coming home with my wife the traffic was bad on third street i got anti and walked while she was still 1, 2,
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3, 4 the car a woman stuck in traffic with a babied on the way it is difficult i mutts praise the organization of the warriors they've done a good job of reaching out but i looked at terms of strategies encourage, shout not and efforts all could be side stepped and not get what you want when the at&t park went if you took the train and transportation yet the parking lots are over flowing and looking for new space so i'm very concerned about the projects impact on the neighborhood parking and traffic but i oppose the warriors.
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>> thank you. >> good afternoon david segal 25 year residents the dog patch and vice president of the dog patch neighborhood association dna is not opted opposed to the stadium, however, the development will have lasting impact on the neighborhood and the, of course, it is great concern to the dog patch neighborhood association and the residents of the community our small neighborhood is impacted bitz itself resistant less encroachment of the housing developers and now the warriors today specifically i want to directed my racks or remarks to the parking lot at crane coffee there are a number of issues
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regarding this parking lot location first of all illinois street is the official route for trucks and bikes part of the transportation plan of the city this is street will be the nearest street and the extension street will building serving as a b e a heavy truck route and there's a turn around route in that area it is a small patch of green grass it serves the community and needs to be protected thank you. >> can joe jennifer davis, rudy corpus john co-sponsor well and certifying have a johnson please
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make your >> thank you commissioners. den ismu kenzy and teach in san francisco high school. i made a proposal kw & shared it with everyone requesting the lawyers including high school [inaudible] inside the arena. the last meeting on may 19, i shared with the committee and the other leaders in the city and lawyers and one of the things i have been asking-first of all i'm whole heartedly in support of the arena. i introduced the idea of the lawyers collaborating with juvenile hall which has a opportunity of a small gymnasium. i just introduced that to the warriors and the city that that is a opportunity
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for the small gym to provide what i mentioned about golf course training programs in philadelphia [inaudible] it is the history of using the facilities can be a tremendous influence for kids at risk and all students. i mentioned there is a statement that i realize the lawyers i proposed that to them, have already done tremendous work in the bay area promoting education and basket ball with the community foundation. in the [inaudible] i was asking the warrior tooz do something with a golf course. use this golf course training program as a model to have a classroom as a model to use for future nba indoor arenas which i believe is val grbl our country. thaupg
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thank you very much >> thank you >> good afternoon commissioners and thank you for the opportunity to comment on this draft [inaudible] i'm a new resident of san francisco. prior to this year i lived in brookland new york where i participated in the planning and discussion of the [inaudible] the relocation oof the [inaudible] there are differences between that development and this proposal there are interesting parallels. namely, the creation of a 18 thousand seat arena and urban infill site accessible by transit and there major concerns in both cases initially expressbeded about
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traffic and parking. i'll focus on 3 things which seem to come up the most which are traffic congestion, parking and emergency vehicle access. as far as traffic congestion goes, the impact feared by many of the barclay center site for the most part didn't materialize. the biggest story for me was that the fears of the congestion greatly-were greatly exceeded the actual impacts so that when the facility opened traffic congestion is more or less a non story. the 2 most important were the transit utilization didn't meet the project goal squz the vehicles arriving were more spread out that projected. in terms of parking, the main observation is the off street parking
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combined with nearby parking far exceeded the demands so parking was not a issue there either. finally for emergency vehicle access, this was effectively accommodated in brooklyn where please and fire stations >> your time is up sir. sir can you please pride your provide your name for the record? >> christopher [inaudible] >> did you get it? thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon ladies and gentlemen my name is [inaudible] my name is jock rr and i own
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[inaudible] i'm a san francisco native and i own a business here. the tradition of building stadiums here in san francisco is-dates back to the it first century. robert taylor who you may not know and the pollo fields was a gold metalest. [inaudible] turn of the last century. we know tourism is a [inaudible] by entertainment so right now we have one sthof best entertainments in the world. bobby web back there is helping the fight to get the [inaudible] back into our control. but my main concern here is the business that the [inaudible] are not doing with black owned business which is different than non profit. i
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haven't seen wrun black business club here accept for myself. i was born here so when the warriors won i was here and it was a great delight. this time was bitter sweet because i was told by a warrior staff person that we would keep my business from doing business with the warriors. i wrolet this article about that and got a call from the person later but the opportunity was gone see start at the beginning of the season. [inaudible] dealings with people who were there before us and now it is different. so, black companies lost out on 700,000 to 1.5 a analyst said. this is a
