tv [untitled] July 10, 2015 8:30am-9:01am PDT
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a great slate not only is he a great candidate but spoken with jason johnson like the chief does so much in his community it confuses we a little bit why a great candidate is not there and as we're going through the process even those students and other people are negative about the police there's a spark there that makes them want to be a police for us to bridge over that we need more community like not only with us ourselves we need it with you guys to become one big community and so basically i actually met jason johnson he said that this man is he helps like his job and
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stuff and goes to those boys and girls club around the city and participates and stuff with that, i mean i feel like he's a great candidate and we should still try to brim over that gap to create i mean he's the person that wants the job who do you know that is a person of color with a clean slate that wants to do something like that we got to give him a chance thanks. >> so (clapping.) thank you, everyone any further public comment we'll, follow-up definitely on that matter, sir and mr. gregory will follow-up okay good evening juicy welcome. >> hello. >> i don't know. i was on the cover the pride but it says
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justice, pride and love. >> i didn't see that look at you. >> that was outside of city hall and there i am celebrating marriage for all the more marriages we have less people in jail or a father and mother or two fathers i said happy birthday to you got to talk with my mom and dad and tried to see happy birthday but they left when i was 3 i am concerned about chicago where they've had a lot of shootings of 7 years old kids and knowing to me how i see san francisco i was at cochran i'm 4r50uk9 habitat for
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humanity it is caused by someone that didn't have a habitat to come from where we get education and sleep and rest i was thinking today additional the police commissioner that steps in from baltimore was anthony i met him in oakland i hope he can help us work in his city with some cabinet the time has come all over the united states and world we're seeing this is going on i look at the common determinant we are gone we have 3 hundred millions guns in america $320 million and more cabins than all the people it is still you know, i look at us as a nation and world it more
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than black and white everything i see as americans we you know it is following us i think that is time upcoming you have the black and white colors for a reason for the commissioner and policemen it is time to have everyone doing the great love i want to make this american unanimously i want you to go to so many weksdz you'll get addicted to wedding contacts just think what love can do at the pier 14 this young woman they have sunflowers down there for her. >> thank you juicy. >> and thank you, ann la (clapping.) we have a happy crowd is there any additional public comment
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good evening welcome, sir. >> pleasure to be here my name is jonathan benjamin i have a few questions i was here to acquire our hiring process for the police officers my reason for asking you applied to become a self-employed police over a year ago i went through the process and took the test and did the physicals and passed that and submitted my background package for an investigation so a few weeks letter i got a letter i was disqualified left me in total shock i thought it i was qualified for the job and with zero records i
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was completely behalf he would i reached out into any background and asked why i was rejected and he has not answered my questions i've been in contact with sergeant williams and she said well, i have 4 other than i have been unsuccessful in reaching backgrounds to actually why i was rejected thank you so we can't answer direct questions but the chief times to follow-up with you to get our questions answered. >> is there any additional public comment hello, welcome good evening. >> good evening my name is thomas i came before you a few times regarding the project i was working on personnel of inspiring the young black boys and young pope men i'm existed to hear about sheryl's program i
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was not familiar with that and it's an eminent i'd like to say it in terms of the people they interview if i remember right officer johnson took a group of kids to africa last year, i hope they get a chance to interview some of the oils part of the text gate or offices that have difficult it is in my nice to talk to officers on the up-and-up doing very good it might be interesting to get a different prospective from the officers who haven't are having difficulties to get a prospective from that side last time i was here i was working on a report and talked about the statistics you asked
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what happened the last 20 years the young and jewels voluntary gone down that's correct i did an article on the youth probation but in terms of the - i applaud what sheryl is doing and the young people and hopefully with what they're doing those numbers will begin to fade a little bit another part of the project i'm working on t is trying to come up with a set of protocol with young black men we have protocols for earthquakes and protocols when things catch on fire when protocols are approached i know there are a number of discussions about the talk that happens in the black community and probably other communities but that's not
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codified to use nationally and it would be nice to work towards something in that arena thank you very much. >> thank you, mr. simpson. >> is there any additional public comment hearing public comment is closed. >> item 4 reports and announcements chiefs report and review of recent activities and update on the general orders district boundary 3.01 written communications and grave listening and 8.07 hazardous materials and mobile data explicit devices and personnel transfers and 11.10 physical fitness 1111 rehabilitation programs and the d go and
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cameras and personal use of media and the crisis intervention team. >> good evening, commissioners deputy director public recent events we have a traffic homicide a week a tonight on pier 14 many katherine was shot and killed the suspect fled the scene the public helped out by taking pictures of the suspect leaving the scene and gave it to one of the officers within not more than several minutes was pushed out to the departments smart phones within an however, the suspect was take into custody and identified whole situation is heartbreaking we believed that the firearm might have been in the front end of the bay the tide was not such
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to go for the dive team dove on the following afternoon and were able by hand to find the gun by feel in the bay that gun has been traced to its original and the suspect is in jail where we belongs i'm not going to comment on all the things and talking with the family this is their time there will be a memorial afternoon in pleasant ton there is a huge outpouring of support to this family it as touched hundred and hundreds of people all over the world she was a tremendous lady and it is just an unbelievable senseless tragedy and another arrest made on wednesday of the shooter from pride event the procedures saturday officer
