tv [untitled] July 4, 2015 12:30pm-1:01pm PDT
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or the police report. >> any public comment on this come on up and let us know who you are. >> i'm marie the neighbor i have a few concerned. >> can you bring the microphone down. >> marie any questions nuts and bolts i'm the neighbor that alex - you need to expand speak into the microphone. >> alex has done a good job identify been a residents over 40 years i know the history of that adjourn i have a few concerns whenever there's a bar a problem with the bar sorry we can't contact the bar because we when we call the number nobody answers because it is good loud we have to expand call the hotel and ask the lobby
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or the front desk person to expand goefrp and ask them to expand pipe down or close the doors and that brings me to the main item is the glass sliding doors at the level of patios over the traffic it goes the sound goes across the street to expand inside our homes we feel the vibration of the music when the doors are closed we can't hear this is going on for corresponds inmit since july they're a lot better than the prior management keep the door closed there's a sign that says please dos close the door people don't close the door when i'm able to expand contact them i go
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across the street and close the door so that's the phone number we need a real phone number to expand ask people to expand please close the door the sliding doors need to be closed because everything comes across the street it floats across the traffic and the outdoor speakers outside there are not usually used not eyed in a number of years but recently, i came home from work they were really, really loud and i like music i love acoustic music but when i go home i don't want to expand hear it in my home if you looked at the photos of the homes across the street the sound distorts and walkway between the buildings the sound like goes in that and distorts
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if you are expanded in front of the bar you put your head down on the pillow and not boom loud but enough you wake up so those are the main items a real phone number so they'll pickup we build staying say pickup. >> that's time. >> the phones and the sliding doors and the outdoor speakers i agree with audry remove. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> no, i appreciate you coming out is there any additional public comment i will keep time here, too there doesn't seem like there's any now what we have the permit applicant come back up. >> so the question that we had about a working phone number,
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awhile your business number is acceptable a better practice of give out your cell we want a point out of contact to expand respond not walk in there across the street to expand respond. >> i know. >> so make sure to do that i mean you made the point about the one that speaker that's outdoors and then the final thing all the permit you're supposed to expand contain the sound within it in door venue so the cracks from leaks from sliding doors so i think we have to take your word if you're going to expand dbe keep that closed do you have any thoughts. >> generally, we try to expand keep the sliding glass doors closed so you. >> so you have signed saying
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this is emergency only. >> there's a seating area and put out for them they go out especially, when it's nice out but it used more heavily in the evening time and the bar gets crowded so the a lot of times people go out there to expand hang out and chat i try to expand keep that door closed as much as possible that when it gets warm the guests crack the door i try to expand encourage it being closed but i mean it is a fine balance of trying to make sure the sound is not leaking out too much and keeping my customers happy as well so. >> you can't try and keep your door closed or you don't i mean
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is a door for egging ingress and ingress it is no knowledge not your front door. >> no. >> do you have the ability to expand keep it closed. >> yes. >> so you must you must. >> a quote from no idea district attorney. >> commissioner lee and let's take a motion after that and this is the only interest to expand your patio i believe. >> yes, they, access it from the front door. >> have you thought about sound like curtains it gets stuffy inside. >> that is something i can definitely look into. >> in addition to a. >> a closed-door. >> you don't have a 1kgd stand by the door i assume not. >> no. >> some days if you see that
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open you'll close that but when your business i see you leaving it open for a little bit i considered locking to expand but i wasn't sure that violated the security code so but if it didn't that's an easy solution. >> what's our occupancy and 49. >> a one entrance and one exit. >> i think we've heard enough. >> maybe i can try with the curtain and locking it and seeing what works best and some signage hey, don't open this door that we have a motion thank you very much commissioners would anyone of you like to expand macho motion. >> like to expand move to
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expand approve the application with the conditions from the police department. >> all right. a motion to expand approve with conditions is there a second. >> second. >> all right. any further thoughts? let's take a vote >> commissioner lee commissioner joseph commissioner vice president moshoyannis commissioner perez commissioner caminong commissioner president tan. >> the motion passes hopefully, you'll not hear any more issues so let's take two. >> let's take the next one. >> this is james doing business as 129 ellis a limited live performance permit let's see what we got looks like
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maybe this is associated i apologize commissioners as you know i didn't begin those permits those are associated with the hotel that give us an idea a italian restaurant with full bar field there you are hey maybe you'll do a better job than i this was done in error this is a limited live performance application so go. >> thank you hi, i'm gym the vice president and general council of the hotel and restaurant our goal to really enhance our business model by we've alternated our breakfast program to expand a limited brunch we want to expand add entertainment during burdensome and want to expand do off night monday and tuesday 8 to expand 10:00 p.m.
