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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2015 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT

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thousand to 32 hundred those are people to as designated employees preliminary hearings that have to file a form 7 hundred for real property interests income, investments and those currently are being filed with their departments those employees vice presidents so they're filled with their department and kept 23 in a file there so earlier this year the commission that had put in the work plan to expand our electronic filing retirements that currently applied to members and boards and departments heads people fill electronically their statements are posted online with certain information redictated to expand to all filers within the city so
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staff went about crafting regulations to that effect. there are 5 regulations the first essentially requires filing of the statements electronically second requires provides for a waiver for folks that want to file on paper for compelling circumstances and the next posting online of the information as well as a potential waiver request to take down compelling circumstances and redaction of certain information and a penalty provision so if folks don't file electronically when they're supposed to be filed electronically this commission could enforce that so staff drachtd a this and kuktdz outreach of the registers before you in the memo k34ukd outreach
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that xftd of interested persons meeting we got feedback we summarized in the one of the attachments but we also had a meet and discuss with we asked for a meet and discuss with union representatives who represent a number of those completed who would foil and had a meet and discuss and at that meeting there were concerns raised about sort of the privacy interests of the city employees they folks are here and they'll say it better than me but the concern there are a number of folks not to be filing in the first place and a difference between those folks having their forms 7 hundred in file somewhere and posting that online so people can search it it so after that meeting there were further concerns raised and
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requests for a for tomorrowal request a meet and confer we move this from an action to a discussion item staffs hope that feedback can be received from the public the commission can talk about it and the commission can give instead of direction in terms of whether they generally like the proposal or things they don't like so we can, in fact, meet with the union representatives who were interested knowing generally where the tension is coming from rather than having staffs idea so that's why we put to an here and you know i want specific questions the one thing we're interested in the commissions
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position on the posting online of these statements redaction of the information and also the potential compelling reasons why folks will not have to have their forms 7 hundred filed online >> let me ask you a question. >> what is the basis for the present policy of having some of the forms 7 hundred filed with the noifgs and some filed in the various departments. >> howed did it breakdown come about. >> well honestly i'm not sure the fact that's normally when you have vice president filers low level fielders in most
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jurisdictions again file with their department people know where to go and those rules were before electronic filing so people know where to go if somebody like me. >> i'm curious about some determination was made somewhere that elected officials and commissioners and things like that should file with the noifgs that rather than the board of supervisors filing with any other commission filing their own at the question what was the basis for the breakdown of saying you've got to go to the ethics commission at san bruno levels but other city employees it is already file with the various department. >> commissioners this process was in playing place before i
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got here i don't know what the decision makers were thinking. >> no statutory language it commissioners have to file with the noifgs or the board of supervisors for or the city attorney's has to file with. >> there's two tersely of filling off tier one with the noifgs and tier 2 people or decision-makers and it's a city ordinance. so your taushg u talking about with those regulations to bring tier two to have the same requirements ace tier one
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>> in essence that's correct they'll still the departmental filing officer will be responsible for surrounding them up and informing them of their obligations but the system will allow to basically be stakeholder so people can store it in one place. >> as i understand even for tier two the public documents the forms 7 hundred that are filed by tier 2 employees are public documents that some member of the public can say please provide me with a hardcopy or i can review of form 7 hundred. >> that's correct also even with respect to your form 7 hundred to the ones filed now although online certain information basically address information is reredictated if someone comes to our office
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we'll give them that form in the unredacted form. >> the other questions or comments commissioner vice president andrews. >> sir along the same lines i want to hear a little bit more about what is generally redacted we'll lead that to a fuller discussion and the most commonly redacted and seems like there's also a determination on for those who are tier one or two some have constraint and some don't i want to find out in terms of the balance and why it wouldn't have been easy for everyone to have the ethics train your for in terms of the redaction we redact what is proposed that is the phone
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number information e-mail address information address information, other than on real property interests where you have to know where it is to appreciate it and then also the names of the source of rental income so the idea being you know if someone rents from a public official that person didn't necessarily know has no expectation hair name will be on form 7 hundred from the information you request it we'll give you you it is not something you can search online those are the default redaction's the f p pc does this they have forms 7 hundred and redact the phone number and other information they don't go as far as the sources of income
