tv [untitled] July 15, 2015 12:00am-12:31am PDT
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>> like to remind the members of the audience that the commission does not tolerate disruptions of any kind. proceedings. and when speaking before the commission, if you care to, do state your name for the record. i'd like to call roll at this time commissioner president fong commissioner wu commissioner antonini commissioner johnson commissioner moore and commissioner richards commissioner hillis is expected to be absent today commissioners, that places you under your is item is consideration of items property for continuance case number one accessory use entertainment it is for july 16, 2015, and item 2 for case e at bay street a
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appeal of a primary negative declaration is proposed until august 6, 2015 and item 3 capital avenue conditional use authorization is proposed for continuance until august 16, 2015 i i have no speaker cards any public comment on item the items proposed for continuance? okay. not seeing any public comment is closed. >> commissioner antonini move to continue items 1, 2, 3 to the days proposed. >> on that motion commissioner antonini commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero and places you under commission matters for the adaptation of draft minutes for
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june 21st, 2015. >> any public comment on the draft minutes not seeing public comment is closed. commissioner wu. >> move to approve draft minutes and second. >> on that motion commissioner antonini commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero and places you on item 5 commissioners questions or comments. >> commissioner antonini. the court: yeah. i have a couple of things first of all, an article in the online part of the san francisco business times by corey wen beggar he did an analysis of the cost to build affordable housing new or to acquire existing housing and turn it into affordability the latter is cheaper than building it new worth taking into account
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and the other thing it is kind of we discussed a lot of times who's driven up the costs in south of market area to include the mission integrity and the eastern neighborhoods i remember as a child coming out san francisco from the east bay where i grew up smelling the smell of coffee and giants games and the before hery and in practice having patients with steel mills in the district best foods had a factory and fashion lawn had a factory to build lens heavy industry in the area south of market and including the mission district i think almost all of that is begun we fortunately have a played in sf manufacturing but their fields
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with people having discretionary income but not the type of thing that makes a neighborhood undesirable in the past the entry-level neighborhood was not as desirable to live in but all the things that made that undesirable have made if gone away the lack of heavy industry and now in one neighborhood two bart stations and have thirdly the business district has moved from downtown towards the south of market and approaching areas like the mission districts so it is not going to change it is a desirable area we have to access our policies on reality and not pretend the demand will go away to stop the demand i think in my opinion you build
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as much affordable housing as i can or acquire as i brought up or build hfa as much market rate and people will want to live there will find a place i'm happy to hear the mayor as likely acquired a site we'll are a approve for market rate housing i understand he has 3 other sites within the mission this is a good step towards meeting the requirements of admission district i'll have a question for staff on that site it is being acquired i assume they have to abide by the changes we've worked hard an van ness to scale it down to preserve the idol i didn't and any changes in the structure this way it is built and quality
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has to come back before us. >> yeah. commissioner it is an entitled project no matter who owns it they have to. >> architecturally. >> yeah. thank you. >> commissioner richards. >> a couple of things in yesterday's tuesday chronicle they talked about the divisadero quarter for the last couple of decades obviously we've been seeing those changes we'll hear from mr. star the final nc t has not passed on second reading it talks about the improvements and the flip do some of those things in terms of displacement we had a boat camp for folks that are flowing the word is not low fault evictions for small items making 5 that people show up and
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had 75 this is a the indication it was the vera did care might be experiencing the same types things and the items on the agenda to talk about the mission i'm sure you're aware of everybody heard the mission signatures were turned in about 1 thousand that gives probably an indication 97 are no good all the context around the mission is in my mind about the initiative in november thank you. >> commissioner moore. >> the arts commission is sponsoring an artist displacement study i hope to see that ms. forest gets in touch with the commission to see this an ad on to what wire trying to do i can forward the e-mail to you but
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that is something we should, cross communicating. >> commissioners, if there's nothing further department matters item 6 directors announcements. >> commissioners good afternoon two announcements today, i think of interest one is i'm sure you're aware of in the media the department issued the first housing balance report yesterday per legislation that was introduced by supervisor kim last year and was part of the calculation we were part we grew out of prop k that report is the ordinance requires that report to cover the housing balance between affordable housing and market rate housing and also taking into account housing that's removed from the protected rent control housing removed from the market the 3 tomato takeaways i'll calling
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your attention and you have it, it is new posted on the website is that number one this report looked at the last 10 years from 2004 to last year one is that thirty percent of the new housing was affordable and if you take into account the housing that was removed the affordable housing from protected status the total balance is 21 percent and third is that the there's a great variety within the city between different neighborhoods like district 10 have over 50 percent of balance and others in the negative because more housing was removed from rent control than was produced so some of the west side are in negative was an interesting fact that come out of that report i was surprised to see
