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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2015 8:00am-8:31am PDT

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2015. in the past three years, we funded blue shield as a flex funded plan, which makes the employer take the risk up front up to a specific dollar amount. we pay the hospital bills among the physician capitation and the pharmacy costs, which blue shield negotiates. this year the pharmaceutical costs for hepatitis c, anti-retro bottles in antineoplastic were chemotherapeutic drugs increased dramatically
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>> item number six resolution authorizing the office of contract administration to
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enter intotier 1a technology much was purchased between the city and endpoint technologies and keep your land of silicon valley and extech gb in which appeared october 1, 2014 through september 30, 2017 >> thank you. we have our officers conduct demonstration. >> good morning. my name is joe -- assistant director of those for the oca. on behalf of the team of eight to thank you for hearing us good as you believe that this is a six successor to the technology store and within technology might advise that you want projects valued in excess of $10 million. those objects were approved by the sporting resolution last year. the three-year context determining terminate september 30 27. i support there are as the requirement contracts used by all city departments. within
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technology mike-based transactions are valued over $10,000 must be good between vendors. as a result we can only estimate the contract amounts and any interest of fairness contract maximum allocated even between the contractors. now the three contractors in question is a 12 window conduct with respect to the current. again these are over $10 million with at $12 million. on the two, the period ending saturday analysis for the dollar spent for these contracts and projected those out of the remaining term of the contract arrive at these numbers. with that, that is recommending approval of the item. all answer any questions the board may have >> thank you. supervisor tang >> thank you. just for everyday bubble called what
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exactly increase is paying for? for example when a purchase is what services? going to that? >> very good question these are general context work with professional services and products run from the gamut from hardware software, lobby services, maintenance, a wide rage of categories. >> across-the-board >> is your technology is increasing more efficient and hence, the demand for services and projects. >> okay colleagues any further questions? mr. is can we go to your report, please? >> yes. on page 12 of our report report between the first eight months of the three contracts from october? >> yes. on page 12 of our report report between the first eight months of the three contracts from october 20 14th through may 20 15th city department expended encumbered proximately 6% or $20,652,000 of the total combined contracts not to exceed the amount of 36 million and that shown in table 2 on page 12 of our report. further, we would point out that all managers under these contracts are subject to
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appropriation approval by the board of supervisors the city's annual budgets we recommend you approve the resolution >> thank you. college, any questions i budget analyst? will move onto public comment. anyone wishes to public comment on isaacs's seeing none, public on escrows >>[gavel] >> a motion to send item 62 broad relationship to some of >> we can take that without objection >>[gavel] >>" can you call item number seven >> item number seven, resolution authorizing the police divided to accept a gift of 13 history for class and one battery charger bodied across me $200,000 to the california public safety procurement program. >> thanks. we've saved and matthew susie, sam >> good afternoon this would resolution would allow the government to accept 13 forklifts and one gauche for various police facilities throughout the city for either movement and storage of large limits applies and evidence that the police debarment has. all 13 forklifts were inspected initially and found in good
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basic condition. however, the plans are that if there found beyond cost-effective repair state in the future, that certain for chris would be used to keep the others running so to speak. beyond that, you may know that fema disaster relief fund supplies are besieged large palletized phone. when the delivered to the city on large container ships were by semi truck they have to be here broken down so they can be distributed throughout the city however committees for chris to digitally placed by the town will allow us to simply and quickly move how ties supplies elsewhere. so they serve multipurpose as varsity >> thank you. college, any questions? open to public comment. anybody wishing to comment on item 7? seeing none, public on undisclosed >>[gavel] >> data motion to send this item. motion by supervised. we can take that without objection dorks >>[gavel]
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>> i to make approving a modification number three to national service agreement between management and the city any amount not to exceed approximately 21,000,000 and extending the term when you're through june 30, 2016. >> thank you. let's hear from our airport >> thank you good morning. kathy wagner with san francisco airport in the item before you seek approval for the third and final amendment to existing site management contract with five-star parking. sfp. to exercise last year auctioned to june of 2016 emma and to increase the amount to exceed not to exceed the amount by additional 300 million not to exceed the amount by additional $300 million. the airport has used curbside management in various forms since 1999. to manage and monitor the airport ground transportation services as well as to increase the use of various modes of
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transportation for passengers through customer service. the existing contract is a request for proposal, process which is was approved by the board in 2010. this committee and the board has subsequently approved each of the amendments. this is the final one. and you rfp process will begin shortly and we expect a new curbside management contract to be before the board hopefully early next number for your consideration. the commitment before you extend the term of the contract for the final year increases the total contract amount by proximately $4 million for a scope of work that includes management and monitoring of the airports shared ride van zones. the missing and taxi operations, including the smart car revenue system that we use to collect the fees, and our taxi cashier operations. the cost of the contract is funded with collective revenue from the ground transportation trip fees
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to the companies to access the airport curves, roadways, and passengers. the budget analyst has recommended approval, but i would note that we need to request retroactivity to last week to july 1 and, if you questions i would answer them and if you accept that amendment to the resolution i will get the new amended resolution to the clerk this afternoon. >> ui profession. thank you. colleagues any questions? mr. rose can you get your report, please? >> yes. members of the committee, on page 17 of our report, we estimated the budget under the extension of the existing agreement with sfp with management with 4 million and it's based on information provided by the airport in shown in table 2 on page 18 of our part we recommend you approve this resolution. >> thank you mr. rose. colleagues, and the questions? open to public comment. anyone wish to come and to obligate?
