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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2015 3:00am-3:31am PDT

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if the interim controls are in place when the project comes before you you take into consideration a few thing is it removing more than one unit of retaining wall housing if so work think the draft resolutions then they'll need to replace that if the new project is also a will rental that's a requirement and if you're subject to the interim controls you'll looked at the finding they need to meet the majority of the findings, however from the project was not subject to interim controls you'll just apply 317 as you normally do by considering all those things but noted required to meet any of
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the. >> i'm sorry i'm going - my question it sounds like the current proposals that are grandfathered projects we picked the line january 1st within the next 6 months because the grandfather we'll see them wherever their calendar. >> yes. as they come before you when we made that chart we talked with the staff is working on it and we're in consultation with the project sponsor so the staff made an estimate as which projects about come forward in the next 6 months so the interim controls always proposed we think will only currently go 6 months the only projects that need to be approved will come under this framework. >> part one that's the next part 2 the remaining projects look like they're ready to come
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before us but after the grandfathered date it reads as we're not claerpd them. >> okay. >> so my question what will we see that is subject so interim controls that's not a grandfathered project. >> any project we're not goes to change the timeline for review of a project or the developer is ready to come for a hearing depending on if it is within the time period which is everything we're politically to every project after january 1st of this year so any project before jangle first if they need paralyzed they'll not be subject to the controls because of a preexisting application. >> this may get back to the staff or anybody a commission policy i read it as i don't know if
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this is for today or if we decide to initiate my communication if we're trying to have interim controls why would we subject projects that we're not asking grandfathered to increase scrutiny in a six months period why not see it for 6 months and in 6 probation officers potentially be under the same regime of framework maybe they wouldn't but it didn't it seems to me we'll there the cu process above and beyond is final it seems like a lot of the pieces is 6 months especially the piece about having that economic report and other pieces those don't seem
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like things that had been ongoing; right? so i just don't understand i mean, i guess it is my reading of it; right? that's the piece i'm in question and leon towards something it grandfathered that is fine but not grandfather it shouldn't be parrot of the control we don't see it for 6 months does that make sense. >> commissioner if i may your offering a different approach to the interim controls there are so many ways to cut this; right? not when you duty cut the date for the pipeline by what happens that is what you're suggesting; right? your suggestion is one approach in a project comes in after the pipeline date whatever the commission wouldn't simply rectify it that's one approach one other move the pipeline date or have it based on the size of
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the project one commissioner suggested projects displacing use there are so many ways to cut this we choose one way for a discussion today >> okay. okay. so i guess my comments my opinion on approach my question i don't understand what we see that is subject to interim controls within 6 months i guess i didn't get the sense. >> so month market rate projects on one hand with an application after january 1st come to you for the 6 months. >> we don't have a list. >> the top half of the list. >> ize okay but only two are actually not grandfathered. >> that's right. >> only two will come to us.
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>> that's our guess everything is can have yotd this is an estimate we're working quickly their subject to what question don't thinks staff we appreciate our questions it will help us to provide for clarity with changes. >> keep asking those questions. >> we'll we'll see how far those conversation goes. >> real quick the last question for now and maybe others commissioners can jump in so normally under a cu process if the project is did understand the timetable is one year to reapply depending on the time to if we choose to initiate in the final date if we choose to go
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through interim controls if we choose to go through it with a framework under which would see projects within 6 months that are not grandfathered and their subject to increased scrutiny i don't think i'm supportive of maintaining that same year timeline before necessary can come back to reapply one of months for a different set of criteria they would search warrant have been subject to before so how we choose to tackle that what we're considering grandfathered i think that we should decrease the timeline until they're able to reapply way less than a year at minimum the end of the interim control period something like that this is something i want to see that is -
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>> it may not be possible because the interim controls can be more restrictive not less restrictive we'll talk about that. >> i made that suggestion knowing that but the restrictiveness is one balance to make it more restrictive and parrots that make it less so changing that on balance didn't make the interim control less restrictive. >> commissioner moore. >> i echo you'll see thank you's to everyone that has worked acknowledging the director taking the lead in that effort i look at this as being like an emergency response plan the
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interim controls question is is it too late those controls have been put in place in anticipation rather than a reaction to a problem question in hindsight for we have what we have that makes the discussion more difficult for everybody said today the eastern neighborhoods are not the only issue but crystal listing and shedding light on a problem that is deeper reaching and it is really about tic leading evictions and local and earning effects over 25 percent of vacant rental units and that is in its manifestation statewide we're using theactive
