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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2015 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT

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in proposition 47 passed that downgraded felons to misdemeanors it dropped to hundred and 50 but 2015 we've seen an increase in the population in january, the population was hundred and 50 and as far advertised in the middle 12/hundred it is increased by a hundred folks in 2015 this slide shows our forecast in two scenarios in the used of county jail 6 but in somewhere one if you assume it actuating 6 can be used our forecasts suggests not a need for a replacement jail but we suggested it is between hundred and 20 and 93 beds it is for a worth mentioning the historic lows in the jail population even
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today, we'll need a replacement jail this is actuating of this is at the bottom left of the slides a photo ever county jail 6 in san bruno at 79 hundred plus beds basically looks like a big jiem the sheriff's department feels you can only house safely inmates within that facility i've spoken with other professionals without experience in san francisco and the state that says potentially you could house memory security inmates that's really a big question, however, if county jail 6 is to be a initially facility we have to house our medium inmates we'll have other to speak there are major problems there recent one classroom there that makes it difficult for the sheriff's
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department to provide redistribution programming and no space for mental health treatment and can't provide mlk in that facility there is significant transportation costs involved we have to transport inmates to and from san francisco and the facility is so far away from san francisco that low income families will have a difficult time to meet with the incarcerated folks the facility has been closed for 5 years there recent significant repairs that needs to be made and in addition there are new construction needed so if we were to build a replacement facility next to the hall of justice that includes other facility like port and the warrant office if we don't build something next to the hall of justice and use the san bruno jail we have to use those
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facilities elsewhere the jail is in san bruno that will be done in san bruno met with opposition from the community that related in delays and cost overruns i'm going to turn it over to chief dpw matt friedman from the sheriff's department good morning, supervisors 8th district at large have got to see you i'm matt friedman a chief deputy smef for the san francisco county we want to give information the sheriff's department is current averaging 56 blocking bookings a day we have alternatives to crackers and at this snapshot 49 percent is in all of the elements with incarceration if so the sheriff's electronic monitoring an issue of bail has been
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discussed we want to provide you with information as of today some 45 percent of those in the custody of the sheriff's department are in no bail status pursuant to the court not eligible for jail the jail is overwhelmingly of those charged with felons some 88 percent in the actuating have felony charges we want to talk about the classification which many times can be maximum security and medium and minimum security inmates but goes to the types of inmates in the jail and our need to integrate r segregate those populations the rattling we say glancing ganlz in the jails we think of sexually vibrant
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perpetrators to safely and schuler operate a system those groups must be kept separate for the staff and others sheriff's department is proud of the hosted programming we offer one of the things we think that is generously needed in the sheriff's department in san francisco we cover 3 areas not just one we run the actuating but not limit our program offensive to those in in custody as you can see we have custody post sentence but with the array with the pretrial diversification and electronic monitoring for accountable services and the processes but we want to draw your attention
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to the green column the into custody programming that is nationally recognized as successful evidence based practices trial a effective component of a larger criminal justice strategy aimed at religiously recidivism but the important thing to take away the host of into custody programming the green column we can't offer in the current hall of justice jails because in 1958 when those jails were built the into custody jails were not on radar so the infrastructure doesn't allow for that is important and picking i didn't backing off the programming it is realized in the data we've x twrakd in 89 earlier dablts tells you that recidivism has dropped by 20
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percent for the offend's everyone in the city and county of san francisco is a be proud of a little bit about the actuatings three and four the indirect springs model of the springs you'll see a classroom as the a shower room on the sixth floor we didn't want to be thartd in our efforts we converted to a classroom the awe enthusiasts are terrible in connectivity and no wifi and the course offers in those classrooms are limited to say the least you're looking the mainline of the county jail of
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the hall of justice a linear destine 12 inmates to a tank the things that is not good about this type of jail the architecture design is the indirect supervision the deputy sheriff is not in a pod where they have a hundred percent sidelines maintaining ownership of the real estate for insuring the safety for all in the incarceration and corrections work we need to leads to litigation is failure to deliver health care to the incarcerated population working with the dpw partners we take that seriously as well you see a picture of the infirm on the 7th floor of the hall of justice it is retail to 4 hundred inmates one bed for treatment of the inmates and no room for the nursing staff to do charting and prepare their pill
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carts it is inadequate there are pictures the detention model it is county jail 5 we think is benchmark for the proper way to do things you'll notice a classroom an education corridor we'll match that education corridor is used everyday by the embedded peace charged this is the opportunity to obtain they're high school diploma this education corridor arrivals the nicest high school we are proud we have two graduations and this is successful and want to model it in the r d if you see a picture of the pod the direct aspirins in county jail number 5 a pod that hoeltdz 48 contemplates we