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to expand try to expand attract some of our slower business we're at the corner of fur he will street across the street is club infusion the bar 55 is next to expand us behind us a burger king and the power hotel all of our neighbors i've reached out to expand directors recommendations our immediate neighborhoods are commercial i think 5 have respond they've approved i met about officer torres and tlofrment the good neighbor policy and you know because we're a hotel we have rooms directly above and we're sensitive to the noise we have the routine raurnt this is not to expand enhance the friday and saturday business but improve
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the sunday, monday tuesday night so that's simple. >> great. >> commissioners questions. >> i just want to say for a place that has a place of assembly occupancy 142 the fact you have 68 employees is amazing and speaks to expand our industry and what our industry can actually do as far as employing people. >> we're a busy restaurant. >> all right. i don't see any questions this is fairly straightforward okay one commissioner perez. >> so the entertainment you'll be managing the entertainment or having someone booking angels. >> we use a talent agent and have a business as well our restaurant and bar management teem will
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chiropractor that not enough spates to expand go large our idea to expand put two or three people in the corner and make it an italian flare we're a high tourist place can we attract the tourists if you look at any districts a half of block any venue is trying to expand attract the 8 to expand 10:00 p.m. crowd like us. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> commissioner vice president moshoyannis. >> on page 3 when it asks about sound like and what your amplification your response it the sound like system can you explain what you're current sound system is. >> we have interactive it that is my understanding through the building and did lobby and restaurants it is a sophisticated system that provide a reasonable amount of
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audioable flexibility blow guest rooms. >> what kind of amplification. >> there's a 4 hundred wait system with 28 speakers. >> 28. >> 23 thousand 4 hundred square feet. >> the feeling i understand what in their are a new system to expand amplify what kind of music. >> we're going to be creative with the music we use as we explore p this be we're going to be doing probably acoustic stuff on the brunch we may go to expand amplified music on the. >> you try to expand get the music to the assess. >> we do it all the time we run both venues we've not done live
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music but live speaking. >> the music impanel for the restaurant itself. >> yeah. >> great. >> it is actually channels throughout the restaurant and bar. >> great. >> commissioner lee. >> what about the band are they bring in their own system. >> certainly if i bring in a james taylor kind of acoustic on a barstool we can accommodate that based on the seating in the restaurant i'm not going to expand get more than 2, 3, 4 two or three people the space is to expand tight remember i have a hundred and 40 seats but doing covers a day those seats are hopefully so we're looking for some of the friday nights no distances not our intent to expand create entertainment to bring in the
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tourists band or multiplications know you have full control if it gets loud sometimes multiplications get loud. >> i understand that but we're kind of self-controlled ours hotel guests our afternoon price is high they have high exceptions in the hotel and restaurant. >> great. >> thank you very much have a seat we'll bring up the police. >> thanks. >> good evening. i'm officer torres representing the police station we're in full support of this application and recommended approval outreaching i've had xerjs jim they operate a responsible business it is a clean outstanding routine and
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hotel. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> actually any public comment? public comment on this restaurant >> i don't see any public comment is closed commissioners. >> i move to expand approve. >> with the police conditions and second. >> can i do same house, same call? >> yes. all right. >> the motion passes. >> like a step. >> so this is a point to expand staff that i think we've had this discussion about new llps and the folks not in the business to expand have a cheat sheet to expand consider as you're developing our llp location of speakers and what
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kinds of live music's forms versus you know jazz band both types of things we talk about new llps can benefit from a cheat sheet. >> we talked about this and up commissioner frost was the only one there a videotape of the workshop we went into depth on the website definitely on the night life website on ours two for sure you know that talks about in more depth what is a pa and words we're talking about they can develop something in writing. >> yeah. online all right. >> okay. great. >> since we're on the topic in the future i know we've asked for kind of those more standard llps that don't have opposition from the police more from
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community members to expand put them on the consent calendar would be easier to expand get through. >> absolutely yeah, we would voluntary had only one in this case since someone that had the desire to expand speak for the community i would pull that that off but having more than one consent is it not a consent but i hear you. >> next was bird and beckett. >> the and night it is ethics doing business as as wood and beckett on cherry street again another live performance permit for a bookstore but we had long discussions how those event will be taking place and determining an llp would be the best fit
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because it's other than a food and beverage establishment. >> hi, i'm with the bookstore we've having had music in there we moved into our present location 8 years ago and at that time contacted the arts commission and they said we'll talk with the police department and fire department so that's what we've done we have music in there a lot 3 nights a week and it's primarily you know from my prospective really to expand the jazz mugsdz in town but we established a nonprofit so we have 503 we raise fund in the community and that helps to pay the band we run shows friday evenings and saturday 8 to expand 11 and talk about 10 if i
