tv [untitled] July 17, 2015 6:00am-6:31am PDT
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finance county transportation authority i'm commissioner avalos the president of the committee and supervisor kim and supervisor cowen and joined by supervisor campos and supervisor mar our clerk is steve mr. clerk your announcements. >> no announcements. >> okay. let's go on to to our first item. >> number one roll call arrest commissioner avalos supervisor campos absent supervisor cohen supervisor kim supervisor mar absent we have quorum. >> very good let go on to item 2. >> item 2 approval of the minutes of the june 9th meeting an action item. >> colleagues, any changes at all 0 our minutes no comments open up for public comment members of the public on our minutes. >> yes. yes. yes.
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>> people's politics not system politics a system politics it could be really immediately replied by a machine the political science of humanity inside and out meaning and loyalty and matt haney of matters. >> thank you. >> okay seeing public comment is end we'll close public comment and colleagues a motion to approve the minutes. >> second. >> sect by supervisor kim with a roll call vote. >> on item 2. >> commissioner avalos supervisor campos supervisor cohen supervisor kim supervisor mar absent that motion passes. >> very good item number 3 please. item 3 federal and state action
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item. >> good morning mark sends his regrets a busy time in sacramento and many things to do so hopefully, i'll cover the bills in the ethics matrix a just want on a special session the governor declared a session for transportation and infrastructure to data number of informational background hearings basically outlines the need for transportation and infrastructure for the solutions for new revenues that could be pursued so, however, most of the funding and discussions have been around the need for highways and roads not so much transit a push from the vehicles local government to bring that into conversation there's been a modest number of
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bills introduced in the special session i'll go over in a second first of all we're proposing two new recommendations for the legislation from the first is the ab 744 which would relates to eliminating the minimum parking requirements around the in fill areas around the stations and the planning department is supporting this and the section regular bill is ab 902 basically currently for minors a dwefks program they receive a ticket for a vehicle code things like bikes infractions they county's encourage get education rather than a ticket and the proposal to extend that to everyone for diversion for bikes running stop signs the first is a b x one one
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that mandates the loans in prior years of transportation fund to general fund the second is ab x one, two is expansion of the authorization for the building in the regular session and finally constitutional amendment x one one protects for transportation revenues if they have passed in the current session we're recommending a new cigarette time senate package of transportation revenue increases revenue bill 16 and similar x bs one one by senator bell the increase in the new gas tax and a vehicle fee along with other packages this would be a 5 year program again mostly for local highways we are also reading the spot
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bills in the extraordinary bills session and waiting to get controls hopefully more details. >> what is the probability revenue for sb 16412 r x one one. >> the estimate is one billion dollars two to $3 billion a year ramping up over the 5 years we're working to support the second amendment for the massive needs for the streets and road but also trends has significant repair needs and hopefully making that permanent not to come back and mark wants to gnaw we'll move forward this summer for the first time. >> thank you. >> we're optimistic and finally recommending two bills sb x one 2 that redirected the cap &
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trade funds as important to keep it if transit sb puc has the light rail vehicles we're hoping to seek the funding for the sfmta. >> where is it proposed from. >> excuse me. and who is proposing. >> senator hearing officer. >> from. >> i don't know where thank you. >> north bay. >> we think and finally we're recommending a positions on sb x one we've seen a lot of those bills basically kill the high speed rail by pretending bonds and at the federal level we've been operating under a number of continuing resolution the federal transportation bill we've seen more likely so see them towards the end of the year the senate has introduced a long
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term 6 year reauthorization bill called redeveloping the vision for the economy or drive as the means it is focused on highways and roads with some new restrictions on percentage of funding for transit good news it does increase the funding for transportation and increases the flexibility that the local jurisdictions have to address its own concerns there is a recent development they're proposing to eliminate the tiger program that is a competitive funding for san francisco and the region and it will be sad to see that program go away with that i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> thank you. >> good morning tilly chang bart has announced recently the general manager they'll propose
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to their vote to take a bond to the bay area we're tracking that the bay council did a poll of the arts alameda and contra-costa alameda to see how voters feel about a bond measure to primarily be for maintenance needs but to address operational and other sort future expansion it is our opportunity to weigh in our staff work with these with the mayor's office and bart itself to better understand what the options are important composing that program now there is a decision to move forward at least a proposal from the general manager in proposing that to her board. >> thank you. >> we'll check in for your guidance on that. >> supervisor kim. >> thank you. i just had a question on that if there's a 3 county bond measure inch not seen 0 one in my time a 2/3rd's plus one vote.
