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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2015 11:30am-12:01pm PDT

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solar and behind the meter efficiency work to occur. once again, that is a problem that will be seen by cca and pg&e customers and doesn't directly impact cca, but if one of our bools is to did a lot of energy offense behind the meter type of work, there could be a small negative impact. tier 5 customers in the city, last time i saw the numbers were 5% of the load. you are not talking about a lot of customers that this would impact. so i think it's something to be paying attention to. there is also a state legislative bill by assembly member tinge, ab 1110, could have have negative impacts on how greenhouse gas get reported. some of the behind meter solar rooftop may not be counted as greenhouse gas-free. i know the puc has some discussions with
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assembly member tinge's office and that is another area we're going to potentially see changes at the state-level that we need to keep our eyes on that could have a negative impact on ccas and how we can go out and market and advertise programs that we're trying to do that are good, clean, green program and because someone is trying to monkey with the definitions, all of a sudden "solar" no longer becomes a green product somehow. so to keep in the back of our mind as we move forward how these could potentially impact us later on. thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. eric brooks, san francisco green party local grassroots organization. our city and co-coordinator of san francisco - san francisco clean energy advocates. first i want to just touch on what commissioner vietor and jason just spoke about and that is that there are impacts to clean power sf. to the rate changes.
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because as to amplify what director freidsaid, if we offer a much cleaner project -- product and we're offering incentives for businesses to get energy-efficiency and rooftop solar as part of the program; and suddenly suddenly their wasting of the energy has been less expensive, they have much less incentive to go with clean sf and that is a factor also regardless of the fact that it's transmission and distribution where the excess charges are going. that is going to affect both community choice and pg&e customers. we have got to really make sure that the staff studies and aware of dynamic of when we start rolling in customers, are they going to get a rate hit? that they think is coming from clean power sf? so we need to pay attention to that and be careful about how where we
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enroll customers and look at what is happening with the rates around that as well. to the item itself, it's a little behind. so it's good to see that it's moving forward. i just want to speak to the timeline. it looks like the timeline is still hitting final approvals at the end of october, just before the election. and as we now know, there are going to be at least two ballot measures regarding clean power sf, and clean energy reporting on the ballot. and if we want to avoid being caught in a firestorm around those ballot measures that affect our ability to enroll customers and educate people, we need to get this timeline continued to push forward to be accelerated to make sure that all of the approvals are done by the end of october and no later. because otherwise, then we're in that election session, where pg&e is going to be spending millions of dollars to attack this program by using that
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election as sort of a manipulative device. and we need to be prepared for that. so let's just make sure that the schedule keeps running. and the last thing is we do need -- we met with staff, and we do need commissioners to help us get the build-out planning going. and so anything that you can do to encourage staff to get separreally get all of the agencies, like workforce development and san francisco environment and yourselves, et cetera, involved in planning the build-out, as much as possible. while taking into account ceqa issues. we need to get that ball rolling so we can show labor what is going to come from this and we can guaranty labor gets what we have been promising. thanks. >> hi. thank you. president caen and
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commissioners, jed olson from 350 san francisco. definitely obviously support your approval of this document. it's really great to be able to be here at this milestone day with you all. and hopefully these other few decreasing number of milestones on this chart will be happening on time or even early, and with we can keep ringing in the good times. i want to point out we were at the puc commenting on their rates and your public comment is much better. thank you very much. everybody is talking did the news like it's happening on january 1st, but this is not happening for years. it was just preparing the groundwork for them eventually doing this. so i think this actually provides a stronger incentive for us to roll folks in quicker, do really strong pushes on energy-efficiency and
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demand response quicker. if we can get that stuff rolling to 2018-2017, a lot of financial incentives will still be on our side. they won't actually be disincentivized as was pointed out. so i think this really incentivizes. i would also urge the commission and the city to put its legislative folks in assembly member tinge's office to ensure that the kind of renewable energy credits that are coming up that are the focus of some of this bill, they are talking about
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categories 1, 2 and 3 which is what we mainly talk about, but pg&e has category 0, that are grandfathered and not called out in the building language in sacramento. those might actually be able to be called clean green, et cetera, when category 1, 2 and 3 recs can't. so i would urge the city to make sure that we are doing apples to apples and oranges to oranges and we have an equal playing field and whatever we do going forward is look the same for all players in the market. which we can all agree is fair. lastly in the report, i know this report is not really the place where ssarily come up a lot, but there is not a ton of mention of sf environment. and with the exception of outreach activitiess, we do really think that they have a lot of technical expertise to play as well in the program and hope that that will be taken advantage of. thanks. >> good afternoon.
