tv [untitled] July 15, 2015 2:00am-2:31am PDT
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sunset democratic club but mostly to speak agree a grandparent and parents my daughter and single grandmother lives with us i'm aware of the need and the tragedy of displacement and higher rents in the mission area and throughout san francisco man is driving displacement demand is driving the higher rents so restricting new housing will hurt those it's intended to help some of the projects out here in the pipeline going to be bringing new affordable housing to the san francisco as well as other market rates housing what we need to do is create incentives that create more of not only in the mission but all over the city and we need you know changes inclusionary
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ordinances to create for affordable housing i port some of those controls the projects most of projects in the pipeline have been working on this for years and years shouldn't be further detailed with other restrictions thank you. >> any good afternoon i represent several project sponsors in the mission she you have the tools for the interim controls with you look at projects individually and all those projects require a conditional use permit their discretionary projects you'll be able to look at the additional criteria your staff is suggesting you don't meet
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interim controls you've got the tools and secondarily the conditional use is time consuming and a appeal ability and it is appealable to the board of appeals and the board of supervisors for the double control it is burdensome and unnecessary thirdly the criteria on page 11 of the interim controls any project over 5 units from the interim controls are adapted any project over 5 units will individually have to hire an economic consultant to create a macro study of the mission you should relook at page 11 from the controls go forward and make the planning for specific site specific not so speck 2i6 and finally i wanted to speak to the pipeline you passed the eastern
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neighborhoods controls in 2008 the board of supervisors approved it in 2009 it is only have years ago those are comprehensive that rezone to encourage housing and invite property owners or project sponsors to come in and buy land and many have done that so, now 11th hour changed the rules having after people made investments and under ceqa reviews is not fair proposal to exempt pipeline projects is a fair one it is not fair to projects that are in the pipeline for two to three years for hundreds of thousands of dollars and close at the last minute not clear to them when bethey tied up the land or the ceqa process i encourage you to stick with a grandfather date it's realistic
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and real for january one of this year it is a good date stick to that and not be persuaded to change the rules for projects ready to move forward and have discretionary authority and that's enough thank you. >> hi, i'm peter i'm with the cultural action network and i'd like to see this attempt at effecting what is going on what a mandating overrun in the mission going much, much, much farther you're getting that feedback from the mission and it will continue to come as that message i want to talk about one thing the previous speaker said that was not fair to change in sort
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of mid pipeline and i think that is exactly what we're saying but in a much bigger way not fair to use a document that was written during the great recession and apply to the great boom the conditions are entirely different we need to address the crisis we're facing i want to talk about demand as someone that unifies two businesses one is creating demand and those developers their job is to create demand they're not meeting demand meeting displaced is for people that make small margins those guys are not interested in small margins i don't blame them but the housing crisis is not to be answered by openly overseas offices and offices around the crisis as a business person i
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don't hire someone if i don't think this is a numerous censure they know that that will drive the prices higher and higher and higher they know that lets not prevent we don't know that we don't have the supply we know that the city we've hugely over built on the market rate levels that are prescribed and we know that only 20 percent of san francisco residents can afford that housing that is being built at market rate we're not housing people here but marld marketed to over assess and across the country i'll ask you to go much, much much forecast ever farther than the moratorium i'm begging you we need you to do that for us, please consider it for us. >> thank you.