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embed a sheriff with this 24/7 with the problematic content is offered in those pads and recreation is embedded in those pod that is the model of the 21st century this is the r d if was it allows and the medical county jail number 5 we are alp holding cells for arrivals and depafrnz the sheriff's department didn't have to send the inmates 0 out for hospitalizations we say a full scale dental area and pharmacy we feel those inmates get topnotch health care that is in partnership with 9 dpw we're proud of it at this time i'll
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i'm going to turn it over to joel and thank you, supervisors for letting me address you today thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you chief and good morning. i'm jill robison the director of the health services store the department of public health prior to this position i was the director of jail behavorial health care shivers for over 20 years in any jail approximately 11 to 17 percent of the individuals have a serious mentally ill and that is extended as someone having a psychic like schizophrenia or a major meadow disorder like bipolar one snapshot done two weeks ago showed that 14 percent of our inmates were approximately hundred and 70 individuals have a serious mental illness
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individuals that that have serious mental illness stay in custody longer man the general population that is due to several factors one is sometimes their challenged with the procedures or unable to corporate with their lawyer and others they don't have the means to bail they also might not have meet the criteria for being released on thaip their own cognizance they stay hundred 25 to hundred 40 days longer than than not those with the mental illness most of the individuals that are s m i have a drug abuse disorder i saw two men and women inmates that had a serious mental illness and didn't have a the disorder in
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the general 80 percent of individuals will have some kind of substance abuse disorder when jails are designed it is essential to build them with heartache in mind it is unfortunately people with health issues and people with serious mental illness have been courtyard and he need to make sure that the services are priority for those individuals as you saw from the see difference between the old jails the linearal bar jails viruses the new jails the new jails makes it easier for the staff to monitor for suicide preservation and being in jail is a crisis for anyone it enters the jail so the risk of suicide it higher
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than the general population also people with mental health health disorders are distrust of others if they have bipolar and mannic they'll have trouble sleeping imagine someone with masking because of their disease are up all night talking allowing or cleaning how well, that goes over with other inmates so designing a jail with health in mind makes sure that people are primarily and safely houlsz when their incarcerated title 15 which is the states requirements for mental jail standards requires that health and that includes mental health be conducted in a community standard what that means the types of service we provide in a
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community outpatient setting it the types of we provide in custody that means that intruf rooms needs to be confident and that means there needs to be safe confidential spaces for group therapy one of the best things we do for inmates living help to resocial lists them to how to live with other individuals and this is done through treatment through a mental health staffing in cooperation with the sheriff's department working together to help people understand how their interactions effect those around them so again the free flowing kind of area is essential in designing a jail talked a little bit about safety
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with the appropriate housing it is also very important that staff feels save in a jail we want to make sure we get qualified staff that like to come to work and feel like their supported in providing those essential services to a vulnerable population and county jail 5 which is the new generation that friedman showed again where we have our psychological shelter unit with group spaces and allows treatment space it allows us to do individual treatment in that setting it allows inmates to be safely housed to be housed one or two contaminate depending on their needs and classifications one of things staff are much
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more satisfied with their jobs than any other facility at county jail 4 and six the hall of justice and the jail in san bruno currently not furnishing their noted set up for treatment staff to work with individuals with mental illness most of the rooms in the hall of justice setting are dormitory style housing squaller looking out the mainline it is very difficult for deputies to routinely glance and see inmates to scombakt with the inmates and make sure in their save and not feeling cancel the deputies are in there integrating interacting with the individuals and much better able to help prevent suicide and video better interactions with
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the inmates another county jail 4 and 6 inmates have limited access to give him r gym and experience experience helps to depression there is no treatment room staff needs a place to chart privately with the people and a phone they can call for referrals making sure that individuals that are incarcerated transition in a healthy way to community programming a place to say store their confidential materials to be in compliance i'm going to turn it over to charles charles with public works as you expect in the course of
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examining this proposition facility we examined scenarios of development if i could get the slide show back, please so we examined 5 in great detail can we you will a high-level of that differentiated among the 5 the holding within san francisco accommodating 3 hundred and 84 beds across the indicated area for a total of (34) 000-0000 with the eligibility and award of state funding of maximize amount of $80 million that draws down the city's commitment of $80 million of san bruno a new facility simply the
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rehabilitation will not proud 3 hundred and 84 beds the third scenario an interesting one it seeks to blend an accomodation of the necessary population between san francisco and san bruno it would include in this instance a retroactively of retrofit of c.j. one and san bruno has a facility in san bruno that will result in a much larger sort of impact in regards to the square footage in place at first glance one assumes it the existing facilities lack c.j. 6 or 2 are not immediately purposing that is not true in regards to creating a perimeter for housing of the high security
