tv [untitled] July 19, 2015 2:00am-2:31am PDT
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hi, i'm terry goodwin with deaf buddies job program. i would like to say thank you, donna and ed for all of your work in facilitating the committee and supervisor mar for continuing to advocate for this key effort to increase jobs for people with disabilities in the city. i only have a few comments. i think the one thing that is really clear is that we need clear timelines for all the recommendations. we have a lot of recommendations. we need to get specific and move forward specifically related to the education piece. educating the hiring managers about rule 115. i think we really need to make that connection. also, i'm very excited that the position has been allocated. that's terrific. i hope to have feedback related to that position
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particularly in light of the information we've gotten through best practices and what has worked for instance the seattle program has been very successful particularly with getting people with developmental disabilities hired with the office services position. hopefully we can give some feedback towards the role of that position. also as what's already been mentioned is making sure we establish placement goals so it's really clear and that we can measure our success and last but not least one of the key things as i think we still need the mayor to do it's challenge to the department head to keep the momentum going. and i also agree with all of the recommendations that have been made with carla and donna and jonathan as well. thank you. >> thank you. scene next
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speaker. >> public speaker: gabriel with the department of disability. i want to applaud the steps that san francisco is taking. as others have alluded to san francisco is the leader in this effort and i know others will try to replicate what you do. just a couple of other key success. clear measurable high level goes that are trackable so everyone in the city and county can rally around them. 1 person designated to lead this effort and i would echo the point that making sure that person has the authority to get what needs to be >> don orsillo: and finally making sure the person who is designated within hr to sphere head this has competencies to do job development. in my experience, it's a fairly rare skill set
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and not everyone can do it well. there are some members in your advisory committee who knows that very well and hopefully they are focused on the what competencity is for that purpose. part of our role is to gather best practices from around the state and the country. if anything we can do to support your effort, let us know. >> mr. rog an, is the state council representative different people from all regions in the state or how is? >> yes, i'm the manager of our bay area office and we have 5 counties but we are throughout the state. >> is there an oversight body and the staff department? >> it is a staff department and there is a council that sits in sacramento and oversees our work. >> and that effort is appointed by a
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council? >> yes. >> thank you. next speaker. >> public speaker: good afternoon thank you for the opportunity to come before you today. my name is denise senhaux. i want to thank you for being with us to celebrate the 25th anniversary of ada history and thank you for your resolution in going forward and making july ada month. thank you very much for that support. i pretty much wanted to talk to you about something that is close to my heart in the mayor's disability council heart is around employment opportunities and i want to speak to you not only as a council member but an individual with a disability and a non-apparent one which is ian invisible one. i'm fortunate to be engaged in the private sector for 5 years and my employer is
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accommodating in place in the hiring practices in the interview and i have been able to compete and bid for jobs, not based on my disability, but based on my skill set, my knowledge and my education. i appreciate what the ada has done in giving me an even playing field in doing so. so i'm very proud that i'm able to not only work for a fortune 500 company and not be given a job in just an entry level position. i have been able to move through that process and as i have mentioned i'm extremely fortunate. i appreciate you looking at this and myself working for the council and the advisory committee. thank you for your time. >> thank you, next speaker. >> public speaker: hi, i'm stephanie. i will be very short. i just
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wanted to echo how important i think that we have one point person who deals with getting people with disabilities into employment. i think what we should really not underestimate is that that needs to be a person who really has a depth of understanding on all kind of disabilities. that is a group of people who are so easily left behind. so i would like the idea of concrete goals and concrete timelines. i think we can't be too ambitious with that. the last point i want to make is i hope we will have a stability with rule 115 that allows us to not exclude best practices that we have seen in other models. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker? >> public speaker: >> hi. i'm collin from arc san
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francisco at the employment department. at arc we support over 700 clients with disabilities. the rule 115 task force along with the mayor's office on disability, hr and numerous community based organizations and founded said rule 115 continues to be misunderstood and under utilized and we do feel that funding a specific recruiter or lease -- liaison to support and educate the department and be able to help bring candidates from under a talent pool would be very very important. one major thing is utilizing these community based organizations as that knowledge base. for instance in the past year, the arc has we helped 161 clients obtain employment. we have 92%
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retention rate. so the private sector has really caught on to this and we want to see the success in the city and county level as well. we are on the right steps like we said that specific point person will help collecting data, will help as well. we need to have some sort of a baseline so we can set those goals. otherwise we don't really, it's hard to look forward when we don't have those baseline parts of information. but lastly, we are heading in the right direction. i want to thank the airport commission for taking the first step in partnering with the arc to continue to work with people with disabilities and head their internship program and this is going to create a great pipeline for civil service employment. something like this needs to happen a lot more. thank you very much for your time. >> actually, mr. sell io are
