tv [untitled] July 4, 2015 6:00am-6:31am PDT
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úx san francisco unified school district - if people can please take a seat we want to start a very busy meager regular meeting of the board of education of the san francisco unified school district for tuesday, june 23, 2015 is now called to order ms. casco roll call please. >> ms. fewer mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell are ms. norton mr. walton mr. walton? okay ms. wynns dr. murase present >> please join me in the pledge
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of allegiance. >> thank you item a is approval of board minutes none tonight before i move to the next item as i've been announcing members of the public are reminded that if they wish to address the board of education and individual can complete a speaker card prior to the item being called and presented to executive assistant and according to board rules and regulations cards are not accepted for an item before the board general public comment is one minute and around 7:30
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limit to thirty minutes and public comment for other items are limited for 5 minutes per item we have many many items to make a decision on so hoping we can obvious those rules for public comment tonight item b is presentations to the board of education as superintendents report superintendent carranza. >> thank you dr. murase and good evening to everyone i want to startle this evening by acknowledging special individuals in our audience i'd like to acknowledge the aligning know to paraprofessional programs can i have all the students stand to give you a round of applause (clapping). >> so ladies and gentlemen those students are here as part of pair paid pathway internship
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and the student preparation course they're studying child department and participating in the teacher experiences and attending this board of education meeting in hopes of providing the education system an understanding of part of their course work i want to recognize some summer interim students from the career education department and our cit our programs that start in the tenth grade to learn about career fields in sectors based market needs during the summary the students participate in the summer sdirmz and our e or c e t have industry knowledge and readiness schools they're
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hosting interims so their they are back there a round of applause that is wonderful i want to say to the teacher paraprofessionals program you have a job in sfusd get our credentials and you have a job i have additional good news our school health programs sf cd has been awarded grant for healthy choices america california special recognition due to aaron that leads the success program and prepared this grant education they'll help to guide the healthy education to support
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of implementation of internals and support we know by the acronym of p d i s and one-on-one school emotional learning educations and volunteer and family engagement and other structured group activities i want to thank you for your hard work and i'd be remiss if i didn't mention the paraprofessional program i see valerie is here recognize her for her incredible work (clapping) and deborah as well and thank you valerie for all your work she went to the baseball game go giants i'd like to address an issue that is in our community so on may 26, 2015 the board of
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education unanimously passed the school board resolution 143 that was created arabic and vietnamese pathways i as well as members of the board of education have engaged in conversations with community members concerning the needs for the organizations contained within the resolution i want to thank everyone for their engagement and he expressing your views so clearly i want to assure all members of our community the board of education and i have listens to our concerns and advise and feedbacks, however, in the various conversations i feel that is important we clarify what the districts approach to following through with the adapted resolution number one the resolution directs me the superintendent to begin the process for assessing whether or not we'll be able to
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implement arabic and vietnamese our portfolio involves 3 distinct phases first phase is program feasibility under program feasibility there's a cross departmental staff team that needs to study and discuss the feasibility of the program in terms of the alignment to programs and policies and assess why there was impact by the school and community and assess whether it addresses the historically under addressed students and add value to the school and have a positive impact and assess the school district is if there are teachers with relevant expertise to implement the program and access whether there is a curriculum to implement the
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program all those are critical to our departmental feasibility study from the proposed program meets all the criteria and i have to emphasize all the criteria the assessment then moves to the next phase of the protocol it is a phase that the district staff i emphasis school staff have deeply engaged with the community members to fully develop a proposal along with the supporting documents that the following areas are addressed it must be addressed the program design is accounted for and staffing needs, facility needs accounted for and fiscal impact only programs like 9 english language pathways for the special education etc. we're looking response from
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students and community in terms of their sport for the proposed program and timeline for program implementation it is important to note that if every single step sfusd have educating the curriculum development once phase two is completed it moves to phase 3 in that phase the program approval there are additional checks that are in place during this phase of the proposal that sounded strange during this phase it is presented to the deputy superintendant and all staff to identify the - based on the components in the proposal which i have mentioned
