tv [untitled] July 10, 2015 11:00am-11:31am PDT
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of people between 80 and 120 percent for medium income are addressed versing roughly 80 percent for those below 80 percent. i think it is important we put that as a first priority and for mixed housing and work for a average work force housing, low income work force house{homeless at the 4th because if you only have 4 thousand potential units of housing you might never get to the middle class or even the working low income working class because you'll be focusing strickly on the homeless. the second thing is that density and character of the neighborhoods is really important. we had the problem of jen fuication where people are high income people moving into low income neighborhoods. i think whatever housing is
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develop should reflect the social economic and racial breakdown and income levels of the neighborhood it goes into rather than being disparate. thank you very much. >> thank you very much >> good morning supervisors. fur nando [inaudible] with counsel of commune tay counsel organizations. thank you for listening to the measure and encourage you to support it and move it on to be in this novembers ballot. we worked with the superriser to address this. [inaudible] around the process this measure sets out to define how surplus sites are used. this measure follows a state measure passed, led by assembly member tang and
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approved by governor brown this last november and sets rules somewhat different from what the mayors office and what mike martin is setting out around the public land measure. the state requires that any surplus land that is disposed by a loickal agency first be presented to affordable housing, parks and the school district for use. what this measure does is looks at affordable housing of the state measure and sets out the process for how tatoo accomplish that. the second thing that is important is in the process with the mayors office of housing does is look at the feasibility of developing the project. who else than mayors office of housing who works on affordable housing day in and out who should determine the feasibility of housing. either 100 percent for [inaudible] or low and moderate income or
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mixed use of housing for law, moderate and [inaudible] the mayors office can taerm determine it isn't feasibility and come back to some of the ideas mr. martin set out earlier. it sets out a path fwrai developing affordable housing. thank you very much. >> thank you mr. martin >> good morning. my name is james [inaudible] director of community organizing [inaudible] supervisor kim, thank you so much for doing this important work and happy birthday yesterday. so, i was one of the organizers that helped bing the surplus property ordinance toort. it was a process of research with homeless people with low income people working together with people from legal and affordable housing background
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and we all that amazing work there are a lot of holes in the original ordinance and this goes a long way in laying a clear pathway to make it work. we only got 2 buildings out of the original campaign, which is wonderful but not enough. very clear laef one of the reasons the surplus property ordinance did not achieve as much is because the board of supervisors didn't pay enough attention to it so thank you for your attention and know that one of the most gratifying pieces of the legislation is the fact the board of supervisors pay attention to what is going on and build more housing for low income, moderate and work force populations. it is small but very important piece of taking the city back. thank you >> thank you mr. tracey.
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>> bruce will representing san francisco community land trust and [inaudible] we are in support of this and james tracey didn't mention but what pegged the work he did earlier called, right to a roof speaks to this particular legislation and it is blt time. i urge you tawork it through and make it happen and list toon all the suggestions that we have. thank you >> thank you mr. [inaudible] >> good morning supervisor, daniel [inaudible] representing the non praurnt housing association of northern california. i thank you for taking up this very important issue today and recognizing that affordable housing is indeed a very important issue we are facing in the city.