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have to expand retain it into 10 it is would be nice to expand keep it as is no complaint so for and 4 o'clock to expand 6:30 on monday night and acoustic jazz a pa system square feet and alp and saxophones and trumpet it is a lot of music sound it isn't so but i think the neighbors have been pretty fine by it and that's it. >> unfortunately only to expand 10 if you want to go later it will have to be a place of entertainment. >> you can apply after a year. >> but what we can do tonight is 10. >> i have a question for a
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clarification from staff i was under the assumption llp or so were important plaids that serve beverages or food is that no longer the case. >> again, this is the definition of what entertainment is in 105060 and i think that would did have the conversation there's a presence of food or beverage this allows us to expand give for compliance to expand an operation that kind of looks like anothers when this was happening so, yes there's permit businesses not necessarily the only place for live entertainment. >> it didn't have to be the primary place of food and beverage people bring snacks and set out cheese and wine and
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donation jar that helps with the permit in my opinion. >> we've had art galleries and things like that this is new not a bookstore so that's correct thanks for that clarification commissioners other questions or comments and i live up the hill kind of and it is a great little bookstore. >> thank you very much that's a letters of support too. >> commissioner caminong. >> i live in the excelsior district what you guys are doing in the neighborhood it is beautiful i've been there and seen the multiplications and the display a lot of tribute to the
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multiplications and thank you very much zoel the police come up and let us know their thoughts commissioner president tan and what you think commissioner president tan easements ini'm sorry i called i supervisors last meeting (laughter) and you - my apologies i'm here on behalf of the captain they're recommending this application for approval they're relating the following conditions i think perhaps the 10 o'clock may have been a bone of contention all performances done by 10:00 p.m. the section condition the area of the space occupied shall be less than 2 hundred and strictly enforce the occupancy as so
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forth by the fire department and number 5 the applicants shall address problems with the future organizations and police and lastly a monthly calendar performance shall be provided to the englewood station and i'll add the entertainment commission as well if you choose to expand adopt it we're recommending for approval and again, i apologize on the pronunciation of your late name commissioner president tan. >> thank you very much. >> i don't think we have any questions open up for public comment please come on up let us know who you or i have two minutes the bell is working great. >> good evening commissioners i'm buzz i'm the patron of the bookstore.
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>> club. >> bookstore. >> oh laughter. >> oh, oh. >> sometimes, it feels a little bit like a club but you know as you guys all know the jazz clubs in the city have taken a big hit there's harder anymore to expand go for live jazz this is a place it needs to be preserved and second of all the types of audience that jazz draws is a well sedate mature audience so then in general the place is a cultural institutions in the neighborhood and deserves to expand know carry on thank you. >> is there any additional public comment. >> all right. seeing none, public comment is closed commissioners i'm happy to expand entertain a motion.
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>> motion to expand approve with the attached police condition. >> all right. do you have any additions you want to expand make there was a recommendation they send a calendar to the police department and us okay motion to expand approve with the existing conditions placed by the police any second. >> i second. >> same house, same call? >> fantastic. >> all right. our final permit for tonight is left over from last week the last meeting pizza >> correct arrest so commissioners yes wore back before you to expand speak with barry that is trying to reopen what was once called the c w at 9 and fulsome street an place of entertainment and extended hours
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for a permit and a reminder there of the some confusion around the conversation of the application to the police i believe southern station is here tonight and had an opportunity to expand talk i'm not you spoke to expand our operation now is the time what you'll do audience commissioner president tan and commissioners, thank you for having me pretty simple plans we plan on doing entertainment and food similar to expand what we're done on 11 street and planning on taxiing it a few blocks away we had an opportunity two weeks from tonight i've been in good communication with lieutenant and officer so looks like we're
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all set if you have any questions i can certainly answer them. >> commissioners, any questions? one question have you read the police cab drivers conditions they've sent to us >> i have and we're fine with them. >> great commissioner perez. >> hello regarding the neighborhood contract you've listed those some of the people you've spoken with do you have documentation. >> there's a letter in your packet from demechanic x commissioner who was the chair of the leadership council. >> i believe there is also. >> in support. >> in support. >> we support their permit. >> i'm not going to say - never mind. >> i believe there is a letter
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of support. >> from the hotel. >> who's the owned and operated of the hotel of the promoted location. >> i think there is others as well but. >> whatever we had we gave you to take a look and side. >> any other questions. >> yes. >> or thoughts okay. why not have a seat while i'm up here thank you to the summit it was great seeing people talking to expand each other. >> let's have the people police from the southern station coming up. >> officer from the southern station so since the confusion two weeks ago whatever had a meanwhile meeting with berry
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took a tour no barry knew barry if 11 street going to the bio monthly club meeting so very active so we had very good communication we sent him some recommended conditions which he seemed so have no problems the conditions i'm sewer you have front of the you pretty much the management manager on premise and the sound like coming from promoter and events and such like i said we approve with those conditions. >> great. >> any questions about the conditions? seem like any pickup come on up >>
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