tv [untitled] July 10, 2015 6:00am-6:31am PDT
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doesn't cover all the things that impact quality of life in our neighborhoods. in the technology capital of the #ur78d world in san francisco i believe our residence should have advanced access to decision squz projects impacts their neighborhood. that is why i nrtd deuce the neighborhoods notification act that create the first dijtageed notification system which is one stop shop on line for any city resident that wants to be informed about their neighborhood. we'll bring access to san franciscos most important decisions and projects. we'll also save significant resources to allow residence to be noiched by electronic means or opt out of receiving mail notice. this will be in addition to rather than in place of city requirements to insure those
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that don't have access to e-mail or internet still rev notification. it will be created and maintained by 311. the centralized notification system will cover projects and decision in the areas of construction and infrastructure repair public health and safety service, the environment and transportation. it also will be created in 2 phases, the first phase of the system is the creation of the website where member thofz public can find information on city projects in each district. the target date for creation of the website is 6 months from the adoption of the ordinance. the second phase the city sends by e-mail or other electronic means on a periodic bases information regarding project squz permitting decisions to members of the public to sign frup the service. the target date for creation of the centralized notification service is 12 months from the
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date of the ordinance passing. the legislation requires city departments will work with 311 to provide the nrfckz and needed data formats on a regular schedule so we can upidate the system over time. i want to thank all the city departments who worked with my office over the past 6-9 months to work on the legislation and talk about what datea they are require today bring forward, what changes they need to bring to their internal pacts and all getting on board with this process. more z more here in san francisco residence demand government services become vairbl to modern means. with the passage of this ledgeilation and creation of neighborhoods notification system we'll knock down silos between the departments and make the city government more
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efficient and more readally access to the public. we spent sigiant number of months discussing this with city departments so wree able to earn their buy in which i believe is critical for reliability and sustainability of the system. i thank you the city departments that works with my office on this, in particular nancy [inaudible] with 311. deputy city administrator jenny johnson and kelly [inaudible] and all the others who have gone in making this introduction today. the rest i submit >> thank you sfr supervisor farrell. supervisor kim >> thank you. since introducing the housing balance ordinance last april of 2015 of which we discussed much thoferb last month in the board, challenging the sate to meet a housing goal of building uracquire at threes 30 percent
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of affordable housing and negotiations that occurred the outcome was memorialized in proposition k asking the city to achieve 33 percent affordable housing and 5 opercent [inaudible] one of the outcomes of the paimsh is the passage of the housing balance count. amending the planning code and monitor and report on the between new market rate housejug new affordable housing. in order to achieve our goals, the city should collect data on what we are building and how-as well as how much housing we are losing. this ord nrns was passed unanimous by the board in april of 2015. through had hard work of information analysis group and in particular theresa oheada our office received the first housing balance court
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this week countsing new affordable and market rate production from 2004-2015 as well as loss of rent control units. the dta was broken down by district as well as city wide. today i'm introducing a hearing request than the planning department present these find toogz a board committee. we will have a full hearing later this month it is important to share the highlights of the report we got to read this week. first the city wide housing balance over the last 10 years was 18 percent. some of the front line neighborhood facing gend fiication and displacement served poorly or moderately at best. the mission built 3 percent of affordable housing. china town and down town built 6 percent. the castro, 12 percent. the south of market, 23 percent. one of the main
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factor seen in the report of poor housing or in the case of 5 district that had a negative housing balance account of the last 10 years is a large number of housing unit being lost because they are taken out of rent control. within example district 4 reported a loss of rent controlled unit at 867 percent. new fault eviction jz loss of rent control housing has been significant in all district across the city. district 8 had the most evictions, 844 units lost over the last 10 years. district 9, 688 evictions. district 6, 641 evections and in district 5 western addition and height, [inaudible] immediate action if
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we plan to build the minimum affordable housing. that means securing more site for affordable housing. addressing both of these needs are on the balt for 2015. both the affordable housing and surplus public land measure that the office introduce would the support of supervisor avalos, campos and mar. the data also shows that the eviction crisis and resulting loss of rent controlled units is a tremendous handy cap in meeting the affordable housing goals. every district across the sitdy had hundreds of house holds displaced ovthe past 10 years in some case the rate of the loss of housing exceeded the amount of affordable housing produced. this demonstrates more tools but also protect our
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existing housing staff and residence from displacement. 5 measures on the queue to do that very thing. one is surplus public land balt measure that insures affords housing is the priority for publicly owned [inaudible] for our own development and sale. 2, the tenet protection legislation which will strengthen protection for tenet facing eviction threats. third the housing stabilization trust ordinance to establish a comprehensive housing acquisition following the mandate of proposition k that focus on neighborhoodss with high rates of eviction. the affordable housing bond measure provides low and moderal housing, 3 times this was put forward in 1996 which was then at 100 million dollars. so we
