tv [untitled] July 11, 2015 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT
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a committee. >> yeah. >> i don't know that you have to choose who is on it this evening he expect once that is approved to move quickly on some of the projects and apply those principles in this review process to those. >> so i guess my question in regards i have a timeline you have to adhere to wards to those patrol officers approvals correct if there is something that the committee has to hear it will be noticed to the public. >> yeah. >> slavl. >> would it happen twice a month like a commission meeting or more often can what do you project. >> i think either could be the reality i think we're in a position with a project in the pipeline that going to force
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extra work that mr. will flush itself out and the number of projects we'll stay on top of every one of those projects are not coming to you if we can make it such they fall on meeting dates to be more efficient i'll try. >> yes. >> okay. >> so if it was required to go to the subcommittee how many days would it be for us to meet and hear this. >> you have about 25 days. >> that's what i'm saying is this timeline correct 25 days. >> i have the additional 15 sow should you need that. >> we can - the timelines have stipulated in the polls so i can't get changed on that. >> i think that wasn't specific about the ones that are
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currently in the piping versus the ones that start from a scratch. >> again to reiterate the calendar is there as a way to underscore that hour process that we are doing here or not created to elongate gait a long process as is it is created as extra scrutiny if we think that is important we're experts 80 on to have the project sponsors what we feel is right or best for the city not intended to open the door for additional protests so those are commitments i made on your behalf to move those things along within a long process as it stands. >> oh yeah. a long process. >> commissioner lee and i don't
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know if there are other but commissioner vice president moshoyannis. >> as we moved the president or vice president nicole you're the the president and planner that knocks double on that i was thinking there should be an industry tap there. >> i go agree and whether or not in particular person or if audrey is not available waiting for you know. >> - >> the person to come off of the vacation the process can continue but the industry wraps are important we've gone through it and the hopefully the next reps will go through that. >> it's a fair thing to prosper to specify the industry rep through blocking all those
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positions so that's something to consider commissioner vice president moshoyannis. >> right so what's not clear in the language if this is a standing committee and how often it gets elected as an annual process at least 3 people are appointed for example, similarly as commissioner lee postponed an industry rep would be either one of you two if you're busy can i fill in for you how does that work. >> as. >> did it have to be a standing committee of the same 3 people. >> in the past with this commission we have standing committees that's how we've done it didn't maple that's how we have to do this this is the policies and procedures for our commission to work through and we established that and what advertise it is if it needs to change it will change it's not a piece of legislation
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3 has to be chained a procedure for the operation of this commission. >> ongoing so im. >> ask i answer our question on page no page numbers second page there are third paragraph down should be renewed to get consistency around whatever judgment or criteria that committee has around to review the proposals also we haven't approved that if we need a shorter radiation e addition or positions felt industry repdz we could offer that up there's a purpose to keep them consistent especially on the front end so you don't have depending upon the wind or composition of that group the
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pardon feels this as tougher group. >> the the front end the bulk of the projects that needs to get through a more kind of regular series of you know applications that come through to us that i understand there is a little bit of a backlog to get to through so greater flexibility up front. >> when you don't have a specific person we can keep the process if she's not available i can come or vice versa so we don't have to cancel a meeting. >> unfortunately unites this is how the committee meetings work. >> my own had that is how it works in on the commissions but certainly other commissioners are welcome on any committee it is a matter of derrick who gets to vote and the voting is about.