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from gang task force worked the surface and information to vallejo and made that arrest on wednesday afternoon that suspect is in custody in discharging a firearm and register of a unre7b8gd firearm and great work by the officers of the information to get it done in speaking to the general orders that the commission minded updates there are several as listed by commission secretary the first one is the district boundary that is ready for a presentation the district boundary redistricting that was arrived at a lengthy process that involved the community that took place on the 19 of july
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3.01 written communication the written union is making restrictions on suggestions from command staff they include the references to technology that were not thought of before for example members have to physically that sign for a priority bullet sent out electronically so the presentation dj o within the next 60 days. >> can you explain the scope of that communication. >> the department bulletins and tell tips any way we send out information to the ranges and file the aggressive solicitation was issued in 1994 this was determined that the language was consist with the best practices
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after reaching the current laws and best practices the expertblast will mark recommendations to the deputy chief the estimated time for this general order is within the next 6 months department general 6.15 property processing this is the updating of that general for order is in its fantasy there are several people to review this for people from nafkdz and property control one subject matter expert has made restrictions and one is contacting another expert this to be done within a year department general orders 8.07 hazardous materials the most recently from the experts are included included once approved this will be reviewed by the
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entire command staff and the ppo will complete the process and updating the our agencies including the special investigations for some investigations of hazardous material hope to have this to you in the next 60 days and the 10.07 discrepancies we sent the current draft and requested written feedback to date they're yet to provide a feedback until we receive a response i can't give you an estimate we've pressed them for a response. >> do we have a time limit on when we request information we're supposed to receive it back. >> on the mobile data devices this is a fairly new one; right?
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one fairly new. >> we're pretty new we've been issuing mobile devices. >> the cellular phones yes. >> right. >> 1106 personnel transfers the department is to supplement this organizational and others changes in the depth changes apply to transfer of the range of officers vaunt and inspector and sergeants the department is working on a proposed supplement with the po a the chief has made additional comments on the language we hope to have it to you in the next 90 days department 1110 physical fitness and wing that was issued in 1997 they're reviewing the court testing activities are the best indicators for levels of fitness
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subject matter expert will make a recommendation about subjective changes we hope to have this done before the end of the year. >> sorry to - but just to make sure that is 11.14 fitness and other programs can you remind what the beyond the scope scope. >> officers have to after hired after 1997 push-ups and flexibility a fat test and time run run. >> called a fat test. >> it's a pinch test for your body fat composition. >> in terms of wing any component around mental health and well-being. >> they're given two hours off for being physically well, to go
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do something to be mentally well. >> got that is supposed to be done by the end of the year. >> yes. arrest 11 lotta's fountain this commission is familiar with the rehabilitation program is in the process the written drivers from the deputy chiefs new lounge laupg about the program administrator and the members in the program and updated language on the philosophy of the program and combustion for time for volunteers to enter the program and once completed that will be implemented within the next 4 months general orders to be numbered are working their way through and have been asked about obviously one of a particular note the camera policy working
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group met stews june 2nd they meet every other tuesday the department start is the draft policy using an existing policy from other agencies including oakland pd and the law pd and other on president obama tool kit this is a proposal we used the word drafting interchangely it is a draft members of the working group include some identified by members of this commission the working group is evaluating and making changes and approximately halfway through the changes to the original draft proposal once the working group is implemented and has satisfied their recommendations have been considered or included in this
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draft policy will be presented to this commission by the end of ugly the proposed general order involving media is in its final review by the city attorney's office i appreciate our city attorney for taking the lead the proposed t go the personal use of personal media while off duty once the draft is received it goes to the process and then on the to occ and the po a hoping to have it in the next 90 days and finally the general order for the crisis intervention the occ works with the working group and the draft is currently in process it includes members of the mental health organizations and the occ and they meet once a month the next meeting was today estimated time for presenting
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this is approximately three to four months one of the items we hope to have memorialized in the permanent policy is create the times distance for people from the time tables to themselves i that concludes my report. >> i passed out a brochure there was a meeting some months in the alice griffith public housing complex the neighbors were concerned about probation searchers that were excused it was a very productive meeting then captain o'sullivan was present when the meeting was over they wanted a regular meanwhile egging meeting with regular community groups we basically is a what we're already said there that's not a practical i won't be able to do that all the time so we proposed a brochure
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and they asked for input on it it is back and forth with the group if you read it it has been looked over by police lawyers but then finally reviewed by high school kids to see if they understood what it said it wasn't as important as lawyers could read it if it appears to be rather easy to read or simple it is tied up last night we had the second meeting the african-american chiefs forum commissioner turman and commissioner sugaya and i co-chair it was well received we asked for input from the committee they was sent in today, we hope to have this in the financial form for anyone that wants as many copies as they want by friday. >> is that it chief.