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san francisco bay chapter -- it's been a long few months. i really appreciated the implementation plan, urge you to approve it today. i also really appreciated the page that brokedown the staffing roles for every phase of the program. and then each component of it. because it says what puc or lafco or city attorney or board of supervisors -- kind of on-point for what we are hire a third-party to do. and i had a question that keeps coming up it says i program governance." sfpuc and board of supervisors." how is the board of supervisors formally involved in governing this program? they can pass resolutions that is a this is what we like to say, and lafco obviously get
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ing regular updates from puc. what is the process for ensuring that the board is fully aware of what is going on with the program? and that their input is actually valued and being part of how the program moves forward? i think that is really important that officials that are elected by the people of san francisco are part of this process somehow. and not that you don't have amazing expertise and we're very happy that you are serving and providing this service to the people of san francisco, but it is also important to involve the board of supervisors in the governance. so since that is listed here, i just wanted a little more information about what is the process is for them to be officially involved in the program governance? thank you so much. >> thank you. do we have any other speakers? seeing none, may i have a motion? >> i will make a motion. >> second. >> further discussion? all those in favor? >> aye. >> opposed? the motion carries.
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all right. madame secretary, i would like to change the order of the following and i would like it to be permanent: in other words i would like you to read the items for closed session then i would like to take public comment and i would like the motion. so if you could read the items for closed session, please. >> item 61, larry wasserman vs. city and county of san francisco. item 17, ccsf vs. pacific gas & electric 18 conference with legal counsel. 19, existing litigation, restore hetch hetchy vs. city and county of san francisco. >> 20, existing litigation, city and county of san francisco vs. pacific gas & electric. >> 21, existing litigation,
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city and county of san francisco vs. pacific gas & electric. 22, existing litigation, pacific gas & electric. 23 existing litigation, pacific gas & electric. 24, existing litigation, pacific gas & electric. 25, existing litigation, pacific gas & electric. 26, existing litigation, pacific gas & electric. and 27 will not be heard today. >> okay. are there any comments? public comments on the items to be heard in closed session today? >> noreen ambrose city attorney's office. i just wanted to ask for a motion to recuse commissioner courtney from item 16. >> correct. may i have that motion? >> so moved. >> second. >> all those in favor? >> aye. >> opposed? the motion carries. i also need a motion whether to assert -- >> move to assert. >> second.
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>> all those in favor? >> aye. >> opposed? the motion carries. okay. we are now going to take >> the commission has now reconvened into open session. the announcement following closed session is that items 16 and 17 were settled. items 18-26, no action. now i have a motion regarding a vote to disclose? >> move not to disclose. >> second. >> all those in favor? aye? >> opposed? motion carries. >> any us in business. >> madame president, before we start the birthday party -- [laughter ] -- there was an item earlier today we had a brief dialogue about item no. 10 and i want to thank my colleagues for indulging me. there were a number of questions that i have.
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my concern was that those questions would lead to other questions. i know that cathy -- cathy, do you mention answering a quick question for me? is there a way that you might be able to provide not just to myself, but to any of my colleagues interested in reviewing it, documentation or summary related to due diligence with reference to item no. 10? >> yes, can i provide that. -- i can provide that. i had responded to a number of questions regarding our process for this amendment, and coming to this point. so i can definitely put that into a memo format for all commissioners . >> that would be great. thank you very much and thank you for staying today >> well, my new business is i want to thank you all for my birthday card. and the only announcement that i have about my birthday is that my nephew said now is the
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time to start counting backwards. [laughter ] >> smart fellow, your nephew. >> so with that, this meeting is adjourned at 4:09. [ gavel ] >> good morning, everyone. my name is ken mcneiley and president of at & t california. i want to welcome you today and thank you all for being here and spending some of your morning with us. we are happy
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to be celebrating the most incredible work by san francisco's finest non-profit organizations and we are happy to have our mayor ed lee to join us in this announcement. [ applause ] >>mayor edwin m. lee: all right. thank you, ken for being here and certainly for at & t and for your team. i just want to recognize mark blake man and jason chan and cammy blackstone. i hope, ken, that you have enjoyed all the different hair styles that jason has been having. cammy is going to add to that as well. good morning everybody. this is a great time. another wonderful moment. i know a couple months ago ken and i shared the stage at palace of fine arts when we were inaugurating the celebration of our art history. it's helpful
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to think of at & t not just today in what they are doing but 100 years ago when they were making that first trans-atlantic hall with linking with our city's history has been wonderful. fast forward, 100 years later, at & t is doing it again. i know the board of supervisors and my office just announced a pretty big budget but a budget that continues to be in the works because whatever revenues the city can do to help our communities, the communities and non-profits that serve directly our communities are also saying they need more help. this is a time when all of us and particularly our business leaders like at & t can recognize the vital role that keeps san francisco accessible, keeps it vibrant
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and literally helps continue making at it the world class city that it is because the world class city has to have a heart. i know that at & t has made these grants. i have eight wonderful community organizations that represent the service that they do the most vulnerable of our residents. they help protect the environment and culture of our city. i'm proud that our private partners recognize the innovative and hard work they do and what they do in the city by supporting our people families, seniors and youth. today i'm pleased to announce a significant campaign that at & t is sponsored. it's called the