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sites of residential development are more competitive and available homes for those who earn a lower wage are sh inking. this pressure resource can be use frd public benefit and helpathize city meet the affordable housing needs. further more as supervisor kim brought up, the revision to had ordinance will bring it to match the recently passed california assembly bill 2135 as a non profit we worked very closely with the sponsors in the house to write that bill and we thank you for your time and hope you place this ordinance on the bill. thank you. >> thank you mr. nuvela and also for bringing up assembly mens bill, i do want to
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recognize alice walker. the author. alice walker from assembly member phil changs office is here present as well and available for any questions on the state bill. thank you for being here. >> my name is theresa empyreal for [inaudible] housing program and thank you for introducing the surplus public lands ordinance. as a community service worker, we are-this is very important. we see a lot of client not just from sourt of market but all over the city and of course it is a very common story everyone is look frg affordable housing. this-a lot of working class families are homeless and we are seeing a lot of families coming into
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our offices that are also working in non profit that are even-have salaries that are pretty much living in cars, so this public-surplus will help our mandate this really for low income and now income families and for [inaudible] 4th and folsom is a very important site and really want to see that site to be mandated for what is really needed in our community, so thank you. >> good morning supervisors. rien [inaudible] and community organizer with [inaudible] we ask that you support this ordinance. it is clear we are not meeting the demand och affordable housing, there is a lot more we can do on the supply side of providing more opportunity to people in san
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francisco. it is clear when you look that housing balance report there is a clear disconnect production numbersism some districts having over 300 percent loss of housing balance within san francisco. i appreciate the conversation arounds the kools and education, but i also want to reiterate the point there are thousands of homeless youth within san francisco and need to do more to house them so they can go to school and be educated. i don't know how you can't bow sickened by the numbers and the thousands of evictions throughout san francisco of seniors and elders and families throun out on the street. it is clear this last year that the voters came out in strong support of prop k and demand more afford housing to be built. we'll speak out loudly again this year and we
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won't stand for people being throun on the streets while cabeal tv shows glorify million airs for producing luxury housing. we need to make a stand as a city we'll put public land in the communities hands. >> good morning supervisors dean preston executive director of [inaudible] strong support of the measure and thank you supervisor kim and avalos campos and mar and hopefully other supervisors that will state their support. also want to recognize the work housing organization is helping to craft. different legislation i think it strikes a good balance and it is very well written and i know they work with your office. i think the numbers speak in terms of how the surplus property ordinance has not been implemented beyond the
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fwo two properties mentioned so this measure is critical. it won't solve all the housing problems but with respects to the sites it is a essential tool. i want to state the obvious, this is public land. this is publicly owned land. it should be used for the public good and there is a real trend now in san francisco of privateizing things that are public assets. doing it in a way that doesn't benefit the public. in the anteevection mapping project released a study that looks at the phenomenon and st. disturbing trend. without a measure like this, there is no doubt that these properties will be-a lot of the properties will be developed for market rate luxury housing. we need this, we absolutely need this. we
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all recognize the need for affordable housing kwr need to have public land measure to put teeth in our rules and some transparency and it is really essential the matters come before the board, that the public knows what is going on, and we get beyond 2 properties in a decades. thank you very much >> thank you mr. preston and before mrs. boiler comes up i want to call, gabriel [inaudible] tony robeilous, whitney jones, shannon dodge, duwane sears, theresa [inaudible]. i did call antany nehin before if you still want to come up. >> good morning supervisor, my name is chelsy [inaudible] children and youth and here today representing the san
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francisco rising alliance. our members are low income and working class people of color and for culmin in particular among the young people impacted by sth housing crisis. rien and others talked about the impact of the housing crisis on individuals lives. our membership is among the low, low and middle income. focks in san francisco who are the 75 percent of san franciscan shut out of the housing market right now. san francisco rising feels the san francisco voters have spoken both around prop k, which passed by over wellm majority, 66 percent of the sloteers voters. san francisco rising did a program where we identified over 2553 voters, 91 percent of all the voters we spoke to agreed
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neither the market nor the city are producing enough affordable housing for those earning 65 thousand a year or less. our members have been active in the work around the upper yard and making sure there is a public site. we are clear there are a multitude of strategies nest necessary to address but the public lands are a key of that straetagy. we feel this is important to make sure the voters prioritize public lands for community hands and prioritize affordable housing so on behalf of sf rising i urge you to support this measure. >> thank you. >> good morning supervisors. gab rg [inaudible] policy
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manager for [inaudible] economic development agency. worked for 42 years for social and economic just frs the mission. we serve 6200 clients a year of which only 3.3 percent can afford market rate rent in the mission. one thof things we are seeing with a lot of our clients with the mission promise neighborhood project is where w the 4 schools. bryant, chauvs, oconal and everant. we have over 200 homeless youth. how are we not prioritizing the public sites for these youth or for homeless people in general? we have done a lot of placement recently with home ownership san francisco for 1400 mission to try to get people into affordable housing there. that is a great opportunity, but at the same time we found a lot of the clients that have come to apply for those projects to live