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question of black lives matter. black [inaudible] we need to flourish with the warriors. if there is a issue about-- >> sir, your time is up. thank you. >> thank you. >> my name is john cornwell, i'm a long term-i'm a third generation san franciscan and 2 young kids that will hopefully be 4th generation residence. i worked-was around when the giants negotiated with the community impacts. the traffic density was a lot different back then. i respect the
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warriors they are a good organization but they are shouldn't be exempt from [inaudible] if you had a bank that would go into that spot and you would have 20 thousand some odd visitors, you would write that off immediately. that is awful urban planning. they are not a non profit, they are a very profitable organization and it doesn't make sense for a company that puts that burden on the community and region. and only ask that you go out to that area during commutes and see how bad the traffic is now. the third street corridor already is saturated and this isn't about the surface streets but you are talking about sth thbay bring. rush hour starts at 2:30 to 8:30. eerfbfen you have 80 percent traffic
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utilization already traffic is at the breaking point in san francisco and think we know that from every day experience. it is not smart urban planning. the vir statements about there will be adequate-there may be transparency but that doesn't change the fact it is a huge impact and not proper use. you can do all the mitigation you want rsh but there is not the ability to add band width and traffic capability around there. that is common sense. you can off set carbon utilization but the bottom line is this a really bad regional project. >> thank you. >> my name is [inaudible] johnson and i'm a [inaudible] a lot of people get jealous of me playing the guitar. [inaudible] right now i'm just
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trying to schedule [inaudible] i think that is where they should put and end some places [inaudible] to put the bart system to go to the stadium that way we would have a lot of impact with our [inaudible] when we want to go see the warriors. i think there are more solutions to this problem [inaudible] with the warriors, which would eliminate a lot of these impacts. they need to
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put that in thought [inaudible] bart over there behind the mountains there and you see on this picture. i think that there is more of our main problems that and of course jealousy is really bad out there and this is wun of the reasons why i haven't been able to let my career with the guitar playing and i had already 18 guitars stolen from me. >> thank you. >> will the following people please come to the podium.
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john ducast row. john cane. mr. [inaudible] mr. oscar james. [inaudible] and paul [inaudible] >> good afternoon commissioners and good to see you tiffany. i am not for or against the warriors. they are doing a fairly adequate job with their eir, but the thing is, what will happen with it? i live in dog patch and been here for 32 years and worked here since i was 16 so i haet to tell you how long that it is. at the onedf the day if the city wants to get something done they move mountains. they were trying to
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get a legacy keeping the warriors in san francisco. the warriors are a wonderful team and love to follow them and would love to have them in the city. we also have right down the road the giants and the giants attempting to build a rather large development and being in dogpatch and we've always been up with what is going on and helped the port and redevelopment in mission bay and so forth so i just want to express the opinion that if we really as a community as san francisco wanted to get something done, you would probably crack a whip and have the warriors have to work with the giants all on late a and b and maybe i'm whistleing dixie, but you do not have a method of
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taking care of the traffic. we can say mta will take care of it, mta couldn't even in a 10 year period get a turn around loop planned and executed. very terrible. thank you. >> sir, can you provide your name? >> joe boss >> thank you >> how you doing commission, my name is rudey corpus. i'm born and raised in district 6th south of market and run a youth program with over 150 kids. i'm here in support for had warriors to be here in our neighborhood and in san francisco. it would create enormous amount of opportunity
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for our people in the community, the south of market. district 6 has probably the lowest income paid families in the whole city. i'm just-i just want the opportunity-it would be good for had economy and community and the city. i know the warriors was in san francisco back in the 70's, i think it was the san francisco warriors and then move today oakland and that is why they called them golden state. let's get them back where they should be in san francisco, the san francisco warriors. thank you >> thank you >> madam chair, madam director, commissioners. al norman bay view muchant association and we are here in support of the eir
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for the warriors. we thank everyone [inaudible] for all small business in and out of the area and we support it whole heartedly and support the other associations who are in favor of you passing this eir so we can go ahead and go to work and establish relationships that will benefit everyone associated with this project. thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon commissioners, john decastro. [inaudible] neighborhood association back about 15 years ago. i'm a 37 year resident of putrailo hill and my biggest concern is significant unu
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avoidable impact, specifically transportation and transit. those are a mess today and echo the other speaker that suggested you may want to come down there between 4 and 6 in the evening and take a look at the 280 and mare posea interchange, mare poseo and 16th, and 7th street. it is a disaster 4 nights out of 5 especially thursday night. every time the giants have a day game the traffic backs up at 1:30 or 2 o'clock and never quits. we talk about transportation management plan, where is it. i don't trust the city or mta to come with a transportation plan when my wife and i went to a giants game [inaudible] my wife is disabled and had to call a taxi so we could make
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