tv [untitled] July 9, 2015 11:00am-11:31am PDT
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is alisa samary and todays meeting is broadcasts by sfgtv staff >> please silence all cell phone squz electronic devices. [inaudible] submit today the clerk. [inaudible] will appear on the july 21, board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. item 1 is hearing to consider the quarter ly report of the celter monitoring committee >> would like to welcome members of the shelter monitoring committee to give us the report >> nick the chair of the [inaudible] shelter monitoring committee. in front of us is the quarterly report. this is back from july of 2014 so it is a fairly far behind time.
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[inaudible] the reason is behind we didn't have a lot of committee members at the time, we couldn't voted to approve the quarterly report so that is why it is far behind. we are now catching up. in termoffs the numbers on page 4 and as it ilsfraits in the summary we were far behind at that time where we performed 58 percent of the site visits. however, at this time since we now have a pretty much a full committee accept for 2 seats and have 2 staff we caught up and we are pretty much over 100 percent for the current quarter so we are on track to be fulfilling our duties in respect to site visits for the shelters. the information like i said is [inaudible] if anyone has questions on the report. i will give one update the rules
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committee requested back when we were here last time. >> basically we should have gichben you a copy of this. it looks like a [inaudible] when we were here i believe supervisor campos asked us to do because we have a-we have been working on giving out tokens or seeing what the issues were with clients not receiving tokens so we are trying to find out why they are getting them and if not [inaudible] the token survey is a little bit short of what we have now. we have a couple more included than this buzz at of 6-11 these tr the numbers. we did [inaudible] throughout the shelter. mainlly what you see is a lot of people don't know they have tokens at the shelter so that is a problem for people getting them is they don't have the knowledge they are actually there and then a lot of people when they are given tokens or ask for tokens it seems like more people said
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they had not been-a policy hadn't been explained. a policy is they give out tokens for medical appointments and housing appointments and things someone may need to go to. people are so far from we can see they are not aware that the tokens are there. it was helpful we did this. we are continuing to do so and will in till september. this is just information for you. like i said we are just presenting this in the legislation to come here every quarter >> thank you. who is eligible for the tokens? >> it is technically everyone at the shelter if they have a medical appointment or going to employment or housing or case management they are elgigible to get them >> if the survey report is from july first of last year to the
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end of last year >> [inaudible] >> the quarterly report is from july last year to december 2014. the tokens, it started in probably when we came here in march and started around april >> so for-has fl been work on collecting data frathe new quaurltly report? >> yes it is included in the next quarterly report and hope to present that around august to your committee. we'll also have a policy subcommittee >> i will be on resess in august so if we can have it scheduled for september and if you want to come in septwe'll talk about this report and want you to share high level highlights but if you can give us a sense of any differences between what the system reported is what is presented
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in december that will be great >> ya >> before-another question-my next question is a high level take away is from your last quarterly report. you have 2 staff you said now >> yes >> how will staffing change from-- >> we have drop in hours for clients to come in and make complaints about shelter conditions so when we had one staff-first there was casey and jeff and they worked on compiling reports and complaints and working with clients and drop in so for 1 person it is a lot of duty. now we have 2, one is a policy analyst who is main purpose or one of the primary purposes is make the reports and compile the data and help with the token surveys and information request and the other worker works with clients and does training in the shelter. >> [inaudible] >> they are both dph staff
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>> if you can just talk about high level take aways from the last quarterly report and what it says in terms of twends and how sheltererize meeting the requirements that they operate under >> in this report and think the trends are similar to the pest ones. again, the-typically we generate a lot of complaints when we go to shelters and find they are missing something like towels or sheets so a lot of the complaints in this quarterly report in front of you will have less complaints because we were not able to go out and do so many site visits because we didn't have np committee members to do so. that is something we'll see in the future report is more data around what we see when we go out >> there is one vacancy now? >> there is 2. [inaudible] if
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anyone can help get that filled that would be great and there is one committee member that left-there is 2 vacancies >> maybe there is a way that we can get [inaudible] so in september when you come back we can review the seats at that time >> it is probably a rules seat, yes because the woman who left was appointed by rules. [inaudible] the one skity is the mayor and one is rules appointment so we have to find someone for that. it has to be someone with a family who is homeless so that is why it is difficult >> you feel because we didn't have the robest level of committee members necessary to do the assessments our