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seeing none, public on undisclosed >>[gavel] >>: 20 to make a quick amended to make a redrock by week and then approve the underlying amended. supervisor tang >> i make a motion to approve retroactive to one week and move it forward >> motion by supervisor tang. we'll take that without objection >>[gavel] >> and got them your data that revised version this afternoon. then put them a call item number nine please >> item number nine resolution approving the second amendment to the amended and we we stated agreement with -- i return towing storage and disposal abandoned to expand the agreement and the license plate month of august 1, 2015 through march 31 of 2016 >> thank you. we miss week from the mta. >> good morning supervisors. the mta is seeking approval to extend our contract with -- the
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towing storage and option of abandoned and illegally parked vehicles. for a period abatements, august 1 through march 31. this extension and a moment would provide the mta the time we need to complete an rv process and essentially a new vendor and we hope to be before you in february with a new and improved contact. the amendment also provides for a credit to otto returned for an increase rent by caltrans for the short term seven street facility. the exception will provide the mta a time we need to secure a long-term lease with caltrans and during this extension period the mta will implement a waiver policy approved by the mta board, which provides relief to the stolen vehicles. with that, i believe adam taylor has a statement to make on behalf of
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supervisor wiener. >> good morning members of the committee thanks for the subject to speak today. i'm adam taylor for enforcing the supervisor as it meeting in oakland and on able to attend today. he asked that i read the following statement on his behalf: the 40 days legislation to approve an extension of the current towing agreement with otto returned. on the resolution will also stylish stolen vehicle policy for waiver reimbursement of toner storage fees. currently, auto turn process an average of one or 95 stolen vehicles each month. under the city's existing contract, a car that's been reported stolen is found on the street the san francisco police about will contact the owner and give him or her 20 min. to come get the car. the owner does not appear in time the officer authorizes the impound the vehicle. the cars then towed and goes to auto
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turn to a treated. the same here she is of the credit card into kelly's own set of having its own. an ncaa mr. the fee of $266 is waived if the victim files a police report and police board was waived any parking tickets incurred during the information of the theft. however, the owner does have debate the $225 if the victim files a police report and police board was waived any parking tickets incurred during the information of the theft. however, the owner does have debate the $225.75 trophy in addition to storage fees in order to retrieve the car. owners of stolen vehicles only have four hours during which they can recover their automobiles were for auditor begins charging a storage fee which is --. the exception of the four hour grace period, how should know such waiver or reduction in fees. owners of stolen vehicles have done nothing wrong. you are victimized twofold. first by having a car stolen and then again by having a large fees retrieve their vehicle. these fees can reach several thousand dollars and also the value of the vehicle leaving owners no other option to turn their cars to auction. as such, these fees
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present a significant hardship of our members by low-income and working-class community. to address these issues i have. late last year directed the mta which and the police department, auto turn, did discuss how the city and our return to recover stolen vehicles including towing policies how fees are structured, household cars are processed without any new contract re-modified to treat the owners of -- owners of stolen towed vehicles more fairly. following the hearing i also offered legislation goes on by supervisor tang in universally pastor the board between the intent to include a provision in 2015 towing contract that either we go fees of all victims of motor vehicle theft or produced the towing fee. boxing the grace period for staff can recover their vehicles before incurring storage fees. as a result, the agreement for free today includes provisions that will significantly reduce for victims of stolen vehicles. including, mta's admission fee
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of $266, which is already fully wait for san francisco residents will be reduced by a third or 50% for non-samp cisco residence. both the mta administrative storage fee of three dollars per day as well as the contractors topi of $225.75 will be waived san francisco and on san francisco residents. the contractor storage fee of $60.25 per day with take effect until after a 40 hour grace period for san francisco resident and 25 grace peered back for non-san francisco resident get on comparison to previous grace period from your four hours. as the storage fees account for the lion share of storage fees these extensions both san francisco and on san francisco resident will give more time to retrieve their vehicles if their work or in the city get caught externalization before easter provide much-needed aid to victims of stolen vehicles covering the services go and ask for your support. >> thank you. colleagues any further questions? supervisor