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rental income but address information, phone number and e-mail around the ethics training. >> so the ethics train is required by the state and the state mandate the training for department heads and all elected officials. >> correct. >> so in the proposed does it contemplate it will be a recommendation for those who are moving if tier one to two have ethics training. >> i can respond to the training question as the director mentioned for certain city officials they're required to flow go ethics training to a lot of people not on the top chart note a lot of
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them are required to have go ethics training. as a practical matter the ethics commission get i think dated with questions a that's what we're here for i know i personally and i'm sure the colleagues at the ethics commission we're happy to meet with anyone to talk about ethics issues i get asked that frequently i'm sure you guys do but especially the regulation is something we can work on >> the other thing to follow up is that staff even though this is not in the regulation certainly the reason we had proposed this for consideration now is to ramp up sort of our outreach efforts so we were talking with the filing officers getting out there telling people about the online filing because the filing really is
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triggered april 1st next year we want to start in august to start with this outreach effort i mean it will still be polk but mower our condensed if we do it later on. >> my comment it falls terms of staff to make sure we're going to hold folks be transparent and the folks the training is needed so they'll not find themselves running afoul of any requirements. >> i take it if we're talking about 3 thousand employees expansion of the ethics training the tremendous burden on the staff would be - >> well, i think the thing to be clear about all of those employees are file and they are obligated to file
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the change we're proposing observing will they'll do it electronically and part of the process as andrew said we'd be happy and pat talked about the outreach efforts and happy to talk to people we rely on the filing officers so an extent they're the one side that do the talking but a lot of times directly to the filers but certainly we have thought of the calendar in terms of felt outreach to be most effective. >> my last follow-up to my follow-up i may have miss heard during public comment it felt like the attention would be an argument as placing devils advocate for those who are not aware of in terms of 6 their responsibilities in their defense feel they didn't receive
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the proper training are proper training is not available to them in essence was kind of doing the round about somehow address that cut that off quickly i know there is more discussion to be had. >> thank you thank you. >> commissioner hur. >> if by the decide to have affordable health care automatic redaction for this is there a mechanism by which someone that wants the information and provides a compelling basis for getting that information. >> certainly the redaction will occur on anything that but if somebody were to come to our office and say i want the unredacted version that version will be given to them. >> okay. so then if for
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example the employee who information is redacted online but information is requested in person has a belief that that purpose was for harassment or suffered harassment as a result what happens. >> so there's another procedure we put in there so the extent some place didn't want their form 7 hundred posted or water department it taken down their they'll submit a request to the director and have compelling reason. >> i understand if it is offended on o posted o'ly thought that was in the instance where things are not redacted and required would require compelling reasons to redact. >> certainly you can choice one or the other but for instance someone has to list the name of
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the employer of his or her spouse and somebody is worried that a person that is upset with them say going to go to his or her spouses work and you know - it's not a huge company but a law enforcement officer law firm easy to assess the information or someone owns property and they're worried their property has been defaced in the past and they're worried i know like a store the name is readily identifiable names are not redacted for the normal process but if somebody said hey look i'm worried those calls to my business we will then if it is compelling the request could be granted that then granting will have to be recorded to the
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commission as - >> that person though can go to the get the paper copy from the unredacted. >> yeah. that's true that's true i think the concept is that somebody sitting at home - i mean its a dressing degree in terms of people searching that information you're correct that hazarder could request that information and the difference we'll not post it online so they could do it where they work. >> but if they came to you - well putting aside the noifths where they're being filed but preservation being filed with the department head tier two people and someone comes to the
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difficult head and wants to see the file by john doe he's got to produce it. >> that's correct and can we redact any part of it. >> no and so if the - does the fossil fuel employee get advised someone asked to see is it. >> no form required they maybe told. >> not on the ethics commission i have if someone came to get a copy. >> that's correct. >> i'll tackle public comment on this subject. >> patrick shaw i see ms. wriths comments are once again amazing me she claims two issues a lack of
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training for the tier work two employees and sensitivity to their privacy because they've filed at the department the members of the public can place recordings requests to on them they're typically provided as electronic pdr attachment and the complaints about privacy is muted her concern about lack of ethics training is nuns nuance to only file form 7 hundred electronically didn't go far enough tier 2 designated should be required to buy no be ethics train in the ended requiring both may well reduce both
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sunshine complaints and the number of retaliatory wrongful termentsz they need to be trained they can do the training in the comfort of their offends on line like the department heads do training is set up on and on online and the department heads take the training and civil right those in the confront of their own offends. >> i'm aware that some city departments have tipping not required the contractors where identified in the governing ordinance to smith form 2 hundred despite the ordinance in essence to the commissions roll that the contractor were identified by position in that ordinances are required to file