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assessments are not as accurate as they would be >> i think quantly of reports [inaudible] complaints there is less in this one than in the past but like-this is old data from july-december so lots of things have changed in terms of the committee so the next reports-we'll probably change the format so they'll be different for sure with different data. >> i have another question. what are some of the worst things that-worst complaints you get from shelter s and how we meet the closing of the complaints >> the number one complaint every month and every quarter is clients feel they are being treated unfairly or disrespected by staffer or client so they come to us as a
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outside agency and that is consistent since i have been on the committee the last 2 years. the standard of care is the clients want to be treated fairly. there is a lot of factors in my mind that lead to that and training is a main one but there are a lot of other things such as 100 to 1 on the floor at night. it is difficult to de-escalate. >> how are issues on supply? >> we enforce the standards of care under the legislation but it is unfunded mandate so we require shelter tooz have sheets bedding towels soap, hand sanitizer-they get funding from the city but not for the standards of care, they get it for the typical budget >> when you say there is a
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ordinance saying there is a standard of care but not corresponding level of budgeting to cover that? >> correct. >> okay. and then in your monitoring do you look at capacity and people turned away? is that- >> that is a good question. we do have-we are suppose today do a turn away report. it isn't in our legislation but we looked at how many are going from beds and how many are turned away from getting beds. we haven't done that in a year. last month was higher than typical, average 58 shelter beds we have in the system so like there are 1190 beds but 58 are typically empty on a night >> it is good to see a report on that in septand if you can
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at that time report on if there is any skew of where the vacancy are. if it is across the whole system, if it is in a certain area, that is important to point out squand what you might think are the causes >> we have a policy subcommittee established and that is one of our main agenda items because it is important to a lot of knhity members to fill had vacant beds because it is travty we have 60 vacant beds at night >> thank you. supervisor tank >> i look forward work wg your committee and yourself. i know we'll have a meeting later this month mainly around potential victims of domestic violence who may need to access shelters in a shorter time frame and not be kicked out from housing or
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temporary shelter so i look forward work wg you on that. hopefully the next time you come around weal have updates >> yes, that is part of the subcommittee. [inaudible] it should be helpful. >> another question and then we'll go to public comment. any member who would like to comment. >> housing [inaudible] the gentlemen should guarantee [inaudible] human rights for shelter and housing. [inaudible] domestic violence [inaudible]
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>> okay any other member of the public who would like tocomment, please come forward. >> i'm scott walter representing joint [inaudible] hsa and normally we make comment and also offer our sevl tooz answer questions about thesis reports. one thing i do want to say that is that the committee does provide us individual complaints in a timely fashion so this report is very delayed, complaints go directly to the shelter squz there is a whole communication process of back and forth to
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help make sure the complaints can be addressed in a timely fashion. i also just want to make sure you are aware that since the last presentation to your committee, we have had some expansion of the shelter system rchlt we were able to take the womens winter shelter operating just during the winter months and if ask extended year round so we have nurt additional beds. and also there was a lot of press around this, but last month we were able to finally open the 24 bedset aside to target the lgbt community which which is a expansion at deloris street. we thank the city for funding support. when we talk about a unfunded mandate there is some funding but the shelter budgets were not expanded to fully cover everything. just 2
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examples on tokens we pay full price for tokens we distribute and have a allotment each month and those go out which is a reason we have a policy about targeting those tokens to specific purposes which nick [inaudible] did cover. rathder than just giving tokens to everybody but we make sure clients are aware of life line, reduce cost or if they are eligible for transportation via the other benefit programs such as county adult system programs we make sure they link up that way and funded a shelter system which provides transportation between the reserveivation sites and the shelter in the morning and evening. it doesn't cover on demand. sheets are mentioned, we have short term shelters open late at night and close in the
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morning because we utilize spaces that during the day are something else and the way we provide clean lynnens and provide multiple blankets which are provided and laundered every day, but the standard of care, sheets so the committee does due diligence and rights it up. we don't have the ability to fund sheets and blanket service so that is sth way we try to kaess this things. i'm pleased the committee meets with dph and human services meets with the committee roughly quarterly just to try to explore these details in a more productive way. but i wanted to make sure you werea weir individual complaints were reported in a timely fashion and there is a response mechanism which doesn't come out in the reports when you see them >> there are 2 departments in dph- >> hsa is the entity that funds
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the shelter system including resource centers and adult and family shelters. dph is the funder of the staff position for the shelter monitoring commit jealso fund [inaudible] such as behavioral health roving and case management and adult shelter system so it is joint partnership. the primary funding is from dph >> what do you see is possible to help streg strengthen the understanding of what is needed to provide sufficient level of funding for the different services in the shelters? probably case management and mental health may be associated as well. >> when you mention case management and those kinds of services that isn't part of the standard of care t is always a concern. dph has expabded the