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this report is required by itself legislation this particular version of the report the timing was simply to look 10 years but to be done twice a year september 1st and may first, it we'll be doing this report in the future i have those dates wrong secondarily i wanted to make a comment and talk about the average office allocation in prop m we've been working on looking at the issue of the office allocation and whether or not we should be bringing a different approach how you do the office allocation it seems to me we've been thinking about this what is most important about the average office allocation and the intent of the original prop m you've talked about that the three-legged stool the idea was jobs and
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transportation and education this is the 3 approach and prop m was to be addressed we're thinking rather than taking a new approach now we might need to do that in the coming months number one we feel like that current projects you see are projects we'll likely support within the next few months that meet the goals of plan we've put forward but we think we would like to recommend a larger analysis of the prop m and the related goals of housing production and transportation that the original prop m was addressed he did a radio some of the goals designed to be met how has the context changed in the last thirty years we believe it certainly has how are the economics of the city changed in the last thirty years and how is
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prop m and the average office department market changing so our recommendation at this point we can certainly have further discussion to do this larger analysis to have a better baushlgd to the office market and how to relates to the other goals of housing and transportation demanding process and certainly happy to have future discussions in the coming weeks. >> commissioner wu and thanks it is great to see the housing balance report out those thirty percent new affordable but 21 percent as a balance is includes the rad properties; right? the properties so i just want to be clear that's a one time deal it is a worthy cause we should be rehabilitating our affordable housing that affordable housing by the construed housing with the rad properties in the city
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it was interesting it was breakdown by district to district district 3 and 8 and shows where production is happening they're happening in different district i encourage the citywide for the neighborhood work and also there are two new hires in the budget this year that are specifically doing neighborhood base work this is a good way to see the needs and challenges and oh, great for us to get a separate presentation at the planning commission or wrapped up into quarreling or something like that quarreling updates on housing. >> very good comments commissioner thank you. >> commissioner moore. >> regarding prop m moving forward i would ask that the
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department sheds light on the regional demands and regional lifestyle in the city without helping us in any form or shape ta to maintain a balance between jobs transportation and housing this is an objective the region makes demands yet negatively impacts the balance something we need to address and come to terms with. >> commissioner johnck. >> echo everything that was mentioned i'd like to see a separate presentation think outside the box on the prop m i hope the housing discussion has displacement in that i think there are a couple of things that popped up over the last 20 or thirty years the displacement of nonprofits and some threatened they have their
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populations served as part of analysis please. commissioners just for your information we are expecting a housing update presentation on september september 17th. >> commissioners, if there's nothing further we can more often to item 7 review past events of the board of supervisors no report for the boyle's pelosi. >> good afternoon aaron star this land use commission was cancelled because of the 4th of july but the board of supervisors met and at that hearing they passed a 2 reading the street tree ordinances by supervisor wiener excuse me. and co-sponsored by supervisor christensen they also as commissioner richards mentioned past the filling and divisadero street and the rincon
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hill master plan planning code also passed their first reading quite a few of the introduction the zoning controls in the transit district between 12 and harrison and first and second reading supported by supervisor kim and the zoning controls in the district area plan to re12rik9 the size of signs and visual from the planned park or open space and to restrict the elimination of new signs within the areas also introduced a resolution requesting the planning department to develop a white paper instead of signed guidelines sponsored by supervisor yee and supervisor kim introduced a hearing request to present this finding of the annual balance report and supervisor mar supervisor breed and commissioner avalos introduced a
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plan to redesign the formula retail for subsidies this is an ordinance amending the planning code for this formula retail to include the formula retail and an amendment to the administrative code sponsored by supervisor farrell so for the district of 311 customer service to develop a pilot program a significant program for decisions in the city in areas of construction and infrastructure repavement work and public health and facilities this does not impact the planning department but we'll be involved in future reiterations of it and finally an introduction by supervisor wiener for the planning code to require conditional use authorization in the castro street commercial district in the upper market transit
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district before a ground floor retail space is is converted into limited restaurant use that concludes my report. >> if there are no questions commissioners item 8 for case no. 2006 e d f and z an mikt. >> good afternoon kevin this is an informational item with the program for 350 be mikt a project under construction the proposal will locate a program media wall within the open space of project and satisfy the one percent for your requirement that is in planning code section 429 i would now like to invite the project sponsor for the detailed
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presentation on the art artists. >> good afternoon chris representing the reality out of respect for your full calendar we'll keep this brief but want to share our delight in presenting the results of two years of effort to create an enormous public benefit of mission street it consists of the canvas at the back wall of the interior lobby so if you can direct your attention to the screen on the do some quick graphics to show you the screen is department of
