tv [untitled] July 14, 2015 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT
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be direct alumination and turned off by 9 p.m. these controls mirror the existing controls and in place for 18 months while we study the issue and draft permanent control for a neighborhood that is mixed and trying to build a balance between our business and residence and takes into account the needs that withed like to see in the neighborhood. the rest i submit >> thauj, supervisor kim >> madam president that conclude roll call for interdukez of new business >> thank you madam clerk, can you read public comnlt >> at this time the public may comment for up to 2 minutes on items within the subject matter. to include [inaudible] items 26-29. public comment is not allowed on items subject to public comment at a committee.
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pursuant to the boards rules direct your remark tooz the board as a whole, not to individual supervisors nor the audience. speakers using translation will be allowed twice the amount of time to testify and if you would like to display a document please state such and return-state to sfgtv and remove the document from the screen >> thank you firks speaker, >> my name is daniel [inaudible] this city needs leaders more interested in the needs of the people insteads of cotowing [inaudible] tech moguls developers and police officers association and ros pack. the sound of silence concerning theraceest and home ophobic e-mails and texts, the police were caught in is deafening. with this
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particularly trouble some [inaudible] holdss harvey milks old seat, scot wiener. i guess it is more important to get the police unions future endorsement than protect the public from brutal racist homeo phobic violent cops. always with developers the techys and poa, scot wiener is >> sir i just paused your time. you may not addressing a individual supervisor. keep your [inaudible] >> a recipient of [inaudible] brown nose awards. scot wiener is no harvey milk >> thank you next speaker
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please. good afternoon thank you for allowing a public comment. my name is emily goodwin and with ligreen energy fund. we a nation [inaudible] i don't think i need to spell out the acronyms. you is been a leader in the energy finance for many years state wide and throughout the country about how to scale energy water and energy conservation projects. i'm here as a matter to introduce myself our company, we arex panding through the state of california and operate in several states throughout the country and excited about the expansion in san francisco working with the department of environment and environment commission so look forward to future discussions with the finance committee and environment commission and bringing back this item all you
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all hopefully for a spoteive vote in the future chblt we are expanding through the state of california and for the summer building season we are making head way in san mateo, alameda, san jose and build that to- get the most impact out of pace finance. this is a introduction and thank you for your time. i look forward to seeing you all again. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> good afternoon supervisors. my name is jesa [inaudible] with orile afactor at fox news channel. i would like to address your dangerous sankiary policies. i would like to show a picture here. this is nob snub and she was murdered by a illegal alien deported 5
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times and over 6 felony conviction but for some reason the city of san francisco let this guy out. even though the feds said hold him. i am here to find out why you guys did that because this sankiary city policy that you guys still support is costing lives. how many more lives is it going to take for you guys to readdress this policy? i'm flabbergasted. i don't hear a lot of regret. you are ignoring the issue and running and hiding. you know what kate said, her last words-look at the pick ture. i'm not saying you pulled the trigger but you
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are partially responsibility. her last words were help me. why are you not helping her? you guys don't have anything to say? i find that absolutely unbelievable. you guys are public officials. you are accountable to the people here and suppose today protect our safety. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. your time is up, sir. thank you. next speaker please. >> my name is vad mere and
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coming here for a year. i am 85 years old. it is illegal in all [inaudible] in the united states to evict a person who is 85 years old. on the street from his home. why don't you for a year not investigate? why don't you talk to me? somebody. even you mr. mar or you [inaudible] how could you -what if somebody come and evict your parents or your grand parents on the street 85 years old? it is death sentence and nobody from you wanted to talk, wanted to
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investigate . why? again i say t is illegal all over the world to evict somebody on the street who is 85 years old. why? because it is a death sentence. think, maybe sometime you will be 85 and somebody will do this for you. >> thank you very much, sir. next speaker please. >> thank you president breed and other victims of the cuball, my name is christopher doll and live at 6th and howered les than freen meters from sea level. that
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perspective arising from in[inaudible] he was a frame breaker in expansion for political rights. successful law suit said changed elections by allowinggon to become candidate. it fsh no longer necessary to pay large sums of money to run for office. this man a hero of democracy, a gay hero. today his efforts could benefit any of us. however i did find it difficult to deal with man. his behaivl issues combined with drug issues made him a challenge. he found it hard to get into city hall.