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requiring on the tier two filers to do this online but not the contractors also didn't go far enough you need to send this back and have the staff give it up. >> thank you any other public comment? >> thank you, commissioners my name is jean i'm an airport commission employee a form 7 hundred filer for 33 years and the departments filing officer for this same amount of time in the last two years i've provided workshops for all the new filers and any older filer who's status changes maybe marriage or job constitutes you've provided that i'd like to speak i want to say
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that while i'm an airport apply i'm not speaking on behalf of the airport i'm speaking as a filer and my experience my big concern as mentioned the inintended consequences specifically tenants of an employee tenants when a tenant signs a lease that tenant has indeed they'll be signing away their right to privacy and tenants like anyone else in the world some tenants are many people have a reason for living maybe slightly under the rad oar and those reasons could be their 12k3wi7b8 i indulging private people and maybe escaped an abusive partner or no expectation on the part of the tenants their policy will be invaded in that way and not for
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me to question anyone's desire for privacy more their right to it i'll say simply i'll say that there's a way to address this issue and that is to simply have filers file their cover sheet that clearly identifies what schedule my the if i recall as provided and anyone going on your website can identify that and call me or my person identified as the filing officer and provide that information but the point is that any, any tenant is not you can't google that name and find out where they live this information goes up on the website that will heap you can google my name find out
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i'm an employee 83 of the city and county of san francisco of the airport that's the difference but not it is no longer public and one person is seeing it as opposed to to the world. >> why wouldn't redaction take care of your problem. >> redaction could a take care of your problem that is fine if you just filled the form then you're also not having the issue of the spouses for personal and private information up on a website and there's some of those things you can't control put the cover page up you've got it. >> thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> thank you hello, again rebecca ryan with the association i've mentioned the
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training issue i meant to mention the issuing of fines that wretches of the requirement and importance of people getting the information to do it correctly i want to talk about the list of employers that are designate filers if you go to the government code section online you'll see department by department who those designated filers are you tell you there is no analysis or rhythm or reason for the current listing the designated filers in some cases it simply says manage 0 one introduce 7 and in cases i've found an interim a receptionist an larger than from my prospective if we are talking about expanding access to that information we need a
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conversation about who appropriate filers are how they're identified and the criteria that requires someone to be a filer i think the thing we all understand in the and the language in the ordinance is very clear about who are required filers i think people understand what their department heads or effected officials the screen that is put over them in terms of transparency is elevated i don't believe that many of the people who would, impacted by this particular change at least as the lions share are structured and they're simply submitted by the departments i don't believe those people have any idea they can could be subject to scrutiny and no liability reason for them to be
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- scrutinized in this way it is a k34r5ik9d issue but requires also some analysis and object activity at the departmental level who are appropriate designated filers regardless of where they're going to file thank you. >> may i ask you a question that's a concern how is the decision made who files the form 7 hundred and because the purpose of the form 7 hundred to advise the public so the public can find out if there are conflicts those kinds of transparent well, once a department says manage level one or two must file it is difficult to understand how we can say but they don't have the same
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requirements of something else filing the 7 hundred i've - i agree with you may be what needs to be looked at are the appropriate people being required because those of us who file them know they are very intrusive and i agree many mid-level employees maybe no reason why they need that because you're not considering them to have conflict issues. >> you thought mined correct me if i am wrong subject matter experts i thought that meant potential influence that intersected with conflict; right? so if i had the ability impact something that i had i was somehow a lot on frngs for example, for a receptionist for example i might not answer the
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phone number phone call because i don't like the person because they're my neighbor or whatever i don't understand what possible reason there could be and the thing about any classification of the people in the city they don't you'll kinds of things many of which don't have that policy or decision making authority i think that is part of the problem the department probably error on the side over some departments may error on the side of over listing to avoid a missing something it didn't come to mondays attendance i don't think until you talk about something that expand educatess dramatically as this does. >> thank you. >> thank you.
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>> good evening, commissioners i'm alex thompson a representative with local 21 we represent over 4 thousand employees at the city and county of san francisco many are part of that tier two fielders we openly respect rebecca's concerns about the problems because of this i want to highlight one thing as an example we represent the housing inspectors at the city and county of san francisco an important job we understand someone might have to file a form 7 hundred in case they were told to inspect one of our properties when information is online it is easily seasonal the potential of having someone retaliate against that inspector for an inspection and tell the