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environmental health set back on the back wall of the interior lobby we want to make sure we maximize the benefit pedestrians on the sidewalks in front of the building we spent a considerable amount of time looking at the pitch and ratios to make sure we designed a screen to be utilized by some of the most renowned aren't in the world designed a screen program that satisfies and as you can see the screen was designed to be visible from the transbay park across the street it also to maximize that benefit so the first very exciting exhibit we've programmed the commission for the screen is by
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- i won't repeat information in front of you but asked pete to spend time talking about the concept concept. >> i'm excited to share that wonderful program i'm specifically entitled and love to show a couple of slides for the 21st century public art experience the ideas of using the square is the less transformed data scope with the lively sculptures there are simulations with the color and form and here are some examples we'll be hopefully xeshg for the upcoming months and this is a
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technique that you'll experience in the artwork and this the the physical quality and wonderful approach to san francisco ballet team for experience and turn the mary into a sculpture and finally, the data of the san francisco street will become one of the exciting scriptures for the piece. >> and just because this is a work very much in progress and the information we put together a couple of clips to demonstrate the art exhibit. >> for example, one the
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beautiful examples of the physical quality by using sole customs and this is fully controlled by software it is under control of the software it is ingenious to make it this way and maybe the sculpture - in this short clip we're seeing a beautiful creep and the formation is opened is becoming for the first time a sculpture for example, in golden gate experience from the software and later on we'll see this beautiful form into a dynamic sculpture light sculpture. >> so essentially our nooshl
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will bring realtime information to the city into the screen thank you for your time and consideration we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> any public comment on this item? this informational presentation? okay. not seeing any public comment is closed. commissioner moore >> two comments for those two approved the building it is finally one of the buildings we're getting what we're hoping for congratulations is it is a wonderful piece it renders the corner as a very active place and being short of the sidelines makes it even better. >> commissioner antonini all yeah. i agree i walk by it almost every night and especially with this presentation with a very large ground floor presence and the
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ability to relate to the street and welcoming design is what we want to see. >> thank you. we look forward to seeing that first show commissioners, that places you under your your regular calendar for case c w p an intent to have the interim controls related to the mission action plan 2020. >> as before crawford district attorney starts i want to give a brief introduction and the work we're doing in the mission at a very basic level it's time for the planning department to take the eastern neighborhoods plan to the next level we're proposing for you one piece of a much larger strategy for the mission district not about the rethinking of the eastern
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neighborhoods plan that was appropriately adapted and sets the fraction where it should and shouldn't happen and lays the ground work for the city the work in the midst is kaiser that forward in a detailed way we know that the conditions have changed and the market is in a different place and claudia will go through the interesting data what is happening in the mission today i want to emphasis i think the most important thing to emphasis the work is a multi faceted strategy is about planning controls and the interim controls only one part of that strategy includes increasing our efforts towards eviction control and the small site acquisition and the housing looichld but not
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limited to the site that was announced yesterday under the control of the average office of housing and support for pdr businesses and fooufr our attempts and efforts to protect pdr businesses and includes the small business particularly the 24 area a lot of work if that area and the support for nonprofits and for legacy businesses and i think you've heard about that effort the board put fardz in supervisor campos support i think this represents a new phase forever the planning department to think beyond our gamete of issues related to small business support affordable housing production and protection and how that relates to the production of new market rate housing we're commented it
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working on those efforts over the next 6 months we we proposed those interim in place and by the end of the year presenting present a housing package and how to move forward with the work in the mission with that, i'm going to turn it over to claudia that will go over the details of the proposal. >> good afternoon, commissioners claudia planning department staff that are copies of the presentation available for the public as well as the corrected page that was in your package last week as director ram mentioned we're here to talk about the interim controls before you today here's an overview of the agenda first i'll give you a little bit of background and then get into the interim controls and on to
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the next steps why interim controls the intent to acknowledge the affordable housing contra costa crisis in the mission and the importance of addressing the 0 problem we've tried to draft the controls to analyze the affordable housing needs and assess the sites for the housing production stem the loss of unprotected unit and the pdrs lands and resources why interim controls analysis you may ask i'm sure you're aware of there are a lot of community organizing at the board of supervisors at this commission when certain projects are in front of you and preapplication meeting from the project sponsors and as i mentioned in the signature gathering efforts go on out there why are there sentiments i'll talk about the mission from 2009 to 2013 there was an
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average of a hundred and 50 are households per year that earned between thirty to hundred and 20 percent of medium inflicting income that left the mission that is hundred and 80 per year in the same time period hundred and 60 eviction noticed filed similarly between 2000 and 2000 more 13 hundred latinos left the mission there were only 38.5 and the trend continues comparison the households medium income in the mission many 2013 was in the 70s for latino households on in the $40,000 who are those low and moderate they're our dish waushz a construction workers our nonprofits and teachers and
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