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have many measures before us but i think this report will give us some pause in terms of what more the board and city needs do to insure our we hit our goals. i look forward to the discussion and this hearing at board committee this month. second, i am also introducing interim controls for the transbay-sorry i'm pulling up my notes-if i can be rereferred for my next item. >> supervisor mar >> the first i call for a porent hearing regarding public health in the city. it has come to my attention that new fast food chain restaurants
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such as star bucks, bed bath beyond, talkoy bell are requesting liquor licenses to sell call in san francisco. i think it is unprecedented that we see this trend and other cities are as well and introduce a hearing inexamine how granting new liquor license to non traditional retailers will effect communities around us. i want to thank sfr supervisor yee and cohen. the community health public coalition shares concerns there may be a flood gate of application from fast food chains, coffee retailer squz big box stores soon because many of the retailers business models are predicated on fast food and high customer volumes. i'm concerned we may see a increase in underaged drinkers or under age alcohol drinking
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and the city may need to monitor what people do after taking alcohol out of stores. we should ask if the new requests for licenses are sought in places that are plagued with take out alcohol outlets. large corporations like those have implemented a strategy in cities across the nation. star bucks is selling alcohol in washington dc atlanta, seattle, i feel san francisco may have strong concerns about the trend. star bucks is targeting kids with cotton candy frap chinos. taco bell for example has a pending liquor license to shell slushy
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alcohol [inaudible] that is a concern och mine. also one communey actsivist who is a law enforcement activist questioned bed bath and beyond, do we need to see a bed bath and boos chain in san francisco. worst of all i'm concerned about the harm to the small local business. it may tip to the larblg chains and corpt profit margin will rise at the expense of small local rez raunts, cafys and boutiques that define theue unique character of san francisco. also, i wanted to thank cosponsor president breed and supervisor avalos for working with my office and a committee for many months now,
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actually over a year now introducing a resolution addressing formula retailer chain store subsidiaries. it is a simple and elgchbts solution to address the problem of the neighborhood space when a particular chain store that owns subsidiaries enter commercial corridors without input. i think people remember a few years ago jack spade tried to go into vulensia street. there was a vigorous community debate and the store didn't open. the hard work of the legislation was formialated through a series of meetings that including neighborhood residence, small business owners, representative of chamber of comsqunts the planning staff and nick pellaglotto from my staff. our ordinance will change the
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definition of what constitutes a chain business to dmclude all 3 of the farcters are present. 1, 50 percent of the stock is owned by a existing formula retail use or a subsidiary affil yit or parent of a formula retail use. 2, 32 are 3 or more other retail fails establishments already in operation anywhere in the world and 3, the retail establishment maintains 2ory more of the following features, a standardized merchandise, a standardizes facade or color scheme, uniform apparel, a trade mark or service mark. special thank tooz supervisor breed and coner johnson from her office who proposed many concepts that are to the input of many stack holdsers in the task force. colleagues i look forward to your support.
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lastly wednesday tomorrow 4-6 join me in my office. we are celebrating creativety and art from seniors from the richmond district. it will be up in my office for another few weeks but the art reception is from 4-6. 25 senior and disabled artist are represented by pieces they chose. the event is cohosted by the richmond senior center along with their director and great senior leader linda murly and art instructor marlen wong who is a comic book artist. i appreciate what he does in comic books and what he has done to help seniors find they craertive side and to create is amazing so thank tooz waulden wong. we'll have refreshments. we'll celebrate our senior
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city wide district 1 budget win and thank tooz the budget committee and the chair mark farrell. senior funding we won vision zero program tooz protect and insure safer streets for senior jz increase staffing for aging and disability resource sentser and also for isolated and seniors. in district 1 the richmond senior center is appreciative that we have supporting their intergenerational food delivery and food delivery for seniors and also safe streets for seniors in the richmond district among a lot of other things so hopefully we'll see you wednesday. >> sfr visor tang >> thank you, july 26 marks a historic day here. it is the
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25 anniversary of the signing of americans with disabilities act and very glad supervisor mar had takethen opportunity to honor many of the advoicates and mayors office on disability. i can think of no better time to introduce legislation the office has been working oen actually the past 2 years to create a first of its kind city wide program to address accessibility issues. san francisco has aul alheld a strong interest insureing public accommodation, welcomeing to all and in complice with state and federal access laws. through my years working at the board of supervisors i met many small business owner squz disability rights advoicates who want to make a more proactive approach and create a city wide. thus the legislation i'm introducing furthers these objects by one, requiring the owner of a building with a place of public
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accommodation has the building inspected with disunlt access requirements. secondly remainidate the building have a primary entry and accessible route usable or the building owner maintain a permit from the city [inaudible] lastly encouraging voluntary correction tooz other non complying accessibility in the building. we are modeling the program after the soft story ret row fit in san francisco. places accommodation will be designated into 4 categories. the legislation empowers the access appeal commission. [inaudible] extectionoffs time and other matters. this formal documentation is pornts as many property owners and business owners have shared with us that they have attempt today make
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accessibility improvements but have difficulties because of the historic nature or topography. to assist owners mpt our city welcomes people from all walks of life it is unfortunate we have seen many small business in san francisco and throughout the state of cheers california of lawsuits. it is also designed to educate our business community about how they can best serve everyone. so, we really took our time on the legislation to make sure it was feasible for property and business owner squz after 2