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itching and the earner plan may not have been address as a place to discuss interim controls eastern neighborhood plan is not the issue i think that is a solid plan but we have many times in the course of doing it prep it to the much finer grain and community market octavia plan renewed all along a level of specific it that we're starting to now foe be sensitivity and to enter into interim controls nuance approach to control the right response is what is in front of us exactly the format or a tier system of controls which perhaps is a different types of project a better way of
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doing that or i building that the largest projects are the most impacting ones and the ones which most activate the response because the change it brings with them is co-local so it it the tier approach better my question to the director and staff if we support this initiation of the interim controls today be a way for the further distrusting how exactly we work them i personally building trying to understand what i'm supported ever spoefrptd to initiate without understanding the subtle thank you now between now and the 23rd your excusing to
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approve the sgroirm controls to get a better understanding on and work on fine tuning them some of them i see as big ideas but they're not worked out well enough and whole set of other ideas i don't believe this commission can help with that that requires a larger forum in which to discussion. >> is commissioners you have a lot of discretion as what was finally approved as interim controls there are obviously legal limitations but the one you could choose to actress think the 23rd or not approve the interim controls that are different than what is in front of you the one thing i can't do without a change in notification the larger geography if you want to make that a larger geography a
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new notifications you can make the geography smaller or change the way we propose the interim controls or have a additional meeting caution that we think we need to do something relatively quicken maybe not july but august or september but if we get something in place relatively quickly we can move forward but you can do any of those things. >> from any prospective i want to see you partnering with us a time when most of the time you're on is tier we do not work 7 days a week some people ply we're working on this everyday we don't we work on this ever thursday with a lot of preparation on a huge number of other issues that's a reality
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our own lives and prospect do we suspend every others issue and focus on this one that is almost as much time as it needs to be serious the great diversity of projects including what is ahead of us today requires four or five days a week to be properly prepared and this one is a huge one, if we're serious this is huge. >> commissioner moore may if i may and commissioner wu you know offered in some good questions about the grandfathered whether it is by units or date maybe i'm hearing from between day and the 23rd you guys have spent a lot
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of time i don't want to interpret but maybe you can go through the triggers that were contemplated and why those don't work and maybe those that came a close second why you ended up with a january date but commissioner moore's point more dialog how we arrived there. >> it takes a meeting on both of the sub points we have a lot of catching up to do they've been involved in that but in order for us to be on target we need to spend spend more times. >> commissioner richards. >> well as i look at what's covered white might come to us in the next 6 months from the 58 units that are not covered under the controls of january one date and if i look at the projects
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that are coming after the 6 months sgrirl controls they apply at 384 it creates a weird situation this criteria switch our heads and go to the project liltd the separated set of criteria it feels weird to me, i'm supportive of the interim controls make next week we can have an agenda item which ones of the application to be applied we need to figure out where to draw the line i have data and size of the project projects that move the needle if we're not knocking anything adopt but building hours it is bringing affordable housing on site maybe we exempt those projects i mean
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there are different sets of criteria's getting modeling around the criteria if you choose this date that is what happened if you choose size we'll figure out to commissioner johnson points applying the criteria is not to deny the project but change the project i can't imagine voting no it didn't feel right so i'll am relying willing to put the cu to make sure they meet the objectives so i'm going to make a motion to initiate we have a subsequent hearing on what it should apply to in a week or two. >> i guess the question i have do i want to have another
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hearing before you take action so we're scheduled right now on two weeks on the 23rd you can choose that to be another informational hearing the only restriction you have to act within hundred and 20 days or an issue. >> my concern director we don't video a full commissioner many say the birth thing we'll do in a while i think on august 4th. >> that's when i love to actually have a full breath of opinion so july 23rdrd. >> what's the date. >> august 6th and you h want to have another hearing on the 23rd and hopefully move to another one i won't be here but that's it fine staff will be here. >> commissioner hillis will be
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here. >> right and. >> august 6th is the next opportunity for the full commission to the present. >> second. >> not yet. >> i'll do a second. >> there is a motion and a second. >> can i confirm an informational hearing on july 23rd and possible vote on august 6th. >> yes. >> uh-huh. >> does that work with staff? >> i'd love to work with staff on the cuts. >> i will be here emry won't be here but i will be. >> commissioner antonini. >> thank you i'm going to vote against the initiation because i don't see the emergency with one exception the emergency is hoping people who want to remain in the mission present residents that are being driven out we