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there other departments. i know the california science center was mentioned but are there other departments? >> there is is public library and cal academy and there is another one and that is it for right now. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon supervisors. ron for the department of public health. i'm the human resources director there. i learned about 115. i met an employee hired through 115 and that employee works directly for me and taking on more challenging assignments and the more challenging assignments i give the more they step up to do it. so i'm an advocate of rule 115. also on behalf of our department director, robert garcia and donna and ed wong and jonathan lions who i have done some work with, carla johnson and
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the others, the members of this group, i think you have a great initiative going here and we are more than happy to support it. we have done a lot of rework in our hiring program and there is a lot of opportunities to forward that work. so i look forward to doing that. >> thank you very much. are there any other speakers on this item? >> public speaker: my name is wendy and i'm a member of the public. i just wanted to say that i came up with some suggestions that if you could possibly implement quickly. for example, the sf mpa has a muni accessibility advisory committee. meets monthly. it would be nice if this was a stipend position. and i would also like the city
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to consider that any commission that is held should have some of us on their commission also again with a stipend. some outside contractors, the para transit coordinating council, they meet every other month or six weeks. 6 weeks. people are disabled and use the para transit and again, a stipend position. some of us have to cobble together various pieces in order to try
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to survive in san francisco. it gets harder and harder for us to survive. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> >> public speaker: hi, i really appreciate your efforts supervisor mar in pushing this forward. i think last time you had a hearing we had folks that were partnering with ucsf with and relate that to the need for a point person. we were able to place a point person there, one of our employees at uc sf and we had great success with placements there for folks with developmental and intellectual disabilities. they are now making more than their job coaches are because they are at uc sf. we are happy to
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see that but the hires with large employees with multiple departments that don't necessarily as best as they can to reaching out to department heads and meeting with them and talking about the workforce that we have available for you when the expertise that we have in place with people with jobs. just to continue to advocate these efforts within the task force as well as gathering that information now. thank you. >> thank you as well. is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> thank you very much to everyone for being here. i think a tremendous progress has been made. my thanks to the task force, the advisory committee and dhr, the mayor's office on disability. i'm going to
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recommend that we keep this hearing continue it to the call of the chair so we can have regular updates and my hope is that as the recommendations that people have gin today not only the four that carla johnson and others, but many others from the great recommendations from wendy on the stipends and commission and internship programs that i know we talked about in previous hearings that are a pathway to hiring to the entry level position expanding that to other ways that we are looking at rule 115 as only one role of the range of opportunities for people. i think it's an example of how much value the resources from the community there is in our city and what great department staff and departments that we have. so with everyone working together with a
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more permanent task force, i think we can accomplish a great deal more for this city. it was wonderful that for mr. rog an from the state council that we don't operate in a vacuole and we should be looking at state practice and how others will look to us to expand opportunities and civil rights and not just here but everywhere. i really appreciate the great work and i will again plug the disability festival for september 25th and 26 for california's ada 25 conference coming up. as fiona mentioned, it's also about park -- pride and unity. i think there will be a lot of great awareness as we are moving towards september and this month is disability awareness month and with the board of supervisors there
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is acknowledgment and leadership from the community and that's coming up. with the task force, i will continue with the real real hard work with victor lynn and we'll continue to work with you and to empower people and look forward to a lot of these great recommendations. with that, supervisor christensen single >> just a brief comment. i want to thank you for allowing me to leave briefly. i want to thank all of you for this community. i have a colleague and friend that i worked with on the project tunnel who lost his eyesight during surgery and i watched his transition as he continued to
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find ways to work. i turned to chris in the past for his advice on the topic. so i have certainly recognized firsthand both the struggles and the opportunity that are there icon congratulate all those who are surmounting and thank you all for being here today. >> thank you, supervisor christensen, i forgot to mentioned that of the four specific goals we'll work with department of human resources with donna and ed wong on the recommendations coming out of this committee but especially in establishing the process for highering a person. it does seem the task force should be involved in the criteria for hiring someone with experience in the area where they will be doing the recruiting and implementation. also as they come back from the city attorney on surveys being done
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anonymously and voluntarily to be with joanna and others advice as well and how to set realistic measurable hiring goals and some bench marks and timelines as people recommendeded and how we extend the task force so it continues on. great work, everyone. thank you very much. so we've moved to continue this to the call of the chair and can we do that without objection. thank you everyone. >> mr. ever evans please call item no. 2. hearing implementation and compliance of language access ordinance. hearing in conjunction with the release of the 2015 language access ordinance annual compliance report to receive a status update report. >>supervisor eric mar: i'm going to move this item to the call of