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there don't meet it income requirements. we see there is a lot of need for having more products available where they can actually afford to live. further, public sites-they are the easiest to build affordable housing. that is why sites like 1950 mission which we thank the body and supervisor kim to expedite that, we wouldn't have that. that is the first rp we worked on to build the first new affordable project in like 15 years outside mosaica. without that we can't get affordable housing done in the mission and that is the problem. wrout the measure going forward and make tg more trance parent and available for public sites that is why i need support and thank this committee and your leadership
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on this. thank you >> good morning [inaudible] 5 years ago 8 thousand members lived in the city. today it is 7 thousand. 2 of the people who left the city in the last 5 years work the union square hotel. they commute from the suburbs of sacramento. they leave the house at 3 a.m. and get home at 7 p.m. and try to raise their kids. that is the crisis they put on workers in the core industries, the industries that keep the city going. i don't subscribe to the the argument that the reason housing prices are going up is because wree a small city with just a little bit of land and there is always high demand for the land. that is a factor, but there are policy
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decisions, planning and zoning and regulatory decisions that drive the affordability crisis. for those that believe this is about supply of available land, there cannot be any argument that public land, surplus land that is in the hands of the people now should be prioritize for the moust urgent crisis facing our city. thank you for binging this before us and putting it to the voters this november. thank you >> thank you mr. lewis >> good morning. my name is cong and lead organizer with jobs of justice san francisco and we are a community coalition that represents diverse membership groups representing teachers, nurses domestic and retail workers. all of these people every day san franciscan's who could be effected and benefit from the ordinance so i strongly support this ordinance coming before
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the voters ipthe fall. just like to mention i was at the barber shop yesterday getting a hair cut and this came up. my barber was a born and raised san franciscan. i asked him how he was doing and he said hanging in there. many family and friends moved. that his grand parent that lived in the soma just moved [inaudible] and the landlord was trying to get them to move and finally offered them 30 thousand dollars and they took it and moved to the philippines. this is just the insanity that is the housing market as you know. this is the kind of conversations happening across the city. they are happening on the buses and at the dinner table and in the barber shop. everybody knows about this. when it comes to solutions i was saying how do i slide this into the conversation. it looks so complicated not coming from a housing standpoint, but
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he got it right away because i think the essence of the ordinance is really basic, really straight forward and understandable to people which is public land should be use frd public good and that is why i believe this is a great thing so thank you for your support. >> good afternoon supervisors. i have been hearing the terms underutilized sites, surplus sites i think this measure, this ordinance has to be taken as a mandate from the people. if you look at the different polls you'll see there is a overwhelming need for affordable hoizing to be made a serious priority. seniors and we represent seniors at senior
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and disability actions we see eviction of seniors on a daily basess. affordable housing must be made a priority and think the ordinance goes in that direction. again, public sites, public lands, underutilized sites, land that hads been hoarded so no hoardsing of public land in this time of emergency. the city wants affordable housing as a priority, let's look at this as a mandate. we also have to look at the fact we have fire and police and other people that work very very very very hard, service workers that are as much needed as anybody else and deserve to be a part of this community. again, i can't stress more the need to have a public discourse in the
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use of the public land and no more of this give away because really it is disgusting what is going on with the give away of our land. if we have a finite amount of land let's use it in the right place. thank you. >> thank you. >> good morning supervisors. i'm whitney gens and director of housing development. been developing affordable housing for nearly 23 years in the city. china town [inaudible] developed some of the innovative air right project to which supervisor kim stated and we are the developer of the 2 surplus properties done in san francisco. one at [inaudible] and 255 broad way. what is frustrating and challenging is despite our hard work and hard
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work of colleagues in the affordable housing industry, in the last 10 years we only developed 3 thousand more affordable unit that we lost. we are at about 20 percent affordable and the prop k goal is 33 percent affordable. 2 days ago the city spent 18 and a half mimian dollars to acquire a privately owned site for saechb 2 units for affordable housing. that level of cost will burn through our affordable housing quickly and serve very few people. we need to insure public land go tooz affordable housing so the dollars go further towards the prop k goals. thank you >> thank you mr. jones >> hello my name is duwane [inaudible] and with community housing partnership. i live in affordable housing and believe
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that [inaudible] should-have a chance to live in that kind of housing. i believe the public land should be used for that and it has made a difference in my life so thank you for the moment and happy birthday. >> thank you mr. sears. thank you fl birthday wishes >> hello, good morning my name is betty and work with [inaudible] i just want to say that one of the first things is the public sites ordinance hasn't been nuf to get public lands into peoples hands [inaudible] it has been through organizing with thousands of families over the yearwise allies like cuhj and fcc and colman jz the peoples plan. the organizing the thousands of folks we have been able to get.