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>> and the voting is really ultimately a recommendation so we're not you're voting on creating a set of recommendations commissioner frost. >> along those lines i i mean, if one or two of the commissions are not available yes, ma'am since we're on a district timeline what did it do to commissioner lee talked about replacing one you know with someone else but a standing committee we can't do that. >> so do you want to say. > in the pathologist in this commission when we have subcommittees and one can't make it two or three is a quorum so along you have two commissioners there the hearing can go forward so if one commissioner is out it's okay. >> the only thing i worry about an industry rep is out and two
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totes e votes without the input of the industry rep. >> i get it i do get it. >> i get it, too i feel like i mean, i'm not an industry rep but understand we're a commission as a whole we're not necessarily pushing the agenda about. >> hits not pushing the agenda is knowledge there is more knowledge we go through but that's that's fair we come with our own knowledge to this commission. >> have a you have a planner i don't know anything about planner. >> do we appoint a committee at all and i get the feeling people are okay with that how long does that committee serve for is it a year or less than a year and then sort of the composition of
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that committee and is there an ability to rotate in and out or not be specific about who they are. >> there is specifically it says that the president or vice president and the urban planning rep so i think you can i mean, the meeting alternative to bring those people before the fuel commission it will not expedite i mean correct me if i am wrong it seems like that will not expedite the process than going through a committee something smaller is that right or wrong will the subcommittee expedite others process. >> well, i don't know if expedite is the word it is about on the one hand it creates multiple moving parts for us as
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staff i don't expect the project sponsor and others to come to two meetings but one the issue of the meeting itself being quicker with 3 members on the subcommittee as opposed to 7 of you is clear to me, yes that will be a shorter meeting in and of itself so the answer is yes and no. >> i think the subcommittee will help to move the process along that committee can give a report you know in written language to the rest of the commission or verbally it is one thing the normal process of committees in general to serve a year so i guess we keep up the process the city tends to use a lot for the commissions that's how i feel about it i feel
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strongly the urban planning rep should be on this subcommittee that's as well as an industry rep so i believe the urban planning rep on this commission to talk about just in all the years this commission has existed we finally have a role for the urban planning guy a real role and considering our background and our education i think you have to be on this committee bryant no matter what and whoever is in my place when i'm dead. >> for those commissioners that are not in the subcommittee are they able to make public comment is this a project concern and come in and make comments and suggestions how does that work. >> once the committee is formed
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every commissioner not a voting member of the committee is welcome to attend outline r autumn the hearings and not speak as a member of the public but actually as a commissioners and on top of i think that once the committee meets reports back to the full commission here's the recommendations you made i'm not sure if there is a ratification of what they recommend i don't think so but there is absolutely a way to report back once the first committee comes together we talked about come up with some standards recommendations to give some language around you know kind of putting more meat to this this will be an opportunity for other commissions to input as well. >> it it kind of like the rules
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committee they screen everything out and the ratification happen but absent that part go to the economy first, we'll discuss it. >> and finally approve our - >> i think. >> our recommendations. >> you'll see a new agenda for the update or something and probably a listing of those projects. >> and you'll know what on the other hand, those projects are up front and attend the subcommittee meeting as a guest commissioner and make suggestions as opposed to making comments as a members of the public does that make sense. >> i hate to push this along two quickly but the vice chair and i have to leave any minute now so can we vote at this point to approve and we won't
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necessarily appoint those members who we choose to do the committee but the overall process. >> i have one question does the president or - have to form this committee another a meeting like this or form the committee offline. >> i suggest he'll form a committee on record. >> okay. i'm prepared to do that. >> so. >> i'm going to move to approve this as written. >> okay. i second. >> about the industry. >> would you like to add the industry. >> oh. >> as one of the 3. >> yeah. i'd like to change the wording to include an industry rep. >> all right. >> along with urban planning. >> all right.
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>> i second. >> there is a motion and a second any public comment on this seeing none, public comment is closed arrest let's take a vote. >> so for clarification we're voting to approve the guidelines for the review of residential development proposals under the administrative code chapter hundred 16 with a happening in the words on the make up of the committee to include an industry representative correct. >> that's correct. >> on the motion commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner joseph commissioner vice president moshoyannis commissioner perez commissioner caminong commissioner president tan. >> great the motion passes i would like to appoint before i exit the seat on to that committee commissioner caminong and commissioner joseph as and myself as members of the development interview committee
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thank you, everyone i know like i said this is there is still a lot more work to do and designing how it will flow please don't feel like your shut out great i'm going to pass the baton or gavel over to commissioner joseph to run the rest of the meeting. >> item 678 commissioner questions or comments. >> commissioners anybody i have two can we set a date certain by the next meeting for our annual anniversary party. >> yes. >> can we agendize the election for the next meeting. >> yes. >> it was as opposed to be number 8. >> i'm sorry okay. >> any other questions or comments commissioners. >> okay moving on to item 8 new business
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for future agenda items commissioners there seeing none. >> just reiterating since i did it rather quickly commissioner joseph mentioned that we typically elect president and vice president in july so we pushed to the next meeting because of the reappointment of commissioner joseph and commissioner caminong you both i think were at first read of the board tonight so next tuesday you'll be approved, and, secondly, we'll make sure their swearing in but then the 21st we'll include that election of both of those seats so whomever is interested to make their interests known. >> not now but sometime in the future.