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the chair. is there is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. can we continue this call without objection. please call item no. 3. city clerk: item no. 3 enforcement of service station bathroom requirements and fines. >> at the urging of supervisor kim we are continuing this one to the call of the chair. i will make that motion after hearing public comment. is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. can we continue this to the call of the chair without objection. thank you. please call the liquor license transfer item no. 4. liquor license transfer hearing to consider that the transfer of a type 21 off sale general
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license 2681, 21 street. >> with us is lieutenant cal zone. >> supervisors. today is a type 21 license. if approved it will allow the applicant to sell wine and distilled spirits. this is the second opening if approved well the store is actually opening but for liquor at a target express which is a much smaller foot print than a traditional target store. i would point out there is no record of protest. i had no record of support but i was advised toy by council that perhaps that a lot of letters of support have come to your office but they haven't been to us. it is located in the area of -- bear with me one second. it's located in the
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area of low crime and it is located in area of undue concentration. we have no objection from our station, tara vel station with the following conditions. sale of alcohol shall be permitted from 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. daily except new year's day. the public square footage, and no. 3, the sale of distilled and beer to be sold is strictly prohibited. micro brewery and
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designation as stout porter iba. this condition is intended to limit high and low alcohol products but not a special craft beer products. no. 5. containers larger that 32 ounces is prohibited. no purchase more than four packs per sale and no wine shall be sold in less than manufactured prepackaged multiunit quantity of 4. no. 7. no greater than 15% by volume except for dinner wine aged 2 years or more. condition no. 8. wine shall not be sold in bottles containing 750 ml unless sold
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in packages. and the powder beverage product is prohibits. with this we are recommending this application for approval and they are here. >> thank you lieutenant and thank you for slipping in condition no. 9 on the powder alcohol and that condition too. i want to acknowledge that yes, we have received letters of support that have come in in the past few days. now, from target express, i believe beth or someone representing target is here. >> hello, my name is bethany wilson, the target manager. i'm happy to be here on behalf of target and happy to bring a new name to san
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francisco. the target express model much like what you have seen in our location in the financial district aims to roll out a smaller foot print in the existing urban spaces to fit the integrity and culture of the neighborhood. target has been we received within the community including our partnership with mission hiring hall that allows us to hire city san franciscans in this city. in 2014 targeted provided over $1 million to schools and organizations in san francisco. target is committed to being a partner and through sale and wide array of products in our store. because of this i encourage to you approve this liquor license on ocean avenue. >> thank you. i should note that supervisor norman
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yee whose district this sits in has acknowledged that he is supportive of this process. is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. there is a motion to approve by supervisor christensen. thank you everyone. >> please call the next item. >> item no. 5. hearing to consider that the issuance of type 42 on sale beer and wine public premise license to sarah garnd. thank you. lieutenant? >> supervisor in this case is a type 42 liquor license and if approved it will allow them to sell beer and wine in the premise environment which is everyone is 21 years of age or older.
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there have been 22 letters of support. they were included in our report to you. i would point out this premise is located in an area of high crime and undue concentration. we have no record of opposition and our district has stated no opposition to this and we are recommending this application with the following conditions. no. 1 sale of alcohol beverage shall be sold between 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. through midnight thursday through sunday and new year's and memorial day and labor day. the operation of consumption outdoors is prohibited. and
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aimlessly is not allowed. condition no. 4. the petitioner is responsible for maintaining the areas. no. 5, the premise shall be equipped to make discernable the appearance of all properties surrounding the premises and shall not disturb the residents. no noise shall be audible in the area out of the control of the licensee. with these conditions we recommending the licenses for praufl. approval. >> thank you, now we have the applicant jamie hirschey. >> good afternoon. i'm jamie
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hishgey and this is my partner. a wine and craft beer bar in our type 42 license application. it will replace a small office space. it serves a public convenience. there is a lack of gathering spots in the immediate area. there are only three other license 42 in the area. having worked for san francisco in the past years. we under the value of building strong community relationships. during the past 18 months we have great ly learned to know the community. too renaissance entrepreneurship for the resources and the community. it maybe sent to
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mailings to all of 301 residented and took the opportunity to speak to businesses, local residents. the individuals associated with the yerba buena alliance, community district, south beach mission bay and among others. >> in many reasons they cheered about working in a wine bar. community leaders were thrilled to see a minority women owned business bringing diversity to the field. business owners were delighted to hear we would revitalize the ground floor in an office space. office workers were excited to finally have a reason to stay in the neighborhood after work. we enjoyed the process. we have met a lot of people and building strong
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partnerships. we were thrilled about this. >> we've also met with the directors and their staff. sarah and i are committed to being hands-on mental retardation -- managers in the bar everyday. we are committed to being good neighbors and in addition to our reasonable hours we will ensure there is no liter, loitering our loud music to disturb the neighborhood. thank you very much for your consideration. >> thank you. there are any questions? i will just say that very impressive amount of support and really thoughtful letters as well. a good model of how that outreach and support to be
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