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mission and folsom and the upper yard into had pipeline of the mayors office of housing. i think that really whenever we have the door knocking and do community meetings people need affordable housing. public lands need to be there for had 6819 house hold evicted in the last 5 years. that is approximately 5 houses a day. they have been kicked out and have no where to go. for the 50 percent of the people that don't have staplace to go, how can we use public land to make sure they are able to stain the city for many generations helped build the city? how do public monies and public land serve the people of san francisco and not create opportunity for had trend which is house new people with money who want to move into our city using our tax dollars and land.
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i'm here to support the ordinance and pub lack land is for people and need to build howing for those that need it. thank you >> thank you >> good morning [inaudible] community housing partnership. when it takes winning a lottery against other thousands of struggling san franciscan to survive and homeless individuals suffer on wait lists and yet the majority of the housing in the pipe line is made for people whos cash flow is equal to multiple years of the average wage we need to create opportunities for existence of the citizens mptd history judges on not well we acamidated the wealthiest but how we well care frd those that struggle. we can accommodate the needs of the citizens if we sunday message their well be sg a priority. the public land use measure will send a meshage
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to the community that the city is taking the affordable housing crisis seriously. we strongly support your support for affordable housing. >> good morning supervisors. thank you. alex walker. with [inaudible] trust me it isn't the first time that happened. we need to get a laugh out of it. i want to introduce myself since i was mention said by supervisor kim. i wanted to say i'm not authorized to speak about 2135 today but we are watching this very very closely and will be in communication. i want to tell the audience that if you have question frz the office see me and we'll get back to you. come in the office in san francisco and i'm low on cards but i'll see what i got and it gichb our contact information and contact us. so, no problem and it is your
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bithday. happy birthday. i would give you a free pass. i wanted to say hello and we are watching this closely, it is really intrigueing and want a open dialogue with your office and members of the public. >> we appreciate assembly member tangs efforts on the issue in sacramento. >> good morning my name is shan aen dodge and i have been a affordable housing developer in san francisco for had past 11 years. i'm a projpect manager with china town cdc which drep dweped the 2 surplus properties. i'm a resident of the mission since 1993 having been displaced myself. asa fordable housing developer i know how challenging and costly
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it is to acquire sites for affordable housing. this initiative represents a exciting opportunity to expand san francisco's supply of affordable housing. the public sector and the mayors office of housing is our partner in creating thousands of affordable apartments. the mayors office [inaudible] developable land is getting expensive. every dollar the sit a spend is a dollar they cannot spend to build affordable housing. 18 and a half million dollars is another 18 and a half million we can't spend. currently most thf mayors office of housing resources preserve existing public housing which is important but it doesn't add a single unit to our affordable housing stock at a time when we need t. many city agencies own sites they no longer need for
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their core function. this is a public resource that should go to public good. i support this measure and look forward to the passage and implementation. thank you >> thank you mrs. dodge. >> good morning supervisors. my name is marilyn [inaudible] with [inaudible] thank you supervisor kim for introducing this measure. so, i'm learning about how this works but i worked with [inaudible] 12 years. [inaudible] which is what a lot of the youth are having to do so i'm excited to [inaudible] so the youth can see the leadership at city hall that cares about us being here in the city and to make sure that we definitely prioritize the public sites so as a organization many other sites have continued to be
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