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approval we need a motion. >> so moved and and a second please. second. >> are there any corrections or other comments on the minutes. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? the minutes are therefore approval item 3 director's report. >> annex yes director garcia. >> good afternoon, commissioners on june 25th the supreme court agreed the federal induces are not authorized through the challengers and in 6 to 3 decision the court rould rolled 38 ruled with the affordable health care act with you the inventing sustainability of the health marketed and i'm sure you're aware of california
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has it's own exchanges so the millions of americans clearly are going to be able to keep their subsidies this was a great ruling for the nation governor jerry brown signed the f b into law making california vaccination amongst requirements among the strict it in the country all children in public and private consulate to be immunized and the parents can't refuse contrary to their beliefs we'll be working with the school district they have an investment to make sure that all children are vaccinated this year we'll make a big effort to help on june 24th street governor jerry brown signed hundred and $67 billion budget for 2015-2016 excluding $32 billion for health
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programs some of the highlights includes fiscal medal for the children under the age of 19 and trillion dollars grant this is targeted towards the respite sites we opened one of the sites recently this last year that i think will help with other programs throughout the state aid children with auditorium up to imagine a 21 and needle exchange million dollars and hepatitis c and care pilot for people at risk for infection and provided dollars as well as i'm sure you're aware of this new medication this does relieve a cure i think that is important for many in san francisco
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on another area the san francisco dpw trauma initiative will be recognized naltd r nationally from the united states sexual abuse services and going to be an effort to extend awareness for primary care and jails and prievenz is it recognizes a response to the effects of all types of trauma many dpw clients experience trauma in their life and exhibit in the behavior and health status and the staff needs the training to serve those populations today i'll hear about our new hospital ribbon cutting and openly schedule i want to highlight we're on track to deliver a hospital to the san franciscans and the medication of the entire sf g h dpw project
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manager and web core builders and jacobs and line of others how supported san francisco residents in the health foundation culminated in a building that proves health care for future generations we had many of our staff participate in pride just want to say we have a great team of people that work on that every year the community at large loves to see sf dpw walking in that parade if you want to join us that's a wonderful parade and this year because of the same sex marriage with the supreme court it is good half a million people were on the steps on sunday i want to say there were other
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parts of the commission report but i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> commissioners questions commissioner singer. >> thank you for that director garcia i was wondering where laguna honda is going to follow sf g h on the sugar sweetened beverage front. >> actually the entire department will be in that effort and colleen and i we've had this year's chart for a while and the sf g h are looking at the entire system it will take us sometime to get everybody on board but the whole sf g h and we'll brick back that report i wanted to say colleen is with us today. >> are there any another further questions the report was
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very extensive and i appreciate the items you've posted before us for information. >> was there any public comment. >> no public comment on this item. >> okay. on to the text item. >> an item 4 general public comment i've not received requests. >> then we'll governor to the next item item 5 a report back if the finance committee. >> commissioner chung was away so i was asked to chair the meeting the meeting received the monthly contracts report in that report was a contract we'll be presenting to you that has to do with a nuance communications contract addition of half a million dollars for a over for
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each of the four to five year periods in order to electronically process billings by scanning and number of other upgrades this the system that will be improving the efficiency of our business processes and the ic 10 programs along with that we heard 3 new contracts one of the new contracts will also be before you on this consent calendar the contract for the east bay for children that relates to the trauma collaborative services you've heard from the director as being awarded to us from a grant this is one in which 7 bay area counties for a contract of $2 million plus thousand dollars and we will be the lead agency -
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we'll well, we'll be the lead management but the contract has been to 9 agency bay area for children and request for approval another contract will be for the harding interim staffing group that is the group that supports san francisco generals medical staff and they need peak time additional personnel to manage the incredibly and the additional people with in the medical field to do transcription many of meetings we have within the medical staff so this is a contract for $403,000 and it is from a firm that's been selected an rfp has been put out twice there were no responses so our department went
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off to seek a group that could provide this service and that's before you on the consent calendar also lastly on this consent calendar is hundred and 27 plus dollars if the university of california san francisco medical center and as it is stated this is for consultation of electronic records work with the sf g h not just that but the entire electronic records requirements it is a very complex - we have a very complex series of means and the universities experts will be able to upon our contracting with them to tell us h how they
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