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>> i'm not sure if we 2/3rd's yeah, i'm told twittered the first thing and cross the 3 counties. >> the county below and santa fe san francisco was super high the average of the 3 and also how many county wasn't participate in that bond. >> i think by agreement san mateo will not and santa clara has contributed on a different basis so the 3 county for this bond as i understand. >> i understand on a more curious question in general how many counties can participate in a bond measure like that. >> the bart is formed as the 3 sdriblthsd could be as many as the bart district but maybe another regional measure for the bridge tolls all the county in the area. >> and we're trying to get to a press conference downstairs so
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if we can do a quick response. >> we need the state legislation like the gas tax they'll put it up on the smaller sunset. >> i'll ask enjoy realize were on a time issue. >> thank you very much we can open up for public comment any member of the public seeing none, public comment is closed. >> this will be same house, same call? colleagues. >> yes. >> that motion passes. >> next item, please. >> item 4 recommended an award of a two year contract to the services in the amount of 4 hundred thousands for the san francisco freeway corridor management study for the executive director to negotiate the contract terms and conditions this is an action
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item. >> good morning with the transportation authority they've seeking the cms for manage the increase of the liability on the freeway corridors in san francisco from phase one and two of the cms study are from the caltrain grandparent and appropriated for cal grant this subject is the phase two and the transportation authority board approved the cms phase the report set the foundation for the took analysis in phase two by developing an evaluation frame goals moving more people and increasing the triple liability and increasing the neighborhoods adjacent to the freeway corridors this contract was waterway for a
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procurement process on may 8th for a request for the scope is in our packet the preproposal conference was held and 4 proposals by the dew date met the dba goal and the sfmta and caltrain interviewed the banks on june 3rd and unanimously recommended the firm the team has been experience in planning in the region in east bay and south bay and the objectives and the limits of the environment in san francisco and the development and screening of a analysis of like scenarios the a team that is here today will address the additional questions the c h s team and the solutions this is an action stem we're seeking to award this contract
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i'm available to answer any questions. >> supervisor kim. >> i have a particular interest this is ann has an interest in the downtown area i'm interested in some of the difference management concepts and curious it in the background and work i'm not sure how many containments have been working i'm not familiar beyond la what other adjudicators have taken on the program and maybe there isn't a lot of persistence. >> a lot in the persistence in the la area and the alameda couldn't and currently seeking a plan for the entire region but the point to be aware of many of the efforts so for in the region either new h o v or a conversion
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in san francisco it is a bit of a challenge in that the constraint maybe to alternatives that don't necessarily relate to the capacity. >> supervisor kim we can absolutely have another meeting the state of california has been sort of a forer of the state we've seen a lot more implementation of those things and there is substantial experience in south bay as mentioned and east bay and lomdz has in place a grade of 5 corridors 101 is currently under study in san mateo and wanted to continue to look at san francisco the conversion and potential others management studies for 101 and 280. >> their exercise. >> they have exercise locally and mta form m t c staff around
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the other h o v. >> thank you for your presentation and we'll open up for public comment any member of the public want to comment none we'll close public comment and colleagues, same house, same call? it passes next item, please. >> item 5 introduction of new items this is an informational item. >> colleagues, any new items for introduction seeing none, we'll go to public comment on this item public comment is now open no increments we'll close public comment. >> item 6 public comment. >> general public comment is open and seeing none e seeing no member of the public we'll close public comment and before we adjourn i'd like to thank
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