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plus years of hard work i'm proud of the team that made this happen. i would like to thank diana cezon from my office. the many agencies, stack holders and community members such as [inaudible] carla johnson from the mayors office on disability [inaudible] office of small business and [inaudible] access appeals commission and look forward to having full support on this legislation and hope other cities across the country will take note of this and put something like this in place as well >> supervisor wiener. submit. supervisor kim >> thank you for rereferring to me. second, i'm introducing interim sign control for the transbay redevelopment area plan. earlier the year the board passed a city wide sign control. during the process
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residence in the transbay area plan raised concerns about business signs across the windows of apartments. a neighborhood which is mixed use and includes businesses and residential buldings next door to each other. the office worked with residence, planning staff, ocii, to develop sign control that recognize the area as a residential district that can be impacted by signage. the transit center district plan contm plates a new roof top and open space. while we examine interest of the neighborhood and study the best controls of the issue, i am introducing interim controls to restrict threes signs. the controls include restrictions of nrlsh signs around planned
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parks including the roof top park that incollides a amp theater, garden the transbay park. signs over 50 feet are not allowed within 200 feet of parks and areas outside the immediate view of parks sign shall only be direct alumination and turned off by 9 p.m. these controls mirror the existing controls and in place for 18 months while we study the issue and draft permanent control for a neighborhood that is mixed and trying to build a balance between our business and residence and takes into account the needs that withed like to see in the neighborhood. the rest i submit >> thauj, supervisor kim >> madam president that conclude roll call for interdukez of new business
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>> thank you madam clerk, can you read public comnlt >> at this time the public may comment for up to 2 minutes on items within the subject matter. to include [inaudible] items 26-29. public comment is not allowed on items subject to public comment at a committee. pursuant to the boards rules direct your remark tooz the board as a whole, not to individual supervisors nor the audience. speakers using translation will be allowed twice the amount of time to testify and if you would like to display a document please state such and return-state to sfgtv and remove the document from the screen >> thank you firks speaker, >> my name is daniel [inaudible] this city needs
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leaders more interested in the needs of the people insteads of cotowing [inaudible] tech moguls developers and police officers association and ros pack. the sound of silence concerning theraceest and home ophobic e-mails and texts, the police were caught in is deafening. with this particularly trouble some [inaudible] holdss harvey milks old seat, scot wiener. i guess it is more important to get the police unions future endorsement than protect the public from brutal racist homeo phobic violent cops. always with developers the techys and poa, scot wiener is >> sir i just paused your time. you may not addressing a
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individual supervisor. keep your [inaudible] >> a recipient of [inaudible] brown nose awards. scot wiener is no harvey milk >> thank you next speaker please. good afternoon thank you for allowing a public comment. my name is emily goodwin and with ligreen energy fund. we a nation [inaudible] i don't think i need to spell out the acronyms. you is been a leader in the energy finance for many years state wide and throughout the country about how to scale energy water and energy conservation projects. i'm here as a matter to introduce myself our company,
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we arex panding through the state of california and operate in several states throughout the country and excited about the expansion in san francisco working with the department of environment and environment commission so look forward to future discussions with the finance committee and environment commission and bringing back this item all you all hopefully for a spoteive vote in the future chblt we are expanding through the state of california and for the summer building season we are making head way in san mateo, alameda, san jose and build that to- get the most impact out of pace finance. this is a introduction and thank you for your time. i look forward to seeing you all again. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> good afternoon supervisors.
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my name is jesa [inaudible] with orile afactor at fox news channel. i would like to address your dangerous sankiary policies. i would like to show a picture here. this is nob snub and she was murdered by a illegal alien deported 5 times and over 6 felony conviction but for some reason the city of san francisco let this guy out. even though the feds said hold him. i am here to find out why you guys did that because this sankiary city policy that you guys still support is costing lives. how many more lives is it going to take for you guys to readdress this policy? i'm
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flabbergasted. i don't hear a lot of regret. you are ignoring the issue and running and hiding. you know what kate said, her last words-look at the pick ture. i'm not saying you pulled the trigger but you are partially responsibility. her last words were help me. why are you not helping her? you guys don't have anything to say? i find that absolutely unbelievable. you guys are public officials. you are accountable to the people here
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and suppose today protect our safety. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. your time is up, sir. thank you. next speaker please. >> my name is vad mere and coming here for a year. i am 85 years old. it is illegal in all [inaudible] in the united states to evict a person who is 85 years old. on the street from his home. why don't you for a year not investigate? why don't you talk to me? somebody. even you mr. mar or you [inaudible] how could you
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-what if somebody come and evict your parents or your grand parents on the street 85 years old? it is death sentence and nobody from you wanted to talk, wanted to investigate . why? again i say t is illegal all over the world to evict somebody on the street who is 85 years old. why? because it is a death sentence. think, maybe sometime you will be 85 and somebody will do this for you.
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