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nurses they made available to work in the shelter system and that made a big difference. we try to reduce the emergency calls and treat people at the lowest thresh hold and early as possible. in terms of case management, our shelter system doesn't have a case management outside of dph and some shelters when they open at 9 in the evening and close enthe morning case management submit something we can utilize because we try to offer full 8 hours of sleeping and access to meals and bathroom facilities so we haven't done a specific studee of what is needed mpt i think it is a combination and not assume all services are ichb the shelter. i think more will be learned in the navigation center which is looking at new models of how to address peoples needs. we have work to do there. on the
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tokens issue-- >> on the work looking at how to put real meat behind standard of care in the budget it is great if next time you can discuss and provide us with a menu of how we might be able to-where are the gaps in meeting the standard of care and what mechanism do we sneed dethat? each year we apruchb the budget but if we approach the budget process knowing what that menu is it will help to meet that target >> with the launch of the legislation that is something we did at the beginning so we can go back and explore the cost and training and filling behind so the shelters continue to operate while people are in training. tokens because of the number oaf people we have-if we gave everyone a token the allotment would be gone in a way of what we are
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currently funded to provide. we can look at some of those things. i don't know if quickly we can have all sth answers but we can begin to answer the question and revisit the shelter providers >> that is great for the next shelter monitoring report. any other member of the public would like to comment? you already commented. thank you very much. we heard you loud and clear. with that we'll close public comment and this is just a hearing. we have live item before us? if is just a hearing do we agree to continue this to call of the chair? >> make a motion to continue call of the chair >> supervisor cohen and take that without objection. okay, next item please >> item number 2 is hearing to answer appointing one member
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term ending jan 21, 2018 to the mental health board. there is one sheet and 3 applicants >> we have 1 seat and 3 applicants. we heard from mr. [inaudible] i'm not sure if mrs. gomes is here, but toni parks is up first. toni parks? here we are. >> i have 3 minutes now? >> yes >> thank you for seeing me today. my name is fony parks. i'm a long term resident of san francisco and i love it here and that is why i want this position. i want to give back to the city that has given so much to me. i moved here in 1974. one of the migration of
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gay people here and it has been wonderful the whole time. i spent most of my life as a health care worker. you name the orgz i probably worked there. what i would like to point out of that is that i worked for the sheriffs department in the jails here giving a health education class in the womens jail and also doing hiv testing. so i am familiar with prisoners when we get release jd the services connected with that and that is a special interest. i'm here because of-i have now a different life. i'm livering in a board and care [inaudible] so i'm now a consumer orphmental health services. a few yoours ago i fsh evicted from my apartment of 25 years
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and found myself homeless. i lucked out big time and landed where i am now and that is why i want to be on this board. i feel like i know about issues of being the provider and being the consumer and so knowing the city very well and having many opinions but what should be done i would like to serve on this board. >> thank you very much. and so have you astended any of the mental health board meetings? >> yes, the last year >> what do you see is the largest accomplishment of the mental health board as far as approach to people with- >> very impressed with the connections with the sheriffs department and how mental hemth board is connecting the services with that. i am also
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pretty more impressed about the overall structure of the health department. also, i know they need hear the voices of people like me. >> colleagues do you have questions? thank you mrs. parks >> thank you >> is mrs. gomes here? i didn't get a conformation if she will be here. seeing not. the third applicant, mr. porfido isn't going to be here either so we can open the item up to public comment. any members of the public like to comment? >> i have spent 21 years in county jail prison. [inaudible] i have been in prison for 21 long years and
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came out to mental health system [inaudible] >> thank you very much. seeing no other members-please come forward. >> hi. thank you supervisors for putting this ajundsa on the item. we have done well with quaurm but it is good to have full of membership as we can. i'm huleana brook executive director of the board and say toni has been coming to meeting for literally the past year. she mized fewer meetings than some thof board member jz always makes very appropriate
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comments after public comment for different issues and such so i just wanted to put that word in about toni. ue gene has also been coming to meetings quite regularly and i don't know the third candidate but it is tough decision but i encourage you to make one so we can continue to have a quaurm. thank you >> mrs. burkes i have a couple questions. in the last couple years i known you you did a lot of good work. i'm curious to know, one thing i know is there seems to be a consistent struggle for quaurm. is there something we can do to help you meet your quaurm? are we not selecting the persons with the commitment? is it-i'm just trying to understand better how i can help you >> we haven't had a consistent struggle. we went flow a period where we were down. we have a total membership of 17 members, which
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