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sf summer of giving. it's an 8-week initiative and i can slip the tongue and say the summer of love because ken and i know that love is about giving. but the official time is sf summer of giving and it's an eight week8-week program that is going to help san francisco. each of these awards will be a minimum of $20,000 and more to non-profit organizations. we are going to announce each one once a week so each organization gets their week where they can celebrate. the total is over a quarter of a million of dollars of love that we are sharing through at & t's generosity. and you know, these grants are to agencies that are doing great work in our city. at a time even when
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we are probably considered the richest of the most unaffordable city in the country maybe next to new york. affordability, accessibility are everybody's concern. and certain is one of my top concerns. so, i want to remember that the organizations that help us deliver our services is not all government. it could be community based agencies in many ways are more culturally competent when they are working with our immigrants in particular, working on the ground in the community. so by design, as non-profits they invest everything they have to the betterment of our communities. so we wanted to acknowledge them through these grants and through this fantastic campaign that we are lucky to have. specifically today, you have organizations like the asian pacific american community
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center in the visitation valley. somewhat isolated community admittedly because while we try to reach all communities in san francisco we have isolated poverty areas of our city. well, a pac has been there from the start and they are trying really hard to provide culturally competent services to moderate income to immigrant families to allow them to be more successful. so i want to thank at & t for stepping up. this is the first of a total of eight. eight is a lucky number, ken. and it's also one that i believe will set yet again another great example in this city that businesses and you are going to hear, after we announce these and i know at & t will be thanked by the city because others will follow
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their lead as well and they will be making announcements that will be shared by other community based non-profits that need our help. i look forward to following this campaign on twitter and i know we are getting the details about how you can find out all of those details, ken, thank you for this generosity of at & t and also with the great partners with all of our non-profits. [ applause ] >> thank you very much, mr. mayor. we are very excited to kickoff this campaign and this is the first sf summer of giving that we've done and we have constructed it in a way that each non-profit organization gets it's time in the spotlight. over the next 8 weeks we will go to the organizations and thank them for their work and we will spotlight each organization on twitter to get the word out
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about what they are doing to improve the lives of san franciscans. i hope you follow us on # sf summer of giving and see how they are celebrating the contribution to san francisco. i'm about to announce the very first award to the asian community pacific center. [ applause ] a pac helps strengthen asian pacific american families living mostly to low and moderate income families. we
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are extremely pleased to present a pac for training and english proficiency. congratulations. [ applause ] >> [ applause ] . thank you.
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>> thank you very much for all the wonderful work you do in our community. as i said before, this is week one of our sf summer of giving campaign and we have not revealed the other organizations that we'll be visiting in the next 8 weeks. but i would like to ask that they raise their hand as i introduce them and tell you a little bit about the organization. the first, the next recipient, the san francisco aids foundation. [ applause ] the san francisco aids foundation is one of the most highlight respected aids organization in the entire country. we thank you for all the work you do in our community. next up, that's right. let's hear another round of that. >> the university of san
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francisco girls tech power program. [ applause ] thank you very much. the university of san francisco's girl tech power program supported educational opportunities in science, technology, engineering and math for students from under served backgrounds. a very special thank you to the president paul fitzgerald for joining us today. [ applause ] >> next up. nature bridge. [ applause ] nature bridge delivers environmental science programs to san francisco youth. thank you very much for the work that you do. next up, the arc san francisco. [ applause ] >> the arc san francisco is a non-profit learning and career
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center for adults with developmental disabilities with their families. thank you for being here today. [ applause ] >> meals on wheels of san francisco. [ applause ] >> meals on wheels of san francisco worked to alleviate the food insecurity and loneliness experienced by seniors who want to stay in their home but cannot shop or prepare meals for themselves. thank you for being here today. [ applause ] >> the california historical society. [ applause ] >> the california historical society which is working with the san francisco recreation and parks department to create educational opportunities for low income students as part of
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the centennial celebration of panama. thank you for being here today. [ applause ] >> last, the coro northern california. it's based in san francisco and works with -- emerging leaders to inspire leadership success. thank you for being with us today. [ applause ] >> congratulations to all of our recipients. [ applause ] >> at at & t we believe that
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invest ning in our communities is a smart thing to do to keep our communities safe in the environment. it helps to lift up the programs because you lift up san francisco. thank you for all the incredible work that you are doing and i really do hope that this spreads. [ applause ] >> >> >>
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>> hello, i'm the deputy assistant manage and project manager for the control system bureau i consider any department as my extend family i know every member of my department the folks are that that talented and skilled and have their credentials since the people in the site are coming to before they're put in operation it's a good place to visit we share information and support each other the water system is a program we got 26 national level with regards because of the dedication of any team the people are professional about their work but their folks they
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care about their community and the project i did this is a great organization with plenty of associations in you work hard and if you really do your job not only do you enjoy it but the sky is the limit we had a great job. >> my name is commissioner president tan i'm president of the commission before we begin please turn off our cell phones or vibrate not to disturb the rest of the meeting if you are a member of the public we have speakers their i know that you, fill one out and