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>> that's it. >> that's a lot commissioner mazzucco a question arrest. >> two homicides in the one thousand block in the last two streets one a federal defensively was killed i'm sure you'll take an extra effort and in the first homicide we made an arrest it appears to at this time they knew each other but that homicide is actually solved in the second homicide we say some information it is possible that homicide doesn't occur where the victim was found but we're foreperson following all leads on that and i will update the commission when we have more. >> thank you. >> other questions for the chief? colleagues i will thank you, chief for your run down of the g
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d o in the hop eerie know every commissioner got this copy this is a general order manual we get i know the members of the department get but the general orders the aspect safe policy work on the commission to adopt the final policies and orders there is a great deal work underway and general orders that dictate what the department does as we're looking forward to the priorities i think that there are a number of pieces reflected as something with we have as a priority the d go two things the department has made great progress the resolution this commission adopted in 2011 indicated that a priority was to have a cit awards ceremony and to turn the chiefs incredible
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bulletin so thank you for the update chief >> sergeant please call line item. >> the director's report and review of recent activities. >> good evening director. >> i don't have anything to report at this point. >> thank you you're the only one tonight who does. >> line item commission report and discussion president report and commission report. >> colleagues just briefly i'll report i participated that commissioner turman in the amazing pride parade the command staff was there i wanted to report out that it was really an incredible moment for the city and it was also really incredible moment to observe the
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positive it's for the police department there was a lot of love and gratitude this department has been through a lot and i was not quite sure to be walking in a parade that was a great deal support and gratitude for chief and the officers in the pride and in the department i know that commissioner turman has anything to say but comments from anyone else commissioner hwang. >> i represented the commission at the last i want to mention i represent the commission at the cameras working group it is a robust discussion there i look forward to the final project. >> thank you. >> dra marshall. >> just want to echo the second
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african-american community advisory committee that was great a lot of positive energy and people pitching in to make things happen even got a few committees outer of it i hope we continue to keep up the energy and look good things b will come out of it on tv it is worth saying. >> sure we were actually invite go to washington, d.c. and excuse all the issues that have been going especially late last year and early this year and many of the initiatives that we were engaged in prior have continued through and added to up to and including what thank god holder took in during his
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visit in willie mays clubhouse in the academies and officer jason johnson we look forward to it have an early out tomorrow morning. >> it is not too lastly and commissioner turman. >> i wanted to report recently, i attended the presentation by the homeless coalition on the criminalization of homelessness in san francisco how the uptick in different laws and how they effect san francisco homelessness population they have a documentary and interviews and give interesting information about the interaction for law enforcement as well as legislative initiatives and the homeless coalition is interested in bringing that first discussing
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it with the chief and the command staff and having a presentation so i hopefully it will make a time for them on our schedule. >> yes. thank you vice president and lastly i represented the commission in the voting on the metal of valor and participated in the commission role that will be brought to us chief i don't know if you know what that comes here for final approval. >> i'll found out and ask for them. >> okay. this sound great any further on this matter. >> sergeant call the next item. >> commission announcement and items considered for identification and possible action at further meetings. >> i have one the csi team
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august 5th is the time we're longing to schedule them before they go back to school before their final presentation so sergeant if we can hold august 6th i think is a wednesday whatever wednesday in august item we scheduled and we're working with our partners in the community is the update i don't know from the department is ready but we'll do that at some point in august the update on the d go 6.09 commissioner hwang no items to put on the agenda. >> commissioner to remind the public the commission will meet in the take care value at the mosaic center 28, 19th avenue on wednesday july 22, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. for
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