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the proposals require additional work raise additional questions must be resolve before they move forward to the next step the next step is a vet before the superintendent certificate schools along with the executive leadership team with the staff we access the potential impact on program placements and physical impacts once a new program has been approved a modified state and federal is developed and an evaluation of the new program is required after the first year of pilot implementation i want to note the resolution adapt by this board directs the superintendent to beginning or begin this process it is important to note once again the sfusd controls, monitor and improves the entire process we may solicit input the
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sfusd is the sole determiner in this board of education in its capacity are the sole determineers of the curriculum >> what is taught in strike adherence to the california state standards and the sfusd policies and procedures given the feedback i'm also a superintendent requesting the names of other organizations that maybe of help in our development of arresting bic and vietnamese language pathways in addition to those community-based organizations in the board resolution in addition as with all curriculum development by the sfusd we committed to assuring that the final curriculum i emphasis the language pathways it pubically vetted and finally it is the sole intent of this board of education and this superintendent to engage in this
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process for the feasibility of establishing the arabic and vietnamese pathways so that students that wish to study the language and culture may do so in our public schools we're not interested in engaging in any geopolitical discussions or providing any group of people who feel disparnld or unwelcomed this resolution is about studying the development of language pathways and that's all thank you my final comment is with an esteem sadness of one of the loss of our beloved teaches marie hack even though she passed away from complications of a recent illness she's a san francisco, california staple serving for 20 years she most are recently served an
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intervention teacher and helped the students for multiple generations think on behalf of the sfusd and the board of education we send our heartfelt condolence on the loss of ms. marie hack even though dr. murase. >> thank you, mr. superintendent we're at recognize and resolution and accommodations none the school district none e parent advisory council we've heard from them none together and consent items no card for the consent items item g consent calendar i need a motion and second on the consent calendar. >> moved. >> second. >> thank you any items withdrawn or corrected
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by superintendent? >> yes. madam president mr. steel. >> one item to correct 156 on page 205 dates of service should be july one to august 2015 not you 2016. >> thank you mr. steel items for the first reading by the board? seeing none items severed by the board for vote >> yes ms. wynns. >> sever k-32 and 33 only page 321 and 323. >> thank you very much roll call vote will take place under section o. >> resolution 15526 s p one in support of the naming the main
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foyer for the middle school to the squares there is a motion and a second on may 26th may i have a report from the grounds committee commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. >> well, after much debate (laughter). >> and we had a lovely presentation last night at buildings and grounds and put forth this recommendation we did a positive recommendation. >> thank you commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. >> superintendent introduce the resolution. >> thank you madam president i'd like to ask our dapper and eloquent mr. david golden to read the resolution. >> good evening superintendent and board of education it is my pleasure to read resolution 15526 s p one with
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the superintendents permission and at the consequence of a very, very long agenda i'll slightly abbreviate not to disparage our honoree on the resolution but it is actually quite a long resolution so i'll try to cut to the highlights one 5526 s p w one in port safe naming the main building foyer to the can he will lee square whereas he's a third generation san franciscan grew up in north beach a product of san francisco unified school district having at the end france 1968 also my graduating class whereas ken lee served in sfusd for 21 years
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including teaching at el gordon as a counselor mary a middle school and as head counselor at presidio as assistant principle and finally principle at san francisco middle school he worked tirelessly to have a safe and positive environments for the france middle school and he's welcomed the whole community to the school students apartment and teachers and staff as well as the community and whereas ken lee has shown 0 a never ending commitment to the faculty and others to further francisco as a dedicated person to academic success for the whole community and whereas, his govern philosophy to kick it up
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a notch and whereas ken lee as helped to raise thoughts of dollars with the help of friends and past francisco alumni and whereas ken lee has brought the expended family of francisco round back to the days when discovery ruled. (laughter). >> and whereas, he probably fly he was honored if 2015 with the mayors principle of the year award and in 2010 was honored with the kqed local heros for asian pacific month on behalf of lunar new year and spirit and whereas community service he's cooperated the chinese tournament for many years
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therefore, be it resolved that the board of education of the san francisco unified school district name the main building foyer of francisco middle school to be the ken lee square and that a plaque donated by family and friends should be installed in honor of kenneth lee and further be it resolved, that our san francisco chant that ken lee support with his amazing spirit be incontributed on the square with his name surrounding it. (clapping.) >> thank you very much mr. golden i don't see any public speakers on this item there were considerable at last time