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>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi i'm with the residential builders association we all recognition we have a citywide housing fablt shorthand and affordability issue a complicated issue created by several be contributing factors and while you look at the interim controls to address the housing crisis we need to recognize that possible adjusting the zoning is only one thing it is critical and to create more solutions or possibility a solution as a whole address average short-term rentals they've been taking housing away from the housing unit and perhaps one of the leading causes of
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displacement in san francisco we need to look at i can't tics are not held to the same housing code and ellis act that's another problem for 10 to 15 years it is important to look at the eastern neighborhoods plan rezoning is only one component of a multi faceted issue but unilateral corporation we need an emergency task force to coordinate the agencies as a whole solution to a much bigger problem. >> shawn rb a i want to echo some comments on - instead i'm
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picking i didn't back on the previous speakers points that is a complex issue we've been here a long time the energy and alex attention focused on this commission and department is almost an unfair challenge this pros and cons problem is not just about zoning are we open to look at the possible tweaks in the mission? yes as long as it is done in a fair and justice way but the previous speaker talked about airbnb and ellis act evictions and what about pdr enforcement that's another form those are the anxiety issues within the community i believe the new construction is part of the solution we have to address the root of the problem and the
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anxiety from displacement and evicts now i'm a little bit frustrated i feel we've worked on this i've heard little about the programs that help there's a small site acquisition in the city attorney's where's that there's evict controls i've heard about a dial proposal those proposals to make square footage of bmr that could add units why is it money from projects in the mission kept in the mission why unit or or not bmr units in the mission for people in the mission why are we not doing more seminars to explain the hurdles of producing affordable housing it sound easy but it's not it is difficult new units and new inventory are
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needed to keep up with the population growth it is easy for people to blame new development i get it i've been blamed for a long time but until we have a task force that sheriff i don't think mental illness the previous speaker that a group that speaks distancing about one furthermore to one group to come up with one comprehensive plan that addresses the board of supervisors the planning department the mayor's office of housing the department of public health etc., etc. i heard something about google buses this is a large complex problem we need and it's a crisis we need an emergency approach thank you. >> commissioners good afternoon everyone. john o'connor with
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residential builders it is about 7 yearlings we were here actually one month short of seven years ago for the adaptation of eir area plan we thought we had the answers then and that was before the great recession before the collapse of the necessarily man brothers i would like to ask the commission to respect the pipeline projects and grandfather those in the pipeline with that said, with having we have a housing crisis we need an emergency task force to pull together the departments to get a comprehensive proposal to implement the recommendations if we've any hope of solving the housing crisis we need bold steps planning commission or the planning department on its own will not be able to solve those problems in the housing balances report i
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recognized the new affordable unit is not equal to a rental unit we're losing units as fast as creating affordable units we have to housing unit read the housing balance we've lost 5 hundred plus units over the placing last 10 years we need to set up task force and need the legislative branch and the executive branch and the mayor's office of housing and the stakeholders to get together task force may have 90 days to report back here but the discussion items that has to be distrusted has to get out there in airbnb tic and ellis act and discuss the pdr enforcement we have to discuss additional height and density with a percentage for housing units the
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density bonus law and the acquisition the cost of affordable units we got to do a business process for reengineering of our whole affordable housing we have the benchmark of what does and doesn't work i look at seattle they set up a task force putting forward their recommendations i called from the seattle times a quote most dramatic the committee is considering a recommendation to do away with single-family homes when for a hundred years plus the defined feature of seattle field more third-story and others buildings exist we need something to get together to figure out a way to move forward the planning department is not going to solve that problem on
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its own thank you for your time. >> good afternoon my name is patricia i've burn living in the missions for thirty years san francisco since 1970 so i've seen all the changes in the mission when i moved there people said off it's a rough area i said i grew up in detroit i think that is a nice area i grew up in detroit in a nice ear for me it wasn't scary the people were warm and friendly and made me feel like i'm part of the community i've been watching what is going on for the last thirty years nothing was down to improve the mission
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first, movement and then to redo the placing and this and that those cosmetic things that went bust bay area but a lot of people lost their homes during that time could they came back no people are losing their homes this is really what the matter is about it is about people through no fault of their own are being thrown out of homes they've lived in those are are not just buildings their people's home easing and seniors i'm a senior i am on a low income protect i'm living on social security so if it wasn't for the fact i live in a re7b8d placed i wouldn't be able to afford to live here i was ellis acted i fought my
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ellis act and i won so anyone that is listening if this happens to you, you can fight and win this is about people not about buildings and not about piecemeal it is about people it is about humanity and where the humanity of you and of our city is this is a city of sfans not the city of frisco thank you. >> is there any additional public comment. >> good afternoon. i'm brick an attorney and land use attorney at the law firm of hansel and brigitte inch not worked on a eviction or a tenant in common milestone my clients build the housing some are
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housing stock housing clients i wanted to say i hope that you commissioners stand strong you're not elected officials we don't see you at elections we're really hoping you can listen to all sides and stand firm it's a difficult time a lot of eagles and long term effects i want to talk about the details i agree with the association the housing association made some great ones but out of the fairness why for instance the grandfather date is june one why is it linked to environmental evaluations you don't why not linked to when a p pa went into planning does it have to be all