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inmates neither 2 more 6 are suitable for high security inmates so that will create a compelling scope of work and significant costs to bring it to the necessary standard to incarceration standard but the building code standard that has resulted in the highest cost among the scenarios of $550 million neither 2 or 6 or underway we would not be ready to submit either project as a prospective to the state for state funding there lo will obtain no $80 million to help defray the total costs of either of the scenarios so the proposed project the most efficient economical and
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efficient for the sheriff's interests in addressing the needs of san francisco the 3 hundred and 84 beds it is important to indicate it is a considerable reduction over the total number of beds that exist the city is mindful of the proper alignment of the needs within the capacity of the facility it represents an overall reduction of 19 percent of the total jail system one of the benefits to the lower costs by earning state funding how it freeze up so to speak $11.48 million annually as compared to the original project that is described on this frantically to you that money could be repurposed to other city priority projects whether within the context of justice
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public safety are other supportive purposes so in summary we believe that the redevelopment sorry the rehabilitation and detention facility proposed provides a very safe and secure environment for inmates as described presents the least costs amongst the alternatives the state funding is key to that purpose and the iron is hot so it must be struck we have an application deadline in august so as i mentioned at the outset the action by the whole board by this committee certainly today and the whole board next week is critically important to earn guessing that consideration for the $80 million work so finally just to restate the resolution
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action before you today. >> thank you tir. >> mr. rose before we go to our report supervisor kim. >> if i can ask a couple of questions for mr. harris and have photocopy questions but i'll wait until the report. >> i want to ask you quickly you ended with our alternatives when were those alternatives last vetted like the retrofit of c.j. number 6. >> we'll looked at those scenarios within the last three or four months. >> when i spoke yesterday with the controller's office mined the last time we examined the cost of retrofitting c.j. was years ago where did it come from. >> from the examination of
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three to four months. >> pardon. >> you contemplated the retrofitting. >> yes. we relied on the work effort the expertise of the design and engineering expertise as well as professional process so it yields from that productive effort. >> only examining one type of jail we want to build which was the pods we've tubed earlier. >> the pod last year design. >> did we look at any other pod last year design that was discussed. >> the project design is recommended for high security inmates correct. >> i understand also when you examined those alternatives did you examine how many what the reduction of beds would be if we for example doubled the funds for a pretrial diversification or diversion
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program we can't take any more clients and put out of our county jail system. >> supervisor i can't speak to that i'll redirect it. >> as it relates specific to the matter of pretrial drefrgs or diversion their funding stream one of the things i'll point out will young from the pretrial diversion will be here to speak in detail about that topic but rest assured i'm sure they're operating at full capacity and their definitely operating at full capacity and if we decrease the funds they could take on more inmates if we examine what funding for example the pretrial diversions for the pretrial inmates what
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the reduction would be in if we examined that. >> as stated will young will speak to that. >> were you able to will was not part of the study of the alternatives. >> one thing i'll offer to you in that context is that funding for pretrial trial a half of that funding and the other eligibility requirements for people to pretrial there's assessments to determine who meets the requirement and who does. >> may question there is are a number of individuals in our county jail giggle for pretrial but pretrial didn't have adequate funding if we fully funding user funded the diversion program and the public defender's office is doing do we examine that reduction in the
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number of beds when we study those 3 alternatives. >> understood supervisor i pointed out earlier it is - >> i was here 8 percent incarcerated are incarcerated for serious felony charges what types of additional people are eligible for pretrillion is open for discussion independent of the discussion. >> let's say we go by the maker whether you're a treat to the public safety which i don't believe the standard is determined but but even there are 12 percent we can look at that perhaps maybe could have an alternative being in the community and not cost our taxpayers a burden by housing
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them in the county jail but the preservation of no bail is 44 percent i think the number is larger than that i know of individuals not able to afford bail not there for a violent crime and no theatre to public safety so we didn't examine whether or not the fully funding other programs reduce the beds in the alternative that are presented here today. >> the sheriff's department has detailed data some of that data was procedure and supervisors you had rest assure we'll provide that tomorrow you'll have detailed information about a breakdown of the bail status of all inmates currently incarcerated in the county jail. >> so i wanted to point out i appreciate that i know you've
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been working closely with our office along with the stakeholders and i appreciate that but i wanted to point out then that that wasn't statute in the alternatives so we know don't know being we didn't take the factors into account thank you. >> supervisor mar. >> i wanted to thank a number of the departments for coming to the committee meeting a few weeks ago and audience members for attending that meeting that was transferred to the gao for later in week and thank everyone for presenting my office with a lot of the questions we had i wanted to start by saying too that i would have hoped there would have been oath alternative from one of the last slides that look at how we can potentially reduce the inmate population to the one