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tv   [untitled]    July 8, 2015 3:30am-4:01am PDT

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evidence based programs and this program is offered in 14 different locations throughout the city. [inaudible] day service [inaudible] is our lead agency to help coordinate the services with the partners which they have agreements with. also included in this grant agreement is funding to continue the pilot program for [inaudible] diabetes self management program. we had approvered that this curnt fiscal year and this is clinical model in the community based environment. the serviced to be provided is to serve a total of 850 people unduplicated consumers with total of 1776 classes. this
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include the healthy motion class and fall prevention class which is target for more at risk seniors. and then also includes 600 hours individual consultation for the consumers. for the diabetes self management program, it will train 2 additional trainers if needed. they will provide 4 work shops. these are 6 week workshops led my instructors who are certificated and the goal is to have 40 participants and 26 graduated from the workshops and they attend 4 out of the 6 sessions. the classerize 2 and a half hours long and the objective is to have the consumers at least 85
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percent of them will be certify satisfied with the delivery from staff and volunteer and at least 28 percent will maintain or improve fitness level. also with at least 65 percent of the participants will be able to reduce risk if fall in fall prevention questions. >> any comment or questions from the commission? commissioner sims >> i didn't realize there were 16 different locations-14 locations. side question, is it difficult to attach the side chart to the proposal with multiple sites? >> we can offer that as nrfckz. we don't include it as part of the contract because site
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changes in terms of staff may change and it is more involved in terms of the contract modification process. that is the reason we don't include the details of the site chart but can offer that as supplemental but it is not a normal part of the contract paperwork >> in this case we may have a site that class at aquatic park once a year and never again. it can move around and change and so the information wouldn't be-- >> the real question it begs is the allocation of staff time with so many locations, where is the weight of these treading programs? it is with program assistant or health and fitness manager? >> the majority of the budget pays for a part time
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coordinator at 3 different agencies, so [inaudible] there is staff to do that and for example, if you look at the page 2 of appendix b >> appendix b? >> yes, 2nd to the left. page 2 shows you the staffing, so you know they do have a manager to basically oversee all the different sites and manage and provide technical assistance to subcontractors. they subcontract with san francisco senior center, the aquatic park site and also with university of san francisco. they have subcontract with that. so,
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this health fitness manager oversees the entire program and coordinate with all the subcontractors. they have a regional coordinator that is also providing classes, the instruction, fill in as substitutes if there is someone that is out sick. they do utilize trained volunteers and provide stipends for that to connect these class jz also have program assistance to administer and help provide a lot of the-complete a lot of the paperwork requirement jz intake enrollment and consalitation. the page 3 of the budget shows you other operating expenses including subcontract with san francisco
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senior center and university of san francisco. the majority of the budget covers a part time coordinator to coordinate that part of the neighborhood. they decided the city into 3 sections and so each coordinator helps to coordinate the classes in those neighborhoods so it is a little more manageable >> thank you >> commissioner loo >> linda this is a one year contract only, is that right? >> correct because it is extension of the contract so it becomes a forth year. we anticipate-based on the contract requirements we need to do a open rsp for the next cycle. >> thank you >> any other comment or questions? >> i have a question. in your 60 years is that a stiff policy
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because diabetics start early. is there flexibility if you have someone below 60? >> the target population is not that ridged, so under 60 is welcome if they have diabetes >> comments or questions? comnlts or questions from the public? hearing none, all in favor? opposed? thank you the motion carries >> thank you >> okay item 9 on the agenda, announcements? hearing none. item 10 >> my name is ester [inaudible] from api legal outreach lt i want to thank you for approving the budget and recognize the amazing and dedicated staff that the department hired especially like maria and
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deniece. i too am a former city employee with department of human resources and arport and understand what it takes to do good work in the city that reflects the need of the community in a way that is understood to be inclusive responsive and done with a lot of integ rety at this time when it city is plagued with political connection. it is important that the department and commission understand and make it your service accessible to the most [inaudible] communities otherwise not available it them. the segment i really appreciate so many comments you make. it makes us how to understand how to dig do epier and farther and true to our mission. i want to thank ann and the staff for recognizing that non profit
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sectors really matters in the city and the state skn in the world. this year marks our 40 anniversary. we couldn't get this far without the support of dos. the older american and everything else and you help grow our community and do our work well and help me [inaudible] why i become a public servant whether it is non profit or civil work. when i say partnership i look to the city employees, the department heads to really advocate for that. commissioner i know you do your work you need the you need to and listen and keep eyes and earsope squn look at your documents and that is your leadership and your policy that i really appreciate and just to truly understand for non profit now a days is very difficult given all the challenges for
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workers in human investments. we donot have the benefit of a union. we do not have the benefit of a pension. our employees age out with a lot of some of the disparities and i continue to ask for that recognition. >> thank you very much >> motion to adjourn? >> i have to go if this is public comnlt or announcement. i just want to say i would like to adjourn the meeting on behalf of the deaths that was done in the church, the 9 victims and i just like to say that 3 of the victims were members of my sorority, delta sigma [inaudible] so i would like to close the meeting in their memory and all of the
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victims of that [inaudible] >> thank you, the meeting is adjourned. thank you very much edna. úx
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>> 7 and a half million renovation is part of the clean and safe neighbor's park fund which was on the ballot four years ago and look at how that public investment has transformed our neighborhood. >> the playground is unique in that it serves a number of age groups, unlike many of the other properties, it serves small children with the children's play grounds and clubhouses that has basketball courts, it has an outdoor soccer field and so there were a lot of people that came to the table that had their wish list and we did our best to make sure that we kind of divided up spaces and made sure that we kept the old features of the playground but we were able to enhance all of those features.
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>> the playground and the soccer field and the tennis fields and it is such a key part of this neighborhood. >> we want kids to be here. we want families to be here and we want people to have athletic opportunities. >> we are given a real responsibility to insure that the public's money is used appropriately and that something really special comes of these projects. we generally have about an opportunity every 50 years to redo these spaces. and it is really really rewarding to see children and families benefit, you know, from the change of culture, at
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each one of these properties >> and as a result of, what you see behind us, more kids are playing on our soccer fields than ever before. we have more girls playing sports than we have ever had before. [ applause ] fp >> and we are sending a strong message that san francisco families are welcome and we want you to stay. >> this park is open. ♪
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>> good afternoon. i like to call a meeting of the public utilities commission to order. today is june 23 and currently please have the role called >> commissioner courtney, commissioner moran, mission or kwon emma and pres. -- is excused it in >> thank you. please. shift of item 3 the approval of the minutes of the approval of the minutes of june 9, 2015. shift it is there a motion to approve the minutes? shift of moved and seconded. >> comments on the minutes? hearing none, hearing none all those in favor say, aye.