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p pa for the lass past years maybe p pa for the past dates let's talk about tinging with housing stock a lot of people opposed extending that more a mile maybe a mile and a half but make the mission that extends more than a mile that's legally possible i think it needs to be looked into that's why where we need the market rate housing developers we're paying for the affordable units i've heard some again comments on a lot of the issues i really hope initiation process without our recommendations to the staff
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i fear we won't end up with an interim ordinance that reflects the serious issues the issues that have long term consequences for those who feel both affordable and market rate housing thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners planning department i came to the mission 15 years ago and the only place i was afford to live was the mission if i come at any part of the country come to the mission we need $75,000 a year to live in the mission the person asking about the fairness we have a fairness in the city of san francisco that
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everyone has to address we've been able to mobilize the community and we continue to do that this is the only way that the city's listening to us i was appreciated before and the mayor's office of housing is doing the affordable housing development and yesterday we heard about the 495 south van ness that will be built is it so not enough we are working with the city and the number of units to stabilize the unit is 24 hundred units we need to work with many solutions i'm happy to here to been it not only in the but in the interests of this city i admire you guys you're not public servant but you have to serve the people of the san francisco with a lot of money in their pockets to meet there will
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we need and able to change the rules as long as needed and we really want to have the city for the people that representing diversity and as you said we're going to be in the streets for november to enforce a moratorium that's the only way we can work and plan how we want to see our neighborhood and city thank you. >> is there any additional public comment? >> okay one more time is there any additional public comment? okay. not seeing any further public comment is closed. and openly up to commissioners commissioner antonini and well, thank you i think we can all agree on something i'm going to say at the beginning i think almost everyone here
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will agree that much of the demand for housing particularly in the mission district and in the city is driven by people coming from other places and moving to san francisco there are san franciscans that are looking for hours as are my children and other relates within san francisco and it would be a lateral move but many of them are coming from elsewhere and in so moved most instances people are means they can afford to pay for things by cutting down the production of market rate housing is not going to stop that demand it will go far for what is there it makes no sense to stop the slow the housing but take care of people not in that category we have to do
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affordable housing but nothing to do with the building of market rate housing only 75 units were built last year in the mission district the impacts are in the from what is not built unlike other neighborhoods little has been built in the mission district the best remarks of the day from a young lady this is the only types of comments that help people in need in any field where someone said we want to help people in need but we don't want people to pay for themselves i mean it is sort of like something arguing providing market rate coverage insurance is somehow driving up the cost of subsidized medical care it if make sense the other things the
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center of brought up the justifications to eliminate or modify the that time controls we've pass for the eastern neighborhoods of those are not justified all the instances in the 90s and throughout the history of san francisco were planning commissions or board of supervisors put controls in place came after christmass are that that exacerbated by increased demand but not after exhaust 10 years where we set the rules so this is we're dealing with the different situation and some have argued some things are different and that's in the whole city people don't come from market octavia or potrero hill or earn selma
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that are people that will august those but the demands are just as great and the other thing they've brought up the statistics they said hundred and 50 households per year we are leaving between 2009 2013 between thirty and have hundred and 20 percent of ami that's a really broad range that includes a lot of people for the same reason that our friends and families will rent a city in brisbane over and over small business owner somewhere to get a house less extensive this is a nature migration they have spefld spelled out the evicted as the rb a brought up because of the state law people don't have to stay in the rental
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market and can sell and convert through the ellis act or form tic if a group purchase something this is probably the most beneficial use of tic but used in many ways this is probably with impacts more than new construction also i if hear controls in the past there was a huge percentage of italians not in the north beach or others in the sunset ethic groups will change that's how things happen we want to be all inclusive new not controlling the population by ethic groups and somebody was saying get rid of the google buses and the tech workers but the tech workers were here first to allow them to get to their
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jobs tech workers are very quick to change jobs they're very mobile they'll find another tech company to work for in san francisco rather than moving to sunnyvale so i don't think that is going to help a little bit more on the actual proposals that are before us on the controls which i don't think we should have controls we should continue with what we have and brad brought up good points we have to build affordable housing the mayor has 4 sites identified in the missions one of which he's purchased and you know this is the way to do it to line up more sites and build more affordable housing and build as many market rate housing and stop pagd more to the cost by
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adding cus you'll add to the cost of housing and trying to ask them to have 40 percent ever more of low end of affordable housing is not going to make sense it is not going inform happen so blanket some kind of justification the only way this can possibility happen a blanket statement made by economic analysis that applies to all the projects that fit that category but to audio to the cost by having each one it is a project killer and you know the more projects you kill the more costs of existing hours which is the only game in town yeah. there's been a lot of problems for a long time in the attitudes in the mission district i remember in the 70s when we drove out federal saves that was
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a good business for some reason they have an ugly building but besides that they drove them to san mateo because they didn't do something certain community members didn't like the language in here saying the planning commission is goovbld guaranteed we're not guaranteed to do anything we did a good job making rules if you don't like the rules those are the rules we can try to make solutions by addressing the shormg of affordable housing by getting more built not by trying to eliminate market rate housing so the other thing the points have been brought up about the if controls are initiated i'm doubtful i'll vote but i want to see
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