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his bare feet were dirty, his dog was smelly [inaudible] and his name alone would have had him out the door assuming he could get his full size united nations flag in it. his name was by court order for mayor jesus christ satan. he cut back later on the speed and change td to prince car cadeia. these days you don't have to submit petitions you just lobby the appropriate incumbence and they appoint you. thank you president breed >> thank you next speaker >> [inaudible] contact,
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must learn [inaudible] for example, [inaudible] >> thank you very much, next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. the hardest thing to do is accept the truth especially when you have been living a lie your whole life. the majority of our african american people that know nothing of our culture heritage and history. our universe is perfect and all things are a result of universal order. we
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are right where we should be in this moment of our history here in america. we cannot wait another month for what is true and correct for african american people. if we don't know where we came from, how we know where we are going? that is why the [inaudible] commission on education is necessary and very critical at this state of development and growth. nature dictates that everything that effects me, will adversely effect you. trust me, it is far cheaper to teach african history or continue to assume this or that and one day we will stop killing one another and realize nothing from nothing leaves nothing. unequivocally i was born with a abigation to the
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african community with the full force of the universe at the helm of my spirit which is my bright shining light, vision is my gift and i'm going share it with my world. it saddens me every time i come here because my grandson just went from kind rergarten to the first grade and can't spell his name. there are so many issues within our community and nothing is being done. president obama wrote me a letter and-[buzzer] >> thank you sir. next speaker please. >> good afternoon. what a life. smile and yet, smiling
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with you. [inaudible] yelling at you, angry with you. shouting at you. loving you, petting you, fooling you and lying to you. stairing at you, smirking at you, sorry for you, forgetting you and remembering you. begging you, talking with you, talking at you and talking about you, yelling at you, ignoring you and singing at you. and then it is over. what a life. what is missing here? there has to be something more and there is. we have the sum total of our [inaudible] and more. the miracle of life and spiritual connection to the grander scheme oof things. thank you for listening >> thank you next speaker please >> good afternoon. [inaudible]
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i haven't been here in a long time. i first want to say for too the record after reading a lot of what is on line, the sheriff department nor the body should be blamed or be the cause of what happened to the death of the woman at peer 14 the other day. it is ridiculous to point fingers in that direction. there are a lot more questions to be asked and answered before you go there. first i want to say a lot of colleagues in the [inaudible] are in sacramento today lobbying against 2 bills that should never have been before the state legislators in the first place and it want to say i have resmeckt and admiration for the comment and written articles by colleagues here and what they have said. others here have basically turned the back on the taxi cab industry and think it is important you start looking at
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issues. why is there a vacancy on the sf [inaudible] the other issue icize the traffic. if you can't notice how bad traffic has gotten especially during the peek hours and peak hours expanded in the afternoon it is atrushs and extended into the evening hours. it is horrible. the company at 1455 market is a swear word. if you ask how many people actually come from outside the city to do that job of using the apps, you find more than half do. i think it is important to look at the contribution of the traffic they have done racketer than the contribution trying to deal with the transportation problems. cab drivers want a better app and provide a better
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service. i enjoy doing it and helping people downtown >> thank you very much. next speaker please. thank you >> good afternoon supervisors, my name is susan fifer. i live in catty tangs district and run a small neighborhood association, the outer sunset parkicide residence association known as [inaudible] i'm also a member of the fdr democratic club for people with disabilities and senior jz want to compliment supervisor tack on the legislation she introduce squd think it will go a long way to completing the cycle of making san francisco a much more liveruble sitdy for people with disability. i want to thank those that voted for the addition to the mayors budget this year to create a new position for disability hiring coordinator for had city the city of san francisco. we are not aware of any other large city doing this and if we
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are correct it is the first. we hope san francisco applaud them sevl squz make this known because this is something that makes me love living in san francisco and want to thank you. >> thank you very much >> i want to give ample time and want to have to fix this and have something elts to say so the time will start when yeget this together. first of all i want to say [inaudible] understand this is going to hold a very important meeting next monday in our community and i'm so happy. i'm here to say without saying names, without a doubt ace washington is on the case. i am the self proclaimed situation here. i'm giving my own self a title. i am the fillmore corridor, ambassador. i have been there 50 something years and seen
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from beginning to end what is going on. i have been there 25 years and hope and pray the series of meetings coming to the western addition that will include not exclude but include ace on the case. let me go back to here. here we have the mayor where you get all this money >> mr. washington please use the microphone >> what is it called. add back to the western addition. put that back there. the adback money. 1.6 million is going to be added back to the western addition as well as other communities so not just pointing out my community about dog gonet there must be oversight. there must be reviews on who had money in the past. and what will happen in the future. no longer status quo. my name is ace and i'm on the case and hope and pray
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without saying names we can work together and bring in new change to what i call the fillmore no the fill, no more. the history speaks for itself and the series of meeting coming up is going too be historical. ace washington have a lot to add going on now and i spoke to my supervisor. she is having event in the fillmore and what is going on now >> thank you mr. washington. next speaker >> [singing] california here we come [inaudible] don't be late, that is why we can hardly wait. open up that golden gate, california here we come.