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committee grounds committee meeting comments from the board? superintendent >> commissioner fewer. >> so i know ken even though and my children know him with a little bit of sadness that i vote yes, sir. on this i know he's leaving frank middle school a loss for that community but ken we want to thank you on behalf of the thousands and thousands and thousands of students that our group of served their value beyond any measure thank you so much (clapping.) >> commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. >> i too want to thank you, mr. lee for your incredible work and effort i've spent the last two years working on the players
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leadership and not once you turned me down but looked at everything as an opportunity that is a great thing for communities that don't get the access trying to get get from the chief harding to the some of the big events on middle school teachers and principles thank you and you'll be deeply missed. >> commissioner vice president haney. >> i want to thank you, mr. lee for your services this is a well deserved award of recognition commissioner president murase and i had the opportunity to spend a few hours in chinatown visiting with organizations and our name came up again and again and again as someone that advocated and championed the needs of students particularly
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in that community often you know there are thousands of the families that credit you with serving them incredibly well by particularly for chinatown families and students that are in need of those things are ignored and missed but view you as a champion thank you that was something literally we heard stores about things you've done and said so thank you in general and congratulate you on this well deserved recognize. >> commissioner wynns i want to add my thanks but to point out to people not that many people in the district that are neighborhood people grueling u grooving in the neighborhood and worked in the schools and went to the schools and connected to the community and the neighborhoods in san francisco are precious what we love to you just want to add my
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thanks in particular of keeping the neighborhood dedicated to the public schools thank you and plus you're not getting away we'll be calling you. >> (laughter). >> mr. superintendent. >> thank you dr. murase ken wijsz thank you on behalf of the students who's lives you've touched not many people get to invite their family to come have a picnic in their square but i remember not having been fortunate enough to be born in san francisco i remember when i took me to chinatown and some of the apartment and met with the families and your knowledge of the community and helped me to connect with the community i will forever be thankful to you and thank you for your service and like our commissioners said don't go too
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far away we'll call you enjoy our retirement (clapping.) hi i want to make final remarks i had the opportunity to watch ken in action the announcement of the salesforce foundation gift to the school district and he was out there leading his middle school children in cheers such an inspiration and arranged for a presentation of chinese-american he's can you think so much work contributing it is a certificate that was presented to you a at a ceremony but add my congratulations thank you (clapping.) ms. casco roll call vote please. >> ms. fewer
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mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell ms. norton mr. walton ms. wynns and dr. murase. >> 6 i's. >> (clapping). >> mr. lee it you want to come up and say a few words. >> i'll try to limit this to a minute. >> i guess david just left and there should have been an abbreviation to what he stated earlier i'm honored and embraced what i've been doing in 21 years and worked in atlanta, georgia it is part of my job i really, really appreciate you superintendent carranza and may want present and deputy
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superintendent gerrero my great staff put a lot of work into making this possible they surprised me during my retirement dinner i had no clue that was happening you you know a lot of secret meetings going on in the conference room i was very, very surprised and danielle and others are a great teacher the pe department the head of the social committee spearheaded this my sister jeanette that was a school teacher retired as lowell high school as the principle and all of us don't a great job i grew up in the chinatown north beach i worked with kids from all over the city francisco served kids
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in 25 zip codes whether chinatown it was 94124 and 22 and 131 as well as the others others thank you. i'm very, very honored and appreciative for this recognize thank you very much (clapping.) >> congratulations again. >> the next item on the agenda is superintendent proposal 1569 s p one for the 2015-2016 the accountability plan and the san francisco unified school district this is moved and seconded on june 9, 2015, may i have a report of the committee as a whole commissioner vice president haney. >> we heard an update to the el cap plan and i think this is going to be further discussed
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tonight the entire board was there i know we've received a number of documents that reflected the comments asked and all the board members he think will have an update. >> may i have a reading of the resolution. >> thank you dr. murase to ask mr. young to read that. >> thank you. superintendent just bear with me one second while i find the page - >> okay. thank you. >> so commissioners there are two action items that each require a separate vote but just to say up front that staff
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presentation will address both the el cap and the budget so it is your pleasure i read the el cap only at this time dr. murase read both recommendations and okay. thank you so superintendent proposal fiscal year 2015-2016 annual update of the accountability plan for the community office of education and the san francisco unified school district requested action the board of education approves the local control he will cap for the san francisco county of education and the san francisco unified school district covering fyi 2015-2016 and 2015 and 2018 subject to the update and the next
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