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tang >> just a quick question for the mta. i do want to say i appreciate mta checking with other supervisors and listening to a lot of the suggestions that we made as you're moving forward with a new contract. definitely appreciate supervisor wiener's address the issue of stolen vehicles. one of the questions i did have was regarding the budget analyst office cited a four $24,000 credit for bush which comes out to about $53,000 per month for eight months. i think you mentioned it was because you're still negotiating a long-term lease with caltrans is that right? >> let me assign it a little bit. i return currently -- well, prior to 2014 subleased the caltrans site from a entity
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who held a long-term lease, 20+ years, with caltrans. that particular lease expired in february. so, how can i believe was anxious to get market rate for that property. the amount that you see that otto returned currently pays is probably not the amount that caltrans has been receiving for the last 2-3 decades. that's the differential. i hope return is in pain that differential since separate until current. they approach the mta seeking some other relief and there is no refers to assist them in that way but because the contract expires july 31 the requesting or requiring otto returned to absorb that increasing rents i believe is, unfair to them. >> okay. i asked that question mostly because i want to make sure that it wasn't because we had not done our part in terms of timing, to make sure that we made the leases work out because
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-- it would dovetail with the new contract. but, i do understand from your expedition what you are saying. i wonder if you're able to because she long-term lease with caltrans earlier semi-reduce the amount would be spending >> this is our goal during the extension term will be in discussions with caltrans to extend [inaudible] have controlled the episode. at this point, i can't say what the ultimate rent will be. i leave caltrans is -- will be seeking market rate which they believed to be $9000 -- 90000 per month. >> 90,000 bump when the new agreement comes up i will be that there i'm learning how the new pricing structure between mta and new contract will impact the rates were these people will be paying if their vehicle is told >> that something were looking for to as well in terms of seeking proposals that, in a
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way allows us to reduce the fees for the general public as a whole. i think we are moving to a different business model that is beneficial to the city that it moves away from a purely volume-based type of contract, where were going to be the contractor a flat fee for the operation of the short-term and long-term facility. as well as a fixed fee on the cost of a toe which is much less than the current fee for that variable. in a way, we are paying for were the actual cost and sort of not over, setting the vendor for the services. >> thank you. >> thanks very much. mr. rose, go to your report on item 9? >> mr. chairman, numbers of the committee, under on page 21 of our report, we note that under the existing agreement between mta and otto returned,
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the required kpmg in all payments concession of 1% of all gross revenues realized by otto returned to her vehicle referral fee of $20.50 per vehicle towed. if the towed vehicle referred by the san francisco police department were mta parking enforcement control officers and we show on cable, one on page 22 of our report, the payments made by otto returned to mta totaling 30 million over the 10 year term from august 1, 2005 through july 31 10 year term from august 1, 2005 through july 31, 2015. we also note him on page 22, the total estimated net revenues table by otto returned to the mta when the second amendment are $180,000 794 for the proposed eight-month extension. don the existing agreement from august 1, 2015 through march 31, 2016,
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and that shown in table 2 on page 22. we do recommend you prove this resolution. >> thank you. colleagues, any further questions or comment? open this up to public comment. item number nine pitt and linguistic comment on this item. i should have three cards two. john worker, but has no sin, and genevieve romero. >> hello my name is john went on the seal of otto richmond modestly in favor of this. i just want to spend brief moment thanking the city for the opportunity to serve the city and for partnering with the faintly over the last decade for transforming san francisco into the towing model that is the envy of the rest of the country and is the emulator across the country. i want to also thank working with supervisor wiener's office and the mta stuff for being able to put this new process in place for stolen and recovered vehicles. thank you. >> thank you. next her, please. >> good morning. nelson lopez on of nelson still another