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on the wings of gov, up and above the clouds the only way to fly is on the wings of gov. happy un birthday to you, a un world. there are city places i remember in the city board chamber where we go to do public comment and the places have such meaning all my life we loved you more. downtown district 6, downtown forget, downtown, where all the lights
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are bright, downtop town district 6 is waiting for you. downtown. and i guess after all this it won't be so sad if-rainy days and drought mondays won't get us down. sometimes we would like to drink quick and there is no water and we got a drought to fix. hanging around, what a city town. we could use some rain and rainy day mondays, bring it around. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> tom gillburty. i'll give him applause. thank you. 1960's the mets used to have the dodgers come into town and
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be swept and the giants come to town and they would lose one game. a series and they would always finish behind the dodgers one game behind in the 1960's. mays [inaudible] pro 'sank ware. pause in a new direction. paula gray, a new direction includes a new mayor. a couple weeks ago the mission people rallied here and a man kept saying there is no plan. here is a start of one. a new mayor, he or she held pause elisact evictions. [inaudible] ban no fault or cause evictions mpt number 3, establishes rent
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control for all market rate apartments. their rates are frozen and if you have been here, lived here in a market rate apartment and there are vee few people that have for 10 years, your rate gets frozen and pegged at fiver years ago. we want to protect and keep people in the neighborhoods and a healthy neighborhood has long term residence there. even the techys that have been here 3 or 4 years are starting to have problems because their rent goes up 10 percent each year. all rents, cost of living, caps, i said it was 5 percent >> thank you very much. next speaker please >> we'll get it fixed. thank
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you. are there any other members of the public who would like to provide public comment at the time some seeing nuchb public comment is closed. madam clerk can you please read the adoption for the ref refer to committee item >> item 26-29 are being considered for immediate adoption without committee reference. single roll call vote [inaudible] a member may object is and have it considered separately >> any members like to remove items on the adoption without committee reference? seeing none madam clerk on item 26-29 can you please call the roll? >> supervisor yee, aye. avalos, aye. breed, aye. campos, aye. christensen, aye.
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cohen, aye. farrell, aye. kim, aye. mar, aye. tang, aye. wiener, aye. there are 11 aye's >> those resolution are adopted and approved unanimously. madam clerk would you read the in memoriam >> thank you >> sorry supervisor campos >> yest madam president in reference to my comment i wonder on behalf thoentire board can we do the in memoriam for catherine nob [inaudible] >> madam clerk can you please read the in memoriam >> thank you todays meeting will be adjourned in memy of the following individuals. on
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behalf of supervisor yee for the late mr. and coach [inaudible] lawrence chew. on behalf of ininentire board of have visor for the late catherine steinly. >> colleagues this bringstuse the end of the agenda today. madam clerk is there any other business before us? >> that concludes the business today madam president >> we are adjourned. thank you everyone.
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as a society we've basically failed big portion of our population if you think about the basics of food, shelter safety a lot of people don't have any of those i'm mr. cookie can't speak for all the things but i know say, i have ideas how we can address the food issue. >> open the door and walk through that don't just stand looking out. >> as they grew up in in a how would that had access to good food and our parent cooked this is how you feed yours this is not happening in our country this is a huge pleasure i'm david one of the co-founder so about four year ago we worked
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with the serviced and got to know the kid one of the things we figured out was that they didn't know how to cook. >> i heard about the cooking school through the larkin academy a. >> their noting no way to feed themselves so they're eating a lot of fast food and i usually eat whatever safeway is near my home a lot of hot food i was excited that i was eating lunch enough instead of what and eat. >> as i was inviting them over teaching them basic ways to fix good food they were so existed. >> particle learning the skills and the food they were really go it it turned into the is charity
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