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have to focus on this the two areas are maturing inclusive but the mission is cleaner and safer and more vibrant so there's a lot of good things happening but we have to find ways to make that possible for people that wanted to remain in the mists and the prize are getting too high they are being forced out but no to include new people that want to come into the mission it it makes that more inclusive you can only hope to create more jobs and the neighborhood more vibrant so, anyway there was a couple of other comments i want to answer the first, i saw a lot of people talking about the neighborhood in quote the neighborhood is very diverse we had people that were mission residents speaking
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against controls and for controls it is not a homogenous group they may make the most comments and have the biggest impact at hearings but not the neighborhood and the other things that was brought up by one of the commissioner the developers will continue with their projects developers who have spent a lot of money on their projects between january 1st and the present may very well not go forward with the projects that the controls ply to them they're brought up now if you have over 7 units you have to make them outline affordable or do an economic study to justify under a cu any market rate units you want to have thatdidn't make sense
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so also on the registering issue i'm not speaking against rent control but is it keeps rents stable for the residents who is there as long as they're there but once they're off the developers owners are going to accelerate the rents and you know they know they on have one chance or get rid of tenants to have the opportunity to sell or rent those but if you have no registering i'm a landlords in the east bay it's more affordable for the tenants and they're there more as long as they live or move voluntarily so sometimes, it has bad parts even though i'll not be supporting this i'll be around to make the controls passed as
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creative less damage as possible we don't unfortunate want to create a no fault museum out of the community. >> commissioner moore. >> i'd like to ask staff to have informal q and a's we work with and be more prepared to the next informational hearing and commissioner johnson. >> thanks very much to commissioner richards i know we come up - i actually building with the conditional use there are some projects that don't apply putting that out there. >> commissioner richards and. >> i think the ones that don't pass the bars are the ones we
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have to apply it to to that's difficult one of the things i want to look at there's 1, 2, 3 4 projects that come in the next 6 months the biggest one mr. pawar decimal project i'd like to see think the 23rd in you could spend a few hours looking at the interim controls and applying it to the project and see how different i understand the owners nature what you're doing what the public policy will be helpful me to enlighten me on whether or not the project can be - that's one w that civilized for me and the arts space and other things rental units and kind of wow that is one this is not a vacant lot but the gumbo if you could come back
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and show us the difference i'd like to see that thank you. >> one quick question to staff do you think i'm curious well, we're trying to do this as a planning commission level outside and other agencies whether the mayor's office of housing or rent board do you i'm sure you're working with those groups report outside of the dprouch we may facilitate this problem how it is being addressed in other agencies thank you commissioners, if there's nothing further there is is motion and second to adopt the motion to schedule the hearing on july 23rd with an appendix hearing august 6th. >> commissioner antonini human resources no arrest commissioner johnson
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commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes 5 to one with commissioner antonini voting against commission will take a full break. >> quickly if there's any member in the audience for item 21st century at 19th street a discretionary review that item has been withdrawn withdrawn. >> welcome back to the planning commission regular hearing the audience that the commission does not tolerate disruptions of any kind. xhefs under your regular calendar for case numbers 5 m and t and e sunnyvale hope sf presentation
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for the environmental impact report please note the paesh on the draft eir is closed and the public period ended on february 17th. >> good afternoon commissioner president fong and members of the commission i'm matt with the department staff to all entitlements for the hope sf sunnyvale projects you have the certification the entitles are not before you net e yes, he did. we wanted to give you a presentation the substance of the prosecution and background open hope sf i'm joined by lisa from mayor's office of housing and community development also for patrick of mocd and the
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housing authority and the project manager the master developer is also here and karen murray is here from vanessa meters pollack 9 master urban developers of the project leah and i will be sharing the presentation but all that i mentioned are available for questions so just quickly we're going to give you a presentation on hope sf the background the program the pressure the city structure i'll give a presentation on the urban design and inner planning principle behind the project and beefing of the entitlement structure we hope to have before you in the next 6 moses i'm going to turn it over to lift ev'ry voice and sing i can't i'm the director of real estate for the special initiates for
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the my name is and one is hope sf we'll be fiscal year largely on the real estate aspect and touch on the human capital side of hope sf so hope sf is a broad initiate that has partners with the city and some of the partners internally are the san francisco unified school district the department of public works and the police department xoerp we work with the enterprise of the san francisco and master developers mr. among many partners this include hunters point and alice griffith and sunnyvale we have a big result which is our families are housed and save inclusive communities
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with children and families all the work of hope sf went from is wonder placement of the hope sf 5 service focus areas of hope sf include the economic mobility that is connecting residents to jobs and moving barriers to employment health it is wellness centers to including physical health and behavorial health and education and youth development working closely with the school district to create the relationships and community safety and hours stability it is rebuilding housing building within a mixed use community