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working with otto returned and pleased to work with the city and work with them also. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good morning. my name is genevieve romero. i'm represent in him and sons commented on the office manager there. i want to thank the city and county of san francisco and otto returned for giving an opportunity to need to work with them and continue to do business with them. >> thank you. and your speakers on item 9? seeing none look ominous" >> colleagues this item is most a motion to send this item for? >> some of >> will flex without objection >>[gavel] >>" call item number 10, please >> the members and resolution authorizing acceptance and expenditure of state
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transportation department act, article 3, pedestrian and bicycle project funding in the amount of approximately $1 million for the period july 1 through june 30, 2010 >> thank you. with dpw speak on the second? >> hi. my name is rachel alonso from the san francisco department of public works. proposed resolution authorizes public works and the mta to except expand the total of 1 million and the mta to except expand the total of $1 million transportation development at for pda article 3, state grant funds from the metropolitan transportation commission in fiscal year 15-16. the heating of 1971 earmarks a quarter percent the general state sales tax for transit and created a local transportation fund in each county to receive the funds. the state board of equalization return the general fund sales tax revenue to each county local test petition but
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in accordance with the sales tax collected in each county. article 3 of the pd apportions 2% of the quarter cent sales tax for the purpose of running icicle facility projects as well as pedestrian street and road development projects. the funds are allocated by the mpca annually and dispersed under pda article 3 of the nine county. as we have in the past, public works mta are submitted a joint countywide application. testing your committee packet are the budgets for the expenditure of the pda article article 3 funds by public works and mta. mta proposes to use 511,000 $511,040 for the engineering construction, maintenance, project management bicycle facility projects in san francisco. including spa treatment on the vision zero-injury network to improve the safety of cyclists. public works proposes to use $250,000 to repair public sidewalks at various locations in the city. the remaining $2500 -- the
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remaining $250,000 will be used for supplementary engineering training and design of programs at various sites throughout the secure location be selected from a list develop by public works and the mayor's office of disability. curb ramps designed with this grant will be constructed in the next fiscal year, fiscal year 6-17, from prop k the local sales tax measure. the mpc does not require the counties to provide local matching funds. i'm joined here today by mta and public works program staff be happy to answer any questions they might have. >> thank you. supervisor mar >> thank you. judo for the bicycle strategy upgrades, you know which one to do core doors are your considering? >> i do not know but suzanne lancaster. she might know. from the mta. >> just generally, if you talk to mission zero bike safety spot claimant. either just give
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us some sense of whether the high injury core doors of the plan for? >> hi. i'm suzanne wang from sf mta finance and information technology division. i'm not able to answer those questions just yet because we haven't selected the locations for the projects. basically, this is our last dollar that we let you get almost flexible dollar and would like to see what we can find with grants and other funding sources before we come to this. in terms of the high injury network locations i think that the mta will be working with other departments to see we can collaborate and save money where a lot of the injuries happened. the high injury network, i think, 4% of our street have 60% of the
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bicycle injuries. so, they'll be focused on that. today is your question? >> yes. thank you so much >> colleagues, any further questions? at this point will open up to public comment. anybody wish to comment on item 10? seeing none, public comment is closed >>[gavel] >> a motion to send this for >> some of >> will flex we can do that without objection >>[gavel] >> member call item number 11, please >> item number 11 resolution ratifying approving and authorizing the acquisition of seven easements from the jefferson elementary school district for four and $26,000 to be used by the city for the project known as the recovery project >> thank you. >> justine, project manager. the proposed resolution for you is brought forward on behalf of the sbc was he in
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acquisition seven easements by those close camry conception easements. further is the furtherance of the regional wrong on regional groundwater storage and recovery project which is associate for the water system and proven program. independent third-party appraiser valued the property is slowly over $426,000. at the beginning of values that director property increase with. we would like to thank mr. rose's office for putting a report together and it is a report offices in agreement with. the thought got on this unless you have specific questions about the project, which we can address. i'm having to answer anything about the real estate part >> thank you. supervisor mar >> no >> mr. rose, good your port? >> yes mr. chairman. on page 26, based on 71,